954 resultados para DISSOCIATION ENERGIES
Effect of erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser energies on superficial and deep dentin microhardness
This study evaluated the microhardness of superficial and deep dentin irradiated with different erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Er:YAG) laser energies. Seventy-two molars were bisected and randomly assigned to two groups (superficial dentin or deep dentin) and into six subgroups (160 mJ, 200 mJ, 260 mJ, 300 mJ, 360 mJ, and control). After irradiation, the cavities were longitudinally bisected. Microhardness was measured at six points (20 A mu m, 40 A mu m, 60 A mu m, 80 A mu m, 100 A mu m, and 200 A mu m) under the cavity floor. Data were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Fisher`s tests (alpha = 0.05). Superficial dentin presented higher microhardness than deep dentin; energy of 160 mJ resulted in the highest microhardness and 360 mJ the lowest one. Values at all points were different, exhibiting increasing microhardness throughout; superficial dentin microhardness was the highest at 20 A mu m with 160 mJ energy; for deep dentin, microhardness after irradiation at 160 mJ and 200 mJ was similar to that of the control. The lowest energy increased superficial dentin microhardness at the closest extent under the cavity; deep dentin microhardness was not altered by energies of 160 mJ and 200 mJ.
Information processing accounts propose that autonomic orienting reflects the amount of resources allocated to process a stimulus. However, secondary task reaction time (RT), a supposed measure of processing resources, has shown a dissociation from autonomic orienting. The present study tested the hypothesis that secondary task RT reflects a serial processing mechanism. Participants (N = 24) were presented with circle and ellipse shapes and asked to count the number of longer-than-usual presentations of one shape (task-relevant) and to ignore presentations of a second shape (task-irrelevant). Concurrent with the counting task, participants performed a secondary RT task to an auditory probe presented at either a high or low intensity and at two different probe positions following shape onset (50 and 300 ms). Electrodermal orienting was larger during task-relevant shapes than during task-irrelevant shapes, but secondary task RT to the high-intensity probe was slower during the latter. In addition, an underadditive interaction between probe stimulus intensity and probe position was found in secondary RT. The findings are consistent with a serial processing model of secondary RT and suggest that the notion of processing stages should be incorporated into current information-processing models of autonomic orienting.
Resonance phenomena associated with the unimolecular dissociation of HO2 have been investigated quantum-mechanically by the Lanczos homogeneous filter diagonalization (LHFD) method. The calculated resonance energies, rates (widths), and product state distributions are compared to results from an autocorrelation function-based filter diagonalization (ACFFD) method. For calculating resonance wave functions via ACFFD, an analytical expression for the expansion coefficients of the modified Chebyshev polynomials is introduced. Both dissociation rates and product state distributions of O-2 show strong fluctuations, indicating the dissociation of HO2 is essentially irregular. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.
We develop a new iterative filter diagonalization (FD) scheme based on Lanczos subspaces and demonstrate its application to the calculation of bound-state and resonance eigenvalues. The new scheme combines the Lanczos three-term vector recursion for the generation of a tridiagonal representation of the Hamiltonian with a three-term scalar recursion to generate filtered states within the Lanczos representation. Eigenstates in the energy windows of interest can then be obtained by solving a small generalized eigenvalue problem in the subspace spanned by the filtered states. The scalar filtering recursion is based on the homogeneous eigenvalue equation of the tridiagonal representation of the Hamiltonian, and is simpler and more efficient than our previous quasi-minimum-residual filter diagonalization (QMRFD) scheme (H. G. Yu and S. C. Smith, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1998, 283, 69), which was based on solving for the action of the Green operator via an inhomogeneous equation. A low-storage method for the construction of Hamiltonian and overlap matrix elements in the filtered-basis representation is devised, in which contributions to the matrix elements are computed simultaneously as the recursion proceeds, allowing coefficients of the filtered states to be discarded once their contribution has been evaluated. Application to the HO2 system shows that the new scheme is highly efficient and can generate eigenvalues with the same numerical accuracy as the basic Lanczos algorithm.
The nature of the semantic memory deficit in dementia of the Alzheimer's type (DAT) was investigated in a semantic priming task which was designed to assess both automatic and attention-induced priming effects. Ten DAT patients and 10 age-matched control subjects completed a word naming semantic priming task in which both relatedness proportion (RP) and stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) were varied. A clear dissociation between automatic and attentional priming effects in both groups was demonstrated; however, the DAT subjects pattern of priming deviated significantly from that of the normal controls. The DAT patients failed to produce any priming under conditions which encouraged automatic semantic processing and produced facilitation only when the RP was high. In addition, the DAT group produced hyperpriming, with significantly larger facilitation effects than the control group. These results suggest an impairment of automatic spreading activation in DAT and have implications for theories of semantic memory impairment in DAT as well as models of normal priming. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Pure tungsten and tantalum plates and tungsten-tantalum composites produced via mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering were bombarded with He+ and D+ energetic ion beams and deuterium plasmas. The aim of this experiment is to study the effects caused by individual helium and deuterium exposures and to evidence that the modifications induced in the composites at different irradiation energies could be followed by irradiating the pristine constituent elements under the same experimental conditions, which is relevant considering the development of tailored composites for fusion applications. Higher D retentions, especially in tungsten, and superficial blistering are observed in both components after helium exposure. The blistering is magnified in the tantalum phase of composites due to its higher ductility and to water vapour production under deuterium irradiation. At lower irradiation energies the induced effects are minor. After plasma exposure, the presence of tantalum does not increase the D content in the composites. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The interaction of ionising radiation with living tissues may direct or indirectly generate several secondary species with relevant genotoxic potential. Due to recent findings that electrons with energies below the ionisation threshold can effectively damage DNA, radiation-induced damage to biological systems has increasingly come under scrutiny. The exact physico-chemical processes that occur in the first stages of electron induced damage remain to be explained. However, it is also known that free electrons have a short lifetime in the physiological medium. Hence, electron transfer processes studies represent an alternative approach through which the role of "bound" electrons as a source of damage to biological tissues can be further explored. The thesis work consists of studying dissociative electron attachment (DEA) and electron transfer to taurine and thiaproline. DEA measurements were executed in Siedlce University with Prof. Janina Kopyra under COST action MP1002 (Nanoscale insights in ion beam cancer therapy). The electron transfer experiments were conducted in a crossed atom(potassium)-molecule beam arrangement. In these studies the anionic fragmentation patterns were obtained. The results of both mechanisms are shown to be significantly different, unveiling that the damaging potential of secondary electrons can be underestimated. In addition, sulphur atoms appear to strongly influence the dissociation process, demonstrating that certain reactions can be controlled by substitution of sulphur at specific molecular sites.
Tese de Doutoramento - Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Industrial e Sistemas (PDEIS)
The final ATLAS Run 1 measurements of Higgs boson production and couplings in the decay channel H→ZZ∗→ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′−, where ℓ,ℓ′=e or μ, are presented. These measurements were performed using pp collision data corresponding to integrated luminosities of 4.5 fb−1 and 20.3 fb−1 at center-of-mass energies of 7 TeV and 8 TeV, respectively, recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The H→ZZ∗→4ℓ signal is observed with a significance of 8.1 standard deviations at 125.36 GeV, the combined ATLAS measurement of the Higgs boson mass from the H→γγ and H→ZZ∗→4ℓ channels. The production rate relative to the Standard Model expectation, the signal strength, is measured in four different production categories in the H→ZZ∗→4ℓ channel. The measured signal strength, at this mass, and with all categories combined, is 1.44 +0.40−0.33. The signal strength for Higgs boson production in gluon fusion or in association with tt¯ or bb¯ pairs is found to be 1.7 +0.5−0.4, while the signal strength for vector-boson fusion combined with WH/ZH associated production is found to be 0.3 +1.6−0.9.
Fabienne-Agnes Baumann, Klaus Jenewein, Axel Müller
Choline supplementation improving memory functions in rodents is assumed to increase the synthesis and release of acetylcholine in the brain. We have found that a combined pre- and postnatal supplementation results in long-lasting facilitation of spatial memory in juvenile rats when training was conducted in presence of a local salient cue. The present work was aimed at analysing the effects of peri- and postnatal choline supplementation on spatial abilities of naive adult rats. Rats given a perinatal choline supplementation were trained in various cued procedures of the Morris navigation task when aged 5 months. The treatment had a specific effect of reducing the escape latency of the rats when the platform was at a fixed position in space and surrounded by a suspended cue. This effect was associated with an increased spatial bias when the cue and platform were removed. In this condition, the control rats showed impaired spatial discrimination following the removal of the target cue, most likely due to an overshadowing of the distant environmental cues. This impairment was not observed in the treated rats. Further training with the suspended cue at unpredictable places in the pool revealed longer escape latencies in the control than in the treated rats suggesting that this procedure induced a selective perturbation of the normal but not of the treated rats. A special probe trial with the cue at an irrelevant position and no escape platform revealed a significant bias of the control rats toward the cue and of the treated rats toward the uncued spatial escape position. This behavioural dissociation suggests that a salient cue associated with the target induces an alternative "non spatial" guidance strategy in normal rats, with the risk of overshadowing of the more distant spatial cues. In this condition, the choline supplementation facilities a spatial reliance on the cue, that is an overall facilitation of learning a set of spatial relations between several visual cues. As a consequence, the improved escape in presence of the cue is associated with a stronger memory of the spatial position following disappearance of the cue. This and previous observations suggest that a specific spatial attention process relies on the buffering of highly salient visual cues.to facilitate integration of their relative position in the environment.
Les déficits auditifs spatiaux se produisent fréquemment après une lésion hémisphérique ; un précédent case report suggérait que la capacité explicite à reconnaître des positions sonores, comme dans la localisation des sons, peut être atteinte alors que l'utilisation implicite d'indices sonores pour la reconnaissance d'objets sonores dans un environnement bruyant reste préservée. En testant systématiquement des patients avec lésion hémisphérique inaugurale, nous avons montré que (1) l'utilisation explicite et/ou implicite des indices sonores peut être perturbée ; (2) la dissociation entre l'atteinte de l'utilisation explicite des indices sonores versus une préservation de l'utilisation implicite de ces indices est assez fréquente ; et (3) différents types de déficits dans la localisation des sons peuvent être associés avec une utilisation implicite préservée de ces indices sonores. Conceptuellement, la dissociation entre l'utilisation explicite et implicite de ces indices sonores peut illustrer la dichotomie des deux voies du système auditif. Nos résultats parlent en faveur d'une évaluation systématique des fonctions auditives spatiales dans un contexte clinique, surtout quand l'adaptation à un environnement sonore est en jeu. De plus, des études systématiques sont nécessaires afin de mettre en lien les troubles de l'utilisation explicite versus implicite de ces indices sonores avec les difficultés à effectuer les activités de la vie quotidienne, afin d'élaborer des stratégies de réhabilitation appropriées et afin de s'assurer jusqu'à quel point l'utilisation explicite et implicite des indices spatiaux peut être rééduquée à la suite d'un dommage cérébral.
Les problemàtiques ambientals actuals són per desgràcia un dels referents de les nostres vides quotidianes, si ens parem a pensar, la majoria d’accions que duem a terme des de que ens llevem fins que anem a dormir poden estar relacionades directa o indirectament amb el consum energètic. Realment formem part d’una societat “energeticodependent” i el problema no és exactament aquest, sinó d’on deriva la energia que utilitzem a diari, quines són les fons de producció d’aquesta energia, quins son els mecanismes receptors d’aquestes energies i quina es la seva eficiència energètica. L’estudi realitzat, ha tingut lloc al centre Puigverd de Castellar del Vallès, un centre esportiu gestionat pel Grup Ubae, a través d’una concessió municipal. En aquest estudi s’analitzen rigorosament els consums energètics del centre, separant els diferents consum d’electricitat i gas i observant les tendències anuals de cada un dels seus components. Un cop realitzat l’inventariat i l’estudi inicial, es va procedir a avaluar les diferents problemàtiques que presentava el centre i van ser classificades com a punts febles, juntament amb les seves oposades, punts forts ja existents. Finalment s’inicià la part final del projecte, que consisteix en un conjunt de propostes de millora per intentar reduir els consums energètics totals i una avaluació final de varies alternatives combinant diferents possibilitats entre les propostes de millora i analitzar les conseqüències econòmiques i ambientals de cadascuna d’elles.
We present a novel steered molecular dynamics scheme to induce the dissociation of large protein-protein complexes. We apply this scheme to study the interaction of a T cell receptor (TCR) with a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) presenting a peptide (p). Two TCR-pMHC complexes are considered, which only differ by the mutation of a single amino acid on the peptide; one is a strong agonist that produces T cell activation in vivo, while the other is an antagonist. We investigate the interaction mechanism from a large number of unbinding trajectories by analyzing van der Waals and electrostatic interactions and by computing energy changes in proteins and solvent. In addition, dissociation potentials of mean force are calculated with the Jarzynski identity, using an averaging method developed for our steering scheme. We analyze the convergence of the Jarzynski exponential average, which is hampered by the large amount of dissipative work involved and the complexity of the system. The resulting dissociation free energies largely underestimate experimental values, but the simulations are able to clearly differentiate between wild-type and mutated TCR-pMHC and give insights into the dissociation mechanism.
La sostenibilitat del model energètic de Catalunya es veu condicionada per aspectes com la dependència energètica, la seguretat de subministrament, l’eficiència energètica, els impactes ambientals i la demanda creixent. D’altra banda, la incorporació d’energia renovable en el mix energètic implica una major autonomia energètica, seguretat de subministrament a llarg termini, i eficiència energètica, així com un menor impacte ambiental. Tanmateix, la contribució en el sistema elèctric d’un volum ja important i creixent d’energia renovable requereix una complexa tasca d’integració a nivell tècnic i econòmic. Per aconseguir-ho, és necessari desenvolupar una regulació estable que complementi el procés de liberalització del sector amb l’objectiu d’acomodar la generació renovable en un model energètic sostenible. La (in)formació i participació de la demanda es presenta com una condició clau per engegar el camí cap a una nova cultura energètica.