966 resultados para Crystallographic texture


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The present work describes the tensile flow and work hardening behavior of a high strength 7010 aluminum alloy by constitutive relations. The alloy has been hot rolled by three different cross-rolling schedules. Room temperature tensile properties have been evaluated as a function of tensile axis orientation in the as-hot rolled as well as peak aged conditions. It is found that both the Ludwigson and a generalized Voce-Bergstrom relation adequately describe the tensile flow behavior of the present alloy in all conditions compared to the Hollomon relation. The variation in the Ludwigson fitting parameter could be correlated well with the microstructural features and anisotropic contribution of strengthening precipitates in the as-rolled and peak aged conditions, respectively. The hardening rate and the saturation stress of the first Voce-Bergstrom parameter, on the other hand, depend mainly on the crystallographic texture of the specimens. It is further shown that for the peak aged specimens the uniform elongation (epsilon(u)) derived from the Ludwigson relation matches well with the measured epsilon(u) irrespective of processing and loading directions. However, the Ludwigson fit overestimates the epsilon(u) in case of the as-rolled specimens. The Hollomon fit, on the other hand, predicts well the measured epsilon(u), of the as-rolled specimens but severely underestimates the epsilon(u), for the peak aged specimens. Contrarily, both the relations significantly overestimate the UTS of the as-rolled and the peak aged specimens. The Voce-Bergstrom parameters define the slope of e Theta-sigma plots in the stage-III regime when the specimens show a classical linear decrease in hardening rate in stage-III. Further analysis of work hardening behavior throws some light on the effect of texture on the dislocation storage and dynamic recovery.


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Plastic heterogeneity in indentation is fundamental for understanding mechanics of hardness testing and impression-based deformation processing methods. The heterogeneous deformation underlying plane-strain indentation was investigated in plastic loading of copper by a flat punch. Deformation parameters were measured, in situ, by tracking the motion of asperities in high-speed optical imaging. These measurements were coupled with multi-scale analyses of strength, microstructure and crystallographic texture in the vicinity of the indentation. Self-consistency is demonstrated in description of the deformation field using the in situ mechanics-based measurements and post-mortem materials characterization. Salient features of the punch indentation process elucidated include, among others, the presence of a dead-metal zone underneath the indenter, regions of intense strain rate (e. g. slip lines) and extent of the plastic flow field. Perhaps more intriguing are the transitions between shear-type and compression-type deformation modes over the indentation region that were quantified by the high-resolution crystallographic texture measurements. The evolution of the field concomitant to the progress of indentation is discussed and primary differences between the mechanics of indentation for a rigid perfectly plastic material and a strain-hardening material are described.


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Martensite-ferrite microstructures were produced in four microalloyed steels A (Fe-0.44C-Cr-V), B (Fe-0.26C-Cr-V), C (Fe-0.34C-Cr-Ti-V), and D (Fe-0.23C-Cr-V) by intercritical annealing. SEM analysis reveals that steels A and C contained higher martensite fraction and finer ferrite when compared to steels B and D which contained coarser ferrite grains and lower martensite fraction. A network of martensite phase surrounding the ferrite grains was found in all the steels. Crystallographic texture was very weak in these steels as indicated by EBSD analysis. The steels contained negligible volume fraction of retained austenite (approx. 3-6%). TEM analysis revealed the presence of twinned and lath martensite in these steels along with ferrite. Precipitates (carbides and nitrides) of Ti and V of various shapes with few nanometers size were found, particularly in the microstructures of steel B. Work hardening behavior of these steels at ambient temperature was evaluated through modified Jaoul-Crussard analysis, and it was characterized by two stages due to presence of martensite and ferrite phases in their microstructure. Steel A displayed large work hardening among other steel compositions. Work hardening behavior of the steels at a warm working temperature of 540 A degrees C was characterized by a single stage due to the decomposition of martensite into ferrite and carbides at this temperature as indicated by SEM images of the steels after warm deformation.


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In the current study, correlation of microstructure evolution with bulk crystallographic texture formation during friction stir processing (FSP) of commercial aluminum alloys has been attempted. Electron back-scattered diffraction and X-ray diffraction techniques were employed for characterizing the nugget zone of optimum friction stir processed samples. Volume fraction of measured texture components revealed that the texture formation in aluminum alloys is similar irrespective of the alloy composition. Recrystallization behavior during FSP was more of a composition dependent phenomenon.


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The present study elucidates the effects of nanoscale boron nitride particles addition on the microstructural and mechanical characteristics of monolithic magnesium. Novel light-weight Mg nanocomposites containing 0.3, 0.6 and 1.2vol% nano-size boron nitride particulates were synthesized using the disintegrated melt deposition method followed by hot extrusion. Microstructural characterization of developed Mg/x-boron nitride composites revealed significant grain refinement due to the uniform distribution of nano-boron nitride particulates. Texture analysis of selected Mg-1.2 boron nitride nanocomposite showed an increase in the intensity of fiber texture alongside enhanced localized recrystallization when compared to monolithic Mg. Mechanical properties evaluation under indentation, tension and compression loading indicated superior response of Mg/x-boron nitride composites in comparison to pure Mg. The uniform distribution of nanoscale boron nitride particles and the modified crystallographic texture achieved due to the nano-boron nitride addition attributes to the superior mechanical characteristics of Mg/boron nitride nanocomposites.


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Electrocerâmicos são uma classe de materiais avançados com propriedades eléctricas valiosas para aplicações. Estas propriedades são geralmente muito dependentes da microestrutura dos materiais. Portanto, o objectivo geral deste trabalho é investigar o desenho da resposta dieléctrica de filmes espessos obtidos por Deposição Electroforética (EPD) e cerâmicos monolíticos, através do controlo da evolução da microestrutura durante a sinterização de electrocerâmicos à base de titanatos. Aplicações sem fios na indústria microelectrónica e de comunicações, em rápido crescimento, tornaram-se um importante mercado para os fabricantes de semicondutores. Devido à constante necessidade de miniaturização, redução de custos e maior funcionalidade e integração, a tecnologia de filmes espessos está a tornar-se uma abordagem de processamento de materiais funcionais cada vez mais importante. Uma técnica adequada neste contexto é EPD. Os filmes espessos resultantes necessitam de um passo subsequente de sinterização que é afectada pelo substrato subjacente, tendo este um forte efeito sobre a evolução da microestrutura. Relacionado com a miniaturização e a discriminação do sinal, materiais dieléctricos usados como componentes operando a frequências das microondas em aplicações na industria microelectrónica de comunicações devem apresentar baixas perdas dieléctricas e elevadas permitividade dieléctrica e estabilidade com a temperatura. Materiais do sistema BaO-Ln2O3- TiO2 (BLnT: Ln = La ou Nd), como BaLa4Ti4O15 (BLT) e Ba4.5Nd9Ti18O54 (BNT), cumprem esses requisitos e são interessantes para aplicações, por exemplo, em estações de base para comunicações móveis ou em ressonadores para telefones móveis, onde a miniaturização dos dispositivos é muito importante. Por sua vez, o titanato de estrôncio (SrTiO3, STO) é um ferroeléctrico incipiente com constante dieléctrica elevada e baixas perdas, que encontra aplicação em, por exemplo, condensadores de camada interna, tirando partido de fronteiras de grão altamente resistivas. A dependência da permitividade dieléctrica do campo eléctrico aplicado torna este material muito interessante para aplicações em dispositivos de microondas sintonizáveis. Materiais à base de STO são também interessantes para aplicações termoeléctricas, que podem contribuir para a redução da actual dependência de combustíveis fósseis por meio da geração de energia a partir de calor desaproveitado. No entanto, as mesmas fronteiras de grão resistivas são um obstáculo relativamente à eficiência do STO para aplicações termoeléctricas. Para além do efeito do substrato durante a sinterização constrangida, outros factores, como a presença de fase líquida, a não-estequiometria ou a temperatura de sinterização, afectam significativamente não apenas a microestrutura dos materiais funcionais, mas também a sua resposta dieléctrica. Se adequadamente compreendidos, estes factores podem ser intencionalmente usados para desenhar a microestrutura dos electrocerâmicos e, desta forma, as suas propriedades dieléctricas. O efeito da não-estequiometria (razão Sr/Ti 0.995-1.02) no crescimento de grão e resposta dieléctrica de cerâmicos de STO foi investigado neste trabalho. A mobilidade das fronteiras de grão aumenta com a diminuição da razão Sr/Ti. A resistividade do interior dos grãos e das fronteiras de grão é sistematicamente diminuída em amostras não-estequiométricas de STO, em comparação com o material estequiométrico. O efeito é muito mais forte para as fronteiras de grão do que para o seu interior. Dependências sistemáticas da não-estequiometria foram também observadas relativamente à dependência da condutividade da temperatura (muito mais afectada no caso da contribuição das fronteiras de grão), à capacitância do interior e fronteiras de grão e à espessura das fronteiras de grão. Uma anomalia no crescimento de grão em cerâmicos de STO ricos em Ti foi também observada e sistematicamente analisada. Foram detectadas três descontinuidades na dependência do tipo Arrhenius do crescimento de grão relativamente à temperatura com diminuições no tamanho de grão a temperaturas em torno de 1500, 1550 e 1605 °C. Além disso, descontinuidades semelhantes foram também observadas na dependência da energia de activação relativamente à condutividade das fronteiras de grão e na espessura das fronteiras de grão, avaliadas por Espectroscopia de Impedância. Estas notáveis coincidências suportam fortemente a formação de diferentes complexos de fronteira de grão com transições entre os regimes de crescimento de grão observados, que podem ser correlacionados com diferentes mobilidades de fronteira de grão e propriedades dieléctricas. Um modelo é sugerido, que se baseia na diminuição da fase líquida localizada nas fronteiras de grão, como o aumento da temperatura de sinterização, um cenário compatível com um fenómeno de solubilidade retrógrada, observado anteriormente em metais e semicondutores, mas não em cerâmicos. A EPD de filmes espessos de STO em substratos de folha de Pt e a sinterização constrangida dos filmes fabricados foram também preliminarmente tratadas. Filmes espessos de STO foram depositados com êxito por EPD sobre substratos de Pt e, depois de sinterizados, atingiram densidades elevadas. Um aumento da densificação e do tamanho de grão assim como o alargamento da distribuição de tamanho do grão foram observados com a diminuição da razão Sr/Ti, tal como anteriormente observado em amostras cerâmicas. Grãos equiaxiados foram observados para todas as composições, mas um certo grau de anisotropia na orientação dos poros foi detectado: os poros revelaram uma orientação vertical preferencial. Este trabalho focou-se também na sinterização constrangida do sistema BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd), nomeadamente de filmes espessos de BLT e BNT sobre substratos de folha de platina, e na relação do desenvolvimento de anisotropia microestrutural com as propriedades dieléctricas. As observações durante a sinterização constrangida foram comparadas com cerâmicos monolíticos equivalentes sinterizados livremente. Filmes espessos de BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd) com elevada densidade foram obtidos por EPD e subsequente sinterização constrangida. A anisometria cristalográfica do material em conjunto com um passo de sinterização constrangida resultou em grãos alongados e microestruturas anisotrópicas. O efeito do stress do substrato durante a sinterização constrangida originou graus mais elevados de anisotropia (grãos e poros alongados e orientação preferencial, bem como textura cristalográfica) nos filmes sinterizados relativamente aos cerâmicos equivalentes sinterizados livremente, não obstante o estado equivalente das amostras em verde. A densificação dos filmes de BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd) é retardada em comparação com os cerâmicos, mas depois de longos tempos de sinterização densidades semelhantes são obtidas. No entanto, em oposição a observações na sinterização constrangida de outros sistemas, o crescimento do grão em filmes de BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd) é favorecido pelo constrangimento causado pelo substrato. Além disso, grãos e poros alongados orientados paralelamente ao substrato foram desenvolvidos durante a sinterização constrangida de filmes espessos. Verificou-se uma forte correlação entre a evolução de grãos e poros, que começou assim que o crescimento do grão se iniciou. Um efeito da tensão do substrato no aumento do crescimento de grão, bem como um forte “Zener pinning”, origina microestruturas altamente texturizadas, o que também é observado a nível cristalográfico. Efeitos marcantes da anisotropia microestrutural foram também detectados nas propriedades dieléctricas dos filmes de BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd). Juntamente com o aumento da razão de aspecto dos grãos, do factor de orientação e do grau de textura cristalográfica, a permitividade relativa é ligeiramente diminuída e o coeficiente de temperatura da permitividade evolui de negativo para positivo com o aumento do tempo isotérmico de sinterização. Este trabalho mostra que a não-estequiometria pode ser usada para controlar a mobilidade das fronteiras de grão e, portanto, desenhar a microestrutura e as propriedades dieléctricas de electrocerâmicos à base de STO, com ênfase nas propriedades das fronteiras de grão. O papel da não-estequiometria no STO e dos complexos de fronteira de grão no desenvolvimento microestrutural é discutido e novas oportunidades para desenhar as propriedades de materiais funcionais são abertas. As observações relativamente à sinterização constrangida apontam para o efeito de tensões mecânicas desenvolvidas devido ao substrato subjacente no desenvolvimento da microestrutura de materiais funcionais. É assim esperado que a escolha adequada de substrato permitia desenhar a microestrutura de filmes espessos funcionais com desempenho optimizado. “Stress Assisted Grain Growth” (SAGG) é então proposto como uma técnica potencial para desenhar a microestrutura de materiais funcionais, originando microestruturas anisotrópicas texturizadas com propriedades desejadas.


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This Ph.D. research focuses on asymmetric rolling (ASR), as an alternative method for improving mechanical responses of aluminium-magnesium alloy and interstitial free (IF) steel regarding industrial requirements. Aluminium alloys are attractive materials in various industries due to their appropriate properties such as low density and corrosion resistance; however, their low formability has limited their applications. As formability of aluminium alloys can be improved through texture development, part of this dissertation is dedicated to producing the desired crystallographic texture with the ASR process. Two types of ASR (i.e. reverse and continuous asymmetric rolling) were investigated. The impact of shear deformation imposed by ASR processes on developing the desirable texture and consequently on mechanical behaviours was observed. The developed shear texture increased the normal and also planar anisotropy. Texture evolution during plastic deformation as well as induced mechanical behaviour were simulated using the “self-consistent” and Taylor models. Interstitial free (IF) steel was the second material selected in this dissertation. Since IF steel is one of the most often used materials in automotive industries it was chosen to investigate the effect of shear deformation through ASR on its properties. Two types of reverse and continuous asymmetric rolling were carried out to deform IF steel sheets. The results of optical microscopy and atomic force microscopy observations showed no significant difference between the grains’ morphology of asymmetric and conventionally rolled samples, whereas the obtained results of transmission electron microscopy indicated that fine and equiaxed dislocation cells were formed through the asymmetric rolling process. This structure is due to imposed shear deformation during the ASR process. Furthermore, the mechanical behaviour of deformed and annealed sheets was evaluated through uniaxial tensile tests. Results showed that at low thickness reductions (18%) the asymmetric rolled sample presented higher stress than that of the conventionally rolled sheet; while for higher thickness reductions (60%) the trend was reversed. The texture analyses indicated that intense rolling texture components which developed through 60% thickness reduction of conventional rolling cause a relatively higher stress; on the contrary the fine structure resulting from ASR appears to be the source of higher stress observed after pre-deformation of 18%.


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The microstructures of magnesium AZ31 are examined following hot compression testing and annealing. The grain size, fraction dynamically recrystallized and, in a couple of cases, the crystallographic texture are reported. The progress of dynamic recrystallization and the recrystallized grain size were sensitive to processing conditions, as expected. This effect was more marked in the former than in the latter, compared to other metals. It was also found that, for structures containing between 80 and 95% dynamic recrystallization, abnormal grain growth occurred during annealing. Irrespective of the whether or not abnormal grain growth occurred, the annealing step weakened the crystallographic texture.


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The microstructures of magnesium AZ31 are examined following hot compression testing and annealing. The grain size, fraction dynamically recrystallized and, in a couple of cases, the crystallographic texture are reported. It was found that the progress of dynamic recrystallization is strongly sensitive to processing conditions but that the dynamically
recrystallized grain size was less sensitive to stress than in other metals. It was also found that, for structures containing between 80 and 95 % dynamic recrystallization, abnormal grain growth occurs during annealing. The crystallographic texture produced is also sensitive to the deformation conditions.


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The electron backscattering diffraction technique was used to analyse the nature of carbides present in an ancient wootz steel blade. Bulky carbides, pro-eutectoid carbide along the prior austenite grain boundaries and fine spheroidized carbides were detected. Electron backscattering diffraction was employed to understand the texture of these carbides. The orientations of the cementite frequently occur in clusters, which points to a common origin of the members of the cluster. For the bands of coarse cementite, the origin is probably large coarse particles formed during the original cooling of the wootz cake. Pearlite formed earlier in the forging process has led to groups of similarly oriented fine cementite particles. The crystallographic texture of the cementite is sharp whereas that of the ferrite is weak. The sharp cementite textures point to the longevity of the coarse cementite throughout the repeated forging steps and to the influence of existing textured cementite on the nucleation of new cementite during cooling.


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The development of physically-based models of microstructural evolution during hot deformation of metallic materials requires knowledge of the grain/subgrain structure and crystallographic texture characteristics over a range of processing conditions. A Fe-30wt%Ni based alloy, retaining a stable austenitic structure at room temperature, was used for modelling the development of austenite microstructure during hot deformation of conventional carbon-manganese steels. A series of plane strain compression tests was carried out at a temperature of 950 °C and strain rates of 10 s-1 and 0.1 s-1 to several strain levels. Evolution of the grain/subgrain structure and crystallographic texture was characterised in detail using quantitative light microscopy and highresolution electron backscatter diffraction. Crystallographic texture characteristics were determined separately for the observed deformed and recrystallised grains. The subgrain geometry and dimensions together with the misorientation vectors across sub-boundaries were quantified in detail across large sample areas and the orientation dependence of these characteristics was determined. Formation mechanisms of the recrystallised grains were established in relation to the deformation microstructure.


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The evolution of crystallographic texture and deformation substructure was studied in a type 316L austenitic stainless steel, deformed in rolling at 900 °C to true strain levels of about 0.3 and 0.7. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used in the investigation and a comparison of the substructural characteristics obtained by these techniques was made. At the lower strain level, the deformation substructure observed by EBSD appeared to be rather poorly developed. There was considerable evidence of a rotation of the pre-existing twin boundaries from their original orientation relationship, as well as the formation of highly distorted grain boundary regions. In TEM, at this strain level, the substructure was more clearly revealed, although it appeared rather inhomogeneously developed from grain to grain. The subgrains were frequently elongated and their boundaries often approximated to traces of {111} slip planes. The corresponding misorientations were small and largely displayed a non-cumulative character. At the larger strain, the substructure within most grains became well developed and the corresponding misorientations increased. This resulted in better detection of sub-boundaries by EBSD, although the percentage of indexing slightly decreased. TEM revealed splitting of some sub-boundaries to form fine microbands, as well as the localized formation of microshear bands. The substructural characteristics observed by EBSD, in particular at the larger strain, generally appeared to compare well with those obtained using TEM. With increased strain level, the mean subgrain size became finer, the corresponding mean misorientation angle increased and both these characteristics became less dependent on a particular grain orientation. The statistically representative data obtained will assist in the development of physically based models of microstructural evolution during thermomechanical processing of austenitic stainless steels.


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The aim of the present investigation was to determine the orientation dependence of substructure characteristics in an austenitic Fe−30wt%Ni model alloy subjected to hot plane strain compression. Deformation was carried out at a temperature of 950 °C using a strain rate of 10 s−1 to equivalent strain levels of approximately 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8. The specimens obtained were analysed using a fully automatic electron backscatter diffraction technique. The crystallographic texture was characterized for all the strain levels studied and the subgrain structure was quantified in detail at a strain of 0.4. The substructure characteristics displayed pronounced orientation dependence. The major texture components, namely the copper, S, brass, Goss and rotated Goss, generally contained one or two prominent families of parallel larger-angle extended subboundaries, the traces of which on the longitudinal viewing plane appeared systematically aligned along the {111} slip plane traces, bounding long microbands subdivided into slightly elongated subgrains by short lower-angle transverse subboundaries. Relatively rare cube-orientated grains displayed pronounced subdivision into coarse deformation bands containing large, low-misorientated subgrains. The misorientation vectors across subboundaries largely showed a tendency to cluster around the sample transverse direction. Apart from the rotated Goss texture component, the stored energy levels for the remaining components were principally consistent with the corresponding Taylor factor values.


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Substructure development in an austenitic Ni-30%Fe model alloy was investigated within a dynamic recrystallization (DRX) regime. The substructure characteristics of the deformed matrix and DRX grains were markedly different regardless of the grain size and orientation. The former largely displayed 'organized', banded subgrain arrangements with alternating misorientations, resulting from a limited number of active slip systems. In contrast, the substructure of DRX grains was generally more 'random' and exhibited complex subgrain/cell arrangements characterized by local accumulation of misorientations, suggesting multiple slip. The proposed mechanism of the unique substructure development within DRX grains suggests that the DRX nuclei, forming along pre-existing grain boundaries and triple points, essentially represent grain boundary regions, which experience multiple slip to preserve the compatibility with neighbouring deformed grains. This results in the formation of a complex cell/subgrain structure, which progressively extends as the grain boundary regions expand outwards during DRX growth.


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This data looks at the effect of grain boundary movement on the characteristics of substructure development within the DRX regime. Different thermo-mechanical processing routes were employed to produce a range of DRX grain sizes at a given deformation temperature. The development of dislocation substructure was investigated using electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) in conjunction with transmission electron microscopy (TEM).