998 resultados para DNA helix


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DNA topoisomerases are ubiquitous nuclear enzymes that govern the topological interconversions of DNA by transiently breaking/rejoining the phosphodiester backbone of one (type I) or both (type II) strands of the double helix. Consistent with these functions, topoisomerases play key roles in many aspects of DNA metabolism. Type II DNA topoisomerase (topo II) is vital for various nuclear processes, including DNA replication, chromosome segregation, and maintenance of chromosome structure. Topo II expression is regulated at multiple stages, including transcriptional, posttranscriptional, and posttranslational levels, by a multitude of signaling factors. Topo II is also the cellular target for a variety of clinically relevant anti-tumor drugs. Despite significant progress in our understanding of the role of topo II in diverse nuclear processes, several important aspects of topo II function, expression, and regulation are poorly understood. We have focused this review specifically on eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase II, with an emphasis on functional and regulatory characteristics.


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We have used circular dichroism as a probe to characterize the solution conformational changes in RecA protein upon binding to DNA. This approach revealed that RecA protein acquires significant amounts of alpha-helix upon interaction with DNA. These observations, consistent with the data from crystal structure (Story, R. M., Weber, I., and Steitz, T. (1992) Nature 355, 318-325), support the notion that some basic domains including the DNA binding motifs of RecA protein are unstructured and might contribute to the formation of alpha-helix. A comparison of nucleoprotein filaments comprised of RecA protein and a variety of DNA substrates revealed important structural heterogeneity. The most significant difference was observed with poly(dG). poly(dC) and related polymers, rich in GC sequences, which induced minimal amounts of alpha-helix in RecA protein. The magnitude of induction of alpha-helix in RecA protein, which occurred concomitant with the production of ternary complexes, was 2-fold higher with homologous than heterologous duplex DNA. Most importantly, the stimulation of ATP hydrolysis by high salt coincided with that of the induction of alpha-helix in RecA protein. These conformational differences provide a basis for thinking about the biochemical and structural transitions that RecA protein experiences during the formal steps of presynapsis, recognition, and alignment of homologous sequences.


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The TCP transcription factors control multiple developmental traits in diverse plant species. Members of this family share an similar to 60-residue-long TCP domain that binds to DNA. The TCP domain is predicted to form a basic helix-loop-helix ( bHLH) structure but shares little sequence similarity with canonical bHLH domain. This classifies the TCP domain as a novel class of DNA binding domain specific to the plant kingdom. Little is known about how the TCP domain interacts with its target DNA. We report biochemical characterization and DNA binding properties of a TCP member in Arabidopsis thaliana, TCP4. We have shown that the 58-residue domain of TCP4 is essential and sufficient for binding to DNA and possesses DNA binding parameters comparable to canonical bHLH proteins. Using a yeast-based random mutagenesis screen and site-directed mutants, we identified the residues important for DNA binding and dimer formation. Mutants defective in binding and dimerization failed to rescue the phenotype of an Arabidopsis line lacking the endogenous TCP4 activity. By combining structure prediction, functional characterization of the mutants, and molecular modeling, we suggest a possible DNA binding mechanism for this class of transcription factors.


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A fully self-consistent formulation is described here for the analysis and generation of base-pairs in non-uniform DNA structures, in terms of various local parameters. It is shown that the internal "wedge parameters" are mathematically related to the parameters describing the base-pair orientation with respect to an external helix axis. Hence any one set of three translation and three rotation parameters are necessary and sufficient to completely describe the relative orientation of the base-pairs comprising a step (or doublet). A general procedure is outlined for obtaining an average or global helix axis from the local helix axes for each step. A graphical representation of the local helix axes in the form of a polar plot is also shown and its application for estimating the curvature of oligonucleotide structures is illustrated, with examples of both A and B type structures.


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The crystal structure of a hexamer duplex d(CACGTG)(2) has been determined and refined to an R-factor of 18.3% using X-ray data up to 1.2 angstrom resolution. The sequence crystallizes as a left-handed Z-form double helix with Watson-Crick base pairing. There is one hexamer duplex, a spermine molecule, 71 water molecules, and an unexpected diamine (Z-5, 1,3-propanediamine, C3H10N2)) in the asymmetric unit. This is the high-resolution non-disordered structure of a Z-DNA hexamer containing two AT base pairs in the interior of a duplex with no modifications such as bromination or methylation on cytosine bases. This structure does not possess multivalent cations such as cobalt hexaammine that are known to stabilize Z-DNA. The overall duplex structure and its crystal interactions are similar to those of the pure-spermine form of the d(CGCGCG)(2) structure. The spine of hydration in the minor groove is intact except in the vicinity of the T5A8 base pair. The binding of the Z-5 molecule in the minor grove of the d(CACGTG)(2) duplex appears to have a profound effect in conferring stability to a Z-DNA conformation via electrostatic complementarity and hydrogen bonding interactions. The successive base stacking geometry in d(CACGTG)(2) is similar to the corresponding steps in d(CG)(3). These results suggest that specific polyamines such as Z-5 could serve as powerful inducers of Z-type conformation in unmodified DNA sequences with AT base pairs. This structure provides a molecular basis for stabilizing AT base pairs incorporated into an alternating d(CG) sequence.


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DNA adopts different conformations not only based on novel base pairs, but also with different chain polarities. Besides several duplex structures (A, B, Z, parallel stranded (ps)-DNA, etc.), DNA also forms higher-order structures like triplex, tetraplex, and i-motif. Each of these structures has its own biological significance. The ps-duplexes have been found to be resistant to certain nucleases and endonucleases. Molecules that promote triple-helix formation have significant potential. These investigations have many therapeutic advantages which may be useful in the regulation of the expression of genes responsible for certain diseases by locking either their transcription (antigene) or translation (antisense). Each DNA minor groove binding ligand (MGBL) interacts with DNA through helical minor groove recognition in a sequence-specific manner, and this interferes with several DNA-associated processes. Incidentally, these ligands interact with some non-B-DNA and with higher-order DNA structures including ps-DNA and triplexes. While the design and recognition of minor grooves of duplex DNA by specific MGBLs have been a topic of many reports, limited information is available on the binding behavior of MGBLs with nonduplex DNA. In this review, we summarize various attempts of the interaction of MGBLs with ps-DNA and DNA triplexes.


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We have constructed a space-filling (Corey-Pauling-Koltun) model of an alternative structure for DNA. This structure is not a double helix, but consists of a pair of polynucleotide strands lying side by side and held together by Watson-Crick base pairing. Each of the two strands has alternating right- and left-handed helical segments approximately five base pairs in length. Sugar residues in alternating segments along a strand point in opposite directions. A structure slightly different from the present one proposed earlier by ourselves and another group and in which sugars in a strand all point in the same direction is ruled out. The present structure yields natural solutions to the problems of supercoiling of DNA and of strand separation during DNA replication. This model is energetically more favorable than the double helix.


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Kinetics of the interaction of Au(III) with native calf thymus DNA has been studied spectrophotometrically to determine the kinetic parameters and to examine their dependency on the concentrations of DNA and Au(III), temperature, ionic strength and pH. The reaction is of the first order with respect to both the nucleotide unit of DNA and Au(III) in the stoichiometry of 2∶1 respectively. The rate constants vary with the initial ratio of DNA to Au(III) and is attributed to the effect of free chloride ions and the existence of a number of reaction sites with slight difference in the rate constants. The activation energies of this interaction have been found to be 14–16 kcal/mol. From the effect of ionic strength the reaction is found to occur between a positive and a negative ion in the rate-limiting step. The logarithm of rate constants are the linear function of pH and the slopes are dependent on ther-values. A plausible mechanism has been proposed which involves a primary dissociation of the major existing species (AuCl2(OH)2)−, to give (AuCl2)+ which then reacts with a site in the nucleotide unit of DNA in the rate-liminting step followed by a rapid binding to another site on the complementary strand of the DNA double helix. There exist a number of binding sites with slight difference in reactivity.


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We have analyzed the set of inter and intra base pair parameters for each dinucleotide step in single crystal structures of dodecamers, solved at high and medium resolution and all crystallized in P2(1)2(1)2(1) space group. The objective was to identify whether all the structures which have either the Drew-Dickerson (DD) sequence d[CGCGAATTCGCG] with some base modification or related sequence (non-DD), would display the same sequence dependent structural variability about its palindromic sequence, despite the molecule being bent at one end because of similar crystal lattice packing effect. Most of the local doublet parameters for base pairs steps G2-C3 and G10-C11 positions, symmetrically situated about the lateral twofold, were significantly correlated between themselves. In non-DD sequences, significant correlations between these positional parameters were absent. The different range of local step parameter values at each sequence position contributed to the gross feature of smooth helix axis bending in all structures. The base pair parameters in some of the positions, for medium resolution DD sequence, were quite unlike the high-resolution set and encompassed a higher range of values. Twist and slide are the two main parameters that show wider conformational range for the middle region of non-DD sequence structures in comparison to DD sequence structures. On the contrary, the minor and major groove features bear good resemblance between DD and non-DD sequence crystal structure datasets. The sugar-phosphate backbone torsion angles are similar in all structures, in sharp contrast to base pair parameter variation for high and low resolution DD and non-DD sequence structures, consisting of unusual (epsilon =g(-), xi =t) B-II conformation at the 10(th) position of the dodecamer sequence. Thus examining DD and non-DD sequence structures packed in the same crystal lattice arrangement, we infer that inter and intra base pair parameters are as symmetrically equivalent in its value as the symmetry related step for the palindromic DD sequence about lateral two-fold axis. This feature would lead us to agree with the conclusion that DNA conformation is not substantially affected by end-to-end or lateral inter-molecular interaction due to crystal lattice packing effect. Non-DD sequence structures acquire step parameter values which reflect the altered sequence at each of the dodecamer sequence position in the orthorhombic lattice while showing similar gross features of DD sequence structures


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The importance and usefulness of local doublet parameters in understanding sequence dependent effects has been described for A- and B-DNA oligonucleotide crystal structures. Each of the two sets of local parameters described by us in the NUPARM algorithm, namely the local doublet parameters, calculated with reference to the mean z-axis, and the local helical parameters, calculated with reference to the local helix axis, is sufficient to describe the oligonucleotide structures, with the local helical parameters giving a slightly magnified picture of the variations in the structures. The values of local doublet parameters calculated by NUPARM algorithm are similar to those calculated by NEWHELIX90 program, only if the oligonucleotide fragment is not too distorted. The mean values obtained using all the available data for B-DNA crystals are not significantly different from those obtained when a limited data set is used, consisting only of structures with a data resolution of better than 2.4 A and without any bound drug molecule. Thus the variation observed in the oligonucleotide crystals appears to be independent of the quality of their crystallinity. No strong correlation is seen between any pair of local doublet parameters but the local helical parameters are interrelated by geometric relationships. An interesting feature that emerges from this analysis is that the local rise along the z-axis is highly correlated with the difference in the buckle values of the two basepairs in the doublet, as suggested earlier for the dodecamer structures (Bansal and Bhattacharyya, in Structure & Methods: DNA & RNA, Vol. 3 (Eds., R.H. Sarma and M.H. Sarma), pp. 139-153 (1990)). In fact the local rise values become almost constant for both A- and B-forms, if a correction is applied for the buckling of the basepairs. In B-DNA the AA, AT, TA and GA basepair sequences generally have a smaller local rise (3.25 A) compared to the other sequences (3.4 A) and this seems to be an intrinsic feature of basepair stacking interaction and not related to any other local doublet parameter. The roll angles in B-DNA oligonucleotides have small values (less than +/- 8 degrees), while mean local twist varies from 24 degrees to 45 degrees. The CA/TG doublet sequences show two types of preferred geometries, one with positive roll, small positive slide and reduced twist and another with negative roll, large positive slide and increased twist.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)


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Methylated guanine damage at O6 position (i.e. O6MG) is dangerous due to its mutagenic and carcinogenic character that often gives rise to G:C-A:T mutation. However, the reason for this mutagenicity is not known precisely and has been a matter of controversy. Further, although it is known that O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (AGT) repairs O6MG paired with cytosine in DNA, the complete mechanism of target recognition and repair is not known completely. All these aspects of DNA damage and repair have been addressed here by employing high level density functional theory in gas phase and aqueous medium. It is found that the actual cause of O6MG mediated mutation may arise due to the fact that DNA polymerases incorporate thymine opposite to O6MG, misreading the resulting O6MG:T complex as an A:T base pair due to their analogous binding energies and structural alignments. It is further revealed that AGT mediated nucleotide flipping occurs in two successive steps. The intercalation of the finger residue Arg 128 into the DNA double helix and its interaction with the O6MG: C base pair followed by rotation of the O6MG nucleotide are found to be crucial for the damage recognition and nucleotide flipping.


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Crossover motifs are integral components for designing DNA-based nanostructures and nanomechanical devices due to their enhanced rigidity compared to the normal B-DNA. Although the structural rigidity of the double helix B-DNA has been investigated extensively using both experimental and theoretical tools, to date there is no quantitative information about structural rigidity and the mechanical strength of parallel crossover DNA motifs. We have used fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent to get the force-extension curve of parallel DNA nanostructures to characterize their mechanical rigidity. In the presence of monovalent Na(+) ions, we find that the stretch modulus (gamma(1)) of the paranemic crossover and its topoisomer JX DNA structure is significantly higher (similar to 30%) compared to normal B-DNA of the same sequence and length. However, this is in contrast to the original expectation that these motifs are almost twice as rigid compared to the double-stranded B-DNA. When the DNA motif is surrounded by a solvent with Mg(2+) counterions, we find an enhanced rigidity compared to Na(+) environment due to the electrostatic screening effects arising from the divalent nature of Mg(2+) ions. To our knowledge, this is the first direct determination of the mechanical strength of these crossover motifs, which can be useful for the design of suitable DNA for DNA-based nanostructures and nanomechanical devices with improved structural rigidity.


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Liquid water is known to exhibit remarkable thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies, ranging from solvation properties in supercritical state to an apparent divergence of the linear response functions at a low temperature. Anomalies in various dynamic properties of water have also been observed in the hydration layer of proteins, DNA grooves and inside the nanocavity, such as reverse micelles and nanotubes. Here we report studies on the molecular origin of these anomalies in supercooled water, in the grooves of DNA double helix and reverse micelles. The anomalies have been discussed in terms of growing correlation length and intermittent population fluctuation of 4- and 5-coordinated species. We establish correlation between thermodynamic response functions and mean squared species number fluctuation. Lifetime analysis of 4- and 5-coordinated species reveals interesting differences between the role of the two species in supercooled and constrained water. The nature and manifestations of the apparent and much discussed liquid-liquid transition under confinement are found to be markedly different from that in the bulk. We find an interesting `faster than bulk' relaxation in reverse micelles which we attribute to frustration effects created by competition between the correlations imposed by surface interactions and that imposed by hydrogen bond network of water.


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The HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) is a trimer of gp120-gp41 heterodimers and is essential for viral entry. The gp41 subunit in native, prefusion trimeric Env exists in a metastable conformation and attains a stable six-helix bundle (6-HB) conformation comprised of a trimer of N-heptad repeat (NHR) and C-heptad repeat (CHR) heterodimers, that drives the fusion of viral and cellular membranes. We attempted to stabilize native Env trimers by incorporation of mutations at the NHR-CHR interface that disrupt the postfusion 6-HB of gp41. The mutations V570D and I573D stabilize native Env of the HIV-1 JRFL strain and occlude nonneutralizing epitopes to a greater extent than the previously identified I559P mutation that is at the interface of the NHR trimers in the 6-HB. The mutations prevent soluble-CD4 (sCD4)-induced gp120 shedding and 6-HB formation. In the context of cell surface-expressed JRFL Env, introduction of a previously reported additional disulfide between residues A501 and T605 perturbs the native conformation, though this effect is partially alleviated by furin coexpression. The data suggest that positions 570 and 573 are surface proximal in native Env and that the NHR homotrimeric coiled coil in native Env terminates before or close to residue 573. Aspartic acid substitutions at these positions stabilize native trimers through destabilization of the postfusion 6-HB conformation. These mutations can be used to stabilize Env in a DNA vaccine format. IMPORTANCE The major protein on the surface of HIV-1 is the envelope (Env) glycoprotein. Env is a trimer of gp120-gp41 heterodimers. gp120 is involved in receptor/coreceptor binding and gp41 in the fusion of viral and cellular membranes. Like many other viral fusion proteins, the gp41 subunit in native trimeric Env exists in a metastable conformation. gp41 readily forms a stable six-helix bundle (6-HB) conformation comprised of a trimer of N-heptad repeat (NHR) and C-heptad repeat (CHR) heterodimers that drives fusion of viral and cellular membranes. While it is expected that native Env is a good immunogen, its metastability results in exposure of immunodominant nonneutralizing epitopes. In the present study, we stabilize native Env trimers by incorporation of a number of different mutations at the NHR-CHR interface that disrupt the postfusion 6-HB of gp41. The stabilized constructs described here can be incorporated into DNA vaccine candidates.


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DNA nanotubes are tubular structures composed of DNA crossover molecules. We present a bottom up approach for the construction and characterization of these structures. Various possible topologies of nanotubes are constructed such as 6-helix, 8-helix and tri-tubes with different sequences and lengths. We have used fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to study the structure, stability and elasticity of these structures. Several nanosecond long MD simulations give the microscopic details about DNA nanotubes. Based on the structural analysis of simulation data, we show that 6-helix nanotubes are stable and maintain their tubular structure; while 8-helix nanotubes are flattened to stabilize themselves. We also comment on the sequence dependence and the effect of overhangs. These structures are approximately four times more rigid having a stretch modulus of similar to 4000 pN compared to the stretch modulus of 1000 pN of a DNA double helix molecule of the same length and sequence. The stretch moduli of these nanotubes are also three times larger than those of PX/JX crossover DNA molecules which have stretch moduli in the range of 1500-2000 pN. The calculated persistence length is in the range of a few microns which is close to the reported experimental results on certain classes of DNA nanotubes.