861 resultados para Deficit irrigation
A irrigação quando bem manejada, pode minimizar os riscos econômicos da atividade sucroalcooleira, particularmente em safras com presença de instabilidade climática onde a restrição hídrica, promovida pela diminuição no volume de chuvas, pode reduzir a produtividade dos canaviais. Dentre as ferramentas disponíveis para a gestão eficiente da água na agricultura irrigada, a técnica de irrigação sob déficit pode se tornar uma escolha acertada para a cana-de-açúcar, desde que sejam identificadas as fases fenológicas e épocas de cultivo onde a limitação da oferta de água não implique em reduções antieconômicas no rendimento da cultura. Diante disso, a hipótese que norteia essa pesquisa, é a de que existe uma estratégia de irrigação sob déficit, que associada a uma variedade com características específicas, possibilite a expressão de indicadores de produtividade tão satisfatórios quanto os obtidos em condições de irrigação plena. Nessa linha, os objetivos da pesquisa envolveram o estudo da dinâmica foliar, acúmulo e particionamento de biomassa e ainda, índices de produtividade da água para biomassa, açúcar e etanol de 1ª e 2ª geração de oito variedade de cana-de-açúcar, submetidas a diferentes condições de disponibilidade hídrica no solo em dois ciclos de cultivo (cana-planta e cana-soca). A pesquisa foi realizada na Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\", em Piracicaba/SP, onde foram estudados os dois primeiros ciclos de cultivo da cana-de-açúcar, sendo estes abordados nesta tese como Experimento 1 (cana-planta) e Experimento 2 (cana-soca). O delineamento experimental adotado para ambos os ciclos foi o de blocos casualizados, com três blocos completos. Os tratamentos foram compostos por três fatores em esquema de parcelas sub-subdivididas. Estas parcelas foram formadas por duas plantas (touceiras) alocadas em um vaso com aproximadamente 330 litros de solo. No Experimento 1, foram estudados três fatores, sendo o primeiro e segundo com quatro níveis e o terceiro com oito (4x4x8), totalizando assim 128 tratamentos, sendo eles: quatro níveis de irrigação ao longo do ciclo (125, 100, 75 e 50% da ETc); oito variedades comerciais de cana-de-açúcar e quatro procedimentos de maturação, impostos por meio de variações na intensidade do déficit hídrico aplicado. Para o Experimento 2, substitui-se o fator Maturação por Épocas de Corte, o qual consistiu em colheitas de um quarto do experimento a cada 90 dias. Os resultados encontrados apontaram que a área foliar responde positivamente a maior disponibilidade hídrica no solo, tendo sido verificado uma relação proporcional entre estes. Quanto ao acúmulo de biomassa, verificou-se que para as oito variedades estudadas houve incremento de biomassa a medida em que se aumentou o volume de água disponibilizado às variedades. No tocante ao particionamento, as folhas foram os drenos principais de fotoassimilados da planta até os 100 dias de cultivo, sendo que após este período, os colmos ocuparam o lugar de dreno preferencial. Os indicadores de produtividade da água apresentaram diferenças significativas para o fator lâmina, o que indica a existência de cultivares de cana-de-açúcar mais eficientes no uso da água. Por fim, observou-se que a produtividade da água para etanol total apresentou valores expressivos, com média para essa variável igual a 1,81 L m-3, o que denota o potencial de rendimento de etanol (1G + 2G) a partir da cana-de-açúcar quando é adotado o aproveitamento integral das plantas.
La Huerta de Alicante, prototipo de los denominados regadíos deficitarios o secanos mejorados, ofrece uno de los mejores ejemplos de cómo la escasez hídrica activó la búsqueda de soluciones técnicas, propició la inversión en infraestructuras hidráulicas y desarrolló unas peculiares relaciones entre los labradores regantes y los propietarios del agua. La gestión de los recursos hídricos y su distribución por estricto cómputo horario por parte del municipio alicantino hasta 1739 permitió, pese a los condicionantes físicos y climáticos, el desarrollo de una actividad agrícola significativa durante los siglos modernos. La temprana separación del agua de la tierra a la que estaba adscrita en los primeros repartos medievales provocó numerosos conflictos a lo largo de la historia e intentos de unificar ambas propiedades, algo que nunca se consiguió.
Macadamias, adapted to the fringes of subtropical rainforests of coastal, eastern Australia, are resilient to mild water stress. Even after prolonged drought, it is difficult to detect stress in commercial trees. Despite this, macadamia orchards in newer irrigated regions produce more consistent crops than those from traditional, rain-fed regions. Crop fluctuations in the latter tend to follow rainfall patterns. The benefit of irrigation in lower rainfall areas is undisputed, but there are many unanswered questions about the most efficient use of irrigation water. Water is used more efficiently when it is less readily available, causing partial stomatal closure that restricts transpiration more than it restricts photosynthesis. Limited research suggests that macadamias can withstand mild stress. In fact, water use efficiency can be increased by strategic deficit irrigation. However, macadamias are susceptible to stress during oil accumulation. There may be benefits of applying more water at critical times, less at others, and this may vary with cultivar. Currently, it is common for macadamia growers to apply about 20-40 L tree-1 day-1 of water to their orchards in winter and 70-90 L tree-1 day-1 in summer. Research reported water use at 20-30 L tree-1 day-1 during winter and 40-50 L tree-1 day-1 in summer using the Granier sap flow technique. The discrepancy between actual water use and farmer practice may be due to water loss via evaporation from the ground, deep drainage and/or greater transpiration due to luxury water consumption. More irrigation research is needed to develop efficient water use and to set practical limits for deficit irrigation management.
Water deficit is the most limiting factor for yield and fruit-quality parameters in papaya crop (Carica papaya L.), deficit-irrigation (DI) strategies offering a feasible alternative to manage limiting water resources. When DI is applied, it is crucial to assess the physiological status of the crop in order to maintain the plant within a threshold value of water stress so as no to affect yield or fruit-quality parameters. The aim of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of thermal imaging in young papaya plants to assess the physiological status of this crop when it is subjected to different DI regimes, studying the relationships between the changes in leaf temperature (Tleaf) and in the major physiological parameters (i.e., stomatal conductance to water vapor, gs; transpiration, E; and net photosynthesis, An). The trial was conducted in a greenhouse from March to April of 2012. Plants were grown in pots and subjected to four irrigation treatments: (1) a full irrigation treatment (control), maintained at field capacity; (2) a partial root-zone drying treatment, irrigated with 50% of the total water applied to control to only one side of roots, alternating the sides every 7 days; (3) a regulated deficit irrigation (50% of the control, applied to both sides of plant); (4) and a non-irrigated treatment, in which irrigation was withheld from both sides of the split root for 14 days, followed by full irrigation until the end of the study. Significant relationships were found between Tleaf and major physiological variables such as gs, E and An. Additionally, significant relationships were found between the difference of leaf-to-air temperature (ΔTleaf–air) and gas-exchange measurements, which were used to establish the optimum range of ΔTleaf–air as a preliminary step to the crop-water monitoring and irrigation scheduling in papaya, using thermal imaging as the main source of information. According to the results, we conclude that thermal imaging is a promising technique to monitor the physiological status of papaya during drought conditions.
Water deficit is the most limiting factor for yield and fruit-quality parameters in papaya crop (Carica papaya L.), deficit-irrigation (DI) strategies offering a feasible alternative to manage limiting water resources. When DI is applied, it is crucial to assess the physiological status of the crop in order to maintain the plant within a threshold value of water stress so as no to affect yield or fruit-quality parameters. The aim of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of thermal imaging in young papaya plants to assess the physiological status of this crop when it is subjected to different DI regimes, studying the relationships between the changes in leaf temperature (Tleaf) and in the major physiological parameters (i.e., stomatal conductance to water vapor, gs; transpiration, E; and net photosynthesis, An). The trial was conducted in a greenhouse from March to April of 2012. Plants were grown in pots and subjected to four irrigation treatments: (1) a full irrigation treatment (control), maintained at field capacity; (2) a partial root-zone drying treatment, irrigated with 50% of the total water applied to control to only one side of roots, alternating the sides every 7 days; (3) a regulated deficit irrigation (50% of the control, applied to both sides of plant); (4) and a non-irrigated treatment, in which irrigation was withheld from both sides of the split root for 14 days, followed by full irrigation until the end of the study. Significant relationships were found between Tleaf and major physiological variables such as gs, E and An. Additionally, significant relationships were found between the difference of leaf-to-air temperature (ΔTleaf–air) and gas-exchange measurements, which were used to establish the optimum range of ΔTleaf–air as a preliminary step to the crop-water monitoring and irrigation scheduling in papaya, using thermal imaging as the main source of information. According to the results, we conclude that thermal imaging is a promising technique to monitor the physiological status of papaya during drought conditions.
The results of research into the water relations and irrigation requirements of lychee are collated and reviewed. The stages of plant development are summarised, with an emphasis on factors influencing the flowering process. This is followed by reviews of plant water relations, water requirements, water productivity and, finally, irrigation systems. The lychee tree is native to the rainforests of southern China and northern Vietnam, and the main centres of production remain close to this area. In contrast, much of the research on the water relations of this crop has been conducted in South Africa, Australia and Israel where the tree is relatively new. Vegetative growth occurs in a series of flushes. Terminal inflorescences are borne on current shoot growth under cool (<15 °C), dry conditions. Trees generally do not produce fruit in the tropics at altitudes below 300 m. Poor and erratic flowering results in low and irregular fruit yields. Drought can enhance flowering in locations with dry winters. Roots can extract water from depths greater than 2 m. Diurnal trends in stomatal conductance closely match those of leaf water status. Both variables mirror changes in the saturation deficit of the air. Very little research on crop water requirements has been reported. Crop responses to irrigation are complex. In areas with low rainfall after harvest, a moderate water deficit before floral initiation can increase flowering and yield. In contrast, fruit set and yield can be reduced by a severe water deficit after flowering, and the risk of fruit splitting increased. Water productivity has not been quantified. Supplementary irrigation in South-east Asia is limited by topography and competition for water from the summer rice crop, but irrigation is practised in Israel, South Africa, Australia and some other places. Research is needed to determine the benefits of irrigation in different growing areas. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2013.
This paper presents the development and application of a stochastic dynamic programming model with fuzzy state variables for irrigation of multiple crops. A fuzzy stochastic dynamic programming (FSDP) model is developed in which the reservoir storage and soil moisture of the crops are considered as fuzzy numbers, and the reservoir inflow is considered as a stochastic variable. The model is formulated with an objective of minimizing crop yield deficits, resulting in optimal water allocations to the crops by maintaining storage continuity and soil moisture balance. The standard fuzzy arithmetic method is used to solve all arithmetic equations with fuzzy numbers, and the fuzzy ranking method is used to compare two or more fuzzy numbers. The reservoir operation model is integrated with a daily-based water allocation model, which results in daily temporal variations of allocated water, soil moisture, and crop deficits. A case study of an existing Bhadra reservoir in Karnataka, India, is chosen for the model application. The FSDP is a more realistic model because it considers the uncertainty in discretization of state variables. The results obtained using the FSDP model are found to be more acceptable for the case study than those of the classical stochastic dynamic model and the standard operating model, in terms of 10-day releases from the reservoir and evapotranspiration deficit. (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.
The purpose of this study was to identify parents and obtain segregating populations of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) with the potential for tolerance to water deficit. A full diallel was performed with six cowpea genotypes, and two experiments were conducted in Teresina, PI, Brazil in 2011 to evaluate 30 F2 populations and their parents, one under water deficit and the other under full irrigation.
With the increasing frequency and magnitude of warmer days during the summer in the UK, bedding plants which were a traditional part of the urban green landscape are perceived as unsustainable and water-demanding. During recent summers when bans on irrigation have been imposed, use and sales of bedding plants have dropped dramatically having a negative financial impact on the nursery industry. Retaining bedding species as a feature in public and even private spaces in future may be conditional on them being managed in a manner that minimises their water use. Using Petunia x hybrida ‘Hurrah White’ we aimed to discover which irrigation approach was the most efficient for maintaining plants’ ornamental quality (flower numbers, size and longevity), shoot and root growth under water deficit and periods of complete water withdrawal. Plants were grown from plugs for 51 days in wooden rhizotrons (0.35 m (h) x 0.1 m (w) x 0.065 m (d)); the rhizotrons’ front comprised clear Perspex which enabled us to monitor root growth closely. Irrigation treatments were: 1. watering with the amount which constitutes 50% of container capacity by conventional surface drip-irrigation (‘50% TOP’); 2. 50% as sub-irrigation at 10 cm depth (‘50% SUB’); 3. ‘split’ irrigation: 25% as surface drip- and 25% as sub-irrigation at 15 cm depth (‘25/25 SPLIT’); 4. 25% as conventional surface drip-irrigation (‘25% TOP’). Plants were irrigated daily at 18:00 apart from days 34-36 (inclusive) when water was withdrawn for all the treatments. Plants in ‘50% SUB’ had the most flowers and their size was comparable to that of ‘50% TOP’. Differences between treatments in other ‘quality’ parameters (height, shoot number) were biologically small. There was less root growth at deeper soil surface levels for ‘50% TOP’ which indicated that irrigation methods like ‘50% SUB’ and ‘25/25 SPLIT’ and stronger water deficits encouraged deeper root growth. It is suggested that sub-irrigation at 10 cm depth with water amounts of 50% container capacity would result in the most root growth with the maximum flowering for Petunia. Leaf stomatal conductance appeared to be most sensitive to the changes in substrate moisture content in the deepest part of the soil profile, where most roots were situated.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coffea canephora plants (clone INCAPER-99) were submitted to low N (LN) or high N (HN) applications and two watering regimes (daily irrigation and irrigation every 5 days for a month). Although water potential was not altered significantly by N, HN plants showed higher relative water content than did LN plants under water deficit. Only HN plants exhibited some ability for osmotic adjustment. Plants from both N treatments increased their cell wall rigidity under drought, with a more pronounced augmentation in HN plants. In well-watered plants, carbon assimilation rate increased with increasing N while stomatal conductance did not respond to N supply. Under drought conditions, carbon assimilation decreased by 68-80% compared to well-watered plants, whereas stomatal conductance and transpiration rate declined by 35% irrespective of the N applications. Stable carbon isotope analysis, combined with leaf gas exchange measurements, indicated that regardless of the watering treatments, N increased the long-term water use efficiency through changes in carbon assimilation with little or no effect on stomatal behaviour.
A theoretical model was developed in order to determine the optimal moment for substituting the sprayer and pressure regulator kit on a center pivot irrigation machine. The model is based on the hypothesis that pressure regulator and sprayer deterioration decrease irrigation uniformity. To compensate the deficit that happens at under irrigated areas, an increase on irrigation depth is required. The model considers: additional water consumption and energy costs, maintenance and labor costs, as well as yield losses associated with under or over irrigated areas. The sum of all these components is compared to buying and installing a new spray kit cost, allowing the farmer to decide the best moment to renovate the sprayer and pressure regulator kits on a center pivot irrigation machine based on economic criteria.
A theoretical model developed by the authors for determining the optimal moment to substitute sprayer and pressure regulator kit on a center pivot irrigating potatoes and beans has been applied. The methodology compares the sum of the costs due to additional consumption of water and energy, maintenance and labor, as well as yield losses associated to areas with deficit or over irrigation to the costs due to buy and install a new sprinkling set on the pivot. The results showed that for a reduction of 3.07% of the Hermann and Hein’s Uniformity Coefficient (UCh), the substitution of the sprinkling module on the pivot is justified when potatoes and beans are cultivated.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)