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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The urban area is now home to 50% of world population and the activities related to their disorganized growth, promote the formation of an unhealthy environment. The urban vegetation is necessary and beneficial, because in addition to bringing the man of nature, mitigates climate change and improve the urban microclimate. This study aimed at surveying and analyzing the rate of existing vegetation in urban Piratininga - SP, and from the data obtained, provide allowance for management and planning of green areas and urban areas. Data came from sample survey conducted in 2007 and computerized survey conducted in 2010 indicated that many new neighborhoods have low opt for planting trees of small to medium which does not enhance the urban environment requiring an environmental planning.


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In Brazil, the increase in the reported cases of degenerative diseases of articular cartilage is 20% per year, meaning that 200,000 Brazilians develop degenerative joint diseases every year, which have a negative impact on bone mass. This study shows evidence that hormone production of sexual steroids (estrogens, progestogens, and androgens) have an influence on cartilage quality, as well as on bone mass. Therefore, this review aimed to analyze literature data on the molecular and genic action of sexual steroids on hyaline cartilage and bone physiology, as well as osteoarthritis interference on the quality of these structures.


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The replacement of the calcified cartilage by bone tissue during the endochondral ossification of the mandibular condyle is dependent of the resorbing activity of osteoclats. After partial resorption, calcified cartilage septa are covered by a primary bone matrix secreted by osteoblasts. Osteoadherin (OSAD) is a small proteoglycan present in bone matrix but absent in cartilage during the endochondral ossification. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of alendronate, a drug known to inhibit bone resorption by osteoclasts, on the endochondral ossification of the mandibular condyle of young rats, by evaluating the distribution of osteoclasts and the presence of OSAD in the bone matrix deposited. Wistar newborn rats (n = 45) received daily injections of alendronate (n = 27) or sterile saline solution as control (n = 18) from the day of birth until the ages of 4, 14 and 30 days. At the days mentioned, the mandibular condyles were collected and processed for transmission electron microscopy analysis. Specimens were also submitted to tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) histochemistry and ultrastructural immunodetection of OSAD. Alendronate treatment did not impede the recruitment and fusion of osteoclasts at the ossification zone during condyle growth, but they presented inactivated phenotype. The trabeculae at the ossification area consisted of cartilage matrix covered by a layer of primary bone matrix that was immunopositive to OSAD at all time points studied. Apparently, alendronate impeded the removal of calcified cartilage and maturation of bone trabeculae in the mandibular ramus, while in controls they occurred normally. These findings highlight for giving attention to the potential side-effects of bisphosphonates administered to young patients once it may represent a risk of disturbing maxillofacial development.


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Osteoporosis is a major complication of chronic cholestatic liver disease (CCLD). We evaluated the efficacy of using disodium pamidronate (1.0 mg/kg body weight) for the prevention (Pr) or treatment (Tr) of cholestasis-induced osteoporosis in male Wistar rats: sham-operated (Sham = 12); bile duct-ligated (Bi = 15); bile duct-ligated animals previously treated with pamidronate before and 1 month after surgery (Pr = 9); bile duct-ligated animals treated with pamidronate 1 month after surgery (Tr = 9). Rats were sacrificed 8 weeks after surgery. Immunohistochemical expression of IGF-I and GH receptor was determined in the proximal growth plate cartilage of the left tibia. Histomorphometric analysis was performed in the right tibia and the right femur was used for biomechanical analysis. Bone material volume over tissue volume (BV/TV) was significantly affected by CCLD (Sham = 18.1 ± 3.2 vs Bi = 10.6 ± 2.2%) and pamidronate successfully increased bone volume. However, pamidronate administered in a preventive regimen presented no additional benefit on bone volume compared to secondary treatment (BV/TV: Pr = 39.4 ± 12.0; Tr = 41.2 ± 12.7%). Moreover, the force on the momentum of fracture was significantly reduced in Pr rats (Sham = 116.6 ± 23.0; Bi = 94.6 ± 33.8; Pr = 82.9 ± 22.8; Tr = 92.5 ± 29.5 N; P < 0.05, Sham vs Pr). Thus, CCLD had a significant impact on bone histomorphometric parameters and pamidronate was highly effective in increasing bone mass in CCLD; however, preventive therapy with pamidronate has no advantage regarding bone fragility.


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Erkrankungen des Skelettapparats wie beispielsweise die Osteoporose oder Arthrose gehören neben den Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen und Tumoren zu den Häufigsten Erkrankungen des Menschen. Ein besseres Verständnis der Bildung und des Erhalts von Knochen- oder Knorpelgewebe ist deshalb von besonderer Bedeutung. Viele bisherige Ansätze zur Identifizierung hierfür relevanter Gene, deren Produkte und Interaktionen beruhen auf der Untersuchung pathologischer Situationen. Daher ist die Funktion vieler Gene nur im Zusammenhang mit Krankheiten beschrieben. Untersuchungen, die die Genaktivität bei der Normalentwicklung von knochen- und knorpelbildenden Geweben zum Ziel haben, sind dagegen weit weniger oft durchgeführt worden. rnEines der entwicklungsphysiologisch interessantesten Gewebe ist die Epiphysenfuge der Röhrenknochen. In dieser sogenannten Wachstumsfuge ist insbesondere beim fötalen Gewebe eine sehr hohe Aktivität derjenigen Gene zu erwarten, die an der Knochen- und Knorpelbildung beteiligt sind. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde daher aus der Epiphysenfuge von Kälberknochen RNA isoliert und eine cDNA-Bibliothek konstruiert. Von dieser wurden ca. 4000 Klone im Rahmen eines klassischen EST-Projekts sequenziert. Durch die Analyse konnte ein ungefähr 900 Gene umfassendes Expressionsprofil erstellt werden und viele Transkripte für Komponenten der regulatorischen und strukturbildenden Bestandteile der Knochen- und Knorpelentwicklung identifiziert werden. Neben den typischen Genen für Komponenten der Knochenentwicklung sind auch deutlich Bestandteile für embryonale Entwicklungsprozesse vertreten. Zu ersten gehören in erster Linie die Kollagene, allen voran Kollagen II alpha 1, das mit Abstand höchst exprimierte Gen in der fötalen Wachstumsfuge. Nach den ribosomalen Proteinen stellen die Kollagene mit ca. 10 % aller auswertbaren Sequenzen die zweitgrößte Gengruppe im erstellten Expressionsprofil dar. Proteoglykane und andere niedrig exprimierte regulatorische Elemente, wie Transkriptionsfaktoren, konnten im EST-Projekt aufgrund der geringen Abdeckung nur in sehr geringer Kopienzahl gefunden werden. Allerdings förderte die EST-Analyse mehrere interessante, bisher nicht bekannte Transkripte zutage, die detaillierter untersucht wurden. Dazu gehören Transkripte die, die dem LOC618319 zugeordnet werden konnten. Neben den bisher beschriebenen drei Exonbereichen konnte ein weiteres Exon im 3‘-UTR identifiziert werden. Im abgeleiteten Protein, das mindestens 121 AS lang ist, wurden ein Signalpeptid und eine Transmembrandomäne nachgewiesen. In Verbindung mit einer möglichen Glykosylierung ist das Genprodukt in die Gruppe der Proteoglykane einzuordnen. Leicht abweichend von den typischen Strukturen knochen- und knorpelspezifischer Proteoglykane ist eine mögliche Funktion dieses Genprodukts bei der Interaktion mit Integrinen und der Zell-Zellinteraktion, aber auch bei der Signaltransduktion denkbar. rnDie EST-Sequenzierungen von ca. 4000 cDNA-Klonen können aber in der Regel nur einen Bruchteil der möglichen Transkripte des untersuchten Gewebes abdecken. Mit den neuen Sequenziertechnologien des „Next Generation Sequencing“ bestehen völlig neue Möglichkeiten, komplette Transkriptome mit sehr hoher Abdeckung zu sequenzieren und zu analysieren. Zur Unterstützung der EST-Daten und zur deutlichen Verbreiterung der Datenbasis wurde das Transkriptom der bovinen fötalen Wachstumsfuge sowohl mit Hilfe der Roche-454/FLX- als auch der Illumina-Solexa-Technologie sequenziert. Bei der Auswertung der ca. 40000 454- und 75 Millionen Illumina-Sequenzen wurden Verfahren zur allgemeinen Handhabung, der Qualitätskontrolle, dem „Clustern“, der Annotation und quantitativen Auswertung von großen Mengen an Sequenzdaten etabliert. Beim Vergleich der Hochdurchsatz Blast-Analysen im klassischen „Read-Count“-Ansatz mit dem erstellten EST-Expressionsprofil konnten gute Überstimmungen gezeigt werden. Abweichungen zwischen den einzelnen Methoden konnten nicht in allen Fällen methodisch erklärt werden. In einigen Fällen sind Korrelationen zwischen Transkriptlänge und „Read“-Verteilung zu erkennen. Obwohl schon simple Methoden wie die Normierung auf RPKM („reads per kilo base transkript per million mappable reads“) eine Verbesserung der Interpretation ermöglichen, konnten messtechnisch durch die Art der Sequenzierung bedingte systematische Fehler nicht immer ausgeräumt werden. Besonders wichtig ist daher die geeignete Normalisierung der Daten beim Vergleich verschieden generierter Datensätze. rnDie hier diskutierten Ergebnisse aus den verschiedenen Analysen zeigen die neuen Sequenziertechnologien als gute Ergänzung und potentiellen Ersatz für etablierte Methoden zur Genexpressionsanalyse.rn


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Energy-dependent intestinal calcium absorption is important for the maintenance of calcium and bone homeostasis, especially when dietary calcium supply is restricted. The active form of vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) [1,25(OH)(2)D(3)], is a crucial regulator of this process and increases the expression of the transient receptor potential vanilloid 6 (Trpv6) calcium channel that mediates calcium transfer across the intestinal apical membrane. Genetic inactivation of Trpv6 in mice (Trpv6(-/-)) showed, however, that TRPV6 is redundant for intestinal calcium absorption when dietary calcium content is normal/high and passive diffusion likely contributes to maintain normal serum calcium levels. On the other hand, Trpv6 inactivation impaired the increase in intestinal calcium transport following calcium restriction, however without resulting in hypocalcemia. A possible explanation is that normocalcemia is maintained at the expense of bone homeostasis, a hypothesis investigated in this study. In this study, we thoroughly analyzed the bone phenotype of Trpv6(-/-) mice receiving a normal (approximately 1%) or low (approximately 0.02%) calcium diet from weaning onwards using micro-computed tomography, histomorphometry and serum parameters. When dietary supply of calcium is normal, Trpv6 inactivation did not affect growth plate morphology, bone mass and remodeling parameters in young adult or aging mice. Restricting dietary calcium had no effect on serum calcium levels and resulted in a comparable reduction in bone mass accrual in Trpv6(+/+) and Trpv6(-/-) mice (-35% and 45% respectively). This decrease in bone mass was associated with a similar increase in bone resorption, whereas serum osteocalcin levels and the amount of unmineralized bone matrix were only significantly increased in Trpv6(-/-) mice. Taken together, our findings indicate that TRPV6 contributes to intestinal calcium transport when dietary calcium supply is limited and in this condition indirectly regulates bone formation and/or mineralization.


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OBJECTIVE: During postnatal development, mammalian articular cartilage acts as a surface growth plate for the underlying epiphyseal bone. Concomitantly, it undergoes a fundamental process of structural reorganization from an immature isotropic to a mature (adult) anisotropic architecture. However, the mechanism underlying this structural transformation is unknown. It could involve either an internal remodelling process, or complete resorption followed by tissue neoformation. The aim of this study was to establish which of these two alternative tissue reorganization mechanisms is physiologically operative. We also wished to pinpoint the articular cartilage source of the stem cells for clonal expansion and the zonal location of the chondrocyte pool with high proliferative activity. METHODS: The New Zealand white rabbit served as our animal model. The analysis was confined to the high-weight-bearing (central) areas of the medial and lateral femoral condyles. After birth, the articular cartilage layer was evaluated morphologically at monthly intervals from the first to the eighth postnatal month, when this species attains skeletal maturity. The overall height of the articular cartilage layer at each juncture was measured. The growth performance of the articular cartilage layer was assessed by calcein labelling, which permitted an estimation of the daily growth rate of the epiphyseal bone and its monthly length-gain. The slowly proliferating stem-cell pool was identified immunohistochemically (after labelling with bromodeoxyuridine), and the rapidly proliferating chondrocyte population by autoradiography (after labelling with (3)H-thymidine). RESULTS: The growth activity of the articular cartilage layer was highest 1 month after birth. It declined precipitously between the first and third months, and ceased between the third and fourth months, when the animal enters puberty. The structural maturation of the articular cartilage layer followed a corresponding temporal trend. During the first 3 months, when the articular cartilage layer is undergoing structural reorganization, the net length-gain in the epiphyseal bone exceeded the height of the articular cartilage layer. This finding indicates that the postnatal reorganization of articular cartilage from an immature isotropic to a mature anisotropic structure is not achieved by a process of internal remodelling, but by the resorption and neoformation of all zones except the most superficial (stem-cell) one. The superficial zone was found to consist of slowly dividing stem cells with bidirectional mitotic activity. In the horizontal direction, this zone furnishes new stem cells that replenish the pool and effect a lateral expansion of the articular cartilage layer. In the vertical direction, the superficial zone supplies the rapidly dividing, transit-amplifying daughter-cell pool that feeds the transitional and upper radial zones during the postnatal growth phase of the articular cartilage layer. CONCLUSIONS: During postnatal development, mammalian articular cartilage fulfils a dual function, viz., it acts not only as an articulating layer but also as a surface growth plate. In the lapine model, this growth activity ceases at puberty (3-4 months of age), whereas that of the true (metaphyseal) growth plate continues until the time of skeletal maturity (8 months). Hence, the two structures are regulated independently. The structural maturation of the articular cartilage layer coincides temporally with the cessation of its growth activity - for the radial expansion and remodelling of the epiphyseal bone - and with sexual maturation. That articular cartilage is physiologically reorganized by a process of tissue resorption and neoformation, rather than by one of internal remodelling, has important implications for the functional engineering and repair of articular cartilage tissue.


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Matrilins are oligomeric extracellular matrix adaptor proteins mediating interactions between collagen fibrils and other matrix constituents. All four matrilins are expressed in cartilage and mutations in the human gene encoding matrilin-3 (MATN3) are associated with different forms of chondrodysplasia. Surprisingly, however, Matn3-null as well as Matn1- and Matn2-null mice do not show an overt skeletal phenotype, suggesting a dominant negative pathomechanism for the human disorders and redundancy/compensation among the family members in the knock-out situation. Here, we show that mice lacking both matrilin-1 and matrilin-3 develop an apparently normal skeleton, but exhibit biochemical and ultrastructural abnormalities of the knee joint cartilage. At the protein level, an altered SDS-PAGE band pattern and a clear up-regulation of the homotrimeric form of matrilin-4 were evident in newborn Matn1/Matn3 and Matn1 knock-out mice, but not in Matn3-null mice. The ultrastructure of the cartilage matrix after conventional chemical fixation was grossly normal; however, electron microscopy of high pressure frozen and freeze-substituted samples, revealed two consistent observations: 1) moderately increased collagen fibril diameters throughout the epiphysis and the growth plate in both single and double mutants; and 2) increased collagen volume density in Matn1(-/-)/Matn3(-/-) and Matn3(-/-) mice. Taken together, our results demonstrate that matrilin-1 and matrilin-3 modulate collagen fibrillogenesis in cartilage and provide evidence that biochemical compensation might exist between matrilins.


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In protein folding and secretion disorders, activation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress signaling (ERSS) protects cells, alleviating stress that would otherwise trigger apoptosis. Whether the stress-surviving cells resume normal function is not known. We studied the in vivo impact of ER stress in terminally differentiating hypertrophic chondrocytes (HCs) during endochondral bone formation. In transgenic mice expressing mutant collagen X as a consequence of a 13-base pair deletion in Col10a1 (13del), misfolded alpha1(X) chains accumulate in HCs and elicit ERSS. Histological and gene expression analyses showed that these chondrocytes survived ER stress, but terminal differentiation is interrupted, and endochondral bone formation is delayed, producing a chondrodysplasia phenotype. This altered differentiation involves cell-cycle re-entry, the re-expression of genes characteristic of a prehypertrophic-like state, and is cell-autonomous. Concomitantly, expression of Col10a1 and 13del mRNAs are reduced, and ER stress is alleviated. ERSS, abnormal chondrocyte differentiation, and altered growth plate architecture also occur in mice expressing mutant collagen II and aggrecan. Alteration of the differentiation program in chondrocytes expressing unfolded or misfolded proteins may be part of an adaptive response that facilitates survival and recovery from the ensuing ER stress. However, the altered differentiation disrupts the highly coordinated events of endochondral ossification culminating in chondrodysplasia.


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Thrombospondin-5 (TSP5) is a large extracellular matrix glycoprotein found in musculoskeletal tissues. TSP5 mutations cause two skeletal dysplasias, pseudoachondroplasia and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia; both show a characteristic growth plate phenotype with retention of TSP5, type IX collagen (Col9), and matrillin-3 in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Whereas most studies focus on defining the disease process, few functional studies have been performed. TSP5 knockout mice have no obvious skeletal abnormalities, suggesting that TSP5 is not essential in the growth plate and/or that other TSPs may compensate. In contrast, Col9 knockout mice have diminished matrillin-3 levels in the extracellular matrix and early-onset osteoarthritis. To define the roles of TSP1, TSP3, TSP5, and Col9 in the growth plate, all knockout and combinatorial strains were analyzed using histomorphometric techniques. While significant alterations in growth plate organization were found in certain single knockout mouse strains, skeletal growth was only mildly disturbed. In contrast, dramatic changes in growth plate organization in TSP3/5/Col9 knockout mice resulted in a 20% reduction in limb length, corresponding to similar short stature in humans. These studies show that type IX collagen may regulate growth plate width; TSP3, TSP5, and Col9 appear to contribute to growth plate organization; and TSP1 may help define the timing of growth plate closure when other extracellular proteins are absent.


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Mutations in cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), a large extracellular glycoprotein expressed in musculoskeletal tissues, cause two skeletal dysplasias, pseudoachondroplasia and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia. These mutations lead to massive intracellular retention of COMP, chondrocyte death and loss of growth plate chondrocytes that are necessary for linear growth. In contrast, COMP null mice have only minor growth plate abnormalities, normal growth and longevity. This suggests that reducing mutant and wild-type COMP expression in chondrocytes may prevent the toxic cellular phenotype causing the skeletal dysplasias. We tested this hypothesis using RNA interference to reduce steady state levels of COMP mRNA. A panel of shRNAs directed against COMP was tested. One shRNA (3B) reduced endogenous and recombinant COMP mRNA dramatically, regardless of expression levels. The activity of the shRNA against COMP mRNA was maintained for up to 10 weeks. We also demonstrate that this treatment reduced ER stress. Moreover, we show that reducing steady state levels of COMP mRNA alleviates intracellular retention of other extracellular matrix proteins associated with the pseudoachondroplasia cellular pathology. These findings are a proof of principle and the foundation for the development of a therapeutic intervention based on reduction of COMP expression.


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Fractures of the growing bone require fixation techniques, which preclude any injury to the growth plate regions. This requirement is met by Elastic Stable Intramedullary Nails (ESIN) which are positioned between both metaphyseal regions. Pronounced malposition and/or shortening, open fractures and fractures with impending skin perforation are indications for clavicle nailing in adolescents. Retrograde nailing with two elastic nails, inserted from lateral, is the method of choice for stabilization of humerus fractures. In radial neck fractures with severe tilting of the radial head, a retrograde nail may reduce and fix the head. In Monteggia lesions, the ulna fracture is reduced and fixed with an antegrade nail. Forearm fractures with unacceptable axial deviation are reduced and fixed with one antegrade nail in the ulna and a retrograde nail in the radius. Ascending elastic nailing is done for femur shaft and proximal femur fractures. The medial and lateral entry sites are located above the distal physis. End caps are used to prevent shortening in spiral and multiple segment fractures. Fractures of the distal third of the femur are nailed in a descending technique. The entry sites of two nails are located on the lateral cortex below the greater trochanter. Combined tibia and fibula fractures, open fractures and unstable fracture types such as spiral and multifragmental tibia fractures are good indications for ESIN. Descending nailing is the method of choice. The nail entry points are medially and laterally distal to the apophysis of the proximal tibia. Thorough knowledge of each fracture type, fracture location and age specific healing pattern is necessary for safe and effective treatment of pediatric fractures


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Ellis-van Creveld (EvC) syndrome is a human autosomal recessive disorder caused by a mutation in either the EVC or EVC2 gene, and presents with short limbs, polydactyly, and ectodermal and heart defects. The aim of this study was to understand the pathologic basis by which deletions in the EVC2 gene lead to chondrodysplastic dwarfism and to describe the morphologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular hallmarks of EvC syndrome in cattle. Five Grey Alpine calves, with a known mutation in the EVC2 gene, were autopsied. Immunohistochemistry was performed on bone using antibodies to collagen II, collagen X, sonic hedgehog, fibroblast growth factor 2, and Ki67. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction was performed to analyze EVC1 and EVC2 gene expression. Autopsy revealed long bones that were severely reduced in length, as well as genital and heart defects. Collagen II was detected in control calves in the resting, proliferative, and hypertrophic zones and in the primary and secondary spongiosa, with a loss of labeling in the resting zone of 2 dwarfs. Collagen X was expressed in hypertrophic zone in the controls but was absent in the EvC cases. In affected calves and controls, sonic hedgehog labeled hypertrophic chondrocytes and primary and secondary spongiosa similarly. FGF2 was expressed in chondrocytes of all growth plate zones in the control calves but was lost in most EvC cases. The Ki67 index was lower in cases compared with controls. EVC and EVC2 transcripts were detected. Our data suggest that EvC syndrome of Grey Alpine cattle is a disorder of chondrocyte differentiation, with accelerated differentiation and premature hypertrophy of chondrocytes, and could be a spontaneous model for the equivalent human disease.