939 resultados para Defined Daily Dose
OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to record the dietary habits of patients undergoing methadone therapy.
BACKGROUND: Numerous studies report that patients undergoing methadone treatment present with high levels of oral disease, especially dental caries. A number of factors have been described to account for this: sugared methadone preparations, prolonged oral retention, associated xerostomia and poor diet.
METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive study using survey methodology was conducted of patients attending a non-resident drug rehabilitation clinic. A self-completion questionnaire and diet diary were developed and distributed to 66 patients over an 8 week period.
RESULTS: Of the 66 questionnaires distributed, 52 were successfully completed giving a response rate of 79%. 6 patients declined to complete the questionnaire. The surveyed patient pool consisted of 32 females (62%) and 20 males (38%) with a mean age of 32 years. All the participants were taking a prescribed daily dose of methadone when questioned. 68% of respondents consumed convience foods or sugary snacks every day. Of those patients who drank tea or coffee daily, 84% added sugar and 54% added 3 teaspoons or more. The majority of patients (71%) consumed at least one glass of a fizzy soft drink daily. In addition, the majority of respondents indicated that they snacked regularly between meals and 24% stated that they often woke up during the night for a snack. Patients recorded their last intake of food ranging from 5pm to 3am.
CONCLUSIONS: The patients surveyed had poor dietary habits. Respondents consumed a large amount of convience foods and sugars during mealtimes and through regular snacking. Dietary counselling should be considered as part of treatment for patients undergoing methadone therapy.
Objectives: To determine whether adjusting the denominator of the common hospital antibiotic use measurement unit (defined daily doses/100 bed-days) by including age-adjusted comorbidity score (100 bed-days/age-adjusted comorbidity score) would result in more accurate and meaningful assessment of hospital antibiotic use.
Methods: The association between the monthly sum of age-adjusted comorbidity and monthly antibiotic use was measured using time-series analysis (January 2008 to June 2012). For the purposes of conducting internal benchmarking, two antibiotic usage datasets were constructed, i.e. 2004-07 (first study period) and 2008-11 (second study period). Monthly antibiotic use was normalized per 100 bed-days and per 100 bed-days/age-adjusted comorbidity score.
Results: Results showed that antibiotic use had significant positive relationships with the sum of age-adjusted comorbidity score (P = 0.0004). The results also showed that there was a negative relationship between antibiotic use and (i) alcohol-based hand rub use (P = 0.0370) and (ii) clinical pharmacist activity (P = 0.0031). Normalizing antibiotic use per 100 bed-days contributed to a comparative usage rate of 1.31, i.e. the average antibiotic use during the second period was 31% higher than during the first period. However, normalizing antibiotic use per 100 bed-days per age-adjusted comorbidity score resulted in a comparative usage rate of 0.98, i.e. the average antibiotic use was 2% lower in the second study period. Importantly, the latter comparative usage rate is independent of differences in patient density and case mix characteristics between the two studied populations.
Conclusions: The proposed modified antibiotic measure provides an innovative approach to compare variations in antibiotic prescribing while taking account of patient case mix effects.
RESUMO: A hipertensão arterial (HA) é uma patologia altamente prevalente, embora claramente subdiagnosticada, em doentes com síndrome de apneia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS). Estas duas patologias apresentam uma estreita relação e a monitorização ambulatória da pressão arterial (MAPA), por um período de 24 horas, parece ser o método mais preciso para o diagnóstico de hipertensão em doentes com SAOS. No entanto, esta ferramenta de diagnóstico para além de ser dispendiosa e envolver um número acrescido de meios técnicos e humanos, é mais morosa e, por conseguinte, não é utilizada por rotina no contexto do diagnóstico da SAOS. Por outro lado, apesar da aplicação de pressão positiva contínua nas vias aéreas (CPAP – Continous Positive Airway Pressure) ser considerada a terapêutica de eleição para os doentes com SAOS, o seu efeito no abaixamento da pressão arterial (PA) parece ser modesto, exigindo, por conseguinte, a implementação concomitante de terapêutica anti-hipertensora. Acontece que são escassos os dados relativos aos regimes de fármacos anti-hipertensores utilizados em doentes com SAOS e, acresce ainda que, as guidelines terapêuticas para o tratamento farmacológico da HA, neste grupo particular de doentes, permanecem, até ao momento, inexistentes. A utilização de modelos animais de hipóxia crónica intermitente (CIH), que mimetizam a HA observada em doentes com SAOS, revela-se extremamente importante, uma vez que se torna imperativo identificar fármacos que promovam um controle adequado da PA neste grupo de doentes. No entanto, estudos concebidos com o intuito de investigar o efeito anti-hipertensor dos fármacos neste modelo animal revelam-se insuficientes e, por outro lado, os escassos estudos que testaram fármacos anti-hipertensores neste modelo não foram desenhados para responder a questões de natureza farmacológica. Acresce ainda que se torna imprescindível garantir a escolha de um método para administração destes fármacos que seja não invasivo e que minimize o stress do animal. Embora a gavagem seja uma técnica indiscutivelmente eficaz e amplamente utilizada para a administração diária de fármacos a animais de laboratório, ela compreende uma sequência de procedimentos geradores de stress para os animais e, que podem por conseguinte, constituir um viés na interpretação dos resultados obtidos. O objectivo global da presente investigação translacional foi contribuir para a identificação de fármacos anti-hipertensores mais efectivos para o tratamento da HT nos indivíduos com SAOS e investigar mecanismos subjacentes aos efeitos sistémicos associadas à SAOS bem como a sua modulação por fármacos anti-hipertensores. Os objectivos específicos foram: em primeiro lugar,encontrar novos critérios, baseados nas medidas antropométricas, que permitam a identificação de doentes com suspeita de SAOS, que erroneamente se auto-classifiquem como nãohipertensos, e desta forma promover um uso mais criterioso do MAPA; em segundo lugar, investigar a existência de uma hipotética associação entre os esquemas de fármacos antihipertensores e o controle da PA (antes e após a adaptação de CPAP) em doentes com SAOS em terceiro lugar, avaliar a eficácia do carvedilol (CVD), um fármaco bloqueador β-adrenérgico não selectivo com actividade antagonista α1 intrínseca e propriedades anti-oxidantes num modelo animal de hipertensão induzida pela CIH; em quarto lugar, explorar os efeitos da CIH sobre o perfil farmacocinético do CVD; e, em quinto lugar, investigar um método alternativo à gavagem para a administração crónica de fármacos anti-hipertensores a animais de laboratório. Com este intuito, na primeira fase deste projecto, fizemos uso de uma amostra com um número apreciável de doentes com SAOS (n=369), que acorreram, pela primeira vez, à consulta de Patologia do Sono do CHLN e que foram submetidos a um estudo polissonográfico do sono, à MAPA e que preencheram um questionário que contemplava a obtenção de informação relativa ao perfil da medicação anti-hipertensora em curso. Numa segunda fase, utilizámos um modelo experimental de HT no rato induzida por um paradigma de CIH. Do nosso trabalho resultaram os seguintes resultados principais: em primeiro lugar, o índice de massa corporal (IMC) e o perímetro do pescoço (PP) foram identificados como preditores independentes de “auto-classificação errónea” da HA em doentes com suspeita de SAOS; em segundo lugar, não encontramos qualquer associação com significado estatístico entre os vários esquemas de fármacos anti-hipertensores bem como o número de fármacos incluídos nesse esquemas, e o controle da PA (antes e depois da adaptação do CPAP); em terceiro lugar, apesar das doses de 10, 30 e 50 mg/kg de carvedilol terem promovido uma redução significativa da frequência cardíaca, não foi observado qualquer decréscimo na PA no nosso modelo animal; em quarto lugar, as razões S/(R+S) dos enantiómeros do CVD nos animais expostos à CIH e a condições de normóxia revelaram-se diferentes; e, em quinto lugar, a administração oral voluntária mostrou ser um método eficaz para a administração diária controlada de fármacos anti-hipertensores e que é independente da manipulação e contenção do animal. Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos através do estudo clínico revelaram que o controle da PA, antes e após a adaptação do CPAP, em doentes com SAOS é independente, quer do esquema de fármacos anti-hipertensores, quer do número de fármacos incluídos num determinado esquema. Os nossos resultados salientam ainda a falta de validade da chamada self-reported hypertension e sugerem que em todos os doentes com suspeita de SAOS, com HA não diagnosticada e com um IMC e um PP acima de 27 kg/m2 e 39 cm, respectivamente, a confirmação do diagnóstico de HA deverá ser realizada através da MAPA, ao invés de outros métodos que com maior frequência são utilizados com este propósito. Os resultados obtidos no modelo animal de HA induzida pela CIH sugerem que o bloqueio do sistema nervoso simpático, juntamente com os supostos efeitos pleiotrópicos do CVD, não parece ser a estratégia mais adequada para reverter este tipo particular de hipertensão e indicam que as alterações farmacocinéticas induzidas pela CIH no ratio S/(R+S) não justificam a falta de eficácia anti-hipertensora do CVD observada neste modelo animal. Por último, os resultados do presente trabalho suportam ainda a viabilidade da utilização da administração oral voluntária, em alternativa à gavagem, para a administração crónica de uma dose fixa de fármacos anti-hipertensores.---------------------------- ABSTRACT: Hypertension (HT) is a highly prevalent condition, although under diagnosed, in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). These conditions are closely related and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) seems to be the most accurate measurement for diagnosing hypertension in OSA. However, this diagnostic tool is expensive and time-consuming and, therefore, not routinely used. On the other hand, although continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is considered the gold standard treatment for symptomatic OSA, its lowering effect on blood pressure (BP) seems to be modest and, therefore, concomitant antihypertensive therapy is still required. Data on antihypertensive drug regimens in patients with OSA are scarce and specific therapeutic guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of hypertension in these patients remain absent. The use of animal models of CIH, which mimic the HT observed in patients with OSA, is extremely important since it is imperative to identify preferred compounds for an adequate BP control in this group of patients. However, studies aimed at investigating the antihypertensive effect of antihypertensive drugs in this animal model are insufficient, and most reports on CIH animal models in which drugs have been tested were not designed to respond to pharmacological issues. Moreover, when testing antihypertensive drugs (AHDs) it becomes crucial to ensure the selection of a non-invasive and stress-free method for drug delivery. Although gavage is effective and a widely performed technique for daily dosing in laboratory rodents, it comprises a sequence of potentially stressful procedures for laboratory animals that may constitute bias for the experimental results. The overall goal of the present translational research was to contribute to identify more effective AHDs for the treatment of hypertension in patients with OSA and investigate underlying mechanisms of systemic effects associated with OSA, as well as its modulation by AHDs. The specific aims were: first, to find new predictors based on anthropometric measures to identify patients that misclassify themselves as non-hypertensive, and thereby promote the selective use of ABPM; second, to investigate a hypothetical association between ongoing antihypertensive regimens and BP control rates in patients with OSA, before and after CPAP adaptation; third, to determine, in a rat model of CIH-induced hypertension, the efficacy of carvedilol (CVD), a nonselective beta-blocker with intrinsic anti-α1-adrenergic activity and antioxidant properties; fourth, to explore the effects of CIH on the pharmacokinetics profile of CVD and fifth, to investigate an alternative method to gavage, for chronic administration of AHDs to laboratory rats. For that, in the first phase of this project, we used a sizeable sample of patients with OSA (n=369), that attended a first visit at Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, EPE Sleep Unit, and underwent overnight polysomnography, 24-h ABPM and filled a questionnaire that included ongoing antihypertensive medication profile registration. In the second phase, a rat experimental model of HT induced by a paradigm of CIH that simulates OSA was used. The main findings of this work were: first, body mass index (BMI) and neck circumference (NC) were identified as independent predictors of hypertension misclassification in patients suspected of OSA; second, in patients with OSA, BP control is independent of both the antihypertensive regimen and the number of antihypertensive drugs, either before or after CPAP adaptation; third, although the doses of 10, 30 and 50 mg/Kg of CVD promoted a significant reduction in heart rate, no decrease in mean arterial pressure was observed; fourth, the S/(R+S) ratios of CVD enantiomers, between rats exposed to CIH and normoxic conditions, were different and fifth, voluntary ingestion proved to be an effective method for a controlled daily dose administration, with a define timetable, that is independent of handling and restraint procedures. In conclusion, the clinical study showed that BP control in OSA patients is independent of both the antihypertensive regimen and the number of antihypertensive drugs. Additionally, our results highlight the lack of validity of self-reported hypertension and suggest that all patients suspected of OSA with undiagnosed hypertension and with a BMI and NC above 27 Kg/m2 and 39 cm should be screened for hypertension, through ABPM. The results attained in the rat model of HT related to CIH suggest that the blockade of the sympathetic nervous system together with the putative pleiotropic effects of carvedilol is not able to revert hypertension induced by CIH and point out that the pharmacokinetic changes induced by CIH on S/(R+S) ratio are not apparently responsible for the lack of efficacy of carvedilol in reversing this particular type of hypertension. Finally, the results here presented support the use of voluntary oral administration as a viable alternative to gavage for chronic administration of a fixed dose of AHDs.
Nous avons démontré la présence d'apoptose dans le système limbique suivant un infarctus du myocarde. Cette mort cellulaire serait partiellement reliée à l'augmentation de cytokines pro-inflammatoires. Des études démontrent que certains probiotiques ont des effets bénéfiques en diminuant le ratio de cytokines pro/anti-inflammatoires. La prise de probiotiques en prévention, avant l’occlusion d’une artère coronarienne, pourrait-elle diminuer l’apoptose dans le système limbique? Méthodes : La combinaison de probiotiques Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 et Bifidobacterium longum R0175 ou son véhicule fut additionné dans l’eau des rats pendant 28 jours consécutifs. Un infarctus du myocarde fut provoqué par l’occlusion de l’artère coronaire gauche. Après 40 minutes d'occlusion, les régions ischémiques ont été reperfusées pour 72 heures. Les animaux furent sacrifiés et la taille de l'infarctus mesurée. L'amygdale et l'hippocampe furent prélevés pour déterminer l'activité de la caspase-3 (pro-apoptotique), le ratio Bax/Bcl2(proapoptotique/ anti-apoptotique) et l'activité d'Akt (survie cellulaire). Résultats : La taille de l’infarctus n'est pas diminuée dans le groupe probiotique (45% de la région à risque)comparé au groupe placebo. Nos marqueurs d’apoptose démontrent une diminution dans les régions du gyrus denté, de l’amygdale latérale et médiane dans le groupe probiotique par rapport au placebo. L’activité de la caspase-3 et le ratio Bax:Bcl2 furent réduits dans le groupe probiotique de 50% et 40% respectivement (p < 0.05) et phosphorylation d’Akt fut augmentée de 35% (p<0.05). Aucune différence fut observée pour les régions Ca1 et Ca3. Conclusion : La combinaison de probiotiques utilisée réduit l’apoptose dans différentes régions du système limbique 72 heures après un IM.
Il est reconnu que le benzène, le toluène, l’éthylbenzène et les isomères du xylène, composés organiques volatils (COVs) communément désignés BTEX, produisent des effets nocifs sur la santé humaine et sur les végétaux dépendamment de la durée et des niveaux d’exposition. Le benzène en particulier est classé cancérogène et une exposition à des concentrations supérieures à 64 g/m3 de benzène peut être fatale en 5–10 minutes. Par conséquent, la mesure en temps réel des BTEX dans l’air ambiant est essentielle pour détecter rapidement un danger associé à leur émission dans l’air et pour estimer les risques potentiels pour les êtres vivants et pour l’environnement. Dans cette thèse, une méthode d’analyse en temps réel des BTEX dans l’air ambiant a été développée et validée. La méthode est basée sur la technique d’échantillonnage direct de l’air couplée avec la spectrométrie de masse en tandem utilisant une source d’ionisation chimique à pression atmosphérique (APCI-MS/MS directe). La validation analytique a démontré la sensibilité (limite de détection LDM 1–2 μg/m3), la précision (coefficient de variation CV < 10%), l’exactitude (exactitude > 95%) et la sélectivité de la méthode. Des échantillons d’air ambiant provenant d’un site d’enfouissement de déchets industriels et de divers garages d’entretien automobile ont été analysés par la méthode développée. La comparaison des résultats avec ceux obtenus par la technique de chromatographie gazeuse on-line couplée avec un détecteur à ionisation de flamme (GC-FID) a donné des résultats similaires. La capacité de la méthode pour l’évaluation rapide des risques potentiels associés à une exposition aux BTEX a été prouvée à travers une étude de terrain avec analyse de risque pour la santé des travailleurs dans trois garages d’entretien automobile et par des expériences sous atmosphères simulées. Les concentrations mesurées dans l’air ambiant des garages étaient de 8,9–25 µg/m3 pour le benzène, 119–1156 µg/m3 pour le toluène, 9–70 µg/m3 pour l’éthylbenzène et 45–347 µg/m3 pour les xylènes. Une dose quotidienne environnementale totale entre 1,46 10-3 et 2,52 10-3 mg/kg/jour a été déterminée pour le benzène. Le risque de cancer lié à l’exposition environnementale totale au benzène estimé pour les travailleurs étudiés se situait entre 1,1 10-5 et 1,8 10-5. Une nouvelle méthode APCI-MS/MS a été également développée et validée pour l’analyse directe de l’octaméthylcyclotétrasiloxane (D4) et le décaméthylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) dans l’air et les biogaz. Le D4 et le D5 sont des siloxanes cycliques volatils largement utilisés comme solvants dans les processus industriels et les produits de consommation à la place des COVs précurseurs d’ozone troposphérique tels que les BTEX. Leur présence ubiquitaire dans les échantillons d’air ambiant, due à l’utilisation massive, suscite un besoin d’études de toxicité. De telles études requièrent des analyses qualitatives et quantitatives de traces de ces composés. Par ailleurs, la présence de traces de ces substances dans un biogaz entrave son utilisation comme source d’énergie renouvelable en causant des dommages coûteux à l’équipement. L’analyse des siloxanes dans un biogaz s’avère donc essentielle pour déterminer si le biogaz nécessite une purification avant son utilisation pour la production d’énergie. La méthode développée dans cette étude possède une bonne sensibilité (LDM 4–6 μg/m3), une bonne précision (CV < 10%), une bonne exactitude (> 93%) et une grande sélectivité. Il a été également démontré qu’en utilisant cette méthode avec l’hexaméthyl-d18-disiloxane comme étalon interne, la détection et la quantification du D4 et du D5 dans des échantillons réels de biogaz peuvent être accomplies avec une meilleure sensibilité (LDM ~ 2 μg/m3), une grande précision (CV < 5%) et une grande exactitude (> 97%). Une variété d’échantillons de biogaz prélevés au site d’enfouissement sanitaire du Complexe Environnemental de Saint-Michel à Montréal a été analysée avec succès par cette nouvelle méthode. Les concentrations mesurées étaient de 131–1275 µg/m3 pour le D4 et 250–6226 µg/m3 pour le D5. Ces résultats représentent les premières données rapportées dans la littérature sur la concentration des siloxanes D4 et D5 dans les biogaz d’enfouissement en fonction de l’âge des déchets.
L’asthme maternel complique environ 3,4% à 12,4% des grossesses dans les pays développés ce qui en fait une des maladies chroniques les plus fréquentes pouvant engendrer de sérieux problèmes médicaux chez la mère et le fœtus. D’autre part, un taux relativement important de femmes enceintes, soit 4 à 7%, utilisent des médicaments anti-asthmatiques. La mortinaissance, la mortalité néonatale et/ou la mortalité périnatale sont les issues de grossesses les plus dramatiques pour l’enfant et la famille. Toutefois, l’effet de l’asthme et de l’utilisation des corticostéroïdes inhalés (CSI) pendant la grossesse sur ces complications a été inadéquatement évalué. La majorité des études qui ont évalué ces associations souffraient d’un manque de puissance statistique et/ou d’une absence ou d’un ajustement inadéquat pour les variables potentiellement confondantes. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont donc pour objectif d’évaluer le risque de mortalité périnatale chez les femmes asthmatiques comparativement aux femmes non- asthmatiques. Cette thèse vise également à évaluer si les femmes asthmatiques exposées aux CSI courent plus de risque de mortalité périnatale que les femmes asthmatiques non exposées et si le risque de mortalité périnatale varie en fonction de la dose quotidienne de CSI utilisée par la mère pendant la grossesse. À l’aide du croisement de trois bases de données administratives du Québec, une large cohorte de femmes asthmatiques et non-asthmatiques qui ont eu au moins une grossesse entre 1990 et 2002 a été construite (n=41 142). À partir de cette cohorte, deux cohortes de grossesses ont été constituées. Les deux premières études présentées dans cette thèse sont basées sur toute la cohorte alors que la dernière étude est basée uniquement sur les grossesses de femmes asthmatiques. Une étude de cohorte a d’abord été réalisée afin d’évaluer l’effet de l’asthme maternel sur le risque de mortalité périnatale permettant l’ajustement pour les variables provenant des bases de données administratives. Afin de mieux estimer le risque de mortalité périnatale chez les femmes asthmatiques une étude de cohorte comprenant deux phases d’échantillonnage a ensuite été réalisée à l’aide d’informations additionnelles sur le tabagisme, l’utilisation de drogue illicite et l’histoire de mortinaissances, colligées à partir du dossier médical de la mère. Finalement, le risque de mortalité périnatale chez les femmes asthmatiques qui ont utilisé des CSI pendant la grossesse et le risque de mortalité périnatale en fonction de la dose moyenne quotidienne de CSI consommée par la mère pendant la grossesse ont été investigués à l’aide d’une étude de cohorte à deux phases d’échantillonnage chez les femmes asthmatiques uniquement. Nous avons premièrement observé que l’asthme pendant la grossesse pourrait augmenter le risque de mortalité périnatale due à l’augmentation du risque de bébés de petits poids et de bébés prématurés chez les femmes asthmatiques (OR=1,30; IC 95%: 1,05-1,57). Toutefois, après avoir ajusté pour le tabagisme pendant la grossesse, le risque relatif de mortalité périnatale a diminué à 12% et l’association n’est pas demeurée statistiquement significative (OR= 1,12; IC 95%: 0,87-1,45). Finalement, l’utilisation de CSI pendant la grossesse, lorsque la dose n’a pas été considérée, n’a pas été associé à une augmentation significative du risque de mortalité périnatale (OR= 1,07; IC 95% : 0,70-1,61) et un effet protecteur non-significatif de l’utilisation de doses de CSI de 250 ug ou moins par jour a été observé (OR=0,89; IC 95%: 0,55 -1,44). Toutefois, les femmes qui ont pris des doses >250 ug/jour avaient un risque accru de mortalité périnatale de 52%, mais cette association n’était pas statistiquement significative (OR=1,52; IC 95%: 0,62-3,76). Cette augmentation du risque pourrait toutefois résulter d’un ajustement imparfait pour la sévérité et le contrôle de l’asthme (les femmes asthmatiques qui ont utlisé >250 ug/jour sont susceptibles d’avoir un asthme plus sévère ou inadéquatement maîtrisé). Les conclusions de nos travaux qui sont plutôt rassurantes pourront contribuer à une meilleure prise en charge des femmes enceintes asthmatiques, à aider les médecins dans la prescription de CSI pendant la grossesse et à rassurer les femmes enceintes souffrant d’asthme et les femmes enceintes qui doivent utiliser des CSI. Toutefois, des études supplémentaires sont nécessaires afin de pouvoir conclure que l’utilisation de doses plus élevées de CSI (>250 ug/jour) pendant la grossesse sont sécuritaires.
Published data on the bioavailability of various Mg preparations is too fragmented and scanty to inform proper choice of Mg preparation for. clinical studies. In this study, the relative bioavailability of three preparations of Mg (amino-acid chelate, citrate and oxide) were compared at a daily dose of 300 mg of elemental Mg in 46 healthy individuals. The study was a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel intervention, of 60 days duration. Urine, blood and saliva samples were taken at baseline, 24 h after the first Mg supplement was taken ('acute' supplementation) and after 60 days of daily Mg consumption ('chronic' supplementation). Results showed that supplementation of the organic forms of Mg (citrate and amino-acid chelate) showed greater absorption (P = 0.033) at 60 days than MgO, as assessed by the 24-h urinary Mg excretion. Mg citrate led to the greatest mean serum Mg concentration compared with other treatments following both acute (P = 0.026) and chronic (P = 0.006) supplementation. Furthermore, although mean erythrocyte Mg concentration showed no differences among groups, chronic Mg citrate supplementation resulted in the greatest (P = 0.027) mean salivary Mg concentration compared with all other treatments. Mg oxide supplementation resulted in no differences compared to placebo. We conclude that a daily supplementation with Mg citrate shows superior bioavailability after 60 days of treatment when compared with other treatments studied.
Sweeteners are being sourced to lower the energetic value of confectionery including chocolates. Some, especially non-digestible carbohydrates, may possess other benefits for human health upon their fermentation by the colonic microbiota. The present study assessed non-digestible carbohydrate sweeteners, selected for use in low-energy chocolates, for their ability to beneficially modulate faecal bacterial profiles in human volunteers. Forty volunteers consumed a test chocolate (low-energy or experimental chocolate) containing 22·8 g of maltitol (MTL), MTL and polydextrose (PDX), or MTL and resistant starch for fourteen consecutive days. The dose of the test chocolates was doubled every 2 weeks over a 6-week period. Numbers of faecal bifidobacteria significantly increased with all the three test treatments. Chocolate containing the PDX blend also significantly increased faecal lactobacilli (P = 0·00 001) after the 6 weeks. The PDX blend also showed significant increases in faecal propionate and butyrate (P = 0·002 and 0·006, respectively). All the test chocolates were well tolerated with no significant change in bowel habit or intestinal symptoms even at a daily dose of 45·6 g of non-digestible carbohydrate sweetener. This is of importance not only for giving manufacturers a sugar replacement that can reduce energetic content, but also for providing a well-tolerated means of delivering high levels of non-digestible carbohydrates into the colon, bringing about improvements in the biomarkers of gut health.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia, a segurança e a farmacocinética da talidomida nos pacientes com câncer colorretal metastático. Dezessete pacientes com adenocarcinoma colorretal metastático, previamente tratados com pelo menos um regime de quimioterapia, foram incluídos no estudo. Os pacientes eram inicialmente tratados com talidomida 200 mg/dia, com um aumento de dose de 200mg a cada duas semanas, até atingir a dose máxima de 800 mg/dia. Os pacientes eram reavaliados a cada duas semanas para toxicidade e a cada 8 semanas para taxa de resposta através de exames de imagem. A farmacocinética foi caracterizada em quatro pacientes no nível de dose de 200 mg/dia.Todos os dezessete pacientes incluídos foram avaliados no perfil de toxicidade e quatorze pacientes nos critérios de taxa de resposta. A talidomida foi bem tolerada, sendo os principais efeitos colaterais a sonolência, a tontura, a xerostomia e a constipação. Não houve nenhuma resposta objetiva ou doença estável após oito semanas de tratamento. A sobrevida global mediana foi de 3,6 meses. A talidomida é bem tolerada como agente único de tratamento, mas não demonstrou nenhuma atividade antitumoral em pacientes com câncer colorretal metastático, já tratados previamente com outro regime de quimioterapia. Apesar disto, futuros estudos com este agente em estágios iniciais desta neoplasia devem ser considerados, quando as propriedades antiangiogênicas desta droga poderão ser mais relevantes para a progressão da doença.
Background: This study was an investigation of the effects of ingesting a daily dose of isolated glycinin soy protein (11S globulin), in association with rosuvastatin, on the control of hypercholesterolemia in experimental animals.Methods: Male Wistar rats were kept in individual cages under appropriate controlled conditions of temperature, light and humidity. The animals were divided into five groups (n = 9): 1) standard (STD): fed on casein as protein source; 2) hypercholesterolemic (HC): STD plus 1% cholesterol and 0.5% cholic acid; 3) HC+11S: hypercholesterolemic + glycinin (300 mg/kg/day); 4) HC+ROS: hypercholesterolemic + rosuvastatin (10 mg/kg/day); 5) HC+11S+ROS: HC diet, the 11S protein and the drug in the doses given in (3) and (4). The protein and the drug were administered by gavage for 28 days. The results indicated that the addition of 1% cholesterol and 0.5% cholic acid induced hypercholesterolemia in the animals without interfering with their weight gain.Results: A single daily dose of glycinin contributed an additional 2.8% of dietary protein intake and demonstrated its functional role, particularly in raising HDL-C, decreasing triglycerides in the liver and improving the atherogenic index in animals exposed to a hypercholesterolemic diet.Conclusion: Most of the beneficial effects of the isolated treatments disappeared when the drug (rosuvastatin) and the protein (glycinin) were taken simultaneously. The association was shown not to interact additively, as noted in the plasma levels of total cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol, and in the significant increase of cholesterol in the liver. Studies are in progress to identify the effects of peptides derived from the 11S globulin and their role in cholesterol metabolism.
Background: The consumption of foods containing probiotic and prebiotic ingredients is growing consistently every year, and in view of the limited number of studies investigating their effect in the elderly.Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the consumption of a symbiotic shake containing Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum and fructooligosaccharides on glycemia and cholesterol levels in elderly people.Methods: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted on twenty volunteers (ten for placebo group and ten for symbiotic group), aged 50 to 60 years. The criteria for inclusion in the study were: total cholesterol > 200 mg/dL; triglycerides > 200 mg/dL and glycemia > 110 mg/dL. Over a total test period of 30 days, 10 individuals (the symbiotic group) consumed a daily dose of 200 mL of a symbiotic shake containing 10(8) UFC/mL Lactobacillus acidophilus, 10(8) UFC/mL Bifidobacterium bifidum and 2 g oligofructose, while 10 other volunteers (the placebo group) drank daily the same amount of a shake that did not contain any symbiotic bacteria. Blood samples were collected 15 days prior to the start of the experiment and at 10-day intervals after the beginning of the shake intake. The standard lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglycerides and HDL cholesterol) and glycemia, or blood sugar levels, were evaluated by an enzyme colorimetric assay.Results: The results of the symbiotic group showed a non-significant reduction (P > 0.05) in total cholesterol and triglycerides, a significant increase (P < 0.05) in HDL cholesterol and a significant reduction (P < 0.05) in fasting glycemia. No significant changes were observed in the placebo group.Conclusion: The consumption of symbiotic shake resulted in a significant increase in HDL and a significant decrease of glycemia.
The effects of using Bauhinia forficata leaf decoction (150 g leaf/l water; 35.2+/-7.8 ml/100 g body weight mean daily dose) as a drinking-water substitute for about I month on streptozotocin-diabetes (STZ-diabetes) in male Wistar rats were investigated. The physico-metabolic parameters measured were: body weight, food and liquid intake, urinary volume, hepatic glycogen, serum triglycerides and cholesterol, plasma glucose, urinary glucose and urea, and the weight of epididymal and retroperitoneal adipose tissue and soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscles. The STZ-diabetic rats treated with decoction showed a significant reduction in serum and urinary glucose and urinary urea as compared to the STZ-diabetic control, no difference being seen between decoction-treated and -untreated non-diabetic rats. The other physico-metabolic factors showed no changes in treated STZ-diabetic rats. The improvement in carbohydrate metabolism seen in the rats treated with Bauhinia forficata decoction does not appear to be linked to the inhibition of glycogenolysis or the stimulation of glycogenesis nor does it appear to act in a way similar to insulin or the sulfonylureas, although it may act by the inhibition of neoglycogenesis in a manner similar to that of the biguanides. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Os AINH (Antiinflamatórios não hormonais) são agentes utilizados na prática clínica que interferem no processo inflamatório pela inibição da síntese de prostaglandinas e tromboxanos. Alguns trabalhos experimentais investigaram sua ação no processo de consolidação de fraturas, por meio de estudos clínicos e histológicos, sendo escassas as análises biomecânicas. Nesse estudo foram utilizados 20 ratos da linhagem Wistar, divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos iguais: grupo A (controle) e grupo B (tratado com diclofenaco sódico). em ambos os grupos foram realizadas fraturas abertas, após perfuração, na tíbia direita. A administração da droga foi via intramuscular, dose única diária, por 28 dias. Os animais foram pesados semanalmente. Após o sacrifício as tíbias foram dissecadas, pesadas e submetidas a ensaio biomecânico de flexão analisando-se carga máxima, deformação e coeficiente de rigidez. Observou-se que no grupo tratado com AINH não houve aumento do peso corpóreo a partir da segunda semana e as tíbias fraturadas foram mais pesadas. Neste grupo o calo ósseo suportou menor carga máxima, apresentando maior deformação e menor coeficiente de rigidez. Nos animais tratados, o osso não fraturado também se mostrou menos rígido. Concluiu-se, nas condições estudadas, que o DS alterou o processo de consolidação e o metabolismo ósseo, levando a retardo na maturação do calo e menor rigidez do osso intacto, respectivamente.
To study the effects of diclofenac, a nonselective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), on lipid profile, oxidized low-density-lipoprotein (Ox-LDL), serum antioxidant defenses and markers of oxidative stress, male Wistar rats were divided into two groups (n = 10): (C) receiving intramuscularly a single daily dose of saline (NaCl 0.9%), and (AI) receiving intramuscularly a single daily dose of 10 mg/kg diclofenac sodium (C14H10C12NNaO2). After 28 days diclofenac-treated rats had lower Ox-LDL, apoprotein B (apo-B), apo-B/LDL-cholesterol and lipid hydroperoxide than C. Total antioxidant substances and superoxide dismutase were increased in diclofenac-treated rats, while no significant changes were observed in catalase, glutathione peroxidase and nitric oxide. A perincubation test done to examine the possibility of mechanism-based activation showed that diclofenac had no effect on maximal superoxide dismutase velocity, but significantly reduced the Michaelis-Menten (K-M) constant, indicating that diclofenac induced SOD activation increasing substrate linkage affinity to the enzyme-catalytic site. In conclusion, diclofenac had beneficial effects decreasing Ox-LDL and improving antioxidant defense. It appears that the application of this agent may be feasible and beneficial for serum antioxidant protection, which certainly would bring new insights on dyslipidemia control. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The influence of daily energy doses of 0.03, 0.3 and 0.9 J of He-Ne laser irradiation on the repair of surgically produced tibia damage was investigated in Wistar rats. Laser treatment was initiated 24 h after the trauma and continued daily for 7 or 14 days in two groups of nine rats (n=3 per laser dose and period). Two control groups (n=9 each) with injured tibiae were used. The course of healing was monitored using morphometrical analysis of the trabecular area. The organization of collagen fibers in the bone matrix and the histology of the tissue were evaluated using Picrosirius-polarization method and Masson's trichrome. After 7 days, there was a significant increase in the area of neoformed trabeculae in tibiae irradiated with 0.3 and 0.9 J compared to the controls. At a daily dose of 0.9 J (15 min of irradiation per day) the 7-day group showed a significant increase in trabecular bone growth compared to the 14-day group. However, the laser irradiation at the daily dose of 0.3 J produced no significant decrease in the trabecular area of the 14-day group compared to the 7-day group, but there was significant increase in the trabecular area of the 15-day controls compared to the 8-day controls. Irradiation increased the number of hypertrophic osteoclasts compared to non-irradiated injured tibiae (controls) on days 8 and 15. The Picrosirius-polarization method revealed bands of parallel collagen fibers (parallel-fibered bone) at the repair site of 14-day-irradiated tibiae, regardless of the dose. This organization improved when compared to 7-day-irradiated tibiae and control tibiae. These results show that low-level laser therapy stimulated the growth of the trabecular area and the concomitant invasion of osteoclasts during the first week, and hastened the organization of matrix collagen (parallel alignment of the fibers) in a second phase not seen in control, non-irradiated tibiae at the same period. The active osteoclasts that invaded the regenerating site were probably responsible for the decrease in trabecular area by the fourteenth day of irradiation. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.