966 resultados para Deleterious mutations
We have analyzed the level of intraindividual sequence variability (heteroplasmy) of mtDNA in human brain by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and sequencing. Single base substitutions, as well as insertions or deletions of single bases, were numerous in the noncoding control region (D-loop), and 35-45% of the molecules from a single tissue showed sequence differences. By contrast, heteroplasmy in coding regions was not detected. The lower level of heteroplasmy in the coding regions is indicative of selection against deleterious mutations. Similar levels of heteroplasmy were found in two brain regions from the same individual, while no heteroplasmy was detected in blood. Thus, heteroplasmy seems to be more frequent in nonmitotic tissues. We observed a 7.7-fold increase in the frequency of deletions/insertions and a 2.2-fold increase in the overall frequency of heteroplasmic mutations in two individuals aged 96 and 99, relative to an individual aged 28. Our results show that intraindividual sequence variability occurs at a high frequency in the noncoding regions of normal human brain and indicate that small insertions and deletions might accumulate with age at a lower rate than large rearrangements.
Many bacteria live only within animal cells and infect hosts through cytoplasmic inheritance. These endosymbiotic lineages show distinctive population structure, with small population size and effectively no recombination. As a result, endosymbionts are expected to accumulate mildly deleterious mutations. If these constitute a substantial proportion of new mutations, endosymbionts will show (i) faster sequence evolution and (ii) a possible shift in base composition reflecting mutational bias. Analyses of 16S rDNA of five independently derived endosymbiont clades show, in every case, faster evolution in endosymbionts than in free-living relatives. For aphid endosymbionts (genus Buchnera), coding genes exhibit accelerated evolution and unusually low ratios of synonymous to nonsynonymous substitutions compared to ratios for the same genes for enterics. This concentration of the rate increase in nonsynonymous substitutions is expected under the hypothesis of increased fixation of deleterious mutations. Polypeptides for all Buchnera genes analyzed have accumulated amino acids with codon families rich in A+T, supporting the hypothesis that substitutions are deleterious in terms of polypeptide function. These observations are best explained as the result of Muller's ratchet within small asexual populations, combined with mutational bias. In light of this explanation, two observations reported earlier for Buchnera, the apparent loss of a repair gene and the overproduction of a chaperonin, may reflect compensatory evolution. An alternative hypothesis, involving selection on genomic base composition, is contradicted by the observation that the speedup is concentrated at nonsynonymous sites.
Muller proposed that an asexual organism will inevitably accumulate deleterious mutations, resulting in an increase of the mutational load and an inexorable, ratchet-like, loss of the least mutated class [Muller, H.J. (1964) Mutat. Res. 1, 2-9]. The operation of Muller's ratchet on real populations has been experimentally demonstrated only in RNA viruses. However, these cases are exceptional in that the mutation rates of the RNA viruses are extremely high. We have examined whether Muller's ratchet operates in Salmonella typhimurium, a DNA-based organism with a more typical genomic mutation rate. Cells were grown asexually under conditions expected to result in high genetic drift, and the increase in mutational load was determined. S. typhimurium accumulated mutations under these conditions such that after 1700 generations, 1% of the 444 lineages tested had suffered an obvious loss of fitness, as determined by decreased growth rate. These results suggest that in the absence of sex and with high genetic drift, genetic mechanisms, such as back or compensatory mutations, cannot compensate for the accumulation of deleterious mutations. In addition, we measured the appearance of auxotrophs, which allowed us to calculate an average spontaneous mutation rate of approximately 0.3-1.5 x 10(-9) mutations per base pair per generation. This rate is measured for the largest genetic target studied so far, a collection of about 200 genes.
The syndrome of resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH β) is an inherited disorder characterized by variable tissue hyposensitivity to 3,5,30-l-triiodothyronine (T3), with persistent elevation of free-circulating T3 (FT3) and free thyroxine (FT4) levels in association with nonsuppressed serum thyrotropin (TSH). Clinical presentation is variable and the molecular analysis of THRB gene provides a short cut diagnosis. Here, we describe 2 cases in which RTH β was suspected on the basis of laboratory findings. The diagnosis was confirmed by direct THRB sequencing that revealed 2 novel mutations: the heterozygous p.Ala317Ser in subject 1 and the heterozygous p.Arg438Pro in subject 2. Both mutations were shown to be deleterious by SIFT, PolyPhen, and Align GV-GD predictive methods.
L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria (L-2-HGA, MIM 236792) is a neurometabolic disorder caused by the toxic accumulation of high concentration of L-2-hydroxyglutaric acid in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. Distinct mutations on the L2HGDH gene have been associated with the clinical and biochemical phenotype. Here we present three novel mutations (Gln197X, Gly211Val and c.540+1 G>A), which increase the present deleterious collection of L2HGDH gene up to 35 mutations that we have compiled in this study. In addition, we used the haplotypic information based on polymorphic markers to demonstrate the common origin of Gly57Arg harboring chromosomes. Journal of Human Genetics (2010) 55, 55-58; doi: 10.1038/jhg.2009.110; published online 13 November 2009
Purpose: Microphthalmia and anophthalmia are at the severe end of the spectrum of abnormalities in ocular development. A few genes (orthodenticle homeobox 2 [OTX2], retina and anterior neural fold homeobox [RAX], SRY-box 2 [SOX2], CEH10 homeodomain-containing homolog [CHX10], and growth differentiation factor 6 [GDF6]) have been implicated mainly in isolated micro/anophthalmia but causative mutations of these genes explain less than a quarter of these developmental defects. The essential role of the LIM homeobox 2 (LHX2) transcription factor in early eye development has recently been documented. We postulated that mutations in this gene could lead to micro/anophthalmia, and thus performed molecular screening of its sequence in patients having micro/anophthalmia. Methods: Seventy patients having non-syndromic forms of colobomatous microphthalmia (n=25), isolated microphthalmia (n=18), or anophthalmia (n=17), and syndromic forms of micro/anophthalmia (n=10) were included in this study after negative molecular screening for OTX2, RAX, SOX2, and CHX10 mutations. Mutation screening of LHX2 was performed by direct sequencing of the coding sequences and intron/exon boundaries. Results: Two heterozygous variants of unknown significance (c.128C > G [p.Pro43Arg]; c.776C > A [p.Pro259Gln]) were identified in LHX2 among the 70 patients. These variations were not identified in a panel of 100 control patients of mixed origins. The variation c.776C > A (p.Pro259Gln) was considered as non pathogenic by in silico analysis, while the variation c.128C > G (p.Pro43Arg) considered as deleterious by in silico analysis and was inherited from the asymptomatic father. Conclusions: Mutations in LHX2 do not represent a frequent cause of micro/anophthalmia.
FGFR1 mutations have been identified in both Kallmann syndrome and normosmic HH (nIHH). To date, few mutations in the FGFR1 gene have been structurally or functionally characterized in vitro to identify molecular mechanisms that contribute to the disease pathogenesis. We attempted to define the in vitro functionality of two FGFR1 mutants (R254W and R254Q), resulting from two different amino acid substitutions of the same residue, and to correlate the in vitro findings to the patient phenotypes. Two unrelated GnRH deficient probands were found to harbor mutations in FGFR1 (R254W and R254Q). Mutant signaling activity and expression levels were evaluated in vitro and compared to a wild type (WT) receptor. Signaling activity was determined by a FGF2/FGFR1 dependent transcription reporter assay. Receptor total expression levels were assessed by Western blot and cell surface expression was measured by a radiolabeled antibody binding assay. The R254W maximal receptor signaling capacity was reduced by 45% (p<0.01) while R254Q activity was not different from WT. However, both mutants displayed diminished total protein expression levels (40 and 30% reduction relative to WT, respectively), while protein maturation was unaffected. Accordingly, cell surface expression levels of the mutant receptors were also significantly reduced (35% p<0.01 and 15% p<0.05, respectively). The p.R254W and p.R254Q are both loss-of-function mutations as demonstrated by their reduced overall and cell surface expression levels suggesting a deleterious effect on receptor folding and stability. It appears that a tryptophan substitution at R254 is more disruptive to receptor structure than the more conserved glutamine substitution. No clear correlation between the severity of in vitro loss-of-function and phenotypic presentation could be assigned.
Objectives: Primary failure of tooth eruption (PFE) is a rare autosomal-dominant disease characterized by severe lateral open bite as a consequence of incomplete eruption of posterior teeth. Heterozygous mutations in the parathyroid hormone 1 receptor (PTH1R) gene have been shown to cause PFE likely due to protein haploinsufficiency. To further expand on the mutational spectrum of PFE-associated mutations, we report here on the sequencing results of the PTH1R gene in 70 index PFE cases. Materials and methods: Sanger sequencing of the PTH1R coding exons and their immediate flanking intronic sequences was performed with DNA samples from 70 index PFE cases. Results: We identified a total of 30 unique variants, of which 12 were classified as pathogenic based on their deleterious consequences on PTH1R protein while 16 changes were characterized as unclassified variants with as yet unknown effects on disease pathology. The remaining two variants represent common polymorphisms. Conclusions: Our data significantly increase the number of presently known unique PFE-causing PTH1R mutations and provide a series of variants with unclear pathogenicity which will require further in vitro assaying to determine their effects on protein structure and function. Clinical relevance: Management of PTH1R-associated PFE is problematic, in particular when teeth are exposed to orthodontic force. Therefore, upon clinical suspicion of PFE, molecular DNA testing is indicated to support decision making for further treatment options. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Despite advances in our understanding of the mechanisms involved in sex determination and differentiation, the specific roles of many genes in these processes are not completely understood in humans. Both DMRT1 and FGF9 are among this group of genes. Dmrt1 controls germ cell differentiation, proliferation, migration and pluripotency and Sertoli cell proliferation and differentiation. Fgf9 has been considered a critical factor in early testicular development and germ cell survival in mice. We screened for the presence of DMRT1 and FGF9 mutations in 33 patients with 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis. No deletions in either DMRT1 or FGF9 were identified using the MLPA technique. Eight allelic variants of DMRT1 were identified, and in silico analysis suggested that the novel c.968-15insTTCTCTCT variant and the c.774G>C (rs146975077) variant could have potentially deleterious effects on the DMRT1 protein. Nine previously described FGF9 allelic variants and six different alleles of the 3' UTR microsatellite were identified. However, none of these DMRT1 or FGF9 variants was associated with increased 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis. In conclusion, our study suggests that neither DMRT1 nor FGF9 abnormalities are frequently involved in dysgenetic male gonad development in patients with non-syndromic 46,XY disorder of sex development. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
Very recently, heterozygous mutations in the genes encoding transforming growth factor beta receptors I (TGFBR1) and II (TGFBR2) have been reported in Loeys-Dietz aortic aneurysm syndrome (LDS). In addition, dominant TGFBR2 mutations have been identified in Marfan syndrome type 2 (MFS2) and familial thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections (TAAD). In the past, mutations of these genes were associated with atherosclerosis and several human cancers. Here, we report a total of nine novel and one known heterozygous sequence variants in the TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 genes in nine of 70 unrelated individuals with MFS-like phenotypes who previously tested negative for mutations in the gene encoding the extracellular matrix protein fibrillin-1 (FBN1). To assess the pathogenic impact of these sequence variants, in silico analyses were performed by the PolyPhen, SIFT, and Fold-X algorithms and by means of a 3D homology model of the TGFBR2 kinase domain. Our results showed that in all but one of the patients the pathogenic effect of at least one sequence variant is highly probable (c.722C > T, c.799A > C, and c.1460G > A in TGFBR1 and c.773T > G, c.1106G > T, c.1159G > A, c.1181G > A, and c.1561T > C in TGFBR2). These deleterious alleles occurred de novo or segregated with the disease in the families, indicating a causative association between the sequence variants and clinical phenotypes. Since TGFBR2 mutations found in patients with MFS-related disorders cannot be distinguished from heterozygous TGFBR2 mutations reported in tumor samples, we emphasize the importance of segregation analysis in affected families. In order to be able to find the mutation that is indeed responsible for a MFS-related phenotype, we also propose that genetic testing for sequence alterations in TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 should be complemented by mutation screening of the FBN1 gene.
Aortic aneurysms and dissections are the 15th most common cause of death in the United States. Genetic factors contribute to the pathogenesis of thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections (TAAD). Currently, six loci and four genes have been identified for familial TAAD. Notably, mutations in smooth muscle cell (SMC) contractile genes, ACTA2 and MYH11, are responsible for 15% of familial TAAD, suggesting that proper SMC contraction is important for normal aorta function. Therefore, we hypothesize that mutations in other genes encoding SMC contractile proteins also cause familial TAAD. ^ To test this hypothesis, we used a candidate gene approach to identify causative mutations in SMC contractile genes for familial TAAD. Sequencing DNA in 80 TAAD patients from unrelated families, we identified putative mutations in eight contractile genes. We chose myosin light chain kinase (MLCK ) S1759P for further study for the following reasons: (1) Serine 1759 is conserved between vertebrates and invertebrates. (2) S1759P is predicted to be functionally deleterious by bioinformatics. (3) Low blood pressure is observed in SMC-selective MLCK-deficient mice. ^ In the presence of Ca2+/Calmodulin (CaM), MLCK containing CaM binding and kinase domains are activated to phosphorylate myosin light chain, thereby initiate SMC contraction. The CaM binding sequence of MLCK forms an α-helix structure required for CaM binding. MLCK Serine 1759 is located within the CaM binding domain. S1759P is predicted to decrease the α-helix composition in the CaM binding domain. Hence, we hypothesize that MLCK mutations cause TAAD through disturbing CaM binding and MLCK activity. ^ We further sequenced MLCK in DNA samples from additional 86 probands with familial TAAD. Two more mutations, MLCK A1754T and R1480Stop, were identified, supporting that MLCK mutations cause familial TAAD. ^ To define whether MLCK mutations disrupted CaM binding and MLCK activity, we performed co-immunoprecipitation and kinase assays. Decreased CaM binding and kinase activity was detected in A1754T and S1759P. Moreover, R1480Stop is predicted to truncate kinase and CaM binding domains. We conclude that MLCK mutations disrupt CaM binding and MLCK activity. ^ Collectively, our study is first to show mutations in genes regulating SMC contraction cause TAAD. This finding further highlights the importance of SMC contraction in maintaining aorta function. ^
Mutations in the genes encoding two proteins of the retinal rod phototransduction cascade, opsin and the beta subunit of rod cGMP phosphodiesterase, cause retinitis pigmentosa (RP) in some families. Here we report defects in a third member of this biochemical pathway in still other patients with this disease. We screened 94 unrelated patients with autosomal dominant RP and 173 unrelated patients with autosomal recessive RP for mutations in the gene encoding the alpha subunit of the rod cGMP-gated cation channel. Five mutant sequences cosegregated with disease among four unrelated families with autosomal recessive RP. Two of these were nonsense mutations early in the reading frame (Glu76End and Lys139End) and one was a deletion encompassing most if not all of the transcriptional unit; these three alleles would not be expected to encode a functional channel. The remaining two mutations were a missense mutation (Ser316Phe) and a frameshift [Arg654(1-bp del)] mutation truncating the last 32 aa in the C terminus. The latter two mutations were expressed in vitro and found to encode proteins that were predominantly retained inside the cell instead of being targeted to the plasma membrane. We conclude that the absence or paucity of functional cGMP-gated cation channels in the plasma membrane is deleterious to rod photoreceptors and is an uncommon cause of RP.
Hairy cell leukemia (HCL) is marked by near 100% mutational frequency of BRAFV600E mutations. Recurrent cooperating genetic events that may contribute to HCL pathogenesis or affect the clinical course of HCL are currently not described. Therefore, we performed whole exome sequencing to explore the mutational landscape of purine analog refractory HCL. In addition to the disease-defining BRAFV600E mutations, we identified mutations in EZH2, ARID1A, and recurrent inactivating mutations of the cell cycle inhibitor CDKN1B (p27). Targeted deep sequencing of CDKN1B in a larger cohort of HCL patients identify deleterious CDKN1B mutations in 16% of patients with HCL (n = 13 of 81). In 11 of 13 patients the CDKN1B mutation was clonal, implying an early role of CDKN1B mutations in the pathogenesis of HCL. CDKN1B mutations were not found to impact clinical characteristics or outcome in this cohort. These data identify HCL as having the highest frequency of CDKN1B mutations among cancers and identify CDNK1B as the second most common mutated gene in HCL. Moreover, given the known function of CDNK1B, these data suggest a novel role for alterations in regulation of cell cycle and senescence in HCL with CDKN1B mutations.
The aim of the study was to analyze the frequency of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations in Brazilian non-small cell lung cancer patients and to correlate these mutations with response to benefit of platinum-based chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Our cohort consisted of prospective patients with NSCLCs who received chemotherapy (platinum derivates plus paclitaxel) at the [UNICAMP], Brazil. EGFR exons 18-21 were analyzed in tumor-derived DNA. Fifty patients were included in the study (25 with adenocarcinoma). EGFR mutations were identified in 6/50 (12 %) NSCLCs and in 6/25 (24 %) adenocarcinomas; representing the frequency of EGFR mutations in a mostly self-reported White (82.0 %) southeastern Brazilian population of NSCLCs. Patients with NSCLCs harboring EGFR exon 19 deletions or the exon 21 L858R mutation were found to have a higher chance of response to platinum-paclitaxel (OR 9.67 [95 % CI 1.03-90.41], p = 0.047). We report the frequency of EGFR activating mutations in a typical southeastern Brazilian population with NSCLC, which are similar to that of other countries with Western European ethnicity. EGFR mutations seem to be predictive of a response to platinum-paclitaxel, and additional studies are needed to confirm or refute this relationship.
In this study, 103 unrelated South-American patients with mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II) were investigated aiming at the identification of iduronate-2-sulfatase (IDS) disease causing mutations and the possibility of some insights on the genotype-phenotype correlation The strategy used for genotyping involved the identification of the previously reported inversion/disruption of the IDS gene by PCR and screening for other mutations by PCR/SSCP. The exons with altered mobility on SSCP were sequenced, as well as all the exons of patients with no SSCP alteration. By using this strategy, we were able to find the pathogenic mutation in all patients. Alterations such as inversion/disruption and partial/total deletions of the IDS gene were found in 20/103 (19%) patients. Small insertions/deletions/indels (<22 bp) and point mutations were identified in 83/103 (88%) patients, including 30 novel mutations; except for a higher frequency of small duplications in relation to small deletions, the frequencies of major and minor alterations found in our sample are in accordance with those described in the literature.