966 resultados para Degradation activation domain (DAD)


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MicroRNAs play roles in various biological processes like development, tumorigenesis, metastasis and pluripotency. My thesis work has demonstrated roles for p63, a p53 family member, in the upstream regulation of microRNA biogenesis. The p63 gene has a complex gene structure and has multiple isoforms. The TAp63 isoforms contain an acidic transcription activation domain. The ΔNp63 isoforms, lack the TA domain, but have a proline rich region critical for gene transactivation. To understand the functions of these isoforms, the Flores lab generated TAp63 and ΔNp63 conditional knock out mice. Using these mice and tissues and cells from these mice we have found that TAp63 transcriptionally regulates Dicer while ΔNp63 transcriptionally regulates DGCR8. TAp63 -/- mice are highly tumor prone. These mice develop metastatic mammary adenocarcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and lung adenocarcinomas to distant sites including the liver, lungs, and brain. I found that TAp63 suppresses metastasis by transcriptionally activating Dicer. TAp63 and Dicer levels were very low or lost in high grade human tumors like mammary adenocarcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and lung adenocarcinomas. Expression of Dicer in these tumor cell lines reduced their invasiveness. Using ΔNp63 -/- mice, I found that ΔNp63 transcriptionally activates DGCR8, resulting in a miRNA profile that is critical to reprogram cells to pluripotency. Analysis of epidermal cells derived from ΔNp63 -/- mice revealed that these cells expressed markers of pluripotency, including Sox2, Oct 4 and Nanog; however, genome-wide analysis revealed a novel profile of genes that are common between ΔNp63 -/- epidermal cells and embryonic stem cells. I also found that mouse cells depleted of ΔNp63 form chimeric mice and teratomas in SCID mice, demonstrating that ΔNp63 deficient cells are pluripotent. Further, I found that restoration of DGCR8 in ΔNp63 -/- epidermal cells reduces their pluripotency and induces terminal differentiation. I also demonstrated that iMS (induced multipotent stem) cells could be generated using human keratinocytes by knockdown of ∆Np63 or DGCR8. Taken together, my work has placed p63 and its isoforms at a critical node in controlling miRNA biogenesis.


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p53 plays a role in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. p53 has also been shown to be involved in DNA replication. To study the effect of p53 on DNA replication, we utilized a SV40 based shuttle vector system. The pZ402 shuttle vector, was constructed with a mutated T-antigen unable to interact with p53 but able to support replication of the shuttle vector. When a transcriptional activation domain p53 mutant was tested for its ability to inhibit DNA replication no inhibition was observed. Competition assays with the DNA binding domain of p53 was also able to block the inhibition of DNA replication by p53 suggesting that p53 can inhibit DNA replication through the transcriptional activation of a target gene. One likely target gene, p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$ was tested to determine whether p53 inhibited DNA replication by transcriptionally activating p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$. Two independent approaches utilizing p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$ null cells or the expression of an anti-sense p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$ expression vector were utilized. p53 was able to inhibit pZ402 replication independently of p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$. p53 was also able to inhibit DNA replication independent of the p53 target genes Gadd45 and the replication processivity factor PCNA. The inhibition of DNA replication by p53 was also independent of direct DNA binding to a consensus site on the replicating plasmid. p53 mutants can be classified into two categories: conformational and DNA contact mutants. The two types of p53 mutants were tested for their effects on DNA replication. While all conformational mutants were unable to inhibit DNA replication three out of three DNA contact mutants tested were able to inhibit DNA replication. The work here studies the effect wild-type and mutant p53 has on DNA replication and demonstrated a possible mechanism by which wild-type p53 could inhibit DNA replication through the transcriptional activation of a target gene. ^


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Short peptides corresponding to the arginine-rich domains of several RNA-binding proteins are able to bind to their specific RNA sites with high affinities and specificities. In the case of the HIV-1 Rev-Rev response element (RRE) complex, the peptide forms a single α-helix that binds deeply in a widened, distorted RNA major groove and makes a substantial set of base-specific and backbone contacts. Using a reporter system based on antitermination by the bacteriophage λ N protein, it has been possible to identify novel arginine-rich peptides from combinatorial libraries that recognize the RRE with affinities and specificities similar to Rev but that appear to bind in nonhelical conformations. Here we have used codon-based mutagenesis to evolve one of these peptides, RSG-1, into an even tighter binder. After two rounds of evolution, RSG-1.2 bound the RRE with 7-fold higher affinity and 15-fold higher specificity than the wild-type Rev peptide, and in vitro competition experiments show that RSG-1.2 completely displaces the intact Rev protein from the RRE at low peptide concentrations. By fusing RRE-binding peptides to the activation domain of HIV-1 Tat, we show that the peptides can deliver Tat to the RRE site and activate transcription in mammalian cells, and more importantly, that the fusion proteins can inhibit the activity of Rev in chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter assays. The evolved peptides contain proline and glutamic acid mutations near the middle of their sequences and, despite the presence of a proline, show partial α-helix formation in the absence of RNA. These directed evolution experiments illustrate how readily complex peptide structures can be evolved within the context of an RNA framework, perhaps reflecting how early protein structures evolved in an “RNA world.”


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Replication protein A (RPA) is required for both DNA replication and nucleotide excision repair. Previous studies have shown that RPA interacts with the tumor suppressor p53. Herein, we have mapped a 20-amino acid region in the N-terminal part of p53 that is essential for its binding to RPA. This region is distinct from the minimal activation domain of p53 previously identified. We also demonstrate that UV radiation of cells greatly reduces the ability of RPA to bind to p53. Interestingly, damage-induced hyperphosphorylated RPA does not associate with p53. Furthermore, down-regulation of the RPA/p53 interaction is dependent upon the capability of cells to perform global genome repair. On the basis of these data, we propose that RPA may participate in the coordination of DNA repair with the p53-dependent checkpoint control by sensing UV damage and releasing p53 to activate its downstream targets.


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Small ligand–receptor interactions underlie many fundamental processes in biology and form the basis for pharmacological intervention of human diseases in medicine. We report herein a genetic system, named the yeast three-hybrid system, for detecting ligand–receptor interactions in vivo. This system is adapted from the yeast two-hybrid system with which a third synthetic hybrid ligand is combined. The feasibility of this system was demonstrated using as the hybrid ligand a heterodimer of covalently linked dexamethasone and FK506. Yeast expressing fusion proteins of the hormone binding domain of the rat glucocorticoid receptor fused to the LexA DNA-binding domain and of FKBP12 fused to a transcriptional activation domain activated reporter genes when plated on medium containing the dexamethasone–FK506 heterodimer. The reporter gene activation is completely abrogated in a competitive manner by the presence of excess FK506. Using this system, we screened a Jurkat cDNA library fused to the transcriptional activation domain in yeast expressing the hormone binding domain of rat glucocorticoid receptor–LexA DNA binding domain fusion protein in the presence of dexamethasone–FK506 heterodimer. We isolated overlapping clones of human FKBP12. These results demonstrate that the three-hybrid system can be used to discover receptors for small ligands and to screen for new ligands to known receptors.


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The stress-activated protein kinases JNK and p38 mediate increased gene expression and are activated by environmental stresses and proinflammatory cytokines. Using an in vivo model in which oxidative stress is generated in the liver by intracellular metabolism, rapid protein–DNA complex formation on stress-activated AP-1 target genes was observed. Analysis of the induced binding complexes indicates that c-fos, c-jun, and ATF-2 were present, but also two additional jun family members, JunB and JunD. Activation of JNK precedes increased AP-1 DNA binding. Furthermore, JunB was shown to be a substrate for JNK, and phosphorylation requires the N-terminal activation domain. Unexpectedly, p38 activity was found to be constitutively active in the liver and was down-regulated through selective dephosphorylation following oxidative stress. One potential mechanism for p38 dephosphorylation is the rapid stress-induced activation of the phosphatase MKP-1, which has high affinity for phosphorylated p38 as a substrate. These data demonstrate that there are mechanisms for independent regulation of the JNK and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase signal transduction pathways after metabolic oxidative stress in the liver.


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Activation of gene transcription in eukaryotes requires the cooperative assembly of an initiation complex containing many protein subunits. The necessity that these components contact each other and the promoter/enhancer in defined ways suggests that their spatial arrangement might influence the activation response. Indeed, growing evidence indicates that DNA architecture can profoundly affect transcriptional potency. Much less is known about the influence of protein architecture on transcriptional activation. Here, we examine the architectural dependence of activator function through the analysis of matched pairs of AP-1•DNA complexes differing only in their orientation. Mutation of a critical Arg residue in the basic-leucine zipper domain of either Fos or Jun yielded single point-mutant heterodimers that bind DNA in a single defined orientation, as determined directly by native chemical ligation/affinity cleavage; by contrast, the corresponding wild-type protein binds DNA as a roughly equal mixture of two isomeric orientations, which are related by subunit interchange. The stereochemistry of the point-mutant heterodimers could be switched by inversion of a C•G base pair in the center of the AP-1 site, thus providing access to both fixed orientational isomers. Yeast reporter gene assays consistently revealed that one orientational isomer activates transcription at least 10-fold more strongly than the other. These results suggest that protein architecture, especially the spatial relationship of the activation domain to the promoter, can exert a powerful influence on activator potency.


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To create a universal system for the control of gene expression, we have studied methods for the construction of novel polydactyl zinc finger proteins that recognize extended DNA sequences. Elsewhere we have described the generation of zinc finger domains recognizing sequences of the 5′-GNN-3′ subset of a 64-member zinc finger alphabet. Here we report on the use of these domains as modular building blocks for the construction of polydactyl proteins specifically recognizing 9- or 18-bp sequences. A rapid PCR assembly method was developed that, together with this predefined set of zinc finger domains, provides ready access to 17 million novel proteins that bind the 5′-(GNN)6-3′ family of 18-bp DNA sites. To examine the efficacy of this strategy in gene control, the human erbB-2 gene was chosen as a model. A polydactyl protein specifically recognizing an 18-bp sequence in the 5′-untranslated region of this gene was converted into a transcriptional repressor by fusion with Krüppel-associated box (KRAB), ERD, or SID repressor domains. Transcriptional activators were generated by fusion with the herpes simplex VP16 activation domain or with a tetrameric repeat of VP16’s minimal activation domain, termed VP64. We demonstrate that both gene repression and activation can be achieved by targeting designed proteins to a single site within the transcribed region of a gene. We anticipate that gene-specific transcriptional regulators of the type described here will find diverse applications in gene therapy, functional genomics, and the generation of transgenic organisms.


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Transcriptional activation domains share little sequence homology and generally lack folded structures in the absence of their targets, aspects that have rendered activation domains difficult to characterize. Here, a combination of biochemical and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments demonstrates that the activation domain of the tumor suppressor p53 has an FXXΦΦ motif (F, Phe; X, any amino acids; Φ, hydrophobic residues) that folds into an α-helix upon binding to one of its targets, hTAFII31 (a human TFIID TATA box-binding protein-associated factor). MDM2, the cellular attenuator of p53, discriminates the FXXΦΦ motif of p53 from those of NF-κB p65 and VP16 and specifically inhibits p53 activity. Our studies support the notion that the FXXΦΦ sequence is a general α-helical recognition motif for hTAFII31 and provide insights into the mechanistic basis for regulation of p53 function.


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Germ-line mutations in the human BRCA2 gene confer susceptibility to breast cancer. Efforts to elucidate its function have revealed a putative transcriptional activation domain and in vitro interaction with the DNA repair protein RAD51. Other studies have indicated that RAD51 physically associates with the p53 tumor suppressor protein. Here we show that the BRCA2 gene product is a 460-kDa nuclear phosphoprotein, which forms in vivo complexes with both p53 and RAD51. Moreover, exogenous BRCA2 expression in cancer cells inhibits p53’s transcriptional activity, and RAD51 coexpression enhances BRCA2’s inhibitory effects. These findings demonstrate that BRCA2 physically and functionally interacts with two key components of cell cycle control and DNA repair pathways. Thus, BRCA2 likely participates with p53 and RAD51 in maintaining genome integrity.


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In Schizosaccharomyces pombe the MBF (DSC1) complex mediates transcriptional activation at Start and is composed of a common subunit called Cdc10 in combination with two alternative DNA-binding partners, Res1 and Res2. It has been suggested that a high-activity MBF complex (at G1/S) is switched to a low-activity complex (in G2) by the incorporation of the negative regulatory subunit Res2. We have analyzed MBF protein–protein interactions and find that both Res proteins are associated with Cdc10 throughout the cell cycle, arguing against this model. Furthermore we demonstrate that Res2 is capable of interacting with a mutant form of Cdc10 that has high transcriptional activity. It has been shown previously that both Res proteins are required for periodic cell cycle–regulated transcription. Therefore a series of Res1–Res2 hybrid molecules was used to determine the domains that are specifically required to regulate periodic transcription. In Res2 the nature of the C-terminal region is critical, and in both Res1 and Res2, a domain overlapping the N-terminal ankyrin repeat and a recently identified activation domain is important for mediating cell cycle–regulated transcription.


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Most of the activities of IFN-γ are the result of STAT1-mediated transcriptional responses. In this study, we show that the BRCA1 tumor suppressor acts in concert with STAT1 to differentially activate transcription of a subset of IFN-γ target genes and mediates growth inhibition by this cytokine. After IFN-γ treatment, induction of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p21WAF1, was synergistically activated by BRCA1, whereas the IRF-1 gene was unaffected. Importantly, the differential induction of p21WAF1 was impaired in breast cancer cells homozygous for the mutant BRCA1 5382C allele. Biochemical analysis illustrated that the mechanism of this transcriptional synergy involves interaction between BRCA1 aa 502–802 and the C-terminal transcriptional activation domain of STAT1 including Ser-727 whose phosphorylation is crucial for transcriptional activation. Significantly, STAT1 proteins mutated at Ser-727 bind poorly to BRCA1, reinforcing the importance of Ser-727 in the recruitment of transcriptional coactivators by STAT proteins. These findings reveal a novel mechanism for BRCA1 function in the IFN-γ-dependent tumor surveillance system.


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Small molecule-regulated transcription has broad utility and would benefit from an easily delivered self-contained regulatory cassette capable of robust, tightly controlled target gene expression. We describe the delivery of a modified dimerizer-regulated gene expression system to cells on a single retrovirus. A transcription factor cassette responsive to the natural product dimerizer rapamycin was optimized for retroviral delivery by fusing a highly potent chimeric activation domain to the rapamycin-binding domain of FKBP-rapamycin-associated protein (FRAP). This improvement led to an increase in both the potency and maximal levels of gene expression induced by rapamycin, or nonimmunosuppressive rapamycin analogs. The modified transcription factor cassette was incorporated along with a target gene into a single rapamycin-responsive retrovirus. Cell pools stably transduced with the single virus system displayed negligible basal expression and gave induction ratios of at least three orders of magnitude in the presence of rapamycin or a nonimmunosuppressive rapamycin analog. Levels of induced gene expression were comparable to those obtained with the constitutive retroviral long terminal repeat and the single virus system performed well in four different mammalian cell lines. Regulation with the dimerizer-responsive retrovirus was tight enough to allow the generation of cell lines displaying inducible expression of the highly toxic diphtheria toxin A chain gene. The ability to deliver the tightly inducible rapamycin system in a single retrovirus should facilitate its use in the study of gene function in a broad range of cell types.


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The A mating type genes of the mushroom Coprinus cinereus encode two families of dissimilar homeodomain proteins (HD1 and HD2). The proteins heterodimerize when mating cells fuse to generate a transcriptional regulator that promotes expression of genes required for early steps in sexual development. In previous work we showed that heterodimerization brings together different functional domains of the HD1 and HD2 proteins; a potential activation domain at the C terminus of the HD1 protein and an essential HD2 DNA-binding motif. Two predicted nuclear localization signals (NLS) are present in the HD1 protein but none are in the HD2 protein. We deleted each NLS separately from an HD1 protein and showed that one (NLS1) is essential for normal heterodimer function. Fusion of the NLS sequences to the C terminus of an HD2 protein compensated for their deletion from the HD1 protein partner and permitted the two modified proteins to form a functional transcriptional regulator. The nuclear targeting properties of the A protein NLS sequences were demonstrated by fusing the region that encodes them to the bacterial uidA (β-glucuronidase) gene and showing that β-glucuronidase expression localized to the nuclei of onion epidermal cells. These observations lead to the proposal that heterodimerization regulates entry of the active transcription factor complex to the nucleus.


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In eukaryotes, sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins activate gene expression by recruiting the transcriptional apparatus and chromatin remodeling proteins to the promoter through protein-protein contacts. In many instances, the connection between DNA-binding proteins and the transcriptional apparatus is established through the intermediacy of adapter proteins known as coactivators. Here we describe synthetic molecules with low molecular weight that act as transcriptional coactivators. We demonstrate that a completely nonnatural activation domain in one such molecule is capable of stimulating transcription in vitro and in vivo. The present strategy provides a means of gaining external control over gene activation through intervention using small molecules.