160 resultados para Cupania vernalis Camb.
O pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb. ) tem se destacado por ser um fruto oleaginoso e rico em carotenoides. A secagem é um processo utilizado na extração do óleo por hexano, mas a degradação dos carotenoides e óleo podem ocorrer. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de diferentes métodos de secagem (ao sol, estufa ventilada a 40 e a 60 °C) e do tempo (4 horas e até peso constante) no rendimento e na qualidade do óleo extraÃdo por hexano no extrator Soxhlet. Quando a polpa de pequi foi seca, 3% ou conteúdo menor de umidade e maior rendimento do óleo foi obtido (52 a 59%, base seca). Carotenoides totais foram maiores e Ãndice de peróxido menores para a polpa desidratada a 40 °C em estufa ventilada, quando comparada com a secagem da polpa em estufa a 60 °C e ao sol. Estes resultados indicaram que a secagem em estufa a 40 °C por 19 horas resultou num maior rendimento do óleo e menor degradação térmica.
In order to assure that the use of cerrado fruits occur in a sustainable way, studies to investigate their characteristics are extremely relevant. In this context, the present study aims to describe some chemical parameters of pequi fruits picked in three municipalities in southwestern Goiás State (JataÃ, Rio Verde, and Serranópolis). In each city, two populations of pequi trees - pequizeiros, denominated areas, were selected. In each area, eight trees were selected for the fruit to be picked. The contents of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, zinc, and ether extract were determined in the samples. The results demonstrate differences between the chemical characteristics studied for the fruits picked in different areas, which does not seem to vary in a significant way. Comparing the contents obtained in the present study with those required as human daily supply, further studies are recommended aiming at using the pequi fruit as a complementary alternative source of magnesium, manganese, and copper.
Caryocar brasiliense (popular name pequi) is widely consumed by the population of Brazilian Savannah. This fruit has a high concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids that can influence positively the lipid profile. In addition, pequi also has an important concentration of saturated fatty acids which, in turn, is associated with atherosclerosis risk. This study aimed to investigate the effect of a pequi-supplemented diet on blood lipid and glucose levels and hepatic histology. Female Albino swiss mice were divided into three groups and fed a standard chow diet (control group), chow diet supplemented with 33% pequi nut (nut group), and chow diet supplemented with 33% pequi pulp (pulp group). After 6 weeks, following an overnight fast, blood and liver were collected for posterior analyses. Serum total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol were significantly higher in mice fed pequi-rich diets compared to the control group. Nevertheless, there was no modification in blood triglycerides, atherogenic fraction, and glucose levels. In addition, there was development of liver microvesicular steatosis related to pequi intake. In conclusion, the diets supplemented with pequi nut or pulp reduced the atherogenic risk by increasing the anti-atherogenic lipoproteins without changing the pro-atherogenic fraction in mice.
The objective of this study was to analyze the physicochemical properties and carotenoid levels of pequi oil obtained by different extraction methods and to evaluate the preservation of these properties and pigments during storage time. The pequi oil was obtained by solvent extraction, mechanical extraction, and hot water flotation. It was stored for over 180 days in an amber bottle at ambient conditions. Analyses for the determination of the acidity, peroxide, saponification and iodine values, coloration, total carotenoids, and β-carotene levels were conducted. The oil extraction with solvents produced the best yield and carotenoid levels. The oil obtained by mechanical extraction presented higher acidity (5.44 mg KOH.g-1) and peroxide values (1.07 mEq.kg-1). During the storage of pequi oil, there was an increase in the acidity and the peroxide values, darkening of the oil coloration, and a reduction of the carotenoid levels. Mechanical extraction is the less advantageous method for the conservation of the physicochemical properties and carotenoid levels in pequi oil.
Pequi peel comprises 76% of the whole fruit and it is discarded during consumption. Thus, pequi peel has been considered a solid residue, although it has potential for use in various applications. Limitations in the use of this material are mainly due to the lack of information of its nutritional composition, especially about the toxic or antinutritional factors. Soaking is often used to prepare complementary foods and has been reported to be beneficial for enhancing nutritive value. The effect of soaking on the nutritional quality of pequi peel flour was determined by measuring changes in chemical composition, antinutritional factors, total phenols and in vitro protein and starch digestibility. The results showed that 24 h of maceration increases the content of lipids (200%), protein (28.3%) and dietary fibber (31%), while carbohydrate and ash content decreases. There were no haemagglutination activity or α-amylase inhibitors, but it was detected the presence of phytic acid (0.4 g 100 g-1). The soaking reduced 8.5% phenols and 19.0% tannins, 6.2% protein digestibility, and was also effective to eliminate trypsin inhibitors, and increase starch digestibility (24.2%). Soaking was efficient to improve nutritional characteristics of the pequi peel flour, opening up possibilities for its use in food formulations.
In order to determine the variability of pequi tree (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) populations, volatile compounds from fruits of eighteen trees representing five populations were extracted by headspace solid-phase microextraction and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Seventy-seven compounds were identified, including esters, hydrocarbons, terpenoids, ketones, lactones, and alcohols. Several compounds had not been previously reported in the pequi fruit. The amount of total volatile compounds and the individual compound contents varied between plants. The volatile profile enabled the differentiation of all of the eighteen plants, indicating that there is a characteristic profile in terms of their origin. The use of Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis enabled the establishment of markers (dendrolasin, ethyl octanoate, ethyl 2-octenoate and β-cis-ocimene) that discriminated among the pequi trees. According to the Cluster Analysis, the plants were classified into three main clusters, and four other plants showed a tendency to isolation. The results from multivariate analysis did not always group plants from the same population together, indicating that there is greater variability within the populations than between pequi tree populations.
This study investigated the colour, proximate composition, bioactive compounds (phenolic and carotenoid contents), and antioxidant activity of the pulp of pequi from different regions of the Brazilian Savanna. The colour parameters and the lipid and carotenoid contents of the pulp were significantly different between the samples. The lipid content ranged from 135.4 to 322.5 g/kg. The pequi pulp showed high total phenolic content (1.8 to 3.3 mg GAE/g). The carotenoid amount ranged from 37 to 187 µg/g. The carotenoid content was significantly correlated with the colour and lipid content of the pequi pulp. The antioxidant activity showed a mean IC50 value of 197.9 µg/mL. The pequi pulp is rich in phenolic compounds and carotenoids and has a good antioxidant activity. Its colour is influenced by the carotenoid content, which can be predicted by regression models using routine colour parameters.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o comportamento de sementes de gabiroba em relação ao ponto de colheita, armazenamento e implicações na germinação. Para caracterização e ponto de colheita foram avaliados frutos de sete plantas, determinando-se o diâmetro, massa fresca de casca, polpa e sementes, número de sementes por fruto, graus Brix da polpacorrigidos para 20(0)C e germinação das sementes recém colhidas, sem retirada da mucilagem. O estudo do armazenamento compreendeu o experimento um, onde foram comparados os seguintes tratamentos: sementes frescas postas para germinar imediatamente após a retirada da mucilagem e outras armazenadas em frasco de vidro fechado a 25(0)C e a 8(0)C e em saco de papel a 25ºC e 60%UR, por 30 dias. O experimento dois (resistência à dessecação) consistiu na instalação diária da germinação (por cinco dias) e na verificação do grau de umidade das sementes mantidas em ambiente de laboratório (25(0)C e 60%UR), considerando-se como testemunha as sementes frescas (primeiro dia), logo após a retirada da mucilagem. No experimento três, os frutos foram armazenados por 20 dias: a temperatura média de 25(0)C, dentro de uma vasilha de louça coberta com uma peneira; em saco de polietileno a 8(0)C e a -18(0)C. As sementes frescas, de frutos não armazenados, foram consideradas a testemunha. Os tratamentos foram avaliados pela germinação (25(0)C), Ãndice de velocidade de germinação e determinação do grau de umidade. O ponto de colheita de frutos de Campomanesia adamantium, para obtenção de sementes, pode ser determinado pela medida do Brix da polpa, indicando-se a colheita dos frutos com no mÃnimo, 15,75(0) para se obter 95% de germinação. As sementes de guabiroba indicam que a espécie pode ser classificada como recalcitrante, por não suportarem armazenamento a baixa temperatura e nem a dessecação; o armazenamento em frasco de vidro fechado a 25(0)C mantém as sementes com 60% de germinação, por 30 dias. Todavia, a semeadura logo após a extração dos frutos, permite Ãndices de germinação de, no mÃnimo, 74%.
Psidium cuneatum Camb., "guayabito o arasá blanco" es una especie nativa de la provincia de Misiones y norte de Corrientes que tiene importancia ecológica y potencial interés comercial. Actualmente está afectada por el avance de la forestación comercial. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el comportamiento germinativo de sus semillas según la madurez de los frutos, las condiciones de germinación y el almacenamiento en diferente ambientes. En individuos marcados y observados semanalmente durante 2 años, se estableció que la fructificación se produce desde diciembre a julio y que los frutos persisten en el árbol durante un perÃodo prolongado antes de dispersarse. La germinación de semillas procedentes de frutos de diferentes tamaños, evaluada a través del Ãndice de velocidad de germinación y del porcentaje de germinación permitió determinar que las semillas procedentes de frutos con diámetro mayor a 1.5 cm exhiben mejor comportamiento germinativo, por lo que el tamaño del fruto es un buen indicador de madurez en esta especie. Por otra parte, se estudió el efecto que el régimen de temperatura tiene sobre la germinación, comprobándose que a 27ºC el porcentaje y la velocidad de germinación fueron significativamente superiores. Para establecer las condiciones para la conservación de las semillas se procedió a almacenarlas durante 30, 90, 180, y 270 dÃas, combinando tipo de recipiente y temperatura. Se comprobó que el envase hermético fue más efectivo para la conservación del poder germinativo cuando se utilizó a baja temperatura, aunque se comprobó una reducción acentuada del poder germinativo, el cual fue de 32% a los 180 dÃas.
O objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial germinativo das sementes de Campomanesia adamantium e o crescimento inicial das plantas. Para avaliar a germinação foram realizados dois testes de processamento das sementes. No primeiro teste foram realizados os seguintes tratamentos: 1) extração das sementes, lavagem em água corrente e secagem à temperatura ambiente durante 3 dias; 2) lavagem em água corrente e semeadura logo em seguida e 3) extração das sementes dois dias após a colheita, lavagem e imersão em água por 24 horas. No segundo teste, os tratamentos foram: 1) lavagem e secagem à temperatura ambiente durante nove dias; 2) extração das sementes dos frutos armazenados à temperatura ambiente por nove dias, lavagem em água corrente e semeadura logo em seguida e 3) extração das sementes dos frutos armazenados por oito dias, lavagem e imersão em água por 24 horas. A incubação foi em BOD a 20/30, 18 e 30ºC e em viveiro. As plântulas receberam duas aplicações de bioestimulante (0,2 mL /planta) aos 80 e 90 dias após a semeadura; ácido giberélico 50, 100 e 150mg L-1 e as plantas sem nenhum tratamento serviram como testemunha. A germinação das sementes aos três dias após a retirada do fruto é elevada e não varia em função do processamento e temperatura de incubação. Quando mantidas no fruto as sementes perdem a qualidade fisiológica. Considerando o lento crescimento das plantas de guavira, sugere-se que um tratamento hormonal com aplicação de bioestimulante é uma prática eficiente na produção de mudas dessa espécie.
El recogido de diapositivas es una selección de obras de la colección Cambó, que de manera directa o indirecta ayudan a trabajar el tema del retrato. Las diapositivas van acompañadas de una guÃa donde se recogen unas breves referencias sobre estas obras. Asimismo, el material se puede dejar en prestamo para aquellos profesores o profesoras que pretenden trabajar el tema en el aula para luego realizar la visita al museo.
There were detected variations of chlorophylls a and b during the senescence leaves period of Caryocar brasiliense Camb in the Corumbatai cerrado vegetation, State of São Paulo. The highest peak of total chlorophylls a and b contents was registered after the maximum leaves expansion, while the lowest peak it was obtained at leaves abcision. The chlorophylls a and b variations can be explained as a function of a chlorophyll a variation content. The phenological events studied (flowering and fruiting time, leaf fall and sprouting) showed a marked periodicity during the year. Flowering and fruiting time have a similar peak both in the wet season (september to february). Leaves fall occurred in the dry season with the peak in August.
Phenological studies are important to understand the dynamics in forest ecosystems and also to enable adequate management of their native species. In the Cerrado regions of the high Rio Grande river (south of Minas Gerais State), Caryocar brasiliense species is found in highly distinct morphological forms with variable phenology. The aim of this study was to investigate phenological patterns within and between populations of both the tree and shrub forms of the individuals and to determine any correlation with abiotic factors. Thirty-five observations of the phenophases of the vegetative and reproductive stages were recorded ever), two weeks for 18 months. The activity index was analyzed for each stage and further analyzed to see if there were associations with the climate data by using Spearman linear correlation. The species was deciduous but leaf growth became retarded during the dry season, at which point leaf flushing stopped and total leaf fall occurred throughout the rainy season. The flowering and the fruit production occurred in the rainy season. The reproductive phase can be either annual or sub-annual. The activity index showed high synchronism within populations during the first flowering in all populations studied (> 80%). Flowering and mature fruits were highly synchronized according to Spearman correlations. Tree and shrub individuals of C. brasiliense had very similar times for their phenophases. The best period for collecting mature fruits in these regions is between February and March.
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior (CAPES)