987 resultados para David M. Thomas


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Evolution of HIV-1 env sequences was studied in 15 seroconverting injection drug users selected for differences in the extent of CD4 T cell decline. The rates of increase of either sequence diversity at a given visit or divergence from the first seropositive visit were both higher in progressors than in nonprogressors. Viral evolution in individuals with rapid or moderate disease progression showed selection favoring nonsynonymous mutations, while nonprogressors with low viral loads selected against the nonsynonymous mutations that might have resulted in viruses with higher levels of replication. For 10 of the 15 subjects no single variant predominated over time. Evolution away from a dominant variant was followed frequently at a later time point by return to dominance of strains closely related to that variant. The observed evolutionary pattern is consistent with either selection against only the predominant virus or independent evolution occurring in different environments within the host. Differences in the level to which CD4 T cells fall in a given time period reflect not only quantitative differences in accumulation of mutations, but differences in the types of mutations that provide the best adaptation to the host environment.


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Isotretinoin (13-cis retinoic acid) is frequently prescribed for severe acne [Peck, G. L., Olsen, T. G., Yoder, F. W., Strauss, J. S., Downing, D. T., Pandya, M., Butkus, D. & Arnaud-Battandier, J. (1979) N. Engl. J. Med. 300, 329–333] but can impair night vision [Fraunfelder, F. T., LaBraico, J. M. & Meyer, S. M. (1985) Am. J. Ophthalmol. 100, 534–537] shortly after the beginning of therapy [Shulman, S. R. (1989) Am. J. Public Health 79, 1565–1568]. As rod photoreceptors are responsible for night vision, we administered isotretinoin to rats to learn whether night blindness resulted from rod cell death or from rod functional impairment. High-dose isotretinoin was given daily for 2 months and produced systemic toxicity, but this caused no histological loss of rod photoreceptors, and rod-driven electroretinogram amplitudes were normal after prolonged dark adaptation. Additional studies showed, however, that even a single dose of isotretinoin slowed the recovery of rod signaling after exposure to an intense bleaching light, and that rhodopsin regeneration was markedly slowed. When only a single dose was given, rod function recovered to normal within several days. Rods and cones both showed slow recovery from bleach after isotretinoin in rats and in mice. HPLC analysis of ocular retinoids after isotretinoin and an intense bleach showed decreased levels of rhodopsin chromophore, 11-cis retinal, and the accumulation of the biosynthetic intermediates, 11-cis and all-trans retinyl esters. Isotretinoin was also found to protect rat photoreceptors from light-induced damage, suggesting that strategies of altering retinoid cycling may have therapeutic implications for some forms of retinal and macular degeneration.


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Ein Stück Schlamm. Grau, leblos, kalt. Feine Linien ziehen sich hindurch und ein Faden verläuft in einer Zickzack-Linie über die Oberfläche. Es ist eine Sedimentprobe aus dem Pazifischen Ozean, die Stück für Stück ihre Geheimnisse preisgibt. Dr. Lars Max analysiert Sedimentkerne am Alfred-Wegener-Institut und erzählt von der Geschichte unserer Erde und unseres Klimas. Was können wir aus der "grauen" Vergangenheit lernen?