54 resultados para DTP
Indoor air quality (IAQ) parameters in 73 primary classrooms in Porto were examined for the purpose of assessing levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), aldehydes, particulate matter, ventilation rates and bioaerosols within and between schools, and potential sources. Levels of VOCs, aldehydes, PM2.5 , PM10 , bacteria and fungi, carbon dioxide (CO2 ), carbon monoxide, temperature and relative humidity were measured indoors and outdoors and a walkthrough survey was performed concurrently. Ventilation rates were derived from CO2 and occupancy data. Concentrations of CO2 exceeding 1000 ppm were often encountered, indicating poor ventilation. Most VOCs had low concentrations (median of individual species <5 μg/m(3) ) and were below the respective WHO guidelines. Concentrations of particulate matter and culturable bacteria were frequently higher than guidelines/reference values. The variability of VOCs, aldehydes, bioaerosol concentrations, and CO2 levels between schools exceeded the variability within schools. These findings indicate that IAQ problems may persist in classrooms where pollutant sources exist and classrooms are poorly ventilated; source control strategies (related to building location, occupant behavior, maintenance/cleaning activities) are deemed to be the most reliable for the prevention of adverse health consequences in children in schools.
A cross-sectional survey was conducted to characterize the indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools and its relationship with children's respiratory symptoms. Concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOC), aldehydes, PM2.5, PM10, carbon dioxide, bacteria and fungi were assessed in 73 classrooms from 20 public primary schools located in Porto, Portugal. Children who attended the selected classrooms (n = 1134) were evaluated by a standardised health questionnaire completed by the legal guardians; spirometry and exhaled nitric oxide tests. The results indicated that no classrooms presented individual VOC pollutant concentrations higher than the WHO IAQ guidelines or by INDEX recommendations; while PM2.5, PM10 and bacteria levels exceeded the WHO air quality guidelines or national limit values. High levels of total VOC, acetaldehyde, PM2.5 and PM10 were associated with higher odds of wheezing in children. Thus, indoor air pollutants, some even at low exposure levels, were related with the development of respiratory symptoms. The results pointed out that it is crucial to take into account the unique characteristics of the public primary schools, to develop appropriate control strategies in order to reduce the exposure to indoor air pollutants and, therefore, to minimize the adverse health effects.
The main aim of the research project "On the Contribution of Schools to Children's Overall Indoor Air Exposure" is to study associations between adverse health effects, namely, allergy, asthma, and respiratory symptoms, and indoor air pollutants to which children are exposed to in primary schools and homes. Specifically, this investigation reports on the design of the study and methods used for data collection within the research project and discusses factors that need to be considered when designing such a study. Further, preliminary findings concerning descriptors of selected characteristics in schools and homes, the study population, and clinical examination are presented. The research project was designed in two phases. In the first phase, 20 public primary schools were selected and a detailed inspection and indoor air quality (IAQ) measurements including volatile organic compounds (VOC), aldehydes, particulate matter (PM2.5, PM10), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), bacteria, fungi, temperature, and relative humidity were conducted. A questionnaire survey of 1600 children of ages 8-9 years was undertaken and a lung function test, exhaled nitric oxide (eNO), and tear film stability testing were performed. The questionnaire focused on children's health and on the environment in their school and homes. One thousand and ninety-nine questionnaires were returned. In the second phase, a subsample of 68 children was enrolled for further studies, including a walk-through inspection and checklist and an extensive set of IAQ measurements in their homes. The acquired data are relevant to assess children's environmental exposures and health status.
Children spend a large part of their time at schools, which might be reflected as chronic exposure. Ultrafine particles (UFP) are generally associated with a more severe toxicity compared to fine and coarse particles, due to their ability to penetrate cell membranes. In addition, children tend to be more susceptible to UFP-mediated toxicity compared to adults, due to various factors including undeveloped immune and respiratory systems and inhalation rates. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine indoor UFP number concentrations in Portuguese primary schools. Ultrafine particles were sampled between January and March 2014 in 10 public primary schools (35 classrooms) located in Porto, Portugal. Overall, the average indoor UFP number concentrations were not significantly different from outdoor concentrations (8.69 × 10(3) vs. 9.25 × 10(3) pt/cm(3), respectively; considering 6.5 h of indoor occupancy). Classrooms with distinct characteristics showed different trends of indoor UFP concentrations. The levels of carbon dioxide were negatively correlated with indoor UFP concentrations. Occupational density was significantly and positively correlated with UFP concentrations. Although the obtained results need to be interpreted with caution since there are no guidelines for UFP levels, special attention needs to be given to source control strategies in order to reduce major particle emissions and ensure good indoor air quality.
Numa era em que a globalização obriga cada vez mais à comunicação internacional, a tradução parece ver crescer a sua importância de dia para dia. Com o mercado em constante mutação e flutuação, esta é uma área que requer mais competências da parte de quem pretende seguir tradução, à medida que as exigências vão aumentando e o leque de serviços associados a esta profissão se vai diversificando, desde a pesquisa e compilação de terminologia a trabalhos de formatação e DTP. A ideia do tradutor que trabalha isolado atrás de pilhas de dicionários já não faz parte do imaginário comum, tendo sido substituída pela de um profissional multifacetado e capaz de se adaptar a diferentes cenários, mantendo uma actualização constante das suas competências de modo a acompanhar a evolução a que se assiste actualmente. Dentro do referido leque de novas competências, vemos emergir a função do Gestor de projectos, já há muito conhecida em áreas como a Engenharia ou Informática, mas que se descobre ser capaz de adaptar a todas as áreas, já que praticamente qualquer actividade pode ser considerada um projecto, desde a construção de uma estátua ao planeamento de uma viagem e, claro, de um trabalho de tradução. A ideia deste projecto surgiu, assim, a partir do momento em que tomámos consciência da lacuna de informação existente sobre esta profissão: gestor de projectos de tradução. Assim, reunido um conjunto de experiências nesta área, pretendemos apresentar uma resenha de ideias e conhecimentos, sendo que o que o objectivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma perspectiva da actividade de Gestão de Projectos de Tradução. Deste modo, focamos o nosso estudo essencialmente na vertente empresarial, realidade com a qual temos mais contacto.
Dissertação de mestrado em Bioquímica, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2016.
Objectives: To describe the frequency of feared discrimination in various social situations and of perceived discrimination in clinical settings, as well as to study the relationship between discrimination and depression and anger in women living with human immunodeiciency virus (HIV). Material and methods: The scale of Feared and Perceived Discrimination for Women with HIV (DTP-40-MV), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-2), and the Anger Expression scale of State-Trait-anger expression inventory (STaXi-2-aX/eX) were applied to a random sample of 200 women living with HIV. Results: These women feared being discriminated against, perceived discrimination upon the review of medical records, but perceived little discrimination in clinical care. a model with good adjustment to the data showed that the fear of being discriminated against creates a disposition toward perception of discrimination in the clinical settings (latent variable with 2 indicators: review of the medical records and clinical care) and increases cognitive/affective depressive symptoms; higher anger control decreases the anger manifestation; greater discrimination perceived in the clinical settings decreases anger control, which facilitates the expression of anger and slows cognitive/affective depressive symptoms; and these latter symptoms sensitize the perception of discrimination before the clinical records. Conclusion: Feared discrimination is a clinically relevant aspect due to its frequency and effect on depressive symptoms and perception of discrimination before the review of medical records.
Compte tenu de l’ampleur des maladies chroniques et de leur répercussion économique sur la société française, l’Éducation thérapeutique du patient (ÉTP) est devenue incontournable. Cependant, la place des savoirs expérientiels revendiquée par les patients réinterroge le pouvoir professionnel des soignants. Notre recherche est descriptive et intègre une approche quasi-experimentale. Il s’agit d’étudier l’influence des stratégies hétérorégulatives mises en œuvre par les infirmières en activité d’ÉTP sur l’apprentissage des personnes adultes atteintes de maladie chronique à autoréguler leur santé-dans-la maladie. Nous avons créé un dispositif de formation qui repose sur une triangulation théorique entre la théorie sociocognitive de Bandura (2003) et plus précisément les sources d’activation du sentiment d’efficacité personnel (SEP), un construit issue des sciences infirmières qu’est la santé-dans-la-maladie (Ellefsen, 2010) et une approche en soins infirmiers fondée sur les forces (Gottlieb et Gottlieb, 2014) mettant un fort accent sur le partenariat de collaboration soignés-soignants. Nos groupes témoins (GT) et expérimentaux (GE) ont été composés de dyades d’infirmières et de patients atteins de diabète de type 2, en atelier d’ÉTP sur le thème de l’hypoglycémie et ce, dans deux Centres hospitaliers universitaires (CHU) différents. Ce sont au total huit infirmières et trente patients qui ont été investigués. Le GT est constitué de quatre infirmières ayant chacune un groupe de patients et il en est de même pour le GE. Nous avions un GT et un GE dans chacun des CHU. Nos outils de recueil de données identiques pour les deux groupes sont : une échelle psychométrique créée par nos soins et vérifiée statistiquement, destinée à mesurer le SEP spécifique des patients avant la formation, de suite après la formation et à distance de la formation à un mois ; la vidéoscopie avec grille d’encodage pour observer en différé les pratiques pédagogiques des infirmières. Seules les infirmières du groupe expérimental ont été formées à notre dispositif. Les données recueillies ont subi un traitement statistique. Suite à l’analyse des résultats, nous sommes en mesure de dire qu’il existe une différence entre les pratiques pédagogiques des infirmières du GT et du GE. Les infirmières du GE ont mis en œuvre l’intégralité des sources d’activation du SEP dont le construit de santé-dans-la-maladie dans une dynamique de partenariat de collaboration et il existe un impact significatif sur les scores d’auto-efficacité des patients du GE en post-test immédiat avec maintien dans le temps à un mois. Ceci n’est pas le cas pour les patients du GT. Les infirmières du GT ont réalisé les pratiques pédagogiques qu’elles avaient l’habitude de mettre en œuvre. Les scores d’auto-efficacité des patients du GT ne connaissent pas d'évolution notable en post-test immédiat et à un mois.
The possibility to control molar mass and termination of the growing chain is fundamental to create well-defined, reproducible materials. For this reason, in order to apply polydithienopyrrole (PDTP) as organic conjugated polymer, the possibility of controlled polymerization needs to be verified. Another aspect that is still not completely explored is bound to the optical activity of the PDTP, which bearing appropriate substituents may adopt a helical conformation. The configuration of the helix, built up from achiral co-monomers, can be established in an enantiopure way by using only a small percentage of the chiral monomer co-polymerized with achiral co-monomer. The effect, called “sergeants and soldiers effect”, is expressed by the nonlinear increase of the chiral response vs the ratio of the chiral co-monomer used for the polymerization. To date, this effect is still not completely explored for PDTP. In this framework the project will investigate, firstly, the possibility to obtain a controlled polymerization of PDTP. Then, monomers with different side chains and organometallic functions will be screened for a CTCP-type polymerization. Also a Lewis-acid based cationic polymerization will be performed. Moreover the chemical derivatization of dithienopyrrole DTP is explored: the research is going to concern also block copolymers, built up by DTP and monomers of different nature. The research will be extended also to the investigation of optically active derivates of PDTP, using a chiral monomer for the synthesis. The possibility to develop a supramolecular distribution of the polymeric chains, together with the “sergeants and soldiers effect” will be checked investigating a series of polymers with increasing amounts of chiral monomer.