310 resultados para Défi


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The objective of this study was to examine genetic changes in reproduction traits in sows (total number born (TNB), number born alive (NBA), average piglet birth weight (ABW) and number of piglets weaned (NW), body weight prior to mating (MW), gestation length (GL) and daily food intake during lactation (DFI)) in lines of Large White pigs divergently selected over 4 years for high and low post-weaning growth rate on a restricted ration. Heritabilities and repeatabilities of the reproduction traits were also determined. The analyses were carried out on 913 litter records using average information-restricted maximum likelihood method applied to single trait animal models. Estimates of heritability for most traits were small, except for ABW (0·33) and MW (0·35). Estimates of repeatability were slightly higher than those of heritability for TNB, NBA and NW, but they were almost identical for ABW, MW, GL and DFI. After 4 years of selection, the high growth line sows had significantly heavier body weight prior to mating and produced significantly more piglets born alive with heavier average birth weight than the low line sows. There were, however, no statistical differences between the selected lines in TNB or NW. The lower food intake of high relative to low line sows during lactation was not significant, indicating that daily food intake differences found between grower pigs in the high and low lines (2·71 v. 2·76 kg/day, s.e.d. 0·024) on ad libitum feeding were not fully expressed in lactating sows. It is concluded that selection for growth rate on the restricted ration resulted in beneficial effects on important measures of reproductive performance of the sows.


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The genetics of heifer performance in tropical 'wet' and 'dry' seasons, and relationships with steer performance, were studied in Brahman (BRAH) and Tropical Composite (TCOMP) (50% Bos indicus, African Sanga or other tropically adapted Bos taurus; 50% non-tropically adapted Bos taurus) cattle of northern Australia. Data were from 2159 heifers (1027 BRAH, 1132 TCOMP), representing 54 BRAH and 51 TCOMP sires. Heifers were assessed after post-weaning 'wet' (ENDWET) and 'dry' (ENDDRY) seasons. Steers were assessed post-weaning, at feedlot entry, over a 70-day feed test, and after similar to 120-day finishing. Measures studied in both heifers and steers were liveweight (LWT), scanned rump fat, rib fat and M. longissimus area (SEMA), body condition score (CS), hip height (HH), serum insulin-like growth factor-I concentration (IGF-I), and average daily gains (ADG). Additional steer measures were scanned intra-muscular fat%, flight time, and daily (DFI) and residual feed intake (RFI). Uni- and bivariate analyses were conducted for combined genotypes and for individual genotypes. Genotype means were predicted for a subset of data involving 34 BRAH and 26 TCOMP sires. A meta-analysis of genetic correlation estimates examined how these were related to the difference between measurement environments for specific traits. There were genotype differences at the level of means, variances and genetic correlations. BRAH heifers were significantly (P < 0.05) faster-growing in the 'wet' season, slower-growing in the 'dry' season, lighter at ENDDRY, and taller and fatter with greater CS and IGF-I at both ENDWET and ENDDRY. Heritabilities were generally in the 20 to 60% range for both genotypes. Phenotypic and genetic variances, and genetic correlations, were commonly lower for BRAH. Differences were often explained by the long period of tropical adaptation of B. indicus. Genetic correlations were high between corresponding measures at ENDWET and ENDDRY, positive between fat and muscle measures in TCOMP but negative in BRAH (mean of 13 estimates 0.50 and -0.19, respectively), and approximately zero between steer feedlot ADG and heifer ADG in BRAH. Numerous genetic correlations between heifers and steers differed substantially from unity, especially in BRAH, suggesting there may be scope to select differently in the sexes where that would aid the differing roles of heifers and steers in production. Genetic correlations declined as measurement environments became more different, the rates of decline (environment sensitivity) sometimes differing with genotype. Similar measures (LWT, HH and ADG; IGF-I at ENDWET in TCOMP) were genetically correlated with steer DFI in heifers as in steers. Heifer SEMA was genetically correlated with steer feedlot RFI in BRAH (0.75 +/- 0.27 at ENDWET, 0.66 +/- 0.24 at ENDDRY). Selection to reduce steer RFI would reduce SEMA in BRAH heifers but otherwise have only small effects on heifers before their first joining.


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Sperm chromatin status was assessed in 565 Zebu and Zebu crossbred beef bulls in extensive tropical environments using the sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA). The SCSA involved exposure of sperm to acid hydrolysis for 0.5 or 5.0 minutes, followed by flow cytometry to ascertain relative amounts of double-stranded (normal) and single-stranded (denatured) DNA, which was used to generate a DNA fragmentation index (%DFI). With conventional SCSA (0.5-minute SCSA), 513 bulls (91%) had <15 %DFI, 24 bulls (4%) had 15 to 27 %DFI, and 28 bulls (5%) had >27 %DFI. In 5.0-minute SCSA, 432 bulls (76%) had <15 %DFI, 68 bulls (12%) had 15 to 27 %DFI and 65 bulls (12%) had >27 %DFI. For most bulls, the SCSA was repeatable on two to four occasions; however, because most bulls had <15 %DFI, repeatability of the SCSA will need to be determined in a larger number of bulls in the 15 to 27 %DFI and >27 %DFI categories. The %DFI was negatively correlated with several bull semen parameters and the strongest negative correlation was with normal sperm. There was a strong positive correlation between %DFI and sperm head abnormalities. Based on these findings, most Zebu beef bulls in extensive tropical environments had relatively stable sperm chromatin. Based on the apparent negative correlations with conventional semen parameters, we inferred that the SCSA measured a unique feature of sperm quality, which has also been suggested for other species. Further studies on the relationships between sperm chromatin stability and fertility are required in beef bulls before chromatin status can be used as an additional predictor of the siring capacity of individual bulls in extensive multiple-sire herds. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The primary purpose of spermatozoa is to deliver the paternal DNA to the oocyte at fertilization. During the complex events of fertilization, if the spermatozoon penetrating the oocyte contains compromised or damaged sperm chromatin, the subsequent progression of embryogenesis and foetal development may be affected. Variation in sperm DNA damage and protamine content in ejaculated spermatozoa was reported in the cattle, with potential consequences to bull fertility. Protamines are sperm-specific nuclear proteins that are essential to packaging of the condensed paternal genome in spermatozoa. Sperm DNA damage is thought to be repaired during the process of protamination. This study investigates the potential correlation between sperm protamine content, sperm DNA damage and the subsequent relationships between sperm chromatin and commonly measured reproductive phenotypes. Bos indicus sperm samples (n = 133) were assessed by two flow cytometric methods: the sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) and an optimized sperm protamine deficiency assay (SPDA). To verify the SPDA assay for bovine sperm protamine content, samples collected from testis, caput and cauda epididymidis were analyzed. As expected, mature spermatozoa in the cauda epididymidis had higher protamine content when compared with sperm samples from testis and caput epididymidis (p < 0.01). The DNA fragmentation index (DFI), determined by SCSA, was positively correlated (r = 0.33 ± 0.08, p < 0.05) with the percentage of spermatozoa that showed low protamine content using SPDA. Also, DFI was negatively correlated (r = -0.21 ± 0.09, p < 0.05) with the percentage of spermatozoa with high protamine content. Larger scrotal circumference contributes to higher sperm protamine content and lower content of sperm DNA damage (p < 0.05). In conclusion, sperm protamine content and sperm DNA damage are closely associated. Protamine deficiency is likely to be one of the contributing factors to DNA instability and damage, which can affect bull fertility. © 2014 American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Andrology.


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In this paper we discuss the recent progresses in spectral finite element modeling of complex structures and its application in real-time structural health monitoring system based on sensor-actuator network and near real-time computation of Damage Force Indicator (DFI) vector. A waveguide network formalism is developed by mapping the original variational problem into the variational problem involving product spaces of 1D waveguides. Numerical convergence is studied using a h()-refinement scheme, where is the wavelength of interest. Computational issues towards successful implementation of this method with SHM system are discussed.


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The paper discusses basically a wave propagation based method for identifying the damage due to skin-stiffener debonding in a stiffened structure. First, a spectral finite element model (SFEM) is developed for modeling wave propagation in general built-up structures, using the concept of assembling 2D spectral plate elements and the model is then used in modeling wave propagation in a skin-stiffener type structure. The damage force indicator (DFI) technique, which is derived from the dynamic stiffness matrix of the healthy stiffened structure (obtained from the SFEM model) along with the nodal displacements of the debonded stiffened structure (obtained from 2D finite element model), is used to identify the damage due to the presence of debond in a stiffened structure.


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A wave propagation based approach for the detection of damage in components of structures having periodic damage has been proposed. Periodic damage pattern may arise in a structure due to periodicity in geometry and in loading. The method exploits the Block-Floquet band formation mechanism, a feature specific to structures with periodicity, to identify propagation bands (pass bands) and attenuation bands (stop bands) at different frequency ranges. The presence of damage modifies the wave propagation behaviour forming these bands. With proper positioning of sensors a damage force indicator (DFI) method can be used to locate the defect at an accuracy level of sensor to sensor distance. A wide range of transducer frequency may be used to obtain further information about the shape and size of the damage. The methodology is demonstrated using a few 1-D structures with different kinds of periodicity and damage. For this purpose, dynamic stiffness matrix is formed for the periodic elements to obtain the dispersion relationship using frequency domain spectral element and spectral super element method. The sensitivity of the damage force indicator for different types of periodic damages is also analysed.


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The paper discusses a wave propagation based method for identifying the damages in an aircraft built up structural component such as delamination and skin-stiffener debonding. First, a spectral finite element mode l (SFEM) is developed for modeling wave propagation in general built-up structures by using the concept of assembling 2D spectral plate elements. The developed numerical model is validated using conventional 2-D FEM. Studies are performed to capture the mode coupling,that is, the flexural-axial coupling present in the wave responses. Lastly, the damages in these built up structures are then identified using the developed SFEM model and the measured responses using the concept Damage Force Indicator (DFI) technique.


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Résumé: Le défi vital que la Révélation pose à la philosophie légitime la question de leurs rapports possibles. La raison considère d’abord l’absence de rapport en distinguant radicalement ce qui relève de chacune. Mais l’élan fondamental orienté vers le divin qui anime cette faculté, la rend naturellement théologique. Pour éviter le scepticisme, incompatible avec son dynamisme naturel, la raison finit par dévaloriser la Révélation. Cette attitude signifie l’unicité de l’autorité théologique de la raison, alors naturellement divine. Développée à partir du XVIIIème siècle, elle culmine avec l’homme démiurgique des XIX et XXème siècles. Mais, ne pouvant justifier l’universalité de ses élaborations idéologiques, la raison hésite entre le scepticisme ou le totalitarisme, deux renoncements à l’exercice philosophique. L’acceptation du soutien lumineux de la Révélation, qui suppose l’humble reconnaissance des limites de la raison, ne nuit pas à cet exercice, mais le féconde, et, seule, en permet l’épanouissement. Eclairée par la Révélation, la philosophie contribue au bonheur suprême des hommes, qui demeure son intention fondamentale.


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Nesta tese, considerando as críticas e as queixas ao distanciamento entre as políticas públicas, a formação docente e a prática profissional, problematizamos a produção / circulação de expectativas sobre o trabalho do professor. Investimos numa dupla perspectiva teórica: a da psicologia social e a da linguística. A partir de uma compreensão da subjetividade como produção, recorremos a noções como as de governamentalização neoliberal (FOUCAULT, 2008a; FOUCAULT, 2008b) para encaminhar uma análise das formas de controle (DELEUZE, 2006a) e o desafio de constituir a experiência (BENJAMIN, 1996) como um plano (DELEUZE; GUATTARI, 2005). Do ponto de vista dos estudos da linguagem, priorizam-se os debates em torno interdiscurso (BAKHTIN, 2004; MAINGUENEAU, 2005), conceito que é responsável por descartar aportes baseados estritamente no conteudismo e ressignifica os planos da enunciação e da pragmática. Em nossas análises, colocamos em confronto textos de prescrição à atividade docente e discussão de professores e estagiários apontando o que ganha consistência ou não em seu cotidiano profissional. As análises desdobram-se em três momentos. No primeiro deles, discutimos o Decreto do PDE como gênero do discurso (BAKHTIN, 2000), analisando as tarefas atribuídas ao professor nas metas e as estratégias de poder instauradas pelo IDEB. No segundo momento, observamos as dicas ao professor divulgadas no portal eletrônico Todos pela Educação, considerando como marca linguística os pressupostos (DUCROT, 1987; MAINGUENEAU, 2005). A análise dos pressupostos nos conduziu a ocorrências de enunciados em afirmação polêmica. No terceiro momento, constituímos uma discussão em grupo com professores e com estagiários, colocando em análise temas como trabalho, formação, práticas de si e relação com a pesquisa. Os resultados das análises apontam para uma desqualificação da análise coletiva das demandas do cotidiano, gerando a redução do trabalho do professor como execução de tarefas e transmissão de saberes. As políticas públicas agem por mecanismos de competição e recompensa, colocando a ênfase sobre a performance. Fortalece-se a figura de um professor empreendedor, como alguém que pretende apenas atingir as metas, sem discutir sua eficácia e seus efeitos. Ao lado disso, o vetor precarização indica lutas por melhores condições e reconhecimento de trabalho. Para além das metas propostas, o percurso com o conhecimento surge como possibilidade de experiência singular, compartilhada entre professores e alunos.


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Esta tese teve por objetivo compreender a relação da criança com seu próprio aniversário, considerando o aniversário como ―experiência‖ e comemoração. Em um primeiro momento, aborda o tema do aniversário ao longo da história, como este se apresenta em diferentes campos da cultura, analisando de que forma elementos como convite, bolo, tema e brindes tornam-se constituintes dessa efeméride. Tal análise adota como referência os estudos de Régine Sirota, Jean-Claude Schmitt, Christian Heslon, Françoise Lebrun e Alain Montandon. Em um segundo momento, transpondo a perspectiva da ―alteridade‖ tal como proposta por Mikhail Bakhtin e Marília Amorim para o campo da pesquisa com crianças, apresenta sentidos compartilhados com crianças sobre a experiência de seu aniversário. O trabalho de campo adotou como principais estratégias metodológicas entrevistas individuais e em grupo com crianças de idade entre 4 e 10 anos, e observação de diferentes festas de aniversário, cujos relatos são trazidos para o texto como ―imagens dialéticas‖, seguindo a orientação de Walter Benjamin. O aniversário, compreendido na perspectiva da criança primeiro como ―festa‖ e depois como ―condição para crescer‖, é analisado neste trabalho com base nas vozes das crianças, sua relação com o tempo e com o tema do aniversário. É trazido como contínuo de mudanças, manifestado pelo pertencimento a determinada idade cronológica que toma como referencia parâmetros de comportamento socialmente estabelecidos. A interlocução com as crianças e o estudo teórico mais aprofundado apontaram para a complexidade da temática, que se apresenta socialmente situada entre a noção de espetáculo, fenômeno abordado por Guy Debord, e a ideia de simplicidade, isto é, os pequenos gestos que desenham silenciosamente a experiência e buscam formas sutis para comunicá-la, como postula Benjamin. Assentado na premissa de que ―menos pode ser mais‖, este estudo abre mão de estabelecer uma fácil e determinista relação de oposição entre espetáculo e simplicidade. Em vez disso, aceitando o desafio de Walter Benjamin e Win Wenders, aposta na riqueza das contradições que se colocam entre estes como um desvio metodológico que convide a uma reflexão crítica, aguçando o olhar para diferentes comemorações de aniversários e buscando nelas estilhaços de histórias.


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A presente pesquisa é tributária de um interesse particular pela clínica das psicoses. A partir dela viemos endossar a proposta de Jacques Lacan segundo a qual o analista não deve recuar diante da psicose, acrescentando que não recuar diante da psicose implica em não recuar diante da instituição psiquiátrica, incluindo aí não só o hospital psiquiátrico e os ambulatórios públicos, mas também e, sobretudo, os dispositivos que compõem o que se denominou, a partir da reforma psiquiátrica, de campo da saúde mental. Tendo como ponto de partida a crença de que a maioria dos casos de psicose necessita da instituição psiquiátrica, seja esta uma instituição tradicional - o hospital psiquiátrico -, ou um dispositivo que se pretende substitutivo em relação a ele - um hospital-dia ou um CAPS (Centro de Atenção Psicossocial), propomos nessa dissertação um questionamento acerca do lugar da psicanálise no campo da saúde mental. Desde Freud a psicose vem colocando questões à psicanálise, convocando os analistas ao trabalho de sustentar o dispositivo analítico num terreno onde este parece ser colocado à prova. E quando se trata de sustentá-lo fora do setting do consultório privado - numa enfermaria ou num CAPS, por exemplo -, o desafio ainda é maior. Nessa dissertação tentaremos delimitar o que a psicanálise tem de específico no que tange à abordagem da psicose e enquanto clínica do sujeito, o que define um certo lugar para ela no campo da saúde mental. Freud nos apresenta a escuta como instrumento principal do analista na prática clínica. Lacan, em sua releitura de Freud, vai apontar para o que ela tem de específico - uma escuta referenciada numa ética particular: a ética da psicanálise, sustentada no desejo do analista. Portanto, é a partir dessa escuta que visamos sugerir um lugar específico para a psicanálise, independente do ambiente onde se dá a experiência analítica


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o funcionamento discursivo na obra de Elomar Figueira de Mello, observando a identidade sertaneja elomariana como uma construção discursiva, produzida por relações interdiscursivas e por dizeres institucionalizados na memória discursiva. A discussão passa pelos conceitos de identidade, em Stuart Hall e Tomaz Tadeu da Silva e a resistência em Michel Foucault e Durval Muniz de Albuquerque Junior, com quem abordamos a invenção do nordeste. Buscamos embasamento teórico-metodológico na Análise do Discurso de linha francesa (AD) a partir do proposto por Dominique Maingueneau no que se refere à análise de textos literários com enfoque discursivo. Instituímos quatro instâncias para análise, todas baseadas no contraste entre o dito de um e o dito do outro. A primeira destas instâncias é o embate entre a descrição do lugar. As quatro personagens têm visões distintas do sertão elomariano, que chamamos de bolha ou de Reino Encantado do Sertão Elomariano; a segunda instância de nossa análise recorta os enunciados sobre a protagonista Dassanta. O que dizem dela e o que ela diz de si mesma; nossa terceira instância trata do embate entre o bem e o mal contido no texto de Elomar; finalizando, fazemos um estudo sobre o Quinto Canto, que é um desafio entre cantadores, apontando um hibridismo nas cenas genéricas e o embate de Ethos e Simulacros


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In this paper, we have carried out a theoretical study on the addition of HCN to methanimine with formamidine or formamide using second-order Moller-Plesset perturbation (MP2) method with 6-31 + G(d,p) basis sets. At MP2 level. a high-energy, intermediate has been located for each pathway. The addition of HCN to methanimine with formamidine has the lowest free energy barrier according to the calculations at MP2 level. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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云南会泽铅锌矿田是我国著名的超大型特富铅锌矿田之一,由相距3公里的矿山厂和麒麟厂两个独立的矿床组成,Zn+Pb金属量超过五百万吨,矿石品位在25%至35%之间。为确定矿床成矿流体和成矿金属来源,本文系统研究了矿床的Ph、S、C、O、H和Sr同位素组成特征。矿石硫化物的铅N位素组成均一,^206Pb/^204Pb,^207Pb/^204Pb和。^206Pb/^204Pb的变化范围分别为18.251~18.530,15.663~15.855和38.487~39.433,与围岩碳酸盐岩中浸染状黄铁矿一致,与碳酸盐地层相近,在^208Pb/^204Pb-^206Pb/^204Pb图上显示明显的线性关系,表明铅N位素组成相近的碳酸盐围岩地层提供了成矿物质。矿石硫化物的δ^14S变化范围为10.9‰~17.4‰,多数集中于13‰~17‰,表明还原硫主要来自地层中海相硫酸盐的还原,还原方式为热化学还原,下伏页岩、碎屑岩和泥质岩中的有机质在硫酸盐还原过程中发挥了重要作用。三种不同产状的脉石矿物方解石的碳氧同位素组成均一且没有明显差别,δ^13C变化范围为-2.1‰~-3.5‰, δ^18O为16.8‰~18.6‰。脉石矿物方解石中流体包裹体水的δDFI为-50‰~-60‰,取温度为200℃计算包裹体水的δ^18OH2O值为7.0‰~8.8‰。碳、氧和氢、氧同位素研究结果表明,成矿流体为来自下部上升的变质流体,由于下伏页岩、碎屑岩和泥质岩中有机质的参与,成矿流体具有低的δ^13C和δ^13DFI值,在上升过程中与围岩发生了同位素交换。矿石中黄铁矿、闪锌矿和方解石的初始锶同位素组成(^87Sr/^86Sr).值的变化范围为0.714~0.717,赋矿围岩中未蚀变白云岩的初始锶同位素组成(^87Sr/^86Sr).值为0.7083~0.7093,明显低于蚀变白云岩(0.7106),表明成矿流体具有高的(^87Sr/^86Sr),比值。相对围岩碳酸盐岩而言,下伏地层中的页岩、碎屑岩和泥质岩往往具有高得多的^87Sr/^86Sr,因此,流经或者起源于这些地层的流体具有高的锶同位素比值.