998 resultados para Cyclin B
In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, p34cdc2 plays a central role controlling the cell cycle. We recently isolated a new gene named srw1+, capable of encoding a WD repeat protein, as a multicopy suppressor of hyperactivated p34cdc2. Cells lacking srw1+ are sterile and defective in cell cycle controls. When starved for nitrogen source, they fail to effectively arrest in G1 and die of accelerated mitotic catastrophe if regulation of p34cdc2/Cdc13 by inhibitory tyrosine phosphorylation is compromised by partial inactivation of Wee1 kinase. Fertility is restored to the disruptant by deletion of Cig2 B-type cyclin or slight inactivation of p34cdc2. srw1+ shares functional similarity with rum1+, having abilities to induce endoreplication and restore fertility to rum1 disruptants. In the srw1 disruptant, Cdc13 fails to be degraded when cells are starved for nitrogen. We conclude that Srw1 controls differentiation and cell cycling at least by negatively regulating Cig2- and Cdc13-associated p34cdc2 and that one of its roles is to down-regulate the level of the mitotic cyclin particularly in nitrogen-poor environments.
Cyclin A/cdk2 is active during S and G2 phases of the cell cycle, but its regulation and function during G2 phase is poorly understood. In this study we have examined the regulation of cyclin A/cdk2 activity during normal G2 phase progression and in genotoxin-induced G2 arrest. We show that cyclin A/cdk2 is activated in early G2 phase by a cdc25 activity. In the G2 phase checkpoint arrest initiated in response to various forms of DNA damage, the cdc25-dependent activation of both cyclin A/cdk2 and cyclin B1/cdc2 is blocked. Ectopic expression of cdc25B, but not cdc25C, in G2 phase arrested cells efficiently activated both cyclin A/cdk2 and cyclin B1/cdc2. Finally, we demonstrate that the block in cyclin A/cdk2 activation in the G2 checkpoint arrest is independent of ATM/ATR. We speculate that the ATM/ ATR-independent block in G2 phase cyclin A/cdk2 activation may act as a further layer of checkpoint control, and that blocking G2 phase cyclin A/cdk2 activation contributes to the G2 phase checkpoint arrest.
The positive transcription elongation factor (P-TEFb) consists of CDK9, a cyclin-dependent kinase and its cyclin T partner. It is required for transcription of most class II genes. Its activity is regulated by non-coding RNAs. The 7SK cellular RNA turns the HEXIM cellular protein into a P-TEFb inhibitor that binds its cyclin T subunit. Thus, P-TEFb activity responds to variations in global cellular transcriptional activity and to physiological conditions linked to cell differentiation, proliferation or cardiac hypertrophy. In contrast, the Tat activation region RNA plays an activating role. This feature at the 5' end of the human immunodeficiency (HIV) viral transcript associates with the viral protein Tat that in turn binds cyclin T1 and recruits active P-TEFb to the HIV promoter. This results in enhanced P-TEFb activity, which is critical for an efficient production of viral transcripts. Although discovered recently, the regulation of P-TEFb becomes a paradigm for non-coding RNAs that regulate transcription factors. It is also a unique example of RNA-driven regulation of a cyclindependent kinase.
Inhibition of PKB (protein kinase B) activity using a highly selective PKB inhibitor resulted in inhibition of cell cycle progression only if cells were in early G1 phase at the time of addition of the inhibitor, as demonstrated by time-lapse cinematography. Addition of the inhibitor during mitosis up to 2 h after mitosis resulted in arrest of the cells in early G1 phase, as deduced from the expression of cyclins D and A and incorporation of thymidine. After 24 h of cell cycle arrest, cells expressed the cleaved caspase-3, a central mediator of apoptosis. These results demonstrate that PKB activity in early G1 phase is required to prevent the induction of apoptosis. Using antibodies, it was demonstrated that active PKB translocates to the nucleus during early G1 phase, while an even distribution of PKB was observed through cytoplasm and nucleus during the end of G1 phase.
A novel function of NF-kappaB in the development of most ectodermal appendages, including two types of murine pelage hair follicles, was detected in a mouse model with suppressed NF-kappaB activity (c(IkappaBalphaDeltaN)). However, the developmental processes regulated by NF-kappaB in hair follicles has remained unknown. Furthermore, the similarity between the phenotypes of c(IkappaBADeltaN) mice and mice deficient in Eda A1 (tabby) or its receptor EdaR (downless) raised the issue of whether in vivo NF-kappaB regulates or is regulated by these novel TNF family members. We now demonstrate that epidermal NF-kappaB activity is first observed in placodes of primary guard hair follicles at day E14.5, and that in vivo NF-kappaB signalling is activated downstream of Eda A1 and EdaR. Importantly, ectopic signals which activate NF-kappaB can also stimulate guard hair placode formation, suggesting a crucial role for NF-kappaB in placode development. In downless and c(IkappaBalphaDeltaN) mice, placodes start to develop, but rapidly abort in the absence of EdaR/NF-kappaB signalling. We show that NF-kappaB activation is essential for induction of Shh and cyclin D1 expression and subsequent placode down growth. However, cyclin D1 induction appears to be indirectly regulated by NF-kappaB, probably via Shh and Wnt. The strongly decreased number of hair follicles observed in c(IkappaBalphaDeltaN) mice compared with tabby mice, indicates that additional signals, such as TROY, must regulate NF-kappaB activity in specific hair follicle subtypes.
Mantle cell lymphoma is a mature lymphoid neoplasm characterized by the t(11;14)(q13;q32) and cyclin D1 overexpression. SOX11 is a transcription factor commonly overexpressed in these tumors but absent in most other mature B-cell lymphomas whose function is not well understood. Experimental studies have shown that silencing of SOX11 in mantle cell lymphoma cells promotes the shift from a mature B cell into an early plasmacytic differentiation phenotype, suggesting that SOX11 may contribute to tumor development by blocking the B-cell differentiation program. The relationship between SOX11 expression and terminal B-cell differentiation in primary mantle cell lymphoma and its relationship to the plasmacytic differentiation observed in occasional cases is not known. In this study we have investigated the terminal B-cell differentiation phenotype in 60 mantle cell lymphomas, 41 SOX11-positive and 19 SOX11-negative. Monotypic plasma cells and lymphoid cells with plasmacytic differentiation expressing cyclin D1 were observed in 7 (37%) SOX11-negative but in none of 41 SOX11-positive mantle cell lymphomas (P<0.001). Intense cytoplasmic expression of a restricted immunoglobulin light chain was significantly more frequent in SOX11-negative than -positive tumors (58 vs 13%) (P=0.001). Similarly, BLIMP1 and XBP1 expression was also significantly more frequent in SOX11-negative than in -positive cases (83 vs 34% and 75 vs 11%, respectively) (P=0.001). However, no differences in the expression of IRF4/MUM1 were observed among these subtypes of mantle cell lymphoma. In conclusion, these results indicate that SOX11-negative mantle cell lymphoma may be a particular subtype of this tumor characterized by more frequent morphological and immunophenotypic terminal B-cell differentiation features that may be facilitated by the absence of SOX11 transcription factor.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between cyclin D1 expression and clinicopathological parameters in patients with prostate carcinoma. We assessed cyclin D1 expression by conventional immunohistochemistry in 85 patients who underwent radical prostatectomy for prostate carcinoma and 10 normal prostate tissue samples retrieved from autopsies. We measured nuclear immunostaining in the entire tumor area and based the results on the percentage of positive tumor cells. The preoperative prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level was 8.68±5.16 ng/mL (mean±SD). Cyclin D1 staining was positive (cyclin D1 expression in >5% of tumor cells) in 64 cases (75.4%) and negative (cyclin D1 expression in ≤5% of tumor cells) in 21 cases (including 15 cases with no immunostaining). Normal prostate tissues were negative for cyclin D1. Among patients with a high-grade Gleason score (≥7), 86% of patients demonstrated cyclin D1 immunostaining of >5% (P<0.05). In the crude analysis of cyclin D1 expression, the high-grade Gleason score group showed a mean expression of 39.6%, compared to 26.9% in the low-grade Gleason score group (P<0.05). Perineural invasion tended to be associated with cyclin D1 expression (P=0.07), whereas cyclin D1 expression was not associated with PSA levels or other parameters. Our results suggest that high cyclin D1 expression could be a potential marker for tumor aggressiveness.
La quantité de données générée dans le cadre d'étude à grande échelle du réseau d'interaction protéine-protéine dépasse notre capacité à les analyser et à comprendre leur sens; d'une part, par leur complexité et leur volume, et d'un autre part, par la qualité du jeu de donnée produit qui semble bondé de faux positifs et de faux négatifs. Cette dissertation décrit une nouvelle méthode de criblage des interactions physique entre protéines à haut débit chez Saccharomyces cerevisiae, la complémentation de fragments protéiques (PCA). Cette approche est accomplie dans des cellules intactes dans les conditions natives des protéines; sous leur promoteur endogène et dans le respect des contextes de modifications post-traductionnelles et de localisations subcellulaires. Une application biologique de cette méthode a permis de démontrer la capacité de ce système rapporteur à répondre aux questions d'adaptation cellulaire à des stress, comme la famine en nutriments et un traitement à une drogue. Dans le premier chapitre de cette dissertation, nous avons présenté un criblage des paires d'interactions entre les protéines résultant des quelques 6000 cadres de lecture de Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nous avons identifié 2770 interactions entre 1124 protéines. Nous avons estimé la qualité de notre criblage en le comparant à d'autres banques d'interaction. Nous avons réalisé que la majorité de nos interactions sont nouvelles, alors que le chevauchement avec les données des autres méthodes est large. Nous avons pris cette opportunité pour caractériser les facteurs déterminants dans la détection d'une interaction par PCA. Nous avons remarqué que notre approche est sous une contrainte stérique provenant de la nécessité des fragments rapporteurs à pouvoir se rejoindre dans l'espace cellulaire afin de récupérer l'activité observable de la sonde d'interaction. L'intégration de nos résultats aux connaissances des dynamiques de régulations génétiques et des modifications protéiques nous dirigera vers une meilleure compréhension des processus cellulaires complexes orchestrés aux niveaux moléculaires et structuraux dans les cellules vivantes. Nous avons appliqué notre méthode aux réarrangements dynamiques opérant durant l'adaptation de la cellule à des stress, comme la famine en nutriments et le traitement à une drogue. Cette investigation fait le détail de notre second chapitre. Nous avons déterminé de cette manière que l'équilibre entre les formes phosphorylées et déphosphorylées de l'arginine méthyltransférase de Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Hmt1, régulait du même coup sont assemblage en hexamère et son activité enzymatique. L'activité d'Hmt1 a directement un impact dans la progression du cycle cellulaire durant un stress, stabilisant les transcrits de CLB2 et permettant la synthèse de Cln3p. Nous avons utilisé notre criblage afin de déterminer les régulateurs de la phosphorylation d'Hmt1 dans un contexte de traitement à la rapamycin, un inhibiteur de la kinase cible de la rapamycin (TOR). Nous avons identifié la sous-unité catalytique de la phosphatase PP2a, Pph22, activé par l'inhibition de la kinase TOR et la kinase Dbf2, activé durant l'entrée en mitose de la cellule, comme la phosphatase et la kinase responsable de la modification d'Hmt1 et de ses fonctions de régulations dans le cycle cellulaire. Cette approche peut être généralisée afin d'identifier et de lier mécanistiquement les gènes, incluant ceux n'ayant aucune fonction connue, à tout processus cellulaire, comme les mécanismes régulant l'ARNm.
The positive strand RNA coronavirus, infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), induces a G2/M phase arrest and reduction in the G1 and G1/S phase transition regulator cyclin D1. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR and Western blot analysis demonstrated that cyclin D1 was reduced post-transcriptionally within infected cells independently of the cell-cycle stage at the time of infection. Confocal microscopy revealed that cyclin D1 decreased in IBV-infected cells as infection progressed and inhibition studies indicated that a population of cyclin D1 could be targeted for degradation by a virus mediated pathway. In contrast to the SARS-coronavirus, IBV nucleocapsid protein did not interact with cyclin D1. (c) 2007 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) is associated with environmental factors, especially tobacco and alcohol consumption. Genetic factors, including cyclin D1 (CCND1) polymorphism have been suggested to play an important rote in tumorigenesis and progression of UADT cancer. To investigate the relationship between CCND1 polymorphism on susceptibility for UADT cancers, 147 cancer and 135 non-cancer subjects were included in this study. CCND1 genotype at codon 242(G870A) in exon 4 was undertaken using denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) and DNA sequencing. Significant odds ratio (OR) of the AA + GA genotypes [OR = 7.5 (95% Cl: 1.4-39.7)] was observed in non-drinkers but for non-smokers a non-significant [OR = 5.4 (95% Cl: 0.9-31.4)] was found in the adjusted model. These results suggest that allele A may be a risk factor for UADT cancer, especially in non-alcoholics. However, further epidemiological studies are needed to establish the exact role of CCND1 polymorphism and the development of UADT cancers. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Roscovitine and flavopiridol have been shown to potently inhibit cyclin-dependent kinase 1 and 2 (CDK1 and 2). The structures of CDK2 complexed with roscovitine and deschoroflavopiridol have been reported, however no crystallographic structure is available for complexes of CDK1 with inhibitors. The present work describes two molecular models for the binary complexes CDK1:roscovitine and CDK1:flavopiridol. These structural models indicate that both inhibitors strongly bind to the ATP-binding pocket of CDKI and structural comparison of the CDK complexes correlates the structures with differences in inhibition of these CDKs by flavopiridol and roscovitine. This article explains the structural basis for the observed differences in activity of these inhibitors. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Here is described a structural model for the binary complex CDK5-roscovitine. Roscovitine has been shown to potently inhibit cyclin-dependent kinases 1, 2 and 5 (CDK1, 2, and 5), and the structure of CDK2 complexed with roscovitine has been reported; however, no structural data, are available for complexes of CDK5 with inhibitors. The structural model indicates that roscovitine strongly binds to the ATP-binding pocket of CDK5 and structural comparison of the CDK2-roscovitine complex correlates the structural differences with differences in inhibition of these CDKs by this inhibitor. This structure opens the possibility of testing new inhibitor families, in addition to new substituents for the already known lead structures of adenine derivatives. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. (USA). All rights reserved.
Flavopiridol has been shown to potently inhibit CDK1 and 2 (cyclin-dependent kinases 1 and 2) and most recently it has been found that it also inhibits CDK9. The complex CDK9-cyclin T1 controls the elongation phase of transcription by RNA polymerase II. The present work describes a molecular model for the binary complex CDK9-flavopiridol. This structural model indicates that the inhibitor strongly binds to the ATP-binding pocket of CDK9 and the structural comparison of the complex CDK2-flavopiridol correlates the structural differences with differences in inhibition of these CDKs by flavopiridol. This structure opens the possibility of testing new inhibitor families, in addition to new substituents for the already known leading structures such as flavones and adenine derivatives. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b) is a cytokine that plays essential roles in regulating embryonic development and tissue homeostasis. In normal cells, TGF-b exerts an anti-proliferative effect. TGF-b inhibits cell growth by controlling a cytostatic program that includes activation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p15Ink4B and p21WAF1/Cip1 and repression of c-myc. In contrast to normal cells, many tumors are resistant to the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b. In several types of tumors, particularly those of gastrointestinal origin, resistance to the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b has been attributed to TGF-b receptor or Smad mutations. However, these mutations are absent from many other types of tumors that are resistant to TGF-b-mediated growth inhibition. The transcription factor encoded by the homeobox patterning gene DLX4 is overexpressed in a wide range of malignancies. In this study, I demonstrated that DLX4 blocks the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b by disabling key transcriptional control mechanisms of the TGF-b cytostatic program. Specifically, DLX4 blocked the ability of TGF-b to induce expression of p15Ink4B and p21WAF1/Cip1 by directly binding to Smad4 and to Sp1. Binding of DLX4 to Smad4 prevented Smad4 from forming transcriptional complexes with Smad2 and Smad3, whereas binding of DLX4 to Sp1 inhibited DNA-binding activity of Sp1. In addition, DLX4 induced expression of c-myc, a repressor of p15Ink4B and p21WAF1/Cip1 transcription, independently of TGF-b signaling. The ability of DLX4 to counteract key transcriptional control mechanisms of the TGF-b cytostatic program could explain in part the resistance of tumors to the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b. This study provides a molecular explanation as to why tumors are resistant to the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b in the absence of mutations in the TGF-b signaling pathway. Furthermore, this study also provides insights into how aberrant activation of a developmental patterning gene promotes tumor pathogenesis.
Alternate splicing of the cyclin D1 gene gives rise to transcript a and b which encode two protein isoforms cyclin D1a and cyclin D1b. Through testing transcript a and transcript b in a series of human samples, we found that cyclin D1 transcript b is ubiquitously expressed as transcript a but in the lower abundance compared to transcript a. Epidemiological studies have reported that the cyclin D1 gene (CCND1) G870A polymorphism influences the risk for a variety of cancer. In this investigation, we examined the cyclin D1b levels in tumor samples with different genotypes and found that higher levels of cyclin D1b are expressed from the A allele than the G allele. Cyclin D1 is known as a cell cycle regulator facilitating the progression of the cell cycle from G1 to S phase in response to the mitogenic signals. It also interacts with several transcription factors and transcriptional coregulators to modulate their activities. It has been reported that cyclin D1a can substitute for estrogen to activate estrogen receptor α (ERα) mediated transcription and can induce the proliferation of estrogen responsive tissues. However the biological role of cyclin D1b in ERα transcriptional regulation has not been previously explored. In this study, we determined that cyclin D1b antagonizes the action of cyclin D1a on ERα mediated transcription. Cell proliferation assays provided the evidence that cyclin D1b negatively regulates estrogen responsive breast cancer cell growth. Taken together, our findings show that the CCND1 G870A polymorphism is correlated with increased levels of cyclin D1b and that cyclin D1b antagonizes the action of cyclin D1a on ERα mediated transcription providing evidence for the mechanism by which the CCND1 G870A polymorphism may be protective in certain types of breast cancer. ^