956 resultados para Crack initiation stress


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Fatigue crack growth behaviour in a 15 wt% SiC particulate reinforced 6061 aluminium alloy has been examined using pre-cracked specimens. Crack initiation and early growth of fatigue cracks in smooth specimens has also been investigated using the technique of periodic replication. The composite contained a bimodal distribution of SiC particle sizes, and detailed attention was paid to interactions between the SiC particles and the growing fatigue-crack tip. At low stress intensity levels, the proportion of coarse SiC particles on the fatigue surfaces was much smaller than that on the metallographic sections, indicating that the fatigue crack tends to run through the matrix avoiding SiC particles. As the stress intensity level increases, the SiC particles ahead of the growing fatigue crack tip are fractured and the fatigue crack then links the fractured particles. The contribution of this monotonic fracture mode resulted in a higher growth rate for the composite than for the unreinforced alloy. An increase in the proportion of cracked, coarse SiC particles on the fatigue surface was observed for specimens tested at a higher stress ratio.


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A new variant of the Element-Free Galerkin (EFG) method, that combines the diffraction method, to characterize the crack tip solution, and the Heaviside enrichment function for representing discontinuity due to a crack, has been used to model crack propagation through non-homogenous materials. In the case of interface crack propagation, the kink angle is predicted by applying the maximum tangential principal stress (MTPS) criterion in conjunction with consideration of the energy release rate (ERR). The MTPS criterion is applied to the crack tip stress field described by both the stress intensity factor (SIF) and the T-stress, which are extracted using the interaction integral method. The proposed EFG method has been developed and applied for 2D case studies involving a crack in an orthotropic material, crack along an interface and a crack terminating at a bi-material interface, under mechanical or thermal loading; this is done to demonstrate the advantages and efficiency of the proposed methodology. The computed SIFs, T-stress and the predicted interface crack kink angles are compared with existing results in the literature and are found to be in good agreement. An example of crack growth through a particle-reinforced composite materials, which may involve crack meandering around the particle, is reported.


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The process of structural health monitoring (SHM) involves monitoring a structure over a period of time using appropriate sensors, extracting damage sensitive features from the measurements made by the sensors and analysing these features to determine the current state of the structure. Various techniques are available for structural health monitoring of structures and acoustic emission (AE) is one technique that is finding an increasing use. Acoustic emission waves are the stress waves generated by the mechanical deformation of materials. AE waves produced inside a structure can be recorded by means of sensors attached on the surface. Analysis of these recorded signals can locate and assess the extent of damage. This paper describes preliminary studies on the application of AE technique for health monitoring of bridge structures. Crack initiation or structural damage will result in wave propagation in solid and this can take place in various forms. Propagation of these waves is likely to be affected by the dimensions, surface properties and shape of the specimen. This, in turn, will affect source localization. Various laboratory test results will be presented on source localization, using pencil lead break tests. The results from the tests can be expected to aid in enhancement of knowledge of acoustic emission process and development of effective bridge structure diagnostics system.


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Acoustic emission (AE) technique is a popular tool used for structural health monitoring of civil, mechanical and aerospace structures. It is a non-destructive method based on rapid release of energy within a material by crack initiation or growth in the form of stress waves. Recording of these waves by means of sensors and subsequent analysis of the recorded signals convey information about the nature of the source. Ability to locate the source of stress waves is an important advantage of AE technique; but as AE waves travel in various modes and may undergo mode conversions, understanding of the modes (‘modal analysis’) is often necessary in order to determine source location accurately. This paper presents results of experiments aimed at finding locations of artificial AE sources on a thin plate and identifying wave modes in the recorded signal waveforms. Different source locating techniques will be investigated and importance of wave mode identification will be explored.


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Acoustic emission (AE) is the phenomenon where high frequency stress waves are generated by rapid release of energy within a material by sources such as crack initiation or growth. AE technique involves recording these stress waves by means of sensors placed on the surface and subsequent analysis of the recorded signals to gather information such as the nature and location of the source. It is one of the several diagnostic techniques currently used for structural health monitoring (SHM) of civil infrastructure such as bridges. Some of its advantages include ability to provide continuous in-situ monitoring and high sensitivity to crack activity. But several challenges still exist. Due to high sampling rate required for data capture, large amount of data is generated during AE testing. This is further complicated by the presence of a number of spurious sources that can produce AE signals which can then mask desired signals. Hence, an effective data analysis strategy is needed to achieve source discrimination. This also becomes important for long term monitoring applications in order to avoid massive date overload. Analysis of frequency contents of recorded AE signals together with the use of pattern recognition algorithms are some of the advanced and promising data analysis approaches for source discrimination. This paper explores the use of various signal processing tools for analysis of experimental data, with an overall aim of finding an improved method for source identification and discrimination, with particular focus on monitoring of steel bridges.


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Acoustic emission (AE) is the phenomenon where high frequency stress waves are generated by rapid release of energy within a material by sources such as crack initiation or growth. AE technique involves recording these stress waves by means of sensors placed on the surface and subsequent analysis of the recorded signals to gather information such as the nature and location of the source. AE is one of the several non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques currently used for structural health monitoring (SHM) of civil, mechanical and aerospace structures. Some of its advantages include ability to provide continuous in-situ monitoring and high sensitivity to crack activity. Despite these advantages, several challenges still exist in successful application of AE monitoring. Accurate localization of AE sources, discrimination between genuine AE sources and spurious noise sources and damage quantification for severity assessment are some of the important issues in AE testing and will be discussed in this paper. Various data analysis and processing approaches will be applied to manage those issues.


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As civil infrastructures such as bridges age, there is a concern for safety and a need for cost-effective and reliable monitoring tool. Different diagnostic techniques are available nowadays for structural health monitoring (SHM) of bridges. Acoustic emission is one such technique with potential of predicting failure. The phenomenon of rapid release of energy within a material by crack initiation or growth in form of stress waves is known as acoustic emission (AE). AEtechnique involves recording the stress waves bymeans of sensors and subsequent analysis of the recorded signals,which then convey information about the nature of the source. AE can be used as a local SHM technique to monitor specific regions with visible presence of cracks or crack prone areas such as welded regions and joints with bolted connection or as a global technique to monitor the whole structure. Strength of AE technique lies in its ability to detect active crack activity, thus helping in prioritising maintenance work by helping focus on active cracks rather than dormant cracks. In spite of being a promising tool, some challenges do still exist behind the successful application of AE technique. One is the generation of large amount of data during the testing; hence an effective data analysis and management is necessary, especially for long term monitoring uses. Complications also arise as a number of spurious sources can giveAEsignals, therefore, different source discrimination strategies are necessary to identify genuine signals from spurious ones. Another major challenge is the quantification of damage level by appropriate analysis of data. Intensity analysis using severity and historic indices as well as b-value analysis are some important methods and will be discussed and applied for analysis of laboratory experimental data in this paper.


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Acoustic emission (AE) analysis is one of the several diagnostic techniques available nowadays for structural health monitoring (SHM) of engineering structures. Some of its advantages over other techniques include high sensitivity to crack growth and capability of monitoring a structure in real time. The phenomenon of rapid release of energy within a material by crack initiation or growth in form of stress waves is known as acoustic emission (AE). In AE technique, these stress waves are recorded by means of suitable sensors placed on the surface of a structure. Recorded signals are subsequently analysed to gather information about the nature of the source. By enabling early detection of crack growth, AE technique helps in planning timely retrofitting or other maintenance jobs or even replacement of the structure if required. In spite of being a promising tool, some challenges do still exist behind the successful application of AE technique. Large amount of data is generated during AE testing, hence effective data analysis is necessary, especially for long term monitoring uses. Appropriate analysis of AE data for quantification of damage level is an area that has received considerable attention. Various approaches available for damage quantification for severity assessment are discussed in this paper, with special focus on civil infrastructure such as bridges. One method called improved b-value analysis is used to analyse data collected from laboratory testing.


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Acoustic emission (AE) is the phenomenon where stress waves are generated due to rapid release of energy within a material caused by sources such as crack initiation or growth. AE technique involves recording the stress waves by means of sensors and subsequent analysis of the recorded signals to gather information about the nature of the source. Though AE technique is one of the popular non destructive evaluation (NDE) techniques for structural health monitoring of mechanical, aerospace and civil structures; several challenges still exist in successful application of this technique. Presence of spurious noise signals can mask genuine damage‐related AE signals; hence a major challenge identified is finding ways to discriminate signals from different sources. Analysis of parameters of recorded AE signals, comparison of amplitudes of AE wave modes and investigation of uniqueness of recorded AE signals have been mentioned as possible criteria for source differentiation. This paper reviews common approaches currently in use for source discrimination, particularly focusing on structural health monitoring of civil engineering structural components such as beams; and further investigates the applications of some of these methods by analyzing AE data from laboratory tests.


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Structural health monitoring (SHM) refers to the procedure used to assess the condition of structures so that their performance can be monitored and any damage can be detected early. Early detection of damage and appropriate retrofitting will aid in preventing failure of the structure and save money spent on maintenance or replacement and ensure the structure operates safely and efficiently during its whole intended life. Though visual inspection and other techniques such as vibration based ones are available for SHM of structures such as bridges, the use of acoustic emission (AE) technique is an attractive option and is increasing in use. AE waves are high frequency stress waves generated by rapid release of energy from localised sources within a material, such as crack initiation and growth. AE technique involves recording these waves by means of sensors attached on the surface and then analysing the signals to extract information about the nature of the source. High sensitivity to crack growth, ability to locate source, passive nature (no need to supply energy from outside, but energy from damage source itself is utilised) and possibility to perform real time monitoring (detecting crack as it occurs or grows) are some of the attractive features of AE technique. In spite of these advantages, challenges still exist in using AE technique for monitoring applications, especially in the area of analysis of recorded AE data, as large volumes of data are usually generated during monitoring. The need for effective data analysis can be linked with three main aims of monitoring: (a) accurately locating the source of damage; (b) identifying and discriminating signals from different sources of acoustic emission and (c) quantifying the level of damage of AE source for severity assessment. In AE technique, the location of the emission source is usually calculated using the times of arrival and velocities of the AE signals recorded by a number of sensors. But complications arise as AE waves can travel in a structure in a number of different modes that have different velocities and frequencies. Hence, to accurately locate a source it is necessary to identify the modes recorded by the sensors. This study has proposed and tested the use of time-frequency analysis tools such as short time Fourier transform to identify the modes and the use of the velocities of these modes to achieve very accurate results. Further, this study has explored the possibility of reducing the number of sensors needed for data capture by using the velocities of modes captured by a single sensor for source localization. A major problem in practical use of AE technique is the presence of sources of AE other than crack related, such as rubbing and impacts between different components of a structure. These spurious AE signals often mask the signals from the crack activity; hence discrimination of signals to identify the sources is very important. This work developed a model that uses different signal processing tools such as cross-correlation, magnitude squared coherence and energy distribution in different frequency bands as well as modal analysis (comparing amplitudes of identified modes) for accurately differentiating signals from different simulated AE sources. Quantification tools to assess the severity of the damage sources are highly desirable in practical applications. Though different damage quantification methods have been proposed in AE technique, not all have achieved universal approval or have been approved as suitable for all situations. The b-value analysis, which involves the study of distribution of amplitudes of AE signals, and its modified form (known as improved b-value analysis), was investigated for suitability for damage quantification purposes in ductile materials such as steel. This was found to give encouraging results for analysis of data from laboratory, thereby extending the possibility of its use for real life structures. By addressing these primary issues, it is believed that this thesis has helped improve the effectiveness of AE technique for structural health monitoring of civil infrastructures such as bridges.


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Results of photoelastic investigation conducted on annulii containing a radial crack at inner edge and subjected to diametrical tension are reported. The cracks are oriented at 90°, 60° and 45° to the loading direction. The Stress-Intensity Factors (SIFs) were determined by analysing the crack-tip stress fields. Smith and Smith's method [Engng Fracture Mech.4, 357–366 (1972)] and a modified method developed earlier by the authors (to be published) were adopted in the evaluation of SIFs.


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Results of photoelastic investigations conducted on cylindrical tubes (made of Araldite material) containing cracks oriented at 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90° to the axis of the tube and subjected to axial and torsional loads are reported. The stress-intensity factors (SIFs) were determined by analysing the crack-tip stress fields. Smith and Smith's method [Engng Fracture Mech.4, 357–366 (1972)] and a new method developed by the authors by modifying Rakesh et al.'s method [Proc. 26th Congress of ISTAM, India (1981)] were employed to evaluate the mixed-mode SIFs.


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A crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) gauge has been designed to estimate the crack length as well as the crack opening stress level in an automated fatigue crack propagation test programme. The CMOD gauge accurately predicts crack tip opening levels in K-controlled tests with constant K, K increasing or K decreasing. In all three K-controlled tests with a single 100% overload cycle, the CMOD gauge does not measure the crack tip opening stress level over a large range of crack lengths after the application of the overload. The CMOD gauge measures the stress level at which the overload plastic zone site opens. Caution should thus be exercised in using the crack opening stress level, estimated by the CMOD gauge, to explain fatigue crack propagation under arbitrary load sequences from the viewpoint of crack closure phenomena.


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In this work, static and drop-weight impact experiments, which have been conducted using three-point bend fracture specimens of a high-strength low-alloy steel, are analysed by performing finite-element simulations. The Gurson constitutive model that accounts for the ductile failure mechanisms of microvoid nucleation, growth and is employed within the framework of a finite deformation plasticity theory. Two populations of second-phase particles are considered, including large inclusions which initiate voids at an early stage and small particles which require large strains to nucleate voids. The most important objective of the work is to assess quantitatively the effects of material inertia, strain rate sensitivity and local adiabatic temperature rise (due to conversion of plastic work into heat) on dynamic ductile crack initiation. This is accomplished by comparing the evolution histories of void volume fraction near the notch tip in the static analysis with the dynamic analyses. The results indicate that increased strain hardening caused by strain rate sensitivity, which becomes important under dynamic loading, plays a benign role in considerably slowing down the void growth rate near the notch tip. This is partially opposed by thermal softening caused by adiabatic heating near the notch tip.


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Strain-rate effects on the low-cycle fatigue (LCF) behavior of a NIMONIC PE-16 superalloy have been evaluated in the temperature range of 523 to 923 K. Total-strain-controlled fatigue tests were per-formed at a strain amplitude of +/-0.6 pct on samples possessing two different prior microstructures: microstructure A, in the solution-annealed condition (free of gamma' and carbides); and microstructure B, in a double-aged condition with gamma' of 18-nm diameter and M23C6 carbides. The cyclic stress response behavior of the alloy was found to depend on the prior microstructure, testing temperature, and strain rate. A softening regime was found to be associated with shearing of ordered gamma' that were either formed during testing or present in the prior microstructure. Various manifestations of dynamic strain aging (DSA) included negative strain rate-stress response, serrations on the stress-strain hysteresis loops, and increased work-hardening rate. The calculated activation energy matched well with that for self-diffusion of Al and Ti in the matrix. Fatigue life increased with an increase in strain rate from 3 x 10(-5) to 3 x 10(-3) s-1, but decreased with further increases in strain rate. At 723 and 823 K and low strain rates, DSA influenced the deformation and fracture behavior of the alloy. Dynamic strain aging increased the strain localization in planar slip bands, and impingement of these bands caused internal grain-boundary cracks and reduced fatigue life. However, at 923 K and low strain rates, fatigue crack initiation and propagation were accelerated by high-temperature oxidation, and the reduced fatigue life was attributed to oxidation-fatigue interaction. Fatigue life was maximum at the intermediate strain rates, where strain localization was lower. Strain localization as a function of strain rate and temperature was quantified by optical and scanning electron microscopy and correlated with fatigue life.