903 resultados para Crime prevention.


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La responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas es un tema que adquiere cada vez mayor relevancia en una sociedad que sufre constantes cambios, y en la que se perfeccionan cada vez más las formas de cometer delitos. En el presente trabajo se realiza el estudio sobre la evolución de la figura de la responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas, abarcando desde el derecho romano hasta nuestros días. En el desarrollo del mismo, se expone el recorrido a través de las diferentes alternativas normativas y académicas consideradas a nivel mundial, mostrando las características de cada ordenamiento jurídico con respecto a la aceptación, la negación o la obtención de una normatividad en regímenes diferentes al penal frente al tema de estudio. Igualmente, se analizan los avances logrados en Colombia en materia de implementación de una normatividad que regule la responsabilidad de las personas jurídicas. Finalmente, se exponen los mecanismos alternativos de regulación, que brindan una valiosa herramienta para aquellos países en los que la responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas se encuentra proscrita.


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En la última década la prevención del delito se ha colocado en el debate académico y político de seguridad en América Latina. El involucramiento de la comunidad en este tipo de iniciativas ha tenido especial énfasis, sin embargo, las mismas han sido enfrentadas de forma confusa. Esta situación permite la consolidación de un discurso autoritario sobre la delincuencia y, a su vez, la aparición de procesos negativos como los linchamientos de supuestos delincuentes, actos que se presentan en la mayoría de países latinoamericanos. En este marco, el presente artículo define una aproximación conceptual a la participación comunitaria del delito, rescatando algunas prácticas prometedoras, así como identificando los principales desafíos pendientes para lograr una perspectiva integral y efectiva en la disminución de la violencia y la delincuencia.-----The prevention of the crime has been placed in the center of the academic and political security debate in Latin America. The involvement of the community has had special emphasis in this type of initiatives, nevertheless it has been faced not in a clear form. This situation encourages the consolidation of an authoritarian discourse and at the same time the emergence of negative processes such as lynching of supposed delinquents in many Latin-American countries nowadays. The present article defines a conceptual framework for community crime prevention, including some promising practices as well as identifying the main pending challenges to achieve an integral and effective perspective on violence and crime prevention.


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La tesis devela la connotación sistemática y multicausal de lo que a través de la investigación se denomina como "Procesos de Territorialización de la Inseguridad Ciudadana". Mediante un estudio de caso, se pone en evidencia la apropiación y captura sostenida en el tiempo de fenómenos como la inseguridad y la criminalidad, sobre determinadas zonas o barrios urbanos que por sus características socioeconómicas, políticas, geográficas, culturales, laborales y de mercado de quienes los habitan o frecuentan, se consideran como sectores "críticos y/o vulnerables".


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Esta dissertação teve como diretriz principal percecionar até que ponto a educação se torna eficaz como política pública capaz de ajudar a enfrentar a criminalidade. Tal enfrentamento ocorre por dois vieses distintos; O primeiro tem caráter mais preventivo, de modo que a educação tem sua atuação voltada à prevenção da criminalidade; enquanto o segundo viés consiste em prevenir a reincidência criminal com a aplicação de políticas educativas a apenados. Neste trabalho de investigação realizou-se uma breve revisão bibliográfica, abrangendo alguns autores teóricos que enfatizaram como se dá o processo de aquisição e desenvolvimento do conhecimento no indivíduo, dentre os quais constam: Descartes, Rousseau, Kant, além de Piaget e Vygotsky. A pesquisa consistiu em levantamento nos processos julgados pela comarca de João Pessoa do Tribunal do Júri no ano de 2011, a fim de verificar o grau de escolaridade dos réus, bem como no Estabelecimento Prisional, com vistas a levantamentos sobre a reincidência criminal. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstraram que é latente a eficácia da educação como política pública de combate a criminalidade. Foi apurada também, a enorme economia financeira que produziria uma maior concentração de investimentos educativos em detrimento de investimentos em segurança pública.


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The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyze the geographical distribution of everyday criminality in the town of Borlänge during the year 2002 and to analyze which measures to be taken in the physical social planning to decrease this everyday criminality there. The term everyday criminality is here to be understood as those categories of crime that appear most frequently in the records of reports to the police every year. Here two kinds of crime have been in focus, thefts from cars and office burglary.In fulfilling this aim two main questions have been answered. The first one is how the everyday criminality was distributed geographically in the town of Borlänge during the year 2002. The second one is which measures to be taken in the physical social planning to decrease this everyday criminality in the town of Borlänge.In order to answer the first question a spatial autocorrelation analysis, Local Moran LISA has been used. This method is based on the measurement Moran´s I and shows the spatial autocorrelation for every single location. To answer the second question three different theories of crime prevention through environmental design have been studied and applied in the analysis. These are Jane Jacobs’ ideas about ”the living city”, Oscar Newman´s ideas about ”defensible space” and Ronald V. Clarke´s theories about crime prevention.The major conclusions that can be drawn from this thesis are that the risk of being exposed to thefts from cars, during the analyzed time period, was highest in Centrum and Hagalund and their surroundings. The lowest risk of being exposed to this type of crime was found in Domnarvet and Islingby, during the year 2002. The highest risk of being a victim of the crime office burglary was found in Hagalund and its surroundings and in the single area of Kvarnsveden. The corresponding lowest risk was found in Lergärdet and its surroundings and in Norra Backa and Kupolen. The measures that should be taken in order to decrease these types of criminality can be divided into overall changes and place-specific changes. When it comes to the crime thefts from cars a more attractive central business district, a better view of parking lots from nearby buildings, dividing of larger parking lot zones into smaller ones, migration of hidden parking lots and stronger access control to parking lots where problems with this kind of crime have occurred have been suggested as overall changes. The corresponding place-specific changes are to remove vegetation that is blocking the view, better lighting and to put up signs with information about increased risk of exposure to crime at parking lots with the most problems. To decrease the amount of office burglaries overall changes as to create a better view of the area from nearby surroundings, move bigger office compartments or divide them into smaller units, rebuild characteristic buildings and increase security by strengthening the access control to offices with these kinds of problems could be useful. Finally there are possibilities to decrease office burglary by using place-specific measures as surveillance cameras combined with signs containing information about these, high fences and better lighting around the buildings where a higher risk of being exposed to this kind of criminality is present.


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”You are not welcome in our lovely Malmo”: Conditions for belonging in mobilization against organized crime Several murders occurred in the Swedish city of Malmö between 2011 and 2012. Against this backdrop, the municipality and the police initiate a public campaign. The aim is to mobilize the city’s population against organized crime. In this study the ideology of the initiative is analysed. It is argued that the representation of organized crime as nurtured by the black economy can be read as an example of neoliberal revanchist city agenda, albeit an ambivalent one. The role of groups working in the low-price sphere of the economy becomes that of a threatening projection, while a consumption ideology regulates the boundaries of belonging


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The objective of this paper is to evaluate the effect of the 1985 ”Employment Services for Ex-Offenders” (ESEO) program on recidivism. Initially, the sample has been split randomly in a control group and a treatment group. However, the actual treatment (mainly being job related counseling) only takes place conditional on finding a job, and not having been arrested, for those selected in the treatment group. We use a multiple proportional hazard model with unobserved heterogeneity for job seach and recidivism time which incorporates the conditional treatment effect. We find that the program helps to reduce criminal activity, contrary to the result of the previous analysis of this data set. This finding is important for crime prevention policy.


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A utilização da informação no planejamento da atividade policial se coloca como uma das principais questões no debate sobre os paradigmas de segurança pública contemporâneos. Dessa forma, as estatísticas criminais situam-se como importante instrumento neste processo. Este artigo busca promover uma reflexão sobre o uso das estatísticas criminais pelos profissionais de segurança pública como uma fonte de informação para o planejamento de suas ações. Para tal, foram abordadas três variáveis consideradas centrais para o desenvolvimento da discussão: os paradigmas de policiamento contemporâneos, a utilização e as funcionalidades das estatísticas no planejamento da atividade policial, e a utilização das estatísticas criminais por parte dos profissionais de segurança pública tendo em vista o contexto organizacional no qual estão inseridos. A conclusão do artigo aponta para a necessidade de se observarem a cultura e a estrutura das instituições policiais como elementos centrais no desenvolvimento de um modelo de policiamento marcado pela inteligência, pró-atividade e prevenção à criminalidade.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR


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The article reflects on the difficult relation between community work against domestic violence and local crime prevention under the conditions of the neoliberal state that cuts down on social benefits and promotes self-help, active citizenship and self-responsibility instead while at the same time restoring the punishing state with its strict regime of law-and-order. The author describes a project Tarantula - she started herself while being a social worker in Hamburg, Germany. Tarantula was aimed at strengthening social networks and the neighbours' willingness to get involved in favour of affected women. Although conceptualized as an emancipatory approach referring to community organizing in the tradition of social movements it is questionable whether and how this can really work in the current situation. At present, the field of crime control is being reconfigured as a result of political and administrative decisions, which, for their part, are based on a new structure of social relations and cultural attitudes. The demolition of the 'welfare state' means the re-coding of the security policy that facilitates the development of interventionist techniques that govern and control individuals through their own ability to act.


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El presente trabajo está motivado por la verificación de cómo influye el urbanismo en los delitos e infracciones que se producen en las ciudades. Para realizar este estudio se ha empleado el método CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Enviromental Design). Este método, desarrollado en otros países como Holanda, Reino Unido, Australia o Estados Unidos, no es tan conocido en España. Ha sido tratado sin embardo en la Tesis Doctoral “SEGURIDAD Y DISEÑO URBANO EN LOS NUEVOS CRECIMIENTOS DE MADRID” realizada por Elena Escudero, tomada como base para la investigación. El ámbito de estudio seleccionado es a la escala de barrio, para llegar a unas conclusiones lo más ajustadas a la realidad posibles en el tiempo designado para la realización del trabajo. El barrio estudiado es Gaztambide, perteneciente al distrito de Chamberí. Se ha elegido éste en particular y no otro, dado que inicialmente se pensó que podría tener más deficiencias en el ámbito de la seguridad. Lo que infundió esas conclusiones iniciales fueron los locales y sitios de ocio nocturno concentrados en el mismo. Tras aplicar el método CPTED de forma cuantitativa (tal y como propone Elena en su tesis), se comparan los resultados obtenidos con datos policiales y encuestas de seguridad subjetiva, gracias al Atlas de Seguridad. Finalizado el análisis y la recopilación de información, se espera verificar el funcionamiento de la herramienta CPTED y su correspondencia con los datos objetivos y subjetivos obtenidos por los medios mencionados con anterioridad. Una vez obtenidos estos resultados, se compararán los niveles de Seguridad con los que aparecen en la Tesis de Elena Escudero en los nuevos crecimientos de Madrid.


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"July 1999."


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"Created date: September 14, 2001"--P. [4] of cover.