976 resultados para D-LOOP


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通过PCR扩增,测序,拼接,获得藏鸡(Tibetan Chicken)线粒体全基因组序列并进行数据分析处理.藏鸡线粒体全基因组序列全长16 783 bp,共有13个蛋白质编码基因、2个rRNA基因、22个tRNA基因和1个D-loop区.模拟电子酶切结果显示,藏鸡Dra Ⅰ酶的酶切结果和先前报道的原鸡,茶花鸡,尼西鸡和大理漾濞黄鸡的酶切结果都不相同,为藏鸡特有.基于D-loop区全序列和13个蛋白质编码基因序列,采用N-J算法与原鸡属4个种,3个亚种和3个家鸡品系构建系统进化树:初步确定藏鸡起源于红原鸡,与家鸡中的来航鸡、白洛克鸡亲缘关系最近,但是藏鸡的进化与来航鸡、白洛克鸡这两个家鸡品系又显得相对独立.推测可能原因是藏鸡的祖先在进入高原以后处于相对封闭的环境,从而形成了独特群体遗传特性.


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报道了美姑脊蛇Achalinus meiguensis线粒体基因组全序列.美姑脊蛇线粒体全序列长17239bp,由22个tRNA,2个rRNA和13个蛋白质基因及2个非编码的控制区或D-loop组成,存在着基因重排现象.对已报道蛇类线粒体基因组全序列进行比对分析后,发现一些蛇类线粒体基因组进化规律:双控制区现象在爬行动物进化历史中独立地发生,有不同的演化历史;tRNA假基因是在真蛇下目(Caenophidia)中进化形成的;TΨC臂的相对较短(一般少于5bp)和缺失"DHU"臂造成蛇类tRNA较短.通过M


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尽管古老的鲟形目鱼类的分类及系统演化一直是中外学者感兴趣的研究课题 ,但迄今仍有诸多谜团未解。其中 ,关于亚洲远东地区和北美地区的中吻鲟 (Acipensermedirostris)的分类地位争论已久。长江水系的达式鲟 (A .dabryanus)和中华鲟 (A .sinensis)及其它鲟属 (Acipenser)鱼类之间的亲缘关系近年来也有异议。为了给上述争议提供更多的科学依据 ,作者测定了线粒体DNA (mtDNA)控制区(D loop) 的核苷酸序列 ,并进行了分子系统学和遗传差异分析。研究结果表


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采用 PCR技术和 DNA测序技术 ,发现了我国一级珍稀保护动物中华鲟 ( Acipensersinensis)线粒体 DNA( mt DNA)的控制区 ( D- loop)存在数目不等的串联重复序列 ,该重复序列造成了中华鲟广泛的异质性现象 .从分子水平进行了不同类型重复序列变化规律的研究 ,同时还初探了重复序列在我国其它几种鲟鱼类的存在情况 ,发现在白鲟 ( Psephurus gladius)、达氏鲟 ( A.dabryanus)和史氏鲟 ( A.schrenckii)均存在类似的重复序列结构 .序


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Microsatellite markers and D-loop sequences of mtDNA from a female allotetraploid parent carp and her progenies of generations 1 and 2 induced by sperm of five distant fish species were analyzed. Eleven microsatellite markers were used to identify 48 alleles from the allotetraploid female. The same number of alleles (48) appeared in the first and second generations of the gynogenetic offspring, regardless of the source of the sperm used as an activator. The mtDNA D-loop analysis was performed on the female tetraploid parent, 25 gynogenetic offspring, and 5 sperm-donor species. Fourteen variable sites from the 1,018 bp sequences were observed in the offspring as compared to the female tetraploid parent. Results from D-loop sequence and microsatellite marker analysis showed exclusive maternal transmission, and no genetic information was derived from the father. Our study suggests that progenies of artificial tetraploid carp are genetically stable, which is important for genetic breeding of this tetraploid fish.


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Genetic variation and phylogenetic relationship of Leiocassis longirostris populations from the Yangtze River were investigated at mitochondrial DNA level. The samples were collected from the upstream and mid-downstream of the Yangtze River. Three mitochondrial DNA fragments, ND5/6, cytochrome b (Cyt b) and control region (D-loop), were amplified and then digested by 10 restriction endonucleases. Twenty-three D-loop fragments randomly selected were sequenced. Digestion patterns of ND5/6 by AluI and HaeIII, D-loop by HinfI and RsaI, and Cyt b by HaeIII were polymorphic. Ten and eighteen haplotypes were obtained from RFLP data and sequence data, respectively. The individuals from upstream and mid-downstream of the Yangtze River were apparently divided into two groups. The average genetic distance was 0.008 and 0.010 according to the two data. Low diversities and decreasing abundance indicated that Leiocassis longirostris may be in severe danger and reasonable measures of fishery management should be taken.


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Three populations of Pelteobagrus vachelli and Pelteobagrus fulvidraco of the Yangtze River were examined by PCR-RFLP analysis of mitochondrial DNA fragments. ND5/6 and D-loop fragments were digested by 10 restriction endonucleases. Significant geographic variations between upstream and mid-downstream populations in the haplotype frequencies and restriction patterns were revealed. This suggested that the diversity of P. vachelli was high; 11 haplotypes were obtained from all the samples. The upstream population shared seven haplotypes and the middle and downstream populations shared another four haplotypes. Among all of the haplotypes, one haplotype was shared in 30 samples of the populations from middle and downstream, but it was not found in the upstream population. Any haplotype found in the upstream population was not detected in the middle and downstream populations. Genetic diversity of P. fulvidraco was low and only five haplotyes were detected from all 60 samples. Phylogenic relationships also indicated that the fishes from upstream and mid-downstream were apparently divided into two populations.


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Although common carp is the major fish species in Asian and European aquaculture and many domestic varieties have occurred, there is a controversy about the origination of European domestic common carp. Some scientists affirmed that the ancestor of European domestic common carp was Danube River wild common carp, but others considered it might be Asian common carp. For elucidating origination of European domestic common carp, we chose two representative European domestic common carp strains (German mirror carp and Russian scattered scaled mirror carp) and one wild common carp strain of Cyprinus carpio carpio subspecies (Volga River wild common carp) and two Asian common carp strains, the Yangtze River wild common carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) and traditionally domestic Xingguo red common carp, as experimental materials. ND5-ND6 and D-loop segments of mitochondrial DNA were amplified by polymerase chain reaction and analyzed through restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequencing respectively. The results revealed that HaeIII and DdeI digestion patterns of ND5-ND6 segment and sequences of control region were different between European subspecies C. carpio carpio and Asian subspecies C. carpio haematopterus. Phylogenetic analysis showed that German mirror carp and Russian scattered scaled mirror carp belonged to two subspecies, C. carpio carpio and C. carpio haematopterus, respectively. Therefore, there were different ancestors for domestic carp in Europe: German mirror carp was domesticated from European subspecies C. carpio carpio and Russian scattered scaled mirror carp originated from Asian subspecies C. carpio haematopterus.


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Cyprinidae is the largest fish family in the world and contains about 210 genera and 2010 species. Appropriate DNA markers must be selected for the phylogenetic analyses of Cyprinidae. In present study, the 1st intron of the S7 ribosomal protein (r-protein) gene is first used to examine the relationships among cyprinid fishes. The length of the 1st intron obtained by PCR amplification ranges from 655 to 859 by in the 16 cyprinid species investigated, and is 602 by in Myxocyprinus asiaticus. Out of the alignment of 925 nucleotide sites obtained, the parsimony informative sites are 499 and occupy 54% of the total sites. The results indicate that the 1st intron sequences of the S7 r-protein gene in cyprinids are rich in informative sites and vary remarkably in sequence divergence from 2.3% between close species to 66.6% between distant species. The bootstrap values of the interior nodes in the NJ (neighbor-joining) and MP (most-parsimony) trees based on the present S7 r-protein gene data are higher than those based on cytochrome b and the d-loop region respectively. Therefore, the 1st intron sequences of the S7 r-protein gene in cyprinids are sensitive enough for phylogenetic analyses, and the 1st intron is an appropriate genetic marker for the phylogenetic reconstruction of the taxa in different cyprinid subfamilies. However, attempts to discuss whether the present S7 r-protein gene data can be applied to the phylogeny of the taxa at the level of the family or the higher categories in Cypriniformes need further studies.


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In the present paper, nucleotide sequences (925-929 bases) of the mitochondrial D-loop region and complete cytochrome b gene (1140 bases) were determined and analysed to investigate the systematic status of the genus Distoechodon . CSB1, CSB2, CSB3, CSB-D and ETAS were successfully identified in the D-loop region. The sequence variations among different samples suggest that Distoechodon compressus is a valid species and has its distribution in Taiwan, and that D. tumirostris multispinnis does not seem to be a valid species.


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线粒体是细胞内提供能量的细胞器,并负责调节细胞的程序化死亡。因遗传 缺陷引起的线粒体功能障碍会导致ATP 合成障碍、能量产生不足而出现一系列 病症。线粒体DNA 相关疾病目前日益受到广泛的关注,然而在线粒体DNA 相 关疾病领域常用的病例对照法容易受到遗传背景、群体分层、数据质量等方面因 素的影响以致经常得到假阳性结果。系统发育分析方法有助于解决这些方面的问 题,因此我们以此分析方法开展了如下工作: 首先我们对线粒体DNA C1494T 突变及其所属单倍型类群和氨基糖苷类药 物性耳聋之间的关联进行了研究。之前有研究报道了两个中国氨基糖苷类药物性 耳聋的家系,经过对先征者的线粒体DNA 全序列测定在这两个家系中都发现了 C1494T 突变。我们采用系统发育方法分析这两个家系先征者的全序列后,发现 这两个个体都属于线粒体单倍型A。巧合的是,在我们之前的研究中,在一个来 自武汉的汉族样本WH6980 中也有C1494T 突变,而且该个体同样也属于单倍型 类群A。这不由得使人想到:C1494T 突变可能是单倍型类群A 中一个分支的界 定位点,或者,受母系遗传背景的影响,该突变偏好于在A 类群中发生。那么 很有可能单倍型类群A对能够引发氨基糖苷类药物性耳聋的C1494T 突变的发生 有促进作用。 为了验证这个假设,我们从三个省份随机选取了553 个正常个体来检测 C1494T 突变,以调查该突变在普通人群中的发生频率。另外,我们从1823 个中 国人样本中筛选出属于单倍型类群A 的111 个体,在这111 个个体中检测C1494T 突变,以调查该突变是否为单倍型类群A 特有的变异位点。我们的结果表明: 在553 个随机样本群中没有检测到C1494T 突变,这说明该突变是一个稀有的突 变,在正常人群中发生的频率极低。另外,在111 个属于单倍型类群A 的样本 群中,我们也没有检测到C1494T 突变的存在,这说明该突变并非单倍型类群A 特有的变异位点。经过对带有C1494T 突变的全序列进行综合的系统发育学分析 表明,这三条序列的C1494T 突变应是来源于同一次突变事件。同时,根据序列 之间共享变异位点的状况推断,两个耳聋家系具有很近的母系亲缘关系,我们推 测这两个家系的C1494T 突变是来源于一位共同的近期母系祖先。综合这些结果 表明,C1494T 突变的发生与单倍型类群即母系遗传背景没有相关性,是属于在人群中频率极低的散发性突变。 我们又将系统发育分析的方法应用于肿瘤相关的线粒体DNA 突变的研究 中。线粒体在细胞的自由基产生以及细胞凋亡中扮演重要角色;有研究报道线粒 体功能的缺陷能导致癌症的发生,同时又有很多报道指出癌变组织的线粒体基因 组存在异常。为探讨癌组织中线粒体基因组的变异情况及其在癌症的发生和发展 中所扮演的角色,我们选取乳腺癌早期患者为研究对象。 近年来,有大量的研究都报导了在癌组织中存在高频率高密度的线粒体 DNA 体细胞突变,并认为这些突变在肿瘤发生过程中可能具有功能相关性。但 这些研究存在着不可回避的问题,总结来讲归为三个方面:①数据质量差:很多 前面报道的突变数据,经系统发育分析,发现存在不少因样本交叉污染所造成的 假阳性突变。②所测片断太短。大多数研究只是检测了D-loop 区,只占了整个 基因组的约十六分之一,很难全面反映问题。③对照设置有问题,许多研究进行 简单的case-control 分析,忽略了不同个体间母系遗传背景的差异,导致大量假 阳性突变的产生。 针对以上问题的存在,我们基于系统发育分析的方法在中国的乳腺癌病人中 开展了一项研究。分别取得10 例乳腺癌早期患者的癌组织、癌旁组织、以及远 端正常组织;提取了总DNA,对每一份组织样品进行线粒体全基因组测序。这 样做有两个研究目的:第一是调查在严格的质量控制手段下,排除交叉污染所造 成的假阳性突变后,在癌症病人中是否仍然能观察到高频率高密度的线粒体 DNA 体细胞突变。第二个目的是调查中国乳腺癌患者线粒体DNA 体细胞突变情 况,为乳腺癌早期诊断提供有效的信息。 为了避免过去部分研究中出现的问题,我们采取了相应的措施。首先是在严 格的质量控制下,我们对同一个病人的三种不同组织,即癌组织,癌旁组织,正 常组织中的线粒体基因组进行全序列测定的方式来检测体细胞突变。同时将所测 得线粒体全基因组序列进行系统发育的分析;结果表明属于同一个病人的不同组 织都能忠实的聚到一支,而且每一条全序列都完整的带有所属单倍型特有的界定 位点,不存在任何样本交叉或者污染的情况;这样进一步确证了我们数据的可靠 性。同时经过这样的比较,可以非常清晰的筛选出在某一种组织类型中所发生的 体细胞突变。来自10 例病人的癌组织,癌旁组织和正常组织的29 条(7#患者远端正常组 织没有得到)线粒体基因组全序列中,我们只检测到了两个体细胞突变(T2275C 和A8601G)。这两个突变经PCR 克隆试验的验证,在远端正常组织中均不存在, 是真实的体细胞突变。突变A8601G 同时出现在3#患者的癌组织和癌旁组织中; 提示线粒体DNA 的体细胞突变可能先于细胞的癌变,这可能对乳腺癌的早期临 床诊断具有一定的意义。突变T2275C 只出现在6#患者的癌组织中,该突变位于 16S rRNA 基因非常保守的位点上,我们对该突变位点潜在的生物学作用作了进 一步的讨论。 在我们研究的病例中体细胞突变的比率要远远低于先前的报道;造成差异的 主要原因可能是因为我们采取了严格的质量控制手段。综合我们的研究结果表 明,先前所报道的乳腺癌组织中的线粒体基因体细胞突变的频率存在被高估的现 象。目前线粒体突变与肿瘤发生的关系还有待于更深入的研究,同时我们呼吁本 领域的研究要加强数据质量的可靠性。我们的研究表明,系统发育的分析方法在 线粒体DNA 相关疾病的研究中是有效的,因此我们推荐在线粒体DNA 相关疾 病的研究中进行推广。


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在过去的十几年时间里,利用不同的分子标记促进了分子生态学和群 体遗传学的较大发展,其中线粒体DNA 和微卫星DNA 分析在分子生态学 研究中得到了最为广泛的应用,多核基因分子标记也越来越受到人们的关 注。本文采用了比较基因组学方法来研究了藏鸡(Tibetan Chickens)和姬鼠 属(Apodemus)的系统进化,对藏鸡的研究主要是为了解决藏鸡的系统进化 地位及其线粒体基因组的进化特征;对姬鼠属的研究目的在于发展建立一 种崭新的研究野生动物系统进化和生物地理的比较基因组学手段。主要结 果描述如下: (1)藏鸡(Tibetan Chickens)线粒体全基因组序列的测序和分析 通过利用PCR 扩增,测序,拼接,获得藏鸡线粒体全基因组序列并进 行数据分析处理。藏鸡线粒体全基因组序列全长16783bp,共有13 个蛋白 质编码基因、2 个rRNA 基因、22 个tRNA 基因和1 个D-loop 区。模拟电 子酶切结果显示,藏鸡DraI 酶的酶切结果和其他家鸡及红原鸡的酶切结果 都相同。基于D-loop 区全序列和13 个蛋白质编码基因序列,采用N-J 算 法与原鸡属4 个种,3 个亚种和3 个家鸡品系构建系统进化树:初步确定 藏鸡起源于红原鸡,与家鸡中的来航鸡、白洛克鸡亲缘关系最近,但是藏 鸡的进化与来航鸡、白洛克鸡这两个家鸡品系又显得相对独立。推测可能 原因是藏鸡的祖先在进入高原以后处于相对封闭的环境,从而形成了独特 群体遗传特性。 (2)姬鼠属(Apodemus)系统进化中的比较基因组学研究 本文中我们利用比较基因组学的研究方法寻找Exon-Primer-Intron- Crossing(EPIC)座位,并在中国四川省姬鼠属3 个种18 个个体中进行检验。 其方法是:通过比较人和小家鼠基因组,选择其中的外显子高度保守的单 拷贝基因,然后在500-1500bp 长度内含子的两端利用外显子序列设计了引 物,再进行PCR 扩增和克隆分析。通过PCR 扩增,我们在102 对引物选 择了6 对引物在18 个姬鼠属个体中进行PCR 产物克隆和测序。通过和 Cyt-b 相比较,在6 个座位当中,有5 个座位构建的系统进化树和Cyt-b 构建的系统进化树的拓扑结构高度一致,其中4 个座位可以很好的区分地 理不同的种群。通过计算核酸多样性,6 个座位的得到的结果都很接近, 说明6 个座位的突变率没有太大的差别。由此可见,我们利用比较基因组学的方法寻找EPIC 座位用于系统发育和群体遗传学的研究是可行的,通 过利用模式物种的基因组信息来研究野生非模式物种的系统发育和群体 遗传学将会提供前所未有的数据量和分辨率。


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本研究用线粒体细胞色素b 基因全序列和ND4 基因序列探讨了哀牢髭蟾 (Vibrissaphora ailaonica)分子亲缘地理学和保护遗传学,利用线粒体细胞色素b、 控制区全序列和部分12SrRNA 基因序列研究了分布于中国的红瘰疣螈 (Tylototriton verrucosus)分子亲缘地理学和保护遗传学。 哀牢髭蟾为生活于高海拔生境(大约2000-2600m)的濒危蛙类。各种致危因 素引起了关于对小的、隔离种群长期存活的关注,然而迄今没有关于该物种遗传 多样性的报道。本论文首次研究了分布于中国云南省的哀牢髭蟾的亲缘地理学和 保护遗传学。对采自于9 个种群81 个个体,我们应用线粒体mtDNA cyt b 和 ND4 基因共计1990bp, 获得了51 个单倍型。系统发育分析显示三个分化较深且互为单 系的族群,大致相应于分别被元江和藤条江河谷分开的三个地理单元(元江以东、 金平和藤条江以西地理单元),暗示了长期的地理隔离分化。分子变异等级分析 (AMOVA)显示遗传变异主要为三个地理单元之间(81.68%)和种群内的个体之 间(11.26%)。三个地理单元显著的地理分布暗示在空间和时间上的隔离,这与中 国西南地区在晚中新世到上新世的哀牢山的造山运动和隆升所引起的重要的气候 和古地质变化时间相一致。我们推测低海拔干热河谷可能是三个地理单元之间基 因交流受限的主要生态障碍。根据上述研究结果,我们建议对这三个遗传分化显 著的地理单元,元江以东地区、金平地区、藤条江以西地区作为独立的管理单元 分别加以保护。 本研究通过测定中国横断山区的红瘰疣螈(Tylototriton verrucosus)17个采集 点的123个红瘰疣螈标本的线粒体mtDNA Cyt b、D-loop和12SrRNA三个基因片段 (2347 bp)序列,首次研究了红瘰疣螈在横断山区的群体遗传结构和分子系统地理格 局,并讨论了T. shanjing的物种有效性。基于123个样品定义的49个单倍型的贝叶 斯和NJ系统发育分析表明:(1) T. verrucosus和T. shanjing均未各自构成单系,而是 共同构成一个单系群;(2) 横断山区的红瘰疣螈分为3个线粒体DNA地理单元,即滇 东南、滇中-滇西和片马地理单元,并且地理单元间不存在共享单倍型,说明红瘰 疣螈具有明显的系统地理分布格局。AMOVA分析同样表明3个地理单元之间存在 显著差异,并且分子变异主要发生在3个地理单元间(62.4%)。T. shanjing与T.verrucosus的mtDNA cyt b 序列差异平均值仅为1.1%,明显小于它们与两外群(贵 州疣螈和大凉疣螈)及外群间的遗传距离(6.5-9.9%)。因此,根据T. verrucosus和 T.shanjing的遗传差异以及系统发育分析结果都不支持T. shanjing的物种地位,T. shanjing为T. verrucosus的同物异名,并建议恢复T. verrucosus的中文名红瘰疣螈。 基于上述结果,我们建议将分布于滇东南、滇中-滇西、片马地区的红瘰疣螈作 为三个独立的管理单元分别加以保护。


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The structure of phenylalanine transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA(Phe)) in solution was explored by H-1 NMR spectroscopy to evaluate the effect of lanthanide ion on the structural and conformational change. It was found that La3+ ions possess specific effects on the imino proton region of the H-1 NMR spectra for yeast tRNA(Phe). The dependence of the imino proton spectra of yeast tRNA(Phe) as a function of La3+ concentration was examined, and the results suggest that the tertiary base pair G(15). C-48, which is located in the terminal in the augmented dihydrouridine helix (D-helix), was markedly affected by La3+ (shifted to downfield by as much as 0.35). Base pair U-8. A(14) in yeast tRNA(Phe), which are stacked on G(15). C-48, was also affected by added La3+ when 1 similar to 2 Mg2+ were also present. Another imino proton that may be affected by La3+ in yeast tRNA(Phe) is that of the tertiary base pair G(19). C-56. The assignment of this resonance in yeast tRNA(Phe) is tentative since it is located in the region of highly overlapping resonances beween 12.6 and 12.2. This base pair helps to anchor the D-loop to the T Psi C loop. The binding of La3+ caused conformational change of tRNA, which is responsible for shifts to upfield or downfield in H-1 NMR spectra.