54 resultados para DECCAN


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muṣannafah-ʼi Iltifāt Ḥusayn Khān Mīr Munshī ; bi-ihtimām-i Navāb ʻAzīz Jang Bahādur Valā.


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The complex interplay between extraterrestrial events and earth-bound processes that triggered one of the greatest biological crises of the Phanerozoic requires a high resolution timescale. Detailed magnetic susceptibility measurements at the Contessa Highway and Bottaccione sections (Italy) span the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary and reveal clear orbital signatures in the sedimentary record. Identification of precession and 405 kyr eccentricity cycles allows an estimate of 324+/-40 kyr for the duration of the Maastrichtian part of Chron C29r. We present in the same high resolution time frame sites in Spain and the North and South Atlantic and bio-horizons, biotic changes, stable isotopic excursions and the decrease in Osmium isotopes recorded in these sections. The onset of 187 Os/ 188 Os decrease coincides with the d13 C negative excursion K-PgE1, thus suggesting a first pulse in Deccan volcanism at 66.64 Ma. The K-PgE3 d13 C negative excursion is possibly the expression of a second pulse at 66.26 Ma. Late Maastrichtian d13 C negative excursions are of low intensity and span durations of one to two eccentricity cycles, whereas early Danian excursions are brief (about 30 kyr) and acute. In Biotic response to late Maastrichtian perturbations occurred with a delay of ca. 200 kyr after the beginning of K-PgE1 shortly before K-PgE3. The biotic perturbation could be thus either a delayed response to K-PgE1, or a direct response to K-PgE3, and possibly, a threshold response to the stepwise buildup of CO2 atmospheric injections. No delay is evident in response to early Danian hyperthermal events. These differences suggest that short-lived, volcanically-derived environmental perturbations were buffered within the stable late Maastrichtian oceanic realm whereas they were amplified by the more sensitive and highly disturbed early Danian oceanic ecosystem.


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Leg 115 of the Ocean Drilling Program recovered basalts from four locations along the hotspot track that leads from the Deccan flood basalts in India to Reunion Island in the western Indian Ocean (Sites 706, 707, 713, and 715). The drilled basalts range in age from 35 Ma (Site 706) to 64 Ma (Site 707), and including the Deccan basalts (66 to 68 Ma), Mauritius Island (0.2 to 8 Ma), and Reunion Island (0 to 2 Ma), seven sites are provided for sampling the volcanic record of the 5000-km-long hotspot track. Chemical and age comparisons indicate that Site 707 lavas correlate with basalt units near the top of the Deccan flood basalt sequence. The lavas of Site 715 (55 to 60 Ma) are most similar to the islands of Mauritius and Reunion. Site 713 basalts (48 Ma) are similar to the earliest lavas of the Deccan province, and Site 706 basalts are intermediate in chemistry between those of central Indian spreading-ridge basalts and Reunion. Differences in lava compositions along the hotspot track can be related to variable mixing of plume and asthenospheric mantle, depending on the changing position of spreading-ridge segments and the hotspot during the opening of the Indian Ocean. Alternatively, time-dependent changes in the composition of hotspot melts may be due to a decrease in partial melting of a heterogeneous plume or to intrinsic changes in the composition of material supplied by the plume.


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A letter by way of preface.--Introduction.--In England.--Egypt.--India.--Through Deccan.


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Thirty seven deep-sea sediment cores from the Arabian Sea were studied geochemically (49 major and trace elements) for four time slices during the Holocene and the last glacial, and in one high sedimentation rate core (century scale resolution) to detect tracers of past variations in the intensity of the atmospheric monsoon circulation and its hydrographic expression in the ocean surface. This geochemical multi-tracer approach, coupled with additional information on the grain size composition of the clastic fraction, the bulk carbonate and biogenic opal contents makes it possible to characterize the sedimentological regime in detail. Sediments characterized by a specific elemental composition (enrichment) originated from the following sources: river suspensions from the Tapti and Narbada, draining the Indian Deccan traps (Ti, Sr); Indus sediments and dust from Rajasthan and Pakistan (Rb, Cs); dust from Iran and the Persian Gulf (Al, Cr); dust from central Arabia (Mg); dust from East Africa and the Red Sea (Zr/Hf, Ti/Al). Corg, Cd, Zn, Ba, Pb, U, and the HREE are associated with the intensity of upwelling in the western Arabian Sea, but only those patterns that are consistently reproduced by all of these elements can be directly linked with the intensity of the southwest monsoon. Relying on information from a single element can be misleading, as each element is affected by various other processes than upwelling intensity and nutrient content of surface water alone. The application of the geochemical multi-tracer approach indicates that the intensity of the southwest monsoon was low during the LGM, declined to a minimum from 15,000-13,000 14C year BP, intensified slightly at the end of this interval, was almost stable during the Bölling, Alleröd and the Younger Dryas, but then intensified in two abrupt successions at the end of the Younger Dryas (9900 14C year BP) and especially in a second event during the early Holocene (8800 14C year BP). Dust discharge by northwesterly winds from Arabia exhibited a similar evolution, but followed an opposite course: high during the LGM with two primary sources-the central Arabian desert and the dry Persian Gulf region. Dust discharge from both regions reached a pronounced maximum at 15,000-13,000 14C year. At the end of this interval, however, the dust plumes from the Persian Gulf area ceased dramatically, whereas dust discharge from central Arabia decreased only slightly. Dust discharge from East Africa and the Red Sea increased synchronously with the two major events of southwest monsoon intensification as recorded in the nutrient content of surface waters. In addition to the tracers of past dust flux and surface water nutrient content, the geochemical multi-tracer approach provides information on the history of deep sea ventilation (Mo, S), which was much lower during the last glacial maximum than during the Holocene. The multi-tracer approach-i.e. a few sedimentological parameters plus a set of geochemical tracers widely available from various multi-element analysis techniques-is a highly applicable technique for studying the complex sedimentation patterns of an ocean basin, and, specifically in the case of the Arabian Sea, can even reveal the seasonal structure of climate change.


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We refined the strontium isotope seawater curve for the Paleocene and early Eocene by analysis of samples recovered from the Walvis Ridge during Ocean Drilling Project (ODP) Leg 208. The highest 87Sr/86Sr values occurred in the earliest Paleocene at 65 Ma and generally decreased throughout the Paleocene, reaching minimum values between 53 and 51 Ma in the early Eocene before beginning to increase again at 50 Ma. A plausible explanation for the 87Sr/86Sr decrease between 65 and 51 Ma is increased rates of hydrothermal activity and/or the eruption and weathering of large igneous provinces (e.g., Deccan Traps and North Atlantic). Strontium isotope variations closely parallel sea level and benthic d18O changes during the late Paleocene and early Eocene, supporting previous studies linking tectonic reorganization and increased volcanism to high sea level, high CO2, and warm global temperatures.


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Clay mineral relative abundances in approximately 450 samples from cores recovered during ODP Leg 117 in the Arabian Sea have been used to examine the paleoclimatic, paleoenvironmental, and tectonic histories of the Indus Fan, Owen Ridge, Oman margin, and adjacent continental source regions. Geographic variations in the relative abundances of minerals and correlations with depositional processes support previous interpretations that smectite has been supplied from weathering of the Deccan Traps; illite and chlorite have been supplied either from the Himalayas via marine transport or from the Iran-Makran region by winds; and palygorskite has been supplied from the Arabian peninsula and Somalia by winds. Pleistocene sediments of the Indus Fan record two modes of deposition: turbidites supplied from the Indus drainage and dominated by illite and chlorite, and pelagic carbonates containing smectites and wind-transported palygorskite. Local and regional causes for shifts between these depositional processes cannot be demonstrated conclusively with the data available, but sea-level fluctuations probably exerted a significant control on the rate of turbidite influx. Lower Miocene sediments on the Owen Ridge are also turbidites supplied by the Indus drainage; in the middle Miocene, a shift to pelagic carbonates records the uplift of the Owen Ridge, and is accompanied by the increased relative importance of wind-transported palygorskite. Associations of palygorskite and biosiliceous components in middle to upper Miocene sediments are interpreted to record vigorous monsoonal circulation and accompanying upwelling-produced biological productivity. Mineralogic and geochemical data indicate that light/dark color alternations in upper Miocene sediments on the Owen Ridge record climatic fluctuations, but the climatic significance of similar alternations in Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments is unclear. Palygorskite is the dominant clay on the Oman margin, reflecting proximity to its source areas. On the Oman margin, clay mineral relative abundances are most variable at structurally complex sites, indicating that local depositional settings have been influenced by their tectonic histories since the Miocene.


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W HILE Hyderabad State developed from the Mughal subah, or province, of the Deccan, it did not represent a mere continuation of the Mughal provincial administration. By the end of the eighteenth century, Hyderabad represented a new political system, with a whole new set of participants. This article investigates the development of this political system and the constitution of its ruling class.