995 resultados para Cyclo-oxygénase-2


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Conformational analysis of cyclo(L-cystine) shows that the diketopiperazine ring has to exist only in the boat form. With this geometry, the molecule can adopt two distinct forms differing mainly in the chirality of the disulphide bridge. In both the P- and M-models, corresponding to dihedral angles of nearly + 90° and —90° respectively about the S-S bond, the molecule displays an approximate two-fold symmetry. According to our semi-empirical energy calculations, the minimum energy of the M-model is —9.2 kcal/mol, only 0.3 kcal/mol lower than that of the P-model. Because the difference between the two minima is so small, neither form is clearly superior to the other. However, the number of low energy conformations of the M-model in the allowed conformational space is significantly larger than that of the P-model by a ratio of 3 to 1, and therefore the former is likely to be thermodynamically favoured.


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The conformation of the synthetic cyclic tetrapeptide cyclo(D-Phe-Pro-Sar-Gly) has been determined in solution using the nuclear magnetic resonance technique and in the crystal state by X-ray crystallography. Results showed that the peptide exhibited two different conformations in solution, conformer 1 having cis-trans-cis-trans peptide bonds and conformer 2 having trans-cis-trans-cis peptide bonds. No intramolecular hydrogen bonds were observed in the structures. The X-ray diffraction studies showed the crystals to be orthorhombic with space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with unit-cell dimensions, a = 5.790, b = 10.344, c = 31.446 A, Z = 4, R = 0.104 for 2301 observed reflections. The crystal structure showed only one type of conformer having cis-trans-cis-trans peptide bonds similar to the conformer 1 in solution.


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Chronic rejection in the form of obliterative bronchiolitis (OB) is the major cause of death 5 years after lung transplantation. The exact mechanism of OB remains unclear. This study focused on the role of cyclo-oxygenase (COX) -2, tenascin, and C-reactive protein (CRP) expression, and the occurrence of ingraft chimerism (= cells from two genetically distinct individuals in a same individual) in post-transplant OB development. In our porcine model, OB developed invariably in allografts, while autografts stayed patent. The histological changes were similar to those seen in human OB. In order to delay or prevent obliteration, animals were medicated according to certain protocol. In the beginning of the bronchial allograft reaction, COX-2 induction occurred in airway epithelial cells prior to luminal obliteration. COX-2 expression in macrophages and fibroblasts paralleled the onset of inflammation and fibroblast proliferation. This study demonstrated for the first time, that COX-2 expression is associated with the early stage of post- transplant obliterative airway disease. Tenascin expression in the respiratory epithelium appeared to be predictive of histologic features observed in human OB, and influx of immune cells. Expression in the bronchial wall and in the early obliterative lesions coincided with the onset of onset of fibroblast and inflammatory cell proliferation in the early stage of OB and was predictive of further influx of inflammatory and immune cells. CRP expression in the bronchial wall coincided with the remodelling process. High grade of bronchial wall CRP staining intensity predicted inflammation, accelerated fibroproliferation, and luminal obliteration, which are all features of OB. In the early obliterative plaque, majority of cells expressed CRP, but in mature, collagen-rich plaque, expression declined. Local CRP expression might be a response to inflammation and it might promote the development of OB. Early appearance of chimeric (= recipient-derived) cells in the graft airway epithelium predicted epithelial cell injury and obliteration of the bronchial lumen, which both are features of OB. Chimeric cells appeared in the airway epithelium after repair following transplantation-induced ischemic injury. Ingraft chimerism might be a mechanism to repair alloimmune-mediated tissue injury and to protect allografts from rejection after transplantation. The results of this study indicate, that COX-2, tenascin, CRP, and ingraft chimerism have a role in OB development. These findings increase the understanding of the mechanisms of OB, which may be beneficial in further development of diagnostic options.


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Norbornadiene and 1,2-bismethoxycarbonylcyclobutadiene furnish a novel heptacyclic system 3(whose X-ray crystal structure has been determined)and an annulated pterodactylane derivative 4 in a single step.


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The presence of two (4n+2)-electron conjugated systems in perpendicular planes results in considerable aromatic stabilization. Despite having two fewer hydrogens, the 6 pi e-2 sigma e 3,5-dehydrophenyl cation (C6H3+, 1) is 32.7 (CCSD(T)/6-31G**) and 35.2 kcal/mol (RMP4sdtq/6-3iG*//RMP2(fu)/6-31G*) more stable than the phenyl cation (evaluated by an isodesmic reaction involving benzene and m-dehydrobenzene (4)). Cation 1, the global C6H3+ minimum, is 11.7,24.2, 11.8, and 30.4 kcal/mol lower in energy than the 2,6- (11) and 3,4-dehydrophenyl (12) cations as well as the open-chain isomers 13 and 14 (RMP4sdtq/6-31G*//RMP2(fu)/6-31G* + ZPE(RMP2(fu)/6-31G*)). The stability of 1 is increased hyperconjugatively by 2,4,6-trisilyl substitution. The double aromaticity of 1 is indicated by the computed magnetic susceptibility exaltations (IGLO/II//RMP2(fu)/6-31G*) of -5.2, -6.8, -15, and -23.2 relative to 11, 12, 13, and 14, respectively. Thus, 1 fulfills the geometric, energetic, and magnetic criteria of aromaticity. The double aromaticity of the D-6h cyclo[6]carbon is apparent from the same criteria


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In order to determine the properties of the bicycloheptatrienyl anion (Ia) (predicted to be conjugatively stabilized by Hückel Molecular Orbital Theory) the neutral precursor, bicyclo[3. 2. 0] hepta-1, 4, 6-triene (I) was prepared by the following route.

Reaction of I with potassium-t-butoxide, potassium, or lithium dicyclohexylamide gave anion Ia in very low yield. Reprotonation of I was found to occur solely at the 1 or 5 position to give triene II, isolated as to its dimers.

A study of the acidity of I and of other conjugated hydrocarbons by means of ion cyclotron resonance spectroscopy resulted in determination of the following order of relative acidities:

H2S ˃ C5H6 ˃ CH3NO2 ˃ 1, 4- C5H8 ˃ I ˃ C2H5OH ˃ H2O; cyclo-C7H8 ˃ C2 H5OH; фCH3 ˃ CH3OH

In addition, limits for the proton affinities of the conjugate bases were determined:

350 kcal/mole ˂ PA(C5 H5-) ˂ 360 kcal/mole

362 kcal/mole ˂ PA(C5H7-, Ia, cyclo-C7H7-) ˂ 377 kcal/mole PA(фCH2-) ˂ 385 kcal/mole

Gas phase kinetics of the trans-XVIII to I transformation gave the following activation parameters: Ea = 43.0 kcal/mole, log A = 15.53 and ∆Sǂ (220°) = 9.6 cu. The results were interpreted as indicating initial 1,2 bond cleavage to give the 1,3-diradical which closed to I. Similar studies on cis-XVIII gave results consistent with a surface component to the reaction (Ea = 22.7 kcal/mole; log A = 9.23, ∆Sǂ (119°) = -18.9 eu).

The low pressure (0.01 to 1 torr) pyrolysis of trans-XVIII gave in addition to I, fulvenallene (LV), ethynylcyclopentadiene (LVI) and heptafulvalene (LVII). The relative ratios of the C7H6 isomers were found to be dependent upon temperature and pressure, higher relative pressure and lower temperatures favoring formation of I. The results were found to be consistent with the intermediacy of vibrationally excited I and subsequent reaction to give LV and LVI.


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A novel mixed-valence molybdenum(IV, VI) arsenate(III), Ni(H2NCH2CH2NH2)(3)[((MoO6)-O-IV)(Mo6O18)-O-VI((As3O3)-O-III)(2)]H2O, hydrothermally synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric analysis. The polyanion cage derives from the Anderson structure, in which the central octahedron was filled up by molybdenum(IV) and it was capped on both sides by a novel As3O63- cyclo-triarsenate(III). The title compound had a high catalytic activity for the oxidation of benzaldehyde to benzoic acid using H2O2 as oxidant in a liquid-solid biphase system. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The crystal structure of the title compound, bis[tris(2,2'-bipyridyl-N,N')nickel(II)] cyclo-tetravanadate undecahydrate, contains a centrosymmetric [V4O12](4-) anion, which has an eight-membered ring structure formed by four VO4 tetrahedra sharing vertices, and two complex cations containing octahedrally-coordinated Ni-II ions. The anion and coordinated Ni-II ions are isolated and make up anion and cation layers, respectively. The Ni-N distances range from 2.077(3) to 2.112(2)Angstrom and the V-O distances range from 1.621(2) to 1.803(2)Angstrom.


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Investigations of the vibrational spectra of cyclo(Gly-Gly), cyclo(L-Ala-L-Ala) and cyclo(t-Ala-Gly) are reported. Raman scattering and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of solid-state and aqueous protonated samples, as well as their corresponding N-deuterated isotopomers, have been examined. In addition, density functional theory (DFT) (B3-LYP/cc-pVDZ) calculations of molecular structures and their associated vibrational modes were carried out. In each case, the calculated structures of lowest energy for the isolated gas-phase molecules have boat conformations. Assignments have been made for the observed Raman and FTIR vibrational bands of the cyclic di-amino acid peptides (CDAPs) examined. Raman polarization studies of aqueous phase samples are consistent with C-2 and C-1 symmetries for the six-membered rings of cyclo(L-Ala-L-Ala) and cydo(L-Ala-Gly), respectively. There is a good correlation between experimental and calculated vibrational bands for the three CDAPs. These data are in keeping with boat conformations for cydo(L-Ala-L-Ala) and cyclo(L-Ala-Gly) molecules, predicted by the ab initio calculations, in both the solid and aqueous solution states. However, Raman spectroscopic results might infer that cyclo(L-AlaGly) deviates only slightly from planarity in the solid state. The potential energy distributions of the amide I and II modes of a cis-peptide linkage are shown to be significantly different from those of the trans-peptides. For example, deuterium shifts have shown that the cis-amide I vibrations found in cyclo(Gly-Gly), cyclo(L-Ala-L-Ala), and cyclo(L-Ala-Gly) have larger N-H contributions compared to their trans-amide counterparts. Compared to trans-amide II vibrations, cis-amide II vibrations show a considerable decrease in N-H character.


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Solid-state protonated and N,O-deuterated Fourier transform infrared (IR) and Raman scattering spectra together with the protonated and deuterated Raman spectra in aqueous solution of the cyclic di-amino acid peptide cyclo(L-Asp-L-Asp) are reported. Vibrational band assignments have been made on the basis of comparisons with previously cited literature values for diketopiperazine (DKP) derivatives and normal coordinate analyses for both the protonated and deuterated species based upon DFT calculations at the B3-LYP/cc-pVDZ level of the isolated molecule in the gas phase. The calculated minimum energy structure for cyclo(L-Asp-L-Asp), assuming C-2 symmetry, predicts a boat conformation for the DKP ring with both the two L-aspartyl side chains being folded slightly above the ring. The C=O stretching vibrations have been assigned for the side-chain carboxylic acid group (e.g. at 1693 and 1670 cm(-1) in the Raman spectrum) and the cis amide I bands (e.g. at 1660 cm(-1) in the Raman spectrum). The presence of two bands for the carboxylic acid C=O stretching modes in the solid-state Raman spectrum can be accounted for by factor group splitting of the two nonequivalent molecules in a crystallographic unit cell. The cis amide II band is observed at 1489 cm(-1) in the solid-state Raman spectrum, which is in agreement with results for cyclic di-amino acid peptide molecules examined previously in the solid state, where the DKP ring adopts a boat conformation. Additionally, it also appears that as the molecular mass of the substituent on the C-alpha atom is increased, the amide II band wavenumber decreases to below 1500 cm(-1); this may be a consequence of increased strain on the DKP ring. The cis amide II Raman band is characterized by its relatively small deuterium shift (29 cm(-1)), which indicates that this band has a smaller N-H bending contribution than the trans amide II vibrational band observed for linear peptides.


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B3-LYP/cc-pVDZ calculations of the gas-phase structure and vibrational spectra of the isolated molecule cyclo(L-Ser-L-Ser), a cyclic di-amino acid peptide (CDAP), were carried out by assuming C-2 symmetry. It is predicted that the minimum-energy structure is a boat conformation for the diketopiperazine (DKP) ring with both L-Beryl side chains being folded slightly above the ring. An additional structure of higher energy (15.16 kJ mol(-1)) has been calculated for a DKP ring with a planar geometry, although in this case two fundamental vibrations have been calculated with imaginary wavenumbers. The reported X-ray crystallographic structure of cyclo(L-Ser-L-Ser), shows that the DKP ring displays a near-planar conformation, with both the two L-Beryl side chains being folded above the ring. It is hypothesized that the crystal packing forces constrain the DKP ring in a planar conformation and it is probable that the lower energy boat conformation may prevail in the aqueous environment. Raman scattering and Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra of solid state and aqueous solution samples of cyclo(L-Ser-L-Ser) are reported and discussed. Vibrational band assignments have been made on the basis of comparisons with the calculated vibrational spectra and band wavenumber shifts upon deuteration of labile protons. The experimental Raman and IR results for solid-state samples show characteristic amide I vibrations which are split (Raman:1661 and 1687 cm(-1), IR:1666 and 1680 cm(-1)), possibly due to interactions between molecules in a crystallographic unit cell. The cis amide I band is differentiated by its deuterium shift of ~ 30 cm(-1), which is larger than that previously reported for trans amide I deuterium shifts. A cis amide II mode has been assigned to a Raman band located at 1520 cm(-1). The occurrence of this cis amide II mode at a wavenumber above 1500 cm(-1) concurs with results of previously examined CDAP molecules with low molecular weight substituents on the C-alpha atoms, and is also indicative of a relatively unstrained DKP ring.


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Experimental Raman and FT-IR spectra of solid-state non-deuterated and N-deuterated samples of cyclo(L-Met-L-Met) are reported and discussed. The Raman and FT-IR results show characteristic amide I vibrations (Raman: 1649 cm-1, infrared: 1675 cm-1) for molecules exhibiting a cis amide conformation. A Raman band, assigned to the cis amide II vibrational mode, is observed at sim1493 cm-1 but no IR band is observed in this region. Cyclo(L-Met-L-Met) crystallises in the triclinic space group P1 with one molecule per unit cell. The overall shape of the diketopiperazine (DKP) ring displays a (slightly distorted) boat conformation. The crystal packing employs two strong hydrogen bonds, which traverse the entire crystal via translational repeats. B3-LYP/cc-pVDZ calculations of the structure of the molecule predict a boat conformation for the DKP ring, in agreement with the experimentally determined X-ray structure. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Cyclo(L-Glu-L-Glu) has been crystallised in two different polymorphic forms. Both polymorphs are monoclinic, but form 1 is in space group P21 and form 2 is in space group C2. Raman scattering and FT-IR spectroscopic studies have been conducted for the N,O-protonated and deuterated derivatives. Raman spectra of orientated single crystals, solid-state and aqueous solution samples have also been recorded. The different hydrogen-bonding patterns for the two polymorphs have the greatest effect on vibrational modes with N&bond;H and C&dbond;O stretching character. DFT (B3-LYP/cc-pVDZ) calculations of the isolated cyclo(L-Glu-L-Glu) molecule predict that the minimum energy structure, assuming C2 symmetry, has a boat conformation for the diketopiperazine ring with the two L-Glu side chains being folded above the ring. The calculated geometry is in good agreement with the X-ray crystallographic structures for both polymorphs. Normal coordinate analysis has facilitated the band assignments for the experimental vibrational spectra. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.