56 resultados para Dehydroxylation


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Two enzyme mechanisms were investigated: the 21-dehydroxylation of corticosteroids by Eubacterium lentum and the dehalogenation of 4-chlorobenzoic acid by Pseudomonas sp. CBS 3. , Chemical and enzymic methods of reduction of 21-oxo steroids were used to generate C-21-d1 compounds of tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, with both predominant stereochemistries. It was found that during the dehydroxylation the pro-S hydrogen at the C-21 position was lost preferentially. This suggests that the enzyme removes the pro-S hydrogen during binding to the active site as the ene-diol. To study the hydrolytic replacement of chlorine by hydroxyl , p-chlorobenzoic acid-d4 was prepared and sent to Germany for an ~ncubation with an enzyme preparation of 4-Chlorobenzo~te Dehalogenase. Results suggests the possible loss of deuterium during the conversion of p-chlorobenzoate to p-hydroxybenzoate, from all four ring positions. Many methods of preparing the control compound p-hydroxybenzoic acid-d4 were investigated.


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The metabolism of chlorogenic acid., naringin, and rutin, representative members of three common families of dietary polyphenols, the hydroxycinnamates, the flavanones, and the flavonols, respectively, was studied in an in vitro mixed culture model of the human colonic microflora. Time- and concentration-dependent degradation of all three compounds was observed, which was associated with the following metabolic events after cleavage of the ester or glycosidic bond: reduction of the aliphatic double bond of the resulting hydroxycinnamate caffeic acid residue; dehydroxylation and ring fission of the heterocyclic C-ring of the resulting deglycosylated flavanone, naringenin, and of the deglycosylated flavonol, quercetin (which differed depending on the substitution). The metabolic events, their sequences, and major phenolic end products, as identified by GC-MS or LC-MS/MS, were elucidated from the structural characteristics of the investigated compounds. The major phenolic end products identified were 3-D-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid for chlorogenic acid, 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-propionic acid and 3-phenylpropionic acid for naringin, and 3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid and 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-propionic acid for rutin. The degree of degradation of the compounds studied was significantly influenced by the substrate concentration as well as individual variations in the composition of the fecal flora. The results support extensive metabolism of dietary polyphenols in the colon, depending on substrate concentration and residence time, with resultant formation of simple phenolics, which can be considered biomarkers of colonic metabolism if subsequently absorbed. It is also apparent that a relatively small number of phenolic degradation products are formed in the colon from the diverse group of natural polyphenols. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In vitro batch culture fermentations were conducted with grape seed polyphenols and human faecal microbiota, in order to monitor both changes in precursor flavan-3-ols and the formation of microbial-derived metabolites. By the application of UPLC-DAD-ESI-TQ MS, monomers, and dimeric and trimeric procyanidins were shown to be degraded during the first 10 h of fermentation, with notable inter-individual differences being observed between fermentations. This period (10 h) also coincided with the maximum formation of intermediate metabolites, such as 5-(3′,4′-dihydroxyphenyl)-γ-valerolactone and 4-hydroxy-5-(3′,4′-dihydroxyphenyl)-valeric acid, and of several phenolic acids, including 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-propionic acid, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, 4-hydroxymandelic acid, and gallic acid (5–10 h maximum formation). Later phases of the incubations (10–48 h) were characterised by the appearance of mono- and non-hydroxylated forms of previous metabolites by dehydroxylation reactions. Of particular interest was the detection of γ-valerolactone, which was seen for the first time as a metabolite from the microbial catabolism of flavan-3-ols. Changes registered during fermentation were finally summarised by a principal component analysis (PCA). Results revealed that 5-(3′,4′-dihydroxyphenyl)-γ-valerolactone was a key metabolite in explaining inter-individual differences and delineating the rate and extent of the microbial catabolism of flavan-3-ols, which could finally affect absorption and bioactivity of these compounds.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever a síntese e a caracterização óptica de uma solução sólida de óxido de zircônio contendo ítrio e lantânio. Foram misturados citrato de zircônio, nitrato de ítrio e nitrato de lantânio nas proporções 94 mol% ZrO2-6 mol% Y2O3 e 92 mol% ZrO2-6 mol % Y2O3-2 mol % La2O3. A análise de espectroscopia de absorção no infravermelho com tranformada de Fourier mostra material orgânico em decomposição e a análise térmica mostra a transformação de fases da zircônia tetragonal para monoclínica, a perda de água e a desidroxilação do zircônio. A análise por difração de raios X mostra formação de fases homogênea de ZrO2-Y2O3-La2O3 demonstrando que a adição de lantânio não provoca formação de fases, promovendo uma solução sólida baseada em zircônia cúbica. Os espectros de fotoluminescência mostram bandas de absorção em 562 nm e 572 nm (350 ºC) e bandas de absorção específicas em 543 nm, 561 nm, 614 nm e 641 nm (900 ºC). O efeito fotoluminescente a baixas temperaturas é causado por defeitos como (Y Zr,Y O)', (2Y Zr,V O)'' e V O. As emissões em 614 nm e 641 nm são causadas pela transição O-2p -> Zr-4d. Uma emissão em 543 nm pode ser atribuída a centros LaO8 com transição O-2p -> La-5d.


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Compostos do tipo hidrotalcita, também conhecidos como hidróxidos duplos lamelares (HDLs), do sistema (Zn-Ni-Cu/Fe-Al)-SO4 foram obtidos por meio de co-precipitação a pH variável (crescente) utilizando lama vermelha (LV) como material de partida devido a sua elevada porcentagem de Fe3+ e Al3+. Para tal estudo, a LV, previamente caracterizada por FRX e DRX, foi submetida à abertura ácida com HClconc. e H2SO4 2N. Para os HDLs obtidos, foram avaliados a influência do tipo de cátion bivalente, da variação do pH de síntese (pH 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 e 12) e da variação de razão molar teórica r = MII/MIII (2, 3 e 4) na sua estrutura cristalina mediante as seguintes técnicas de caracterização: DRX, FT-IR, MEV/EDS, TG/ATD. Os resultados FRX revelaram que a LV é composta principalmente por Fe2O3 (32,80%), Al2O3 (19,83%), SiO2 (18,14%) e Na2O (11,55%). DRX corrobora os resultados da análise química, visto que foram identificados os minerais: hematita, goethita, gibbsita, sodalita, calcita, anatásio e quartzo. Zn-HDLs mostraram que a o aumento de pH de síntese colabora para um melhor ordenamento cristalino do material, uma vez que os picos se tornam melhor definidos, culminando com a melhor condição experimental em pH 9 e r = 3, cujo HDL foi identificado como o mineral natroglaucocerinita (d~11 Ǻ). Nesses valores de pH, a incorporação de SO42- no espaçamento interlamelar foi favorecida apesar da competição com o CO2 presente no ar atmosférico no momento da síntese. FT-IR também indica a presença do sulfato. As análises por MEV revelam a presença de cristais muito finos e pequenos, > 2μm, de forma hexagonal que pela análise via EDS indicaram, em sua composição, os elementos Na, Zn, Fe, Al, S, C e O. TG/ATD evidenciaram quatro etapas de perda de massa: desidratação, desidroxilação, desoxidenação e dessulfatação, para os HDLs com melhor ordenamento cristalino. Para os materiais menos cristalinos, as duas primeiras etapas ocorrem simultaneamente. Ni-HDLs apresentaram três picos com posições próximas às do mineral carrboydita a partir de pH igual a 7. No entanto, a partir de pH 9, surge hematita como uma fase acessória. Também há disputa entre os ânions SO42- e CO32- no espaço interlamelar, visto que os valores de espaçamento basal d diminuem (de aproximadamente 9,5 até 7,8 Ǻ). Tal fato também foi observado pelo FT-IR. As análises por MEV mostraram aglomerados de minerais anédricos menores que 2μm que, via EDS indicaram composição Ni, Fe, Al, S, C e O. As análises de TG/ATD apresentaram o mesmo comportamento do sistema anterior, evidenciaram as etapas de desidratação, desidroxilação, desoxigenação e dessulfatação e, para os materiais menos cristalinos, as duas primeiras etapas também ocorrem simultaneamente. Cu-HDLs, em valores de pH entre 7 e 10, não cristalizaram a fase HDL tal qual verificada para os sistemas contendo zinco ou níquel. O cobre distorce a estrutura do octaedro causando o chamado Efeito Jahn-Teller: distorção tetraédrica no ambiente octaédrico. As análises por FT-IR apresentaram o mesmo comportamento dos sistemas anteriores, apesar de o material se apresentar amorfo via DRX. O MEV também revela aglomerados amorfos que, de acordo com o EDS, indicaram em sua composição os elementos Cu, Fe, Al, S, C e O. As análises de TG/ATD apresentaram o mesmo comportamento que os materiais menos cristalinos dos dois sistemas anteriores, para os quais as etapas de desidratação e desidroxilação ocorreram simultaneamente. Mt-HDLs (mistura de Zn2+, Ni2+, Cu2+), apresentaram comportamento semelhante aos HDLs de níquel, com quatro picos em posições próximas aos da carrboydita a partir de pH igual a 7. A disputa entre sulfato e carbonato também se repete, visto que os valores de espaçamento basal d diminuem (de aproximadamente 9,5 até 7,9 Ǻ), o que também pode ser notado nos espectros de FT-IR. O MEV dessas amostras também apresentaram aglomerados com tamanhos menores que 2μm e, via EDS, indicaram em sua composição os elementos Zn, Cu, Ni, Fe, Al, S, C e O. Aqui também o comportamento das curvas TG/ATD foi semelhante aos materiais pouco cristalinos obtidos anteriormente.


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Fifteen iron oxide accumulations from the bottoms of two Finnish lakes ("lake ores") were found to contain as much as 50% Fe. Differential X-ray powder diffraction and selective dissolution by oxalate showed that the samples consisted of poorly crystallized goethite and ferrihydrite. The crust ores of one lake had higher ferrihydrite to goethite ratios than the nodular ores of the other lake. The higher ferrihydrite proportion was attributed to a higher rate of Fe2+ supply from the ground water and/or a higher rate of oxidation as a function of water depth and bottom-sediment permeability. Values of Al-for-Fe substitution of the goethites determined from unit-cell dimensions agreed with those obtained from chemical extraction if the unit-cell volume rather than the c dimension was used. In very small goethite crystals a slight expansion of the a unit-cell dimension is probaby compensated by a corresponding contraction of the c dimension, so that a contraction of the c dimension need not necessarily be caused by Al substitution. The goethites of the two lakes differed significantly in their Al-for-Fe substitutions and hence in their unit-cell sizes, OH-bending characteristics, dehydroxylation temperatures, dissolution kinetics, and Mössbauer parameters. The difference in Al substitution (0 vs. 7 mole %) is attributed to the Al-supplying power of the bottom sediments: the silty-clayey sediments in one lake appear to have supplied A1 during goethite formation, whereas the gravelly-sandy sediments in the other lake did not. The compositions of the goethites thus reflect their environments of formation.


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Synthetic corundum (Al2O3), gibbsite (Al(OH)(3)), bayerite (Al(OH)(3)), boehmite (AlO(OH)) and pseudoboehmite (AlO(OH)) have been studied by high resolution XPS. The chemical compositions based on the XPS survey scans were in good agreement with the expected composition. High resolution A12p scans showed no significant changes in binding energy, with all values between 73.9 and 74.4 eV. Only bayerite showed two transitions, associated with the presence of amorphous material in the sample. More information about the chemical and crystallographic environment was obtained from the 0 Is high resolution spectra. Here a clear distinction could be made between oxygen in the crystal structure, hydroxyl groups and adsorbed water. Oxygen in the crystal structure was characterised by a binding energy of about 530.6 eV in all minerals. Hydroxyl groups, present either in the crystal structure or on the surface, exhibited binding energies around 531.9 eV, while water on the surface showed binding energies around 533.0 eV. A distinction could be made between boehmite and pseudoboehmite based on the slightly lower ratio of oxygen to hydroxyl groups and water in pseudoboehmite. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Mõssbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction of five coals revealed the presence of pyrite, illite, kaolinite and Quartz, together with other minor phases. Analysis of the coal ashes indicated the formation of hematite and an Fe (3+) paramagnetic phase, the latter resulting from .the dehydroxylation of the clay minerals during ashing at 700 to 750 C. By using a combination of several physicochemical methods, different successive stages of dehydroxylation, structural consolidation, and recrystallisation of illite, montmorillonite and hectorite upon thermal treatment to 1300 C were investigated. Dehydroxylation of the clay minerals occurred between 450 and 750 C, the X-ray crysdallinity of illite and montmorillonite remaining until 800 C. Hectorite gradually recrystallises to enstatite at temperatures above 700°C. At 900 C the crystalline structure of all three clay minerals had totally collapsed. Solid state reactions occurred above 900 C producing such phases as spinel, hematite, enstatite, cristobalite and mullite. Illite and montmorillonite started to melt between 1200 and 1300°C, producing a silicate glass that contained Fe(3+) and Fe(2+) ions. Ortho-pnstatite, clino-enstatite and proto-enstatite were identified in the thermal products of hectorite, their relative proportions varying with temperature. Protoenstatite was stabilised with respect to metastable clinoenstatite upon cooling from 12000 C by the presence of exchanged transition metal cations. Solid state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy of thermally treated transition metal exchanged hectorite indicated the levels at which paramagnetic cations could be loaded on to the clay before spectral resolution is significantly diminished.


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A series of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles have been prepared via co-precipitation and controlled thermal sintering, with tunable diameters spanning 7–50 nm. XRD confirms that the inverse spinel structure is adopted by all samples, while XPS shows their surface compositions depend on calcination temperature and associated particle size. Small (<20 nm) particles expose Fe3+ enriched surfaces, whereas larger (∼50 nm) particles formed at higher temperatures possess Co:Fe surface compositions close to the expected 1:2 bulk ratio. A model is proposed in which smaller crystallites expose predominately (1 1 1) facets, preferentially terminated in tetrahedral Fe3+ surface sites, while sintering favours (1 1 0) and (1 0 0) facets and Co:Fe surface compositions closer to the bulk inverse spinel phase. All materials were active towards the gas-phase methylation of phenol to o-cresol at temperatures as low as 300 °C. Under these conditions, materials calcined at 450 and 750 °C exhibit o-cresol selectivities of ∼90% and 80%, respectively. Increasing either particle size or reaction temperature promotes methanol decomposition and the evolution of gaseous reductants (principally CO and H2), which may play a role in CoFe2O4 reduction and the concomitant respective dehydroxylation of phenol to benzene. The degree of methanol decomposition, and consequent H2 or CO evolution, appears to correlate with surface Co2+ content: larger CoFe2O4 nanoparticles have more Co rich surfaces and are more active towards methanol decomposition than their smaller counterparts. Reduction of the inverse spinel surface thus switches catalysis from the regio- and chemo-selective methylation of phenol to o-cresol, towards methanol decomposition and phenol dehydroxylation to benzene. At 300 °C sub-20 nm CoFe2O4 nanoparticles are less active for methanol decomposition and become less susceptible to reduction than their 50 nm counterparts, favouring a high selectivity towards methylation.


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Previous studies about the strength of the lithosphere in the Iberia centre fail to resolve the depth of earthquakes because of the rheological uncertainties. Therefore, new contributions are considered (the crustal structure from a density model) and several parameters (tectonic regime, mantle rheology, strain rate) are checked in this paper to properly examine the role of lithospheric strength in the intraplate seismicity and the Cenozoic evolution. The strength distribution with depth, the integrated strength, the effective elastic thickness and the seismogenic thickness have been calculated by a finite element modelling of the lithosphere across the Central System mountain range and the bordering Duero and Madrid sedimentary basins. Only a dry mantle under strike-slip/extension and a strain rate of 10-15 s-1, or under extension and 10-16 s-1, causes a strong lithosphere. The integrated strength and the elastic thickness are lower in the mountain chain than in the basins. These anisotropies have been maintained since the Cenozoic and determine the mountain uplift and the biharmonic folding of the Iberian lithosphere during the Alpine deformations. The seismogenic thickness bounds the seismic activity in the upper–middle crust, and the decreasing crustal strength from the Duero Basin towards the Madrid Basin is related to a parallel increase in Plio–Quaternary deformations and seismicity. However, elasto–plastic modelling shows that current African–Eurasian convergence is resolved elastically or ductilely, which accounts for the low seismicity recorded in this region.


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This study describes a new synthesis route for bone chars using a CO2 atmosphere and their behavior as adsorbent for fluoride removal from water. Specifically, we have performed a detailed analysis of the adsorption properties of bone char samples obtained at different carbonization conditions and a comparative study with samples of bone char obtained via pyrolysis under nitrogen. Experimental results show that the nature of the gas atmosphere (CO2 versus N2) and the carbonization temperature play a major role to achieve an effective bone char for water defluoridation. In particular, the best adsorption properties of bone char for fluoride removal are obtained with those samples synthesized at 700 °C. Carbonization temperatures above 700 °C under CO2 atmosphere cause the dehydroxylation of the hydroxyapatite in the bone char, thus reducing its fluoride adsorption capacity. The maximum fluoride adsorption capacity for the bone char obtained in this study under CO2 atmosphere (i.e., 5.92 mg/g) is higher than those reported for commercial bone chars.