974 resultados para Cross-layer optimization


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The proliferation of multimedia content and the demand for new audio or video services have fostered the development of a new era based on multimedia information, which allowed the evolution of Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) and also Flying Ad-Hoc Networks (FANETs). In this way, live multimedia services require realtime video transmissions with a low frame loss rate, tolerable end-to-end delay, and jitter to support video dissemination with Quality of Experience (QoE) support. Hence, a key principle in a QoE-aware approach is the transmission of high priority frames (protect them) with a minimum packet loss ratio, as well as network overhead. Moreover, multimedia content must be transmitted from a given source to the destination via intermediate nodes with high reliability in a large scale scenario. The routing service must cope with dynamic topologies caused by node failure or mobility, as well as wireless channel changes, in order to continue to operate despite dynamic topologies during multimedia transmission. Finally, understanding user satisfaction on watching a video sequence is becoming a key requirement for delivery of multimedia content with QoE support. With this goal in mind, solutions involving multimedia transmissions must take into account the video characteristics to improve video quality delivery. The main research contributions of this thesis are driven by the research question how to provide multimedia distribution with high energy-efficiency, reliability, robustness, scalability, and QoE support over wireless ad hoc networks. The thesis addresses several problem domains with contributions on different layers of the communication stack. At the application layer, we introduce a QoE-aware packet redundancy mechanism to reduce the impact of the unreliable and lossy nature of wireless environment to disseminate live multimedia content. At the network layer, we introduce two routing protocols, namely video-aware Multi-hop and multi-path hierarchical routing protocol for Efficient VIdeo transmission for static WMSN scenarios (MEVI), and cross-layer link quality and geographical-aware beaconless OR protocol for multimedia FANET scenarios (XLinGO). Both protocols enable multimedia dissemination with energy-efficiency, reliability and QoE support. This is achieved by combining multiple cross-layer metrics for routing decision in order to establish reliable routes.


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Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre transmissões de vídeo em sistemas sem fio. O objetivo da metodologia aplicada é comprovar a existência de uma relação direta entre a BER e a perda de qualidade (Perda de PSNR) nas transmissões de vídeo em sistemas OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing). Os resultados foram obtidos a partir de simulações, desenvolvidas no ambiente computacional Matlab®, e, aferições em cenários reais, realizadas no campus universitário e dentro do laboratório de estudos, em ambiente controlado. A partir da comparação entre dados simulados e aferidos, foi comprovada a relação entre BER e Perda de PSNR, resultando na formulação de um modelo empírico Cross-Layer com característica exponencial. A modelagem obteve erro RMS e desvio padrão próximos de 1,65 dB quando comparada com as simulações. Além disso, sua validação foi realizada a partir dos dados obtidos de cenários reais, que não foram usados para ajustar os parâmetros da equação obtida. O modelo obtido não necessita da especificação do tipo de canal ou codificação utilizada no FEC (Forward Error Correction), possibilitando uma futura integração com softwares de planejamento de redes, em versões comerciais ou open-sources.


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The use of wireless local area networks, called WLANs, as well as the proliferation of the use of multimedia applications have grown rapidly in recent years. Some factors affect the quality of service (QoS) received by the user and interference is one of them. This work presents strategies for planning and performance evaluation through an empirical study of the QoS parameters of a voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) application in an interference network, as well as the relevance in the design of wireless networks to determine the coverage area of an access point, taking into account several parameters such as power, jitter, packet loss, delay, and PMOS. Another strategy is based on a hybrid approach that considers measuring and Bayesian inference applied to wireless networks, taking into consideration QoS parameters. The models take into account a cross layer vision of networks, correlating aspects of the physical environment, on the signal propagation (power or distance) with aspects of VoIP applications (e.g., jitter and packet loss). Case studies were carried out for two indoor environments and two outdoor environments, one of them displaying main characteristics of the Amazon region (e.g., densely arboreous environments). This last test bed was carried out in a real system because the Government of the State of Pará has a digital inclusion program called NAVEGAPARÁ.


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Unlike traditional wireless networks, characterized by the presence of last-mile, static and reliable infrastructures, Mobile ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are dynamically formed by collections of mobile and static terminals that exchange data by enabling each other's communication. Supporting multi-hop communication in a MANET is a challenging research area because it requires cooperation between different protocol layers (MAC, routing, transport). In particular, MAC and routing protocols could be considered mutually cooperative protocol layers. When a route is established, the exposed and hidden terminal problems at MAC layer may decrease the end-to-end performance proportionally with the length of each route. Conversely, the contention at MAC layer may cause a routing protocol to respond by initiating new routes queries and routing table updates. Multi-hop communication may also benefit the presence of pseudo-centralized virtual infrastructures obtained by grouping nodes into clusters. Clustering structures may facilitate the spatial reuse of resources by increasing the system capacity: at the same time, the clustering hierarchy may be used to coordinate transmissions events inside the network and to support intra-cluster routing schemes. Again, MAC and clustering protocols could be considered mutually cooperative protocol layers: the clustering scheme could support MAC layer coordination among nodes, by shifting the distributed MAC paradigm towards a pseudo-centralized MAC paradigm. On the other hand, the system benefits of the clustering scheme could be emphasized by the pseudo-centralized MAC layer with the support for differentiated access priorities and controlled contention. In this thesis, we propose cross-layer solutions involving joint design of MAC, clustering and routing protocols in MANETs. As main contribution, we study and analyze the integration of MAC and clustering schemes to support multi-hop communication in large-scale ad hoc networks. A novel clustering protocol, named Availability Clustering (AC), is defined under general nodes' heterogeneity assumptions in terms of connectivity, available energy and relative mobility. On this basis, we design and analyze a distributed and adaptive MAC protocol, named Differentiated Distributed Coordination Function (DDCF), whose focus is to implement adaptive access differentiation based on the node roles, which have been assigned by the upper-layer's clustering scheme. We extensively simulate the proposed clustering scheme by showing its effectiveness in dominating the network dynamics, under some stressing mobility models and different mobility rates. Based on these results, we propose a possible application of the cross-layer MAC+Clustering scheme to support the fast propagation of alert messages in a vehicular environment. At the same time, we investigate the integration of MAC and routing protocols in large scale multi-hop ad-hoc networks. A novel multipath routing scheme is proposed, by extending the AOMDV protocol with a novel load-balancing approach to concurrently distribute the traffic among the multiple paths. We also study the composition effect of a IEEE 802.11-based enhanced MAC forwarding mechanism called Fast Forward (FF), used to reduce the effects of self-contention among frames at the MAC layer. The protocol framework is modelled and extensively simulated for a large set of metrics and scenarios. For both the schemes, the simulation results reveal the benefits of the cross-layer MAC+routing and MAC+clustering approaches over single-layer solutions.


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Il lavoro descrive la progettazione, implementazione e test sperimentale di un meccanismo, integrato nel kernel linux 4.0, dedicato al riconoscimento delle perdite dei frame Wi-Fi.


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To interconnect a wireless sensor network (WSN) to the Internet, we propose to use TCP/IP as the standard protocol for all network entities. We present a cross layer designed communication architecture, which contains a MAC protocol, IP, a new protocol called Hop-to-Hop Reliability (H2HR) protocol, and the TCP Support for Sensor Nodes (TSS) protocol. The MAC protocol implements the MAC layer of beacon-less personal area networks (PANs) as defined in IEEE 802.15.4. H2HR implements hop-to-hop reliability mechanisms. Two acknowledgment mechanisms, explicit and implicit ACK are supported. TSS optimizes using TCP in WSNs by implementing local retransmission of TCP data packets, local TCP ACK regeneration, aggressive TCP ACK recovery, congestion and flow control algorithms. We show that H2HR increases the performance of UDP, TCP, and RMST in WSNs significantly. The throughput is increased and the packet loss ratio is decreased. As a result, WSNs can be operated and managed using TCP/IP.


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The proliferation of multimedia content and the demand for new audio or video services have fostered the development of a new era based on multimedia information, which allowed the evolution of Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) and also Flying Ad-Hoc Networks (FANETs). In this way, live multimedia services require real-time video transmissions with a low frame loss rate, tolerable end-to-end delay, and jitter to support video dissemination with Quality of Experience (QoE) support. Hence, a key principle in a QoE-aware approach is the transmission of high priority frames (protect them) with a minimum packet loss ratio, as well as network overhead. Moreover, multimedia content must be transmitted from a given source to the destination via intermediate nodes with high reliability in a large scale scenario. The routing service must cope with dynamic topologies caused by node failure or mobility, as well as wireless channel changes, in order to continue to operate despite dynamic topologies during multimedia transmission. Finally, understanding user satisfaction on watching a video sequence is becoming a key requirement for delivery of multimedia content with QoE support. With this goal in mind, solutions involving multimedia transmissions must take into account the video characteristics to improve video quality delivery. The main research contributions of this thesis are driven by the research question how to provide multimedia distribution with high energy-efficiency, reliability, robustness, scalability, and QoE support over wireless ad hoc networks. The thesis addresses several problem domains with contributions on different layers of the communication stack. At the application layer, we introduce a QoE-aware packet redundancy mechanism to reduce the impact of the unreliable and lossy nature of wireless environment to disseminate live multimedia content. At the network layer, we introduce two routing protocols, namely video-aware Multi-hop and multi-path hierarchical routing protocol for Efficient VIdeo transmission for static WMSN scenarios (MEVI), and cross-layer link quality and geographical-aware beaconless OR protocol for multimedia FANET scenarios (XLinGO). Both protocols enable multimedia dissemination with energy-efficiency, reliability and QoE support. This is achieved by combining multiple cross-layer metrics for routing decision in order to establish reliable routes.


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The Cross-Entropy (CE) is an efficient method for the estimation of rare-event probabilities and combinatorial optimization. This work presents a novel approach of the CE for optimization of a Soft-Computing controller. A Fuzzy controller was designed to command an unmanned aerial system (UAS) for avoiding collision task. The only sensor used to accomplish this task was a forward camera. The CE is used to reach a near-optimal controller by modifying the scaling factors of the controller inputs. The optimization was realized using the ROS-Gazebo simulation system. In order to evaluate the optimization a big amount of tests were carried out with a real quadcopter.


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Recently, the cross-layer design for the wireless sensor network communication protocol has become more and more important and popular. Considering the disadvantages of the traditional cross-layer routing algorithms, in this paper we propose a new fuzzy logic-based routing algorithm, named the Balanced Cross-layer Fuzzy Logic (BCFL) routing algorithm. In BCFL, we use the cross-layer parameters’ dispersion as the fuzzy logic inference system inputs. Moreover, we give each cross-layer parameter a dynamic weight according the value of the dispersion. For getting a balanced solution, the parameter whose dispersion is large will have small weight, and vice versa. In order to compare it with the traditional cross-layer routing algorithms, BCFL is evaluated through extensive simulations. The simulation results show that the new routing algorithm can handle the multiple constraints without increasing the complexity of the algorithm and can achieve the most balanced performance on selecting the next hop relay node. Moreover, the Balanced Cross-layer Fuzzy Logic routing algorithm can adapt to the dynamic changing of the network conditions and topology effectively.


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Link adaptation is a critical component of IEEE 802.11 systems, which adapts transmission rates to dynamic wireless channel conditions. In this paper we investigate a general cross-layer link adaptation algorithm which jointly considers the physical layer link quality and random channel access at the MAC layer. An analytic model is proposed for the link adaptation algorithm. The underlying wireless channel is modeled with a multiple state discrete time Markov chain. Compared with the pure link quality based link adaptation algorithm, the proposed cross-layer algorithm can achieve considerable performance gains of up to 20%.


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Link quality-based rate adaptation has been widely used for IEEE 802.11 networks. However, network performance is affected by both link quality and random channel access. Selection of transmit modes for optimal link throughput can cause medium access control (MAC) throughput loss. In this paper, we investigate this issue and propose a generalised cross-layer rate adaptation algorithm. It considers jointly link quality and channel access to optimise network throughput. The objective is to examine the potential benefits by cross-layer design. An efficient analytic model is proposed to evaluate rate adaptation algorithms under dynamic channel and multi-user access environments. The proposed algorithm is compared to link throughput optimisation-based algorithm. It is found rate adaptation by optimising link layer throughput can result in large performance loss, which cannot be compensated by the means of optimising MAC access mechanism alone. Results show cross-layer design can achieve consistent and considerable performance gains of up to 20%. It deserves to be exploited in practical design for IEEE 802.11 networks.


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Esta tese apresenta um estudo sobre alguns dos protocolos de cooperação MAC para redes sem fios utilizando o sistema IEEE 802.11 multi-débito. É proposto um novo modelo de arquitetura para a categorização e análise da cooperação em redes sem fios, tendo este modelo sido aplicado a protocolos cooperativos existentes para camada MAC. É investigado como as características do meio físico, assim como os requisitos de níveis superiores podem ser aplicados ao processo de cooperação, com vista a melhorar as características de funcionamento da rede de comunicações. Para este propósito são exploradas as métricas mais relevantes para o processo de cooperação. São igualmente estudados os limites impostos pelos protocolos da camada MAC e as limitações práticas impostas por protocolos da família de normas que compõem o IEEE 802.11. Neste trabalho foi criada uma métrica multicamada, que permite considerar os requisitos aplicacionais de performance e o tipo de tráfego, assim como a mobilidade dos dispositivos, no funcionamento dos mecanismos de cooperação. Como forma de validação, e para corretamente avaliar o impacto da métrica, um novo protocolo de cooperação foi desenvolvido e implementado. O seu funcionamento é descrito de forma analítica assim como validado através de a um ambiente de simulação. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a utilização de uma métrica multicamada é uma técnica robusta, fornecendo melhorias consistentes no contexto de redes IEEE 802.11. São igualmente demonstradas várias outras características de funcionamento com impacto para as comunicações. Estes dados fornecem uma visão real e encorajadora para a realização de mais pesquisas para a melhoria da performance dos protocolos cooperativos, assim como a sua utilização num variado número de aplicações futuras. No final do documento são apresentados alguns desafios para a continuação da investigação deste tópico.