892 resultados para Critical Theory


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The following paper is a critical theorist analysis of post-structuralist philosophy. It examines the omission of an economic critique in post-structuralism and describes this omission as the result of a particular flaw in Nietzsche's epistemological work, an error which has persisted all the way down through deconstruction, post-colonialism, and cultural studies. The paper seeks to reintroduce an economic critique of capitalism back into the social critique of post-structuralism, with the promise that the combination of the two will prove stronger than either critical theory or post-structuralism alone. To achieve this it reinterprets Marx' concept of metabolism as a critical economic category that mirrors post-structuralism's concept of differance.


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The emancipatory goal that underpins critical theories of teaching and learning is built on a theory of rational self-determination. In the context of physical education, critical educators believe that through a process of enlightenment teachers can recognize and transform elements of injustice and inequality that exist, albeit unwittingly, in their practice. However, despite the broad appeal of this orientation there are relatively few empirical accounts of how theories of enlightenment manifest themselves in the practice of emancipation. Propelled by the lacuna that clearly exists between critical theory and critical practice, this paper reports on the introduction of critical social discourses to a preservice PE program. It uses a case study methodology to report on two student-teachers' engagement with a range of critical social discourses during a year-long PE unit. The paper discusses some of the ways these students engaged with the theory and practice of a critical orientation for teaching and learning in physical education. Aspects of their experiences are then interpreted through Fay's (1987) critical but postmodern "limits to change" thesis. The paper concludes with tempered optimism about the potential for critical social discourses to guide preservice teachers in practical ways.


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Most scholarly work is written from the perspective of the author being a unitary subject occupying a sole, rational, and unified position. This article argues that scholarship may be enhanced by the author adopting multiple subject positions as a methodological framework. Such an adoption is advantageous in working against the romance of the notion of a single truth while also maintaining teleological values congruent with critical and feminist agendas. This article outlines the conceptual development of this methodological framework, the rationale for its development, an explication of the concept of multiple subjectivity, and an exemplar of its application within nursing research.


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For many theorists and practitioners in the area of organizational theory, HRM, marketing and other domains of organization studies, organizational creativity is something to be distilled and managed as an element of organizational performance. The article argues, however, that this process of appropriation from the creative arts is subject to a number of problematic transitions. The article's starting point is the notion of creativity itself. Within the creative arts, the question of what constitutes creativity and its relationship to artistic practice is subject to considerable debate. This debate centers on the question of whether creativity represents an essentialist and inexplicable (even spiritual) component of artistic practice or whether creativity is a trait of work and cannot be attributed as a unique aspect of art. The mantra of creativity provides nothing more than a means to control individuals and provide them with a false hope that contributing to the success of business will provide a means to self fulfillment.


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This study focuses on the way four student-teachers engage with critical social discourses in a year-long physical education unit. The student-teachers were encouraged to examine and (re)construct their pedagogy through their interactions with critical discourses. Drawing on their personal theories and actions, the study examines the extent to which critical intellectual resources can provide pedagogical frames of reference that are 'practical and non-ideal'. Using a critical ethnographic methodology the students' interactions with critical social discourses are diagnosed across three levels. The first level is the case study presentations of each student's engagement with the critical intellectual resources and the extent to which they were able to understand and implement them. The second level involves an interpretation of the individual cases that is informed by Brian Fay's (1987) metatheoretical reconstruction of the critical social sciences. In the third stage of diagnosis the study focuses on retheorising critical aspirations for praxis pedagogy in physical education. Critical scholars within the physical education arena argue that critical praxis represents a pedagogy based on a 'world view' of the potential for agents to engage in a rational reordering of their qualitative existence. The essence of their claim is that critical discourses have the potential to facilitate a mode of praxis through which physical education teachers might better recognise, understand, critique and transform their values and practices. However, there is broad recognition that the translation of social-critical discourses into a pedagogic context is highly problematic. Interpretation of the study is provided by Fay's (1987) 'limits to change' thesis which recognises that critical aspirations must ultimately be adopted and implemented by real people in real settings. As a diagnostic frame of reference, Fay insists that a 'complete' critical theory [of physical education] be simultaneously scientific, critical, practical and non-ideal. In seeking to temper the "e; over-rationalistic"e; tendency of the critical project he recognises the historical, embedded, embodied and traditional nature of human existence Criticisms of critical theories of education traverse a number of philosophic perspectives. Recent post-structural criticisms of truth regimes, knowledge-power differentials, rationality and agency have seriously destabilised modernist justifications of the critical agenda. Critical theories of physical education have not been absolved of such criticism. A prominent element of this study is its promotion of a dialectical relationship between agency and structure to extend critical conceptualisations of physical education pedagogy. Through the mediation of structural determinism and self-determination this research proffers a means of practically advancing a critical praxis in physical education. The conclusion of this thesis outlines some broad recommendations pertaining to the introduction of social critical discourses in physical education teacher education.


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Recent years have seen a flood of celebrity-authored children’s books enter the children’s literature marketplace. This paper tracks the evolution of this phenomenon as it pertains to contemporary celebrity culture, and responds to the question: what are the embedded messages about identity at play in such texts? The key contention here is that these works endorse celebrity as the most desirable identity category for the children of the new millennium, going so far as to position difference as a commodity to be traded in the quest for fame. Using critical theory around celebrity culture, and through a close reading of a short celebrity-authored picture book, this paper demonstrates that far from being innocuous pieces of popular culture, such books beckon children into a world that increasingly values visibility and stardom above all else.


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This paper critiques specific forms of classroom teacher effectiveness research. In doing so, the paper suggests that education policy-making deems and employs teacher effectiveness research as a promising and capable contrivance for the identification of ineffective classroom teaching practice. The paper engages with this policy debate by using a specific policy example from the Australian state of Victoria, the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) Blueprint for Government Schools (2003/2008). Moreover, the attention given to “teacher effectiveness” as the means by which school systems aim to reverse student under-achievement positions classroom teachers as the controlling authority over educational outcomes. Indeed, teacher effectiveness is the defining quality of a policy-making debate that at its core dispenses with broader considerations of possible influence thought to substantially affect the learning outcomes of public school students.


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 Despite the frequency with which the concept of neoliberalism is employed within academic literature, its complex and multifaceted nature makes it difficult to define and describe. Indeed, data reported in this article suggest that there is a tendency in educational research to make extensive use of the word ‘neoliberalism’ (or its variants neoliberal, neo-liberal and neo-liberalism) as a catch-all for something negative but without offering a definition or explanation. The article highlights a number of key risks associated with this approach and draws on the Bourdieuian concept of illusio to suggest the possibility that when as educational researchers we use the word ‘neoliberalism’ in this way, rather than interrupting the implementation of neoliberal policies and practices, we may, in fact, be further entrenching the neoliberal doxa. That is to say, we are both playing the neoliberal game and inadvertently demonstrating our belief that it is a game worth being played. In so doing, this article seeks to extend understandings of what illusio means within the context of educational research.


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Since the 1980s, there has been a burgeoning literature on women and educational leadership. The focus has primarily been on the underrepresentation of women in leadership informed by a feminist critique of the mainstream literature. Over time, key feminist theories and research have been appropriated in education policy and are now embedded in the mainstream literature, with little recognition of their provenance or political intent. This article identifies the discursive moves that have domesticated feminist research by depoliticizing and decontextualizing leadership and argues for refocusing the feminist gaze away from numerical representation of women in leadership to the social relations of gender and power locally, nationally and internationally. A feminist critical sociological perspective treats leadership as a conceptual lens through which to problematize the nature, purpose and capacities of educational systems and organizations to reform and indeed re-think their practices in more socially just ways. Feminist understandings provide substantive and normative alternatives to how we theorize and practice leadership.


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In response to recent criticisms, and following a sustained effort by Critical Management Scholars, business education, especially the MBA, is increasingly taking seriously the idea that it needs to enable students to develop the capacities of critical and reflective thought. One method in particular is suggested as meeting this end; reflective writing. The aim of this current paper is to consider if this method lives up to the promise of developing critical and reflective coporate citizens. Using a body of critical theory on reflective practice, I argue that reflective writing as done by students tends to be a Truth posing exercise. This is insufficient to the end that critical scholars envision. My aim with this paper is to introduce a new form of reflective writing. Drawing on the based on Bakhtin's (1984) notion of carnival, I argue for a dialogical text in which different voices and perspectives jostle and claim that this is productive of texts that grant autonomy to the reader to make meaning. This form of writing is more conductive to the constitution of ethical and critical thinking than are the current truth books (Masschelein, 2006) that dominant reflective writing. I illustrate this through my experiences introducing reflective writing in an undergraduate accounting unit and to an MBA. I argue that the latter is more dialogical and carnivalistic as the reflective writing is a joint effort.


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Public health advocates have repeatedly highlighted parallels between food marketing and childhood obesity. Yet existing literature has not explored the connection between the promotion of unhealthy foods and beverages, certain characteristics of integrated marketing communication (IMC) and the power of multinational food and beverage companies. This is problematic because IMC represents the dominant marketing paradigm in use today. This article draws on critical theory and literature from across public health, marketing, business and related fields. By focusing on macro-level antecedents and interactions, this discussion highlights a previously unarticulated dimension of the promotion of unhealthy foods and beverages to children and adolescents. In doing so, this discussion aims to generate greater recognition of the broader environmental circumstances and processes that surround food marketing tactics and their consequences for public health nutrition. This perspective will also contribute to an expanded understanding of unhealthy food marketing and its unintended consequences, among an audience of nutrition, public health and policy communities.


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This volume attempts to renew and reinvigorate critical theory by extending its range and its intellectual trajectories through strategies of inclusiveness that respect and build on parallel traditions.


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Some properties of the higher grading integrable generalizations of the conformal affine Toda systems are studied. The fields associated to the non-zero grade generators are Dirac spinors. The effective action is written in terms of the Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten (WZNW) action associated to an affine Lie algebra, and an off-critical theory is obtained as the result of the spontaneous breakdown of the conformal symmetry. Moreover, the off-critical theory presents a remarkable equivalence between the Noether and topological currents of the model. Related to the off-critical model we define a real and local lagrangian provided some reality conditions are imposed on the fields of the model. This real action model is expected to describe the soliton sector of the original model, and turns out to be the master action from which we uncover the weak-strong phases described by (generalized) massive Thirring and sine-Gordon type models, respectively. The case of any (untwisted) affine Lie algebra furnished with the principal gradation is studied in some detail. The example of s^l(n) (n = 2, 3) is presented explicitly. © SISSA/ISAS 2003.