1000 resultados para Crystals


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In this work, the effect of crack tip constraint on near-tip stress and deformation fields in a ductile FCC single crystal is studied under mode I, plane strain conditions. To this end, modified boundary layer simulations within crystal plasticity framework are performed, neglecting elastic anisotropy. The first and second terms of the isotropic elastic crack tip field, which are governed by the stress intensity factor K and T-stress, are prescribed as remote boundary conditions and solutions pertaining to different levels of T-stress are generated. It is found that the near-tip deformation field, especially, the development of kink or slip shear bands, is sensitive to the constraint level. The stress distribution and the size and shape of the plastic zone near the crack tip are also strongly influenced by the level of T-stress, with progressive loss of crack tip constraint occurring as T-stress becomes more negative. A family of near-tip fields is obtained which are characterized by two terms (such as K and T or J and a constraint parameter Q) as in isotropic plastic solids.


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We have studied the as grown and annealed CdZnTe (Zn similar to 4 %) crystals for the assessment of their crystalline quality. As grown crystals suffer from tellurium precipitates and cadmium vacancies, which are inherent, due to retrograde solid solubility curve in the phase diagram. This is reflected in the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra over the 400 - 4500 cm(-1) range by a strong absorption around 2661 cm(-1) which corresponds to the band gap of tellurium confirming their presence, where-as a monotonic decrease in the transmission with the decrease in wave number indicates the presence of cadmium vacancies. Obviously the presence of Cd vacancies lead to the formation of tellurium precipitates confirming their presence. Annealed samples under cadmium + zinc ambient at 650 degrees C for 6 hours show an improvement in the transmission over the same range. This can be attributed to thermo-migration of tellurium precipitates and hence bonding with Cd or Zn to form CdZnTe. This is further supported by the reduced full width at half maximum in the X-ray diffraction rocking curve of these CdZnTe crystals. Cadmium annealing although can passivate Cd vacancy related defects and reduce the Te precipitates, as is observed in our low temperature Photoluminescence (PL) spectra, alone may not be sufficient possibly due to the loss of Zn. Vacuum annealing at 650 degrees C for 6 hours further deteriorated the material quality as is reflected in the low temperature PL spectra by the introduction of a new defect band around 0.85 eV and reduced IR transmission.


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Scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy studies were carried out on single crystals of colossal magnetoresistive manganite Pr0.68Pb0.32MnO3 at different temperatures in order to probe their spatial homogeneity across the metal-insulator transition temperature TM-I(similar to 255 K). A metallic behavior of the local conductance was observed for temperatures T < TM-I. Zero bias conductance (dI/dV)v=(0), which is directly proportional to the local surface density of states at the Fermi level, shows a single distribution at temperatures T < 200 K suggesting a homogeneous electronic phase at low temperatures. In a narrow temperature window of 200 K < T < TM-I, however, an inhomogeneous distribution of (dI/dV)v=(0) has been observed. This result gives evidence for phase separation in the transition region in this compound.


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Scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy studies were carried out on single crystals of colossal magnetoresistive manganite Pr0.68Pb0.32MnO3 at different temperatures in order to probe their spatial homogeneity across the metal-insulator transition temperature TM-I(similar to 255 K). A metallic behavior of the local conductance was observed for temperatures T < TM-I. Zero bias conductance (dI/dV)v=(0), which is directly proportional to the local surface density of states at the Fermi level, shows a single distribution at temperatures T < 200 K suggesting a homogeneous electronic phase at low temperatures. In a narrow temperature window of 200 K < T < TM-I, however, an inhomogeneous distribution of (dI/dV)v=(0) has been observed. This result gives evidence for phase separation in the transition region in this compound.


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In the crystal, the backbone of Boc-(Aib-Val-Ala-Leu)2-Aib-OMe adopts a helical form with four alpha-type hydrogen bonds in the middle, flanked by 3(10)-type hydrogen bonds at either end. The helical molecules stack in columns with head-to-tail hydrogen bonds, either directly between NH and CO, or bridged by solvent molecules. The packing of the helices is parallel, even in space group P2(1). Cell parameters are a = 9.837(2) A, b = 15.565(3) A, c = 20.087(5) A, beta = 96.42(2) degrees, dcalc = 1.091 g/cm3 for C46H83N9O12.1.5H2O.0.67CH3OH. There appears to be some hydration of the backbone in this apolar helix.


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Scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy studies were carried out on single crystals of colossal magnetoresistive manganite Pr0. 68Pb0.32MnO3 at different temperatures in order to probe their spatial homogeneity across the metal-insulator transition temperature TM-I(similar to 255 K). A metallic behavior of the local conductance was observed for temperatures T < TM-I. Zero bias conductance (dI/dV)v=(0), which is directly proportional to the local surface density of states at the Fermi level, shows a single distribution at temperatures T < 200 K suggesting a homogeneous electronic phase at low temperatures. In a narrow temperature window of 200 K < T < TM-I, however, an inhomogeneous distribution of (dI/dV)v=(0) has been observed. This result gives evidence for phase separation in the transition region in this compound.


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The dodecapeptide Boc-(Ala-Leu-Aib)(4)-OMe crystallized with two independent helical molecules in a triclinic cell. The two molecules are very similar in conformation, with a 3(10)-helix turn at the N-terminus followed by an alpha-helix, except for an elongated N(7)...O(3) distance in both molecules. All the helices in the crystal pack in a parallel motif. Eleven water sites have been found in the head-to-tail region between the apolar helices that participate in peptide-water hydrogen bonds and a network of water-water hydrogen bonds. The crystal parameters are as follows: 2(C58H104N12O15)+ca. 10H(2)O, space group P1 with a = 12.946(2), b = 17.321(3), c = 20.465(4) Angstrom, alpha = 103.12(2), beta = 105.63(2), gamma = 107.50(2)degrees, Z = 2, R = 10.9% for 5152 data observed > 3 sigma(F), resolution 1.0 Angstrom. In contrast to the shorter sequences [Karle et al. (1988)Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85, 299-303] and Boc-(Ala-Leu-Aib)(2)-OMe [Karle et al. (1989) Biopolymers 28, 773-781], no insertion of a water molecule into the helix is observed. However, the elongated N---O distance between Ala(7) NH and Aib(3) CO in both molecules (molecule A, 3.40 Angstrom; molecule B, 3.42 Angstrom) is indicative of an incipient break in the helices. (C) Munksgaard 1994.


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Evaluation of intermolecular interactions in terms of both experimental and theoretical charge density analyses has produced a unified picture with which to classify strong and weak hydrogen bonds, along with van der Waals interactions, into three regions.


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The peptide Boc-Gly-Dpg-Gly-Gly-Dpg-Gly-NHMe (1) has been synthesized to examine the conformational preferences of Dpg residues in the context of a poor helix promoting sequence. Single crystals of 1 were obtained in the space group P21/c with a = 13.716(2) Å, b = 12.960(2) Å, c = 22.266(4) Å, and β = 98.05(1)°; R = 6.3% for 3660 data with |Fo| > 4σ. The molecular conformation in crystals revealed that the Gly(1)-Dpg(2) segment adopts φ, ψ values distorted from those expected for an ideal type II‘ β-turn (φGly(1) = +72.0°, ψGly(1) = −166.0°; φDpg(2) = −54.0°, ψDpg(2) = −46.0°) with an inserted water molecule between Boc-CO and Gly(3)NH. The Gly(3)-Gly(4) segment adopts φ, ψ values which lie broadly in the right handed helical region (φGly(3) = −78.0°, ψGly(3) = −9.0°; φGly(4) = −80.0°, ψGly(4) = −18.0°). There is a chiral reversal at Dpg(5) which takes up φ, ψ values in the left handed helical region. The Dpg(5)-Gly(6) segment closely resembles an ideal type I‘ β-turn (φDpg(5) = +56.0°, ψDpg(5) = +32.0°; φGly(6) = +85.0°, ψGly(6) = −3.0°). Molecules of both chiral senses are found in the centrosymmetric crystal. The C-terminus forms a hydrated Schellman motif, with water insertion into the potential 6 → 1 hydrogen bond between Gly(1)CO and Gly(6)NH. NMR studies in CDCl3 suggest substantial retention of the multiple turn conformation observed in crystals. In solution the observed NOEs support local helical conformation at the two Dpg residues.


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The conformational properties of foldamers generated from alpha gamma hybrid peptide sequences have been probed in the model sequence Boc-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-NHMe. The choice of alpha-aminoisobutyryl (Aib) and gabapentin (Gpn) residues greatly restricts sterically accessible coil formational space. This model sequence was anticipated to be a short segment of the alpha gamma C-12 helix, stabilized by three successive 4 -> 1 hydrogen bonds, corresponding to a backbone-expanded analogue of the alpha polypeptide 3(10)-helix. Unexpectedly, three distinct crystalline polymorphs were characterized in the solid state by X-ray diffraction. In one form, two successive C-12 hydrogen bonds were obtained at the N-terminus, while a novel C-17 hydrogen-bonded gamma alpha gamma turn was observed at the C-terminus. In the other two polymorphs, isolated C-9 and C-7 hydrogen-bonded turns were observed at Gpn (2) and Gpn (4). Isolated C-12 and C-9 turns were also crystallographically established in the peptides Boc-Aib-Gpn-Aib-OMe and Boc-Gpn-Aib-NHMe, respectively. Selective line broadening of NH resonances and the observation of medium range NH(i)<-> NH(i+2) NOEs established the presence of conformational heterogeneity for the tetrapeptide in CDCl3 solution. The NMR results are consistent with the limited population of the continuous C-12 helix conformation. Lengthening of the (alpha gamma)(n) sequences in the nonapeptides Boc-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Xxx (Xxx = Aib, Leu) resulted in the observation of all of the sequential NOEs characteristic of an alpha gamma C-12 helix. These results establish that conformational fragility is manifested in short hybrid alpha gamma sequences despite the choice of conformationally constrained residues, while stable helices are formed on chain extension.


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Contrary to the general assumption that photoreactions in crystals may not proceed with large molecular motions, a pedal-like motion prompted by electronic excitation is believed to be involved during the β-dimer formation from the crystals of the diamine double salt of trans-2,4-dichlorocinnamic acid and trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane.


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he infrared absorption spectra of glycine silver nitrate (GAgNO3) and glycine nitrate (GHNO3) show that the glycine group exists completely in the zwitter ion form in the former and in both forms in the latter. The spectrum of GAgNO3 at liquid air temperature did not reveal any striking change which can be attributed to a freezing of the rapid reorientation of the NH3+ group taking place at higher temperatures. The position of the COO− stretching frequencies indicate that this group is co-ordinated only weakly to the Ag+ ion. The summation frequencies reported by Schroeder, Wier and Lippincott (1962) for AgNO3 were not observed in the present study on GAgNO3. It shows however that ferroelectricity in GAgNO3 is in all probability due to the motion of the Ag+ ion in the oxygen co-ordination polyhedron and is not directly connected with the ordering of the hydrogen bonds below Curie point.


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Using an iterative technique to obtain the exact solutions of the cubic Christoffel equation, the 21 elastic constants of copper sulphate pentahydrate have been determined at 25°C by the ultrasonic pulse echo method. The elastic constants, referred to the IRE recommended system of axes, are c11=5·65, c12=2·65, c13=3·21, c14=−0·33, c15=−0·08, c16=−0·39, c22=4·33, c23=3·47, c24=−0·07, c25=−0·21, c26=0·02, c33=5·69, c34=−0·44, c35=−0·21, c36=−0·16, c44=1·73, c45=0·09, c46=0·03, c55=1·22, c56=−0·26 and c66=1·00 in units of 1010 N m−2.


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Beta-hairpin structures have been crystallographically characterized only in very short acyclic peptides, in contrast to helices. The structure of the designed beta-hairpin, t-butoxycarbonyl-Leu-Val-Val-D-Pro-Gly-Leu-Val-Val-OMe in crystals is described. The two independent molecules of the octapeptide fold into almost ideal beta-hairpin conformations with the central D-Pro-Gly segment adopting a Type II' beta-turn conformation. The definitive characterization of a beta-hairpin has implications for de novo peptide and protein design, particularly for the development of three- and four-stranded beta-sheets.


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The Raman spectrum of lithium hydrazinium sulphate has been recorded both in the single crystal form and in aqueous solutions. The crystal exhibits thirty-eight Raman lines having the frequency shifts 52, 70, 104, 146, 174, 220, 260, 302, 350, 454, 470, 610, 630, 715, 977, 1094, 1115, 1132, 1177, 1191, 1260, 1444, 1493, 1577, 1630, 1670, 2205, 2484, 2553, 2655, 2734, 2848, 2894, 2939, 3028, 3132, 3290 and 3330 cm.−1 The aqueous solution gave rise to six Raman lines at 452, 980, 1050–1200, 1260, 1425 and 1570 cm.−1 apart from a maximum at 180 cm.−1 in the ‘wing’ accompanying the Rayleigh line. The observed Raman lines have been assigned as arising from the vibrations of the SO4 ion, N2H5+ ion, Li-O4 group, hydrogen bond and the lattice. The influence of the hydrogen bond on the N-H stretching vibrations has been pointed out. The various features of the observed spectrum strongly support the hypothesis that the NH3 group in the crystal is rotating around the N-N axis at room temperature.