978 resultados para Cytogenetic abnormalities


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Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) are rare hematopoietic stem cell diseases affecting children. Cytogenetics plays an important role in the diagnosis of these diseases. We report here the experience of the Cytogenetic Subcommittee of the Brazilian Cooperative Group on Pediatric Myelodysplastic Syndromes (BCG-MDS-PED). We analyzed 168 cytogenetic studies performed in 23 different cytogenetic centers; 84 of these studies were performed in patients with confirmed MDS (primary MDS, secondary MDS, JMML, and acute myeloid leukemia/MDS+Down syndrome). Clonal abnormalities were found in 36.9% of the MDS cases and cytogenetic studies were important for the detection of constitutional diseases and for differential diagnosis with other myeloid neoplasms. These data show the importance of the Cooperative Group for continuing education in order to avoid a late or wrong diagnosis.


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We describe the cytogenetic study of six neoplastic and eight nonneoplastic skin samples from sun-exposed body sites or sites close to tumors. The cytogenetic findings revealed that chromosome rearrangements are common in sun-exposed normal skin, similar to the situation in cutaneous tumors, and suggest that such karyotypic abnormalities might be indicative of the genetic instability caused by specific mutations and resulting from carcinogenic exposure of the tissue.


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The cytogenetic findings on G-banding in an infiltrating ductal breast carcinoma in a 69-year-old man are reported. The main abnormalities observed were trisomy of chromosomes 8 and 9 and structural rearrangement in the long arm of chromosome 17 (add(17)(q25)). Our results confirm the trisomy of chromosome 8 in the characterization of the subtype of ductal breast carcinomas and demonstrate that chromosome 17, which is frequently involved in female breast cancers, is also responsible for the development or progression of primary breast cancers in males.


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Chromosome analysis of short-term culture of a basal cell carcinoma showed five clonal chromosome abnormalities, t(9;14)(q12 or q13;p11), del(1)(q23 or q25), trisomy 5, trisomy 7, and monosomy X. In addition, several nonclonal structural and numerical changes were seen in the tumor cells.


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Chromosome analysis was performed on samples from 20 Brazilian patients with breast cancer. All the samples were from untreated patients who presented the clinical symptoms for months or years before surgical intervention. Six cases showed axillary lymph node metastases. Clonal chromosome abnormalities were detected in all cases. The numerical alterations most frequently observed involved the loss of chromosomes X, 19, 20, and 22 followed by gain of chromosomes 9 and 8. Among the structural anomalies observed, there was preferential involvement of chromosomes 11, 6, 1, 7, 3, and 12, supporting previous reports that these chromosomes may harbour genes of importance in the development of breast tumors. Two cases with a family history of breast cancer had in common total or partial trisomy 1.


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The Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDDs) constitute a group of behavioral and neurobiological impairment conditions whose main features are delayed communicative and cognitive development. Genetic factors are reportedly associated with PDDs and particular genetic abnormalities are frequently found in specific diagnostic subgroups such as the autism spectrum disorders. This study evaluated cytogenetic and molecular parameters in 30 youths with autism or other PDDs. The fragile X syndrome was the most common genetic abnormality detected, presented by 1 patient with autism and 1 patient with PPD not-otherwise specified (PPD-NOS). One girl with PDD-NOS was found to have tetrasomy for the 15q11-q13 region, and one patient with autism exhibited in 2/100 metaphases an inv(7)(p15q36), thus suggesting a mosaicism 46,XX/46,XX,inv(7)(p15q36) or representing a coincidental finding. The high frequency of chromosomopathies support the hypothesis that PDDs may develop as a consequence to chromosomal abnormalities and justify the cytogenetic and molecular assessment in all patients with PDDs for establishment of diagnosis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Human adult stem cells (hASCs) offer a potentially renewable source of cell types that are easily isolated and rapidly expanded for use in regenerative medicine and cell therapies without the complicating ethical problems that are associated with embryonic stem cells. However, the eventual therapeutic use of hASCs requires that these cells and their derivatives maintain their genomic stability. There is currently a lack of systematic studies that are aimed at characterising aberrant chromosomal changes in cultured ASCs over time. However, the presence of mosaicism and accumulation of karyotypic abnormalities within cultured cell subpopulations have been reported. To investigate cytogenetic integrity of cultured human dental stem cell (hDSC) lines, we analysed four expanded hDSC cultures using classical G banding and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) with X chromosome specific probe. Our preliminary results revealed that about 70% of the cells exhibited karyotypic abnormalities including polyploidy, aneuploidy and ring chromosomes. The heterogeneous spectrum of abnormalities indicates a high frequency of chromosomal mutations that continuously arise upon extended culture. These findings emphasise the need for the careful analysis of the cytogenetic stability of cultured hDSCs before they can be used in clinical therapies.


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BACKGROUND: Microarray genome analysis is realising its promise for improving detection of genetic abnormalities in individuals with mental retardation and congenital abnormality. Copy number variations (CNVs) are now readily detectable using a variety of platforms and a major challenge is the distinction of pathogenic from ubiquitous, benign polymorphic CNVs. The aim of this study was to investigate replacement of time consuming, locus specific testing for specific microdeletion and microduplication syndromes with microarray analysis, which theoretically should detect all known syndromes with CNV aetiologies as well as new ones. METHODS: Genome wide copy number analysis was performed on 117 patients using Affymetrix 250K microarrays. RESULTS: 434 CNVs (195 losses and 239 gains) were found, including 18 pathogenic CNVs and 9 identified as "potentially pathogenic". Almost all pathogenic CNVs were larger than 500 kb, significantly larger than the median size of all CNVs detected. Segmental regions of loss of heterozygosity larger than 5 Mb were found in 5 patients. CONCLUSIONS: Genome microarray analysis has improved diagnostic success in this group of patients. Several examples of recently discovered "new syndromes" were found suggesting they are more common than previously suspected and collectively are likely to be a major cause of mental retardation. The findings have several implications for clinical practice. The study revealed the potential to make genetic diagnoses that were not evident in the clinical presentation, with implications for pretest counselling and the consent process. The importance of contributing novel CNVs to high quality databases for genotype-phenotype analysis and review of guidelines for selection of individuals for microarray analysis is emphasised.


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Secondary acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) have been recognized as one of the most feared long-term complications of cancer therapy. The aim of this case-control study was to determine the prevalence of chromosomal abnormalities and family history of cancer among secondary AML/MDS cases and de novo AML/MDS controls. Study population were 332 MD Anderson Cancer Center patients who were registered between 1986 and 1994. Cases were patients who had a prior invasive cancer before diagnoses of AML/MDS and controls were de novo AML/MDS. Cases (166) and controls (166) were frequency matched on age $\pm$5 years, sex and year of diagnosis of leukemia. Cytogenetic data were obtained from the leukemia clinic database of MD Anderson Cancer Center and data on family history of cancer and other risk factors were abstracted from the patients' medical record. The distribution of AML and MDS among cases was 58% and 42% respectively and among controls 67% and 33% respectively. Prevalence of chromosomal abnormalities were observed more frequently among cases than controls. Reporting of family history of cancer were similar among both groups. Univariate analysis revealed an odds ratio (OR) of 2.8 (95% CI 1.5-5.4) for deletion of chromosome 7, 1.9 (95% CI 0.9-3.8) for deletion of chromosome 5, 2.3 (95% CI 0.8-6.2) for deletion of 5q, 2.0 (95% CI 1.0-4.2) for trisomy 8, 1.3 (95% CI 0.8-2.1) for chromosomal abnormalities other than chromosome 5 or 7 and 1.3 (95% CI 0.8-2.0) for family history of cancer in a first degree relative. The OR remained significant for deletion of chromosome 7 (2.3, 95% CI 1.1-4.8) after adjustment for age, alcohol, smoking, occupation related to chemical exposure and family history of cancer in a first degree relative. Of the 166 secondary AML/MDS patients 70% had a prior solid tumor and 30% experienced hematological cancers. The most frequent cancers were breast (21.1%), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (13.3%), Hodgkin's disease (10.2%), prostate (7.2%), colon (6%), multiple myeloma (3.6%) and testes (3.0%). The majority of these cancer patients were treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy or both. Abnormalities of chromosome 5 or 7 were found to be more frequent in secondary AML/MDS patients with prior hematological cancer than patients with prior solid tumors. Median time to develop secondary AML/MDS was 5 years. However, secondary AML/MDS among patients who received chemotherapy and had a family history of cancer in a first degree relative occurred earlier (median 2.25 $\pm$ 0.9 years) than among patients without such family history (median 5.50 $\pm$ 0.18 years) (p $<$.03). The implication of exposure to chemotherapy among patients with a family history of cancer needs to be further investigated. ^


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Aberrations of the long arm of chromosome 11 are among the most common chromosome abnormalities in lymphoproliferative disorders (LPD). Translocations involving BCL1 at 11q13 are strongly associated with mantle cell lymphoma. other nonrandom aberrations, especially deletions and, less frequently, translocations, involving bands 11q21-923 have been identified by chromosome banding analysis. To date, the critical genomic segment and candidate genes involved in these deletions have not been identified. In the present study, we have analyzed tumors from 43 patients with LPD (B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, n = 40; mantle cell lymphoma, n = 3) showing aberrations of bands 11q21-923 by fluorescence in situ hybridization. As probes we used Alu-PCR products from 17 yeast artificial chromosome clones spanning chromosome bands 11q14.3-923.3, including a panel of yeast artificial chromosome clones recognizing a contiguous genomic DNA fragment of approximately 9-10 Mb in bands 11q22.3-923.3. In the 41 tumors exhibiting deletions, we identified a commonly deleted segment in band 11q22.3-923.1; this region is approximately 2-3 Mb in size and contains the genes coding for ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated), RDX (radixin), and FDX1 (ferredoxin 1). Furthermore, two translocation break-points were localized to a 1.8-Mb genomic fragment contained within the commonly deleted segment. Thus, we have identified a single critical region of 2-3 Mb in size in which 11q14-923 aberrations in LPD cluster. This provides the basis for the identification of the gene(s) at 11q22.3-923.1 that are involved in the pathogenesis of LPD.


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The reproductive capacity between Triatoma lenti and Triatoma sherlocki was observed in order to verify the fertility and viability of the offspring. Cytogenetic, morphological and morphometric approaches were used to analyze the differences that were inherited. Experimental crosses were performed in both directions. The fertility rate of the eggs in crosses involving T. sherlocki females was 65% and 90% in F1 and F2 offspring, respectively. In reciprocal crosses, it was 7% and 25% in F1 and F2 offspring, respectively. The cytogenetic analyses of the male meiotic process of the hybrids were performed using lacto-acetic orcein, C-banding and Feulgen techniques. The male F1 offspring presented normal chromosome behavior, a finding that was similar to those reported in parental species. However, cytogenetic analysis of F2 offspring showed errors in chromosome pairing. This post-zygotic isolation, which prevents hybrids in nature, may represent the collapse of the hybrid. This phenomenon is due to a genetic dysregulation that occurs in the chromosomes of F1. The results were similar in the hybrids from both crosses. Morphological features, such as color and size of connexive and the presence of red-orange rings on the femora, were similar to T. sherlocki, while wins size was similar to T. lenti in F1 offspring. The eggshells showed characteristics that were similar to species of origin, whereas the median process of the pygophore resulted in intermediate characteristics in the F1 and a segregating pattern in F2 offspring. Geometric morphometric techniques used on the wings showed that both F1 and F2 offspring were similar to T. lenti. These studies on the reproductive capacity between T. lenti and T. sherlocki confirm that both species are evolutionarily closed; hence, they are included in the brasiliensis subcomplex. The extremely reduced fertility observed in the F2 hybrids confirmed the specific status of the species that were analyzed.


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To report on the use of chronic myeloid leukemia as a theme of basic clinical integration for first year medical students to motivate and enable in-depth understanding of the basic sciences of the future physician. During the past thirteen years we have reviewed and updated the curriculum of the medical school of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas. The main objective of the new curriculum is to teach the students how to learn to learn. Since then, a case of chronic myeloid leukemia has been introduced to first year medical students and discussed in horizontal integration with all themes taught during a molecular and cell biology course. Cell structure and components, protein, chromosomes, gene organization, proliferation, cell cycle, apoptosis, signaling and so on are all themes approached during this course. At the end of every topic approached, the students prepare in advance the corresponding topic of clinical cases chosen randomly during the class, which are then presented by them. During the final class, a paper regarding mutations in the abl gene that cause resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors is discussed. After each class, three tests are solved in an interactive evaluation. The course has been successful since its beginning, 13 years ago. Great motivation of those who participated in the course was observed. There were less than 20% absences in the classes. At least three (and as many as nine) students every year were interested in starting research training in the field of hematology. At the end of each class, an interactive evaluation was performed and more than 70% of the answers were correct in each evaluation. Moreover, for the final evaluation, the students summarized, in a written report, the molecular and therapeutic basis of chronic myeloid leukemia, with scores ranging from 0 to 10. Considering all 13 years, a median of 78% of the class scored above 5 (min 74%-max 85%), and a median of 67% scored above 7. Chronic myeloid leukemia is an excellent example of a disease that can be used for clinical basic integration as this disorder involves well known protein, cytogenetic and cell function abnormalities, has well-defined diagnostic strategies and a target oriented therapy.


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The XX male syndrome - Testicular Disorder of Sexual Differentiation (DSD) is a rare condition characterized by a spectrum of clinical presentations, ranging from ambiguous to normal male genitalia. We report hormonal, molecular and cytogenetic evaluations of a boy presenting with this syndrome. Examination of the genitalia at age of 16 months, showed: penis of 3.5 cm, proximal hypospadia and scrotal testes. Pelvic ultrasound did not demonstrate Mullerian duct structures. Karyotype was 46,XX. Gonadotrophin stimulation test yielded insufficient testosterone production. Gonadal biopsy showed seminiferous tubules without evidence of Leydig cells. Molecular studies revealed that SRY and TSPY genes and also DYZ3 sequences were absent. In addition, the lack of deletions or duplications of SOX9, NR5A1, WNT4 and NROB1 regions was verified. The infant was heterozygous for all microsatellites at the 9p region, including DMRT1 gene, investigated. Only 10% of the patients are SRY-negative and usually they have ambiguous genitalia, as the aforementioned patient. The incomplete masculinization suggests gain of function mutation in one or more genes downstream to SRY gene.


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The authors describe a family with three members affected by glioblastoma. The proband patient, a 7 year-old girl, developed a rare complication, a pulmonary metastasis. Chromosomal analysis of her peripheral blood lymphocytes showed a normal karyotype (46, XX), without structural abnormalities. Cytogenetic study of the tumor cells disclosed several abnormalities: 46, XX, 7q - / 46, XX, -2, 4p-, 7p-, +15/ 46, XX. Some aspects about genetics of glial neoplasms are discussed.