78 resultados para Densificação


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Several alloys present the shape memory effect and among them, the equiatomic NiTi alloy, nitinol, is the most important one. It is usually used in several engineering applications and also in biomedical devices, in the fabrication of orthodontic wire, stents and Judet staples. Although a considerable amount of these biomedical devices is utilized in Brazil and a fraction of it is already made here, all nitinol used is bought abroad. Thus, it is important to develop the necessary know-how to fabricate NiTi wire and sheet. It would mean less importation with job creation and wealth generation for the country. In this work nitinol was obtained powder metallurgy from elemental powders of Ti and Ni using uniaxial compression and uniaxial compression followed by isostatic compression. The final densities achieved were determined by the Archimedes method. The precipitation of intermetallic secondary phases was studied and the samples were characterized by metallographic analysis, optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Results indicated that 50 hours sintering route showed a low amount of intermetallics, and no trace of unreacted powder. XRD and metallography at room temperature indicated B19’ as the predominant phase, which corresponds to martensite. Although density results showed little dispersion, the most dense sample was compacted under uniaxial compression and presented 4.8 g/cm3, corresponding to 20.84% porosity. Density variation was considered normal to the measurement process and independent of the compaction mode


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Os procedimentos de dosagem Marshall e Superpave definem os teores de ligante de projeto baseados em parâmetros volumétricos. Nessa situação, sistemáticas de dosagem com tipos de compactação diferentes podem conduzir a teores de ligante de projeto distintos que definirão a vida útil dos revestimentos asfálticos. O objetivo principal desse trabalho é avaliar o comportamento mecânico de misturas asfálticas moldadas por diferentes métodos de compactação de laboratório e analisar a relação com os resultados de amostras obtidas a partir de misturas compactadas por rolagem pneumática na mesa compactadora francesa. A fase experimental consistiu na dosagem de misturas pelos métodos Marshall e Superpave (este último com dois tamanhos de moldes), além da compactação na Prensa de Cisalhamento Giratória (PCG) e da moldagem de placas na mesa compactadora. Avaliou-se o efeito do tipo de compactação, do tamanho do molde e do número de giros do Compactador Giratório Superpave (CGS) no teor de projeto, nos parâmetros volumétricos, no comportamento mecânico e no desempenho quanto à fadiga e à resistência ao afundamento em trilha de roda. Adicionalmente, foi avaliada a eficiência do método Bailey de composição granulométrica quanto à resistência à deformação permanente em função do tipo de agregado. Constatou-se que o método Bailey, por si só, não garante resistência à deformação permanente, sendo essa dependente do tipo de agregado incluindo seus parâmetros de forma. O principal produto da pesquisa, com efeitos práticos no projeto de misturas asfálticas, traduz-se na recomendação do método Superpave com molde de 100 mm (para TMN <= 12,5 mm) para volume de tráfego médio a alto em detrimento ao método Superpave com 150 mm, tendo em vista que o primeiro apresenta densificação mais semelhante às amostras preparadas na compactação por rolagem (similar ao que ocorre em pista) o que resulta em comportamento mecânico também mais próximo da realidade de campo. A utilização dos moldes de 150 mm de diâmetro no CGS pode ser viabilizada desde que se adote um número de giros menor do aquele proposto para projeto pelo Asphalt Institute (2001). Por fim, é fundamental que os ensaios e os cálculos para obtenção dos parâmetros volumétricos e escolha do teor de projeto sigam ao normatizado pela ASTM, pelo Asphalt Institute (2001) e pela ABNT.


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A beta-alumina de sódio é uma cerâmica condutora de íons Na+ utilizada como eletrólito sólido em baterias de sódio para armazenamento de energias intermitentes como energia solar e eólica. Devido ao alto teor de sódio, esse material é instável a altas temperaturas, podendo sofrer variações de composição durante a etapa de sinterização convencional que utiliza altas temperaturas por longos períodos de tempo. A sinterização flash é uma técnica de sinterização ativada por corrente elétrica que proporciona a densificação de compactos cerâmicos em poucos segundos, a temperaturas notavelmente mais baixas que as convencionais. Uma vez obrigatória a passagem de corrente elétrica através da amostra, a sinterização flash de qualquer material condutor parece bastante razoável. Não obstante, até o presente momento a maioria dos trabalhos publicados sobre o assunto aborda apenas condutores de vacância de oxigênio ou semicondutores, materiais compatíveis com eletrodos de platina (Pt). Nesse trabalho a sinterização flash de um condutor catiônico foi estudada utilizando-se a beta-alumina como material modelo. A beta-alumina foi sintetizada pelo método dos precursores poliméricos, caracterizada e então submetida à sinterização flash. O material de eletrodo padrão (platina) provou ser um eletrodo bloqueador em contato com a beta-alumina. O sucesso da sinterização flash foi determinado pela troca do material de eletrodo por prata (Ag), o que possibilitou uma reação eletroquímica reversível nas interfaces eletrodo-cerâmica e possibilitou a obtenção de um material densificado com morfologia e composição química homogêneas. Devido à metaestabilidade da beta-alumina, a atmosfera dos experimentos precisou ser alterada para manter a integridade desse material rico em um metal alcalino (Na+). A sinterização flash de um condutor catiônico é apresentada pela primeira vez na literatura e ressalta a importância da reação de eletrodo, que é um fator limitante para o sucesso da sinterização flash e precisa ser estudada e adaptada para cada tipo de material.


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There is great difficulty in forming a composite refractory metal niobium with copper. This is due to the fact that Nb-Cu system is almost mutually immiscible and may be neglected solubility between them. These properties hinder or prevent obtaining homogeneous and high-density structures, conventionally prepared. This study aims to analyze the use of high-energy milling process (MAE) to implement these natural difficulties, with regard to the densification of the sintered bodies. The MAE and the press were used in the preparation of powders, to obtain a fine and homogeneous distribution of the grain size. Four loads Nb and Cu powders containing 15% by weight of Cu were then milled for MAE in a planetary type ball mill under various milling times and speeds. The results obtained by MAE were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), according to the parameters of time and grinding speed. The samples were compacted under pressure of 200 MPa, were then sintered in liquid phase in a vacuum furnace at temperatures of 1100 ° C / 60 min and 1200 ° C / 60 min. Then it was used to characterize diffraction of X-rays to identify the phases. The microstructures of the sintered samples were observed and evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Vickers Microhardness tests were performed, obtaining higher values for the sintered bodies in the largest of the post milling times and the larger grinding speeds. It was found that the liquid phase sintering of the samples that were processed by MAE produced at the end of a homogeneous and densified structure in 77,4% relative to the value of the theoretical density of the composite


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From an economic standpoint, the powder metallurgy (P/M) is a technique widely used for the production of small parts. It is possible, through the P/M and prior comminution of solid waste such as ferrous chips, produce highly dense sintered parts and of interest to the automotive, electronics and aerospace industries. However, without prior comminution the chip, the production of bodies with a density equal to theoretical density by conventional sintering techniques require the use of additives or significantly higher temperatures than 1250ºC. An alternative route to the production of sintered bodies with high density compaction from ferrous chips (≤ 850 microns) and solid phase sintering is a compression technique under high pressure (HP). In this work, different compaction pressures to produce a sintered chip of SAE 1050 carbon steel were used. Specifically, the objective was to investigate them, the effect of high pressure compression in the behavior of densification of the sintered samples. Therefore, samples of the chips from the SAE 1050 carbon steel were uniaxially cold compacted at 500 and 2000 MPa, respectively. The green compacts obtained were sintered under carbon atmosphere at 1100 and 1200°C for 90 minutes. The heating rate used was 20°C/min. The starting materials and the sintered bodies were characterized by optical microscopy, SEM, XRD, density measurements (geometric: mass/volume, and pycnometry) and microhardness measurements Vickers and Rockwell hardness. The results showed that the compact produced under 2000 MPa presented relative density values between 93% and 100% of theoretical density and microhardness between 150 HV and 180 HV, respectively. In contrast, compressed under 500 MPa showed a very heterogeneous microstructure, density value below 80% of theoretical density and structural conditions of inadequate specimens for carrying out the hardness and microhardness measurements. The results indicate that use of the high pressure of ferrous chips compression is a promising route to improve the sinterability conditions of this type of material, because in addition to promoting greater compression of the starting material, the external tension acts together with surface tension, functioning as the motive power for sintering process. Additionally, extremely high pressures allow plastic deformation of the material, providing an intimate and extended contact of the particles and eliminating cracks and pores. This tends to reduce the time and / or temperature required for good sintering, avoiding excessive grain growth without the use of additives. Moreover, higher pressures lead to fracture the grains in fragile or ductile materials highly hardened, which provides a starting powder for sintering, thinner, without the risk of contamination present when previous methods are used comminution of the powder.


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The Nb-Cu pseudoalloys present themselves as potential substitutes for the alloys from a well known system and already commercially applied, as the W-Cu alloys, used in applications such as heat sinks, electrical contacts and coils for the generation of high magnetic fields. Because it is an immiscible system, where there is mutual insolubility and low wettability of the liquid Cu on the Nb surface, the processing route used in this work was the Powder Metallurgy. Two Nb alloys were used, with additions of 10% and 20% in weight of Cu, and times of 20, 30 and 40 hours for the high energy milling of the starting powders. The milling evolution of the powders is presented through the characterization techniques, such as the LASER diffraction for particle size, XRD, SEM, EDS, DSC, dilatometry, TEM and chemical analysis. After the milling, portions of the loads were submitted to the annealing heat treatment. The process used for the samples consolidation was the hot pressing, which has been applied both on some milled powders samples, as on the annealed powders. Subsequent heat treatments were performed in the samples at temperatures of 1000ºC (solid phase) and 1100ºC (in the Cu liquid phase). All sets of consolidated samples, and also the two sets of the heat treated, were analyzed by XRD, SEM, EDS, density and Vickers microhardness. Moreover, other Nb powder samples with 10% and 20% in weight of Cu obtained by simple mechanical mixing, were consolidated, thermally treated and characterized with the same techniques applied to the others, and the results were compared among themselves. Despite the difficulty of consolidation and densification of the two pseudoalloys of the Nb-Cu system of this study, on the route that passes through the HEM, samples were obtained with densities around 90% of the theoretical density. And, on the processing route of which were only mixed, the values reached up to 97%. Therefore, in this work are also emphasized the processes that made possible these results.


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Composites based on alumina (Al2O3), tungsten carbide (WC) and cobalt (Co) exhibit specific properties such as low density, high oxidation resistance, high melting point and high chemical inertia. That composite shows to be a promising material for application in various fields of engineering. In this work, the mechanical properties of the composite (Al2O3 – WC – Co), particularly density and hardness, were evaluated according to the effects of the variables of powder processing parameters, green compact and sintered. Powder composites with the composition of 80 wt% Al2O3, 18 wt% WC and 2 wt% Co were processed by high energy ball milling in a planetary mill for 50 hours as well as mixed by manual mixing in a glass vessel with the same proportion. Samples were collected (2, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 hours) during the milling process. Then, the powders were compacted in a cylindrical die with 5 mm in diameter in a uniaxial press with pressures of 200 and 400 MPa. The sintering was in two stages: first, the solid phase sintering was performed at 1126 and 1300 °C for 1 hour with a heating rate of 10 °C/min in a resistive furnace under argon atmosphere for green samples compacted in 200 and 400 MPa; the second sintering was performed on dilatometer in solid phase at 1300 °C for green sample compacted in 200 MPa, another sintering also was performed on dilatometer, this time in liquid phase at 1550 °C for green samples compacted in 200 and 400 MPa, with the same parameters used in resistive furnace. The raw materials were characterized by X – ray diffraction (XRD), X – ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and laser particlemeter. The sintered samples were subjected to microhardness testing. The results showed that high energy milling achieved to the objectives regarding the particle size and the dispersion of composite phases. However, the hardness did not achieve to significant results, this is an indication that the composite has low fracture toughness.


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Composites based on alumina (Al2O3), tungsten carbide (WC) and cobalt (Co) exhibit specific properties such as low density, high oxidation resistance, high melting point and high chemical inertia. That composite shows to be a promising material for application in various fields of engineering. In this work, the mechanical properties of the composite (Al2O3 – WC – Co), particularly density and hardness, were evaluated according to the effects of the variables of powder processing parameters, green compact and sintered. Powder composites with the composition of 80 wt% Al2O3, 18 wt% WC and 2 wt% Co were processed by high energy ball milling in a planetary mill for 50 hours as well as mixed by manual mixing in a glass vessel with the same proportion. Samples were collected (2, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 hours) during the milling process. Then, the powders were compacted in a cylindrical die with 5 mm in diameter in a uniaxial press with pressures of 200 and 400 MPa. The sintering was in two stages: first, the solid phase sintering was performed at 1126 and 1300 °C for 1 hour with a heating rate of 10 °C/min in a resistive furnace under argon atmosphere for green samples compacted in 200 and 400 MPa; the second sintering was performed on dilatometer in solid phase at 1300 °C for green sample compacted in 200 MPa, another sintering also was performed on dilatometer, this time in liquid phase at 1550 °C for green samples compacted in 200 and 400 MPa, with the same parameters used in resistive furnace. The raw materials were characterized by X – ray diffraction (XRD), X – ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and laser particlemeter. The sintered samples were subjected to microhardness testing. The results showed that high energy milling achieved to the objectives regarding the particle size and the dispersion of composite phases. However, the hardness did not achieve to significant results, this is an indication that the composite has low fracture toughness.