967 resultados para Correlações nucleares (Fisica nuclear)
El Departamento de Ingeniería Nuclear imparte los Programas oficiales de Máster y Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Nuclear, que cuentan desde el año 2006 con la Mención de Calidad del Ministerio de Educación y desde este curso 2010-2011con la Mención a la Excelencia. El contenido del Máster abarca desde la tecnología nuclear de los reactores de fisión hasta el estudio de los combustibles y materiales para los futuros reactores de fusión tanto inercial como magnética.
A finales de 2009, Jóvenes Nucleares (JJNN) y la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) comenzaron a planificar un nuevo y original seminario que tratase de la seguridad nuclear centrada en los reactores avanzados (Generación III, III+ y IV). El objetivo era hacer una descripción general de la seguridad en los nuevos reactores en comparación con los reactores construidos de la generación II desde un punto de vista técnico pero simple y sin la necesidad de un conocimiento muy profundo en ingeniería nuclear, para intentar que fuera interesante para el mayor número de gente posible. Después de un gran esfuerzo de JJNN con la ayuda del UPM, el seminario tuvo lugar en abril de 2010 en la ETS de Ingenieros Industriales (ETSII). Las lecciones fueron conducidas por jóvenes profesionales, expertos en la materia, que pertenecen a Jóvenes Nucleares y a compañías e instituciones relacionadas con la energía nuclear.
From its creation, Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares, JJNN), a non-profit organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE), has as an important scope to help transferring the knowledge between those generations in the way that it can be possible.
The main objective of this course, conducted by Jóvenes Nucleares (Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear, JJNN), a non-profit organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE) is to pass on basic knowledge about Science and Nuclear Technology to the general public, mostly students and introduce them to its most relevant points. The purposes of this course are to provide general information, to answer the most common questions about Nuclear Energy and to motivate the young students to start a career in nuclear. Therefore, it is directed mainly to high school and university students, but also to general people that wants to learn about the key issues of such an important matter in our society. Anybody could attend the course, as no specific scientific education is required. The course is done at least once a year, during the Annual Meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society, which takes place in a different Spanish city each time. The course is done also to whichever university or institution that asks for it to JJNN, with the only limit of the presenter´s availability. The course is divided into the following chapters: Physical nuclear and radiation principles, Nuclear power plants, Nuclear safety, Nuclear fuel, Radioactive waste, Decommission of nuclear facilities, Future nuclear power plants, Other uses of nuclear technology, Nuclear energy, climate change and sustainable development. The course is divided into 15 minutes lessons on the above topics, imparted by young professionals, experts in the field that belongs either to the Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear, either to companies and institutions related with nuclear energy. At the end of the course, a 200 pages book with the contents of the course is handed to every member of the audience. This book is also distributed in other course editions at high schools and universities in order to promote the scientific dissemination of the Nuclear Technology. As an extra motivation, JJNN delivers a course certificate to the assistants. At the end of the last edition course, in Santiago de Compostela, the assistants were asked to provide a feedback about it. Some really interesting lessons were learned, that will be very useful to improve next editions of the course. As a general conclusion of the courses it can be said that many of the students that have assisted to the course have increased their motivation in the nuclear field, and hopefully it will help the young talents to choose the nuclear field to develop their careers
One of the main goals of Spanish Young Generation (JJNN) is to spread knowledge about nuclear energy, not only pointing out its advantages and its role in our society, but also trying to correct some of the ideas that are due to the biased information and to the lack of knowledge. With this goal in mind, lectures were given in several high schools, aimed at students ranging from 14 to 18 years old. This paper explains the experience accumulated during those talks and the conclusions that can be drawn, so as to better focus the communication about nuclear energy, especially the one aimed at a young public. In order to evaluate the degree of knowledge and information on a specific topic of a given group of individuals, statistical methods must be used. At the beginning of each lecture (and sometimes at the end, in order to evaluate the impact of the talk) the students were submitted to a short survey conducted by Spanish Young Generation. It consisted in eight questions, dealing with the relation between the main environmental issues (global warming, acid rain, radioactive waste…) and nuclear energy. The answers can be surprising, especially for professionals of the nuclear field who, since they are so familiar with this topic, often forget that this is just the case of a minority of people. A better knowledge of the degree of information of a given group enables to focus and personalize the communication. Another communication tool is the direct contact with students: it starts with their questions, which can then lead to a small debate. If the surveys inform about the topics they are unaware of, the direct exchange with them enables to find the most effective way to provide them the information. Of course, it depends a lot on the public attending the talk (age, background…) and on the debate following the talk: a good communication, adapted to the public, is necessary. Therefore, the outcome of the performed exercise is that Spanish teenagers have still a lack of knowledge about nuclear energy. We can learn that items that are evident for nuclear young professionals are unknown for high school teenagers
Jóvenes Nucleares (Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear, JJNN) is a non-profit organization and a commission of the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE). The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Technical University of Madrid, UPM) is one of the most prestigious technical universities of Spain, and has a very strong curriculum in nuclear engineering training and research. Finishing 2009, JJNN and the UPM started to plan a new and first-of-a-kind Seminar in Nuclear Safety focused on the Advanced Reactors (Generation III, III+ and IV). The scope was to make a general description of the safety in the new reactors, comparing them with the built Generation II reactors from a technical point of view but simple and without the need of strong background in nuclear engineering to try to be interesting for the most number of people possible.
As in each country of Europe with nuclear power, there is a clear gap between those generation that have built the power plants in the eighties and the new generations with less than ten years of experience in the nuclear field. From its creation, Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares) has as an important scope to help transferring the knowledge between those generations in the way that it can be possible. Some years ago, JJNN have started organizing seminars periodically trying to cover as many areas as possible in the nuclear engineering field, and some of them outside the industry but related with it.
panish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares) is a commission of the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE), whose main goals are to spread knowledge about nuclear energy among the society. Following this motivation, two Seminars have been carried out with the collaboration of the Technical University of Madrid: The Seminar of Nuclear Safety in Advanced Reactors (SRA) and the Seminar of Nuclear Fusion (SFN). The first one, which has been celebrated every year since 2010, aims to show clearly the advances that have been obtained in the section of safety with the new reactors, from a technical but simple point of view and without needing great previous nuclear engineering knowledge. The second one, which first edition was held in 2011, aims to give a general overview of the past, present and future situation of nuclear fusion technology, and was born as a result of the increasing interest of our Spanish Young Generation members in this technology.
Neste trabalho de disserta¸c˜ao, investigamos os efeitos nucleares em processos de produ¸c˜ao de quarkonium no Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) e no Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Para tanto, consideramos o Modelo de Evapora¸c˜ao de Cor (CEM), baseado em processos partˆonicos calculados mediante a QCD perturbativa e em intera¸c˜oes n˜ao perturbativas via troca de gl´uons suaves para a forma¸c˜ao do quarkonium. Supress˜ao de quarkonium ´e um dos sinais de forma¸c˜ao do assim chamado Plasma de Quarks e Gl´uons (QGP) em colis˜oes ultrarelativ´ısticas de ´ıons pesados. No entanto, a supress˜ao n˜ao ´e somente causada em colis˜oes n´ucleo-n´ucleo (AA) devido `a forma¸c˜ao do QGP. De fato, a supress˜ao de quarkonium tamb´em foi observada em colis˜oes pr´oton-n´ucleo (pA). A fim de separar os efeitos da mat´eria quente (devidos ao QGP) e fria (efeitos n˜ao devidos ao QGP), pode-se olhar primeiro para colis˜oes pA, onde somente efeitos de mat´eria fria desempenham um papel fundamental, e depois aplicar esses efeitos em colis˜oes AA, uma vez que parte da supress˜ao ´e devido a efeitos de mat´eria fria. No regime de altas energias, a produ¸c˜ao do quarkonium ´e fortemente dependente da distribui¸c˜ao de gl´uons nuclear, o que viabiliza uma oportunidade ´unica de estudar o comportamento de pequeno x dos gl´uons dentro do n´ucleo e, consequentemente, restringir os efeitos nucleares. Estudamos os processos nucleares utilizando distintas parametriza¸c˜oes para as distribui¸c˜oes partˆonicas nucleares. Calculamos a raz˜ao nuclear para processos pA e AA em fun¸c˜ao da vari´avel rapidez para a produ¸c˜ao de quarkonium, o que permite estimar os efeitos nucleares. Al´em disso, apresentamos uma compara¸c˜ao com os dados do RHIC para a produ¸c˜ao do m´eson J/Ψ em colis˜oes pA, demonstrando que a an´alise deste observ´avel ´e uma quest˜ao em aberto na literatura. Adicionalmente, estimamos a produ¸c˜ao de quarks pesados e quarkonium na etapa inicial e durante a fase termal de uma colis˜ao ultrarelativ´ıstica de ´ıons pesados. O objetivo deste estudo ´e estimar as distintas contribui¸c˜oes para a produ¸c˜ao e de alguns efeitos do meio nuclear.
[ES]Este trabajo surge de la inquietud del alumno sobre la energía nuclear y mas concretamente sobre la energía de fusión. Esta inquietud se plasma en una recopilación de información sobre los combustibles necesarios , su abundancia y su forma de obtención actual. Analizaremos la posibilidad de implantar alguna de estas plantas de combustible en el País Vasco, junto con un estudio de una posible central nuclear de fusión con la suma de la potencia de cada uno de los reactores de fisión que se encuentran actualmente en funcionamiento en el estado Español. Compararemos las cantidades de combustible necesarias en un año de uranio y el combustible de fusión, así como el coste de construcción de cada una.
O presente trabalho trata do estudo, por meio de simulação de Monte Carlo, de correlações entre variáveis cinemáticas nas topologias de difração simples e de dupla troca de pomeron com vista a delimitar e estudar o espaço de fase referente às topologias citadas, em especial no que se refere á produção inclusiva de dijatos no contexto do experimento CMS/LHC. Será também apresentada uma análise da produção, por difração simples, de dijatos inclusivos a energia no centro de massa √s = 14 TeV (também por simulação de Monte Carlo), na qual estabelecemos um procedimento, a ser usado com dados, para a observação desse tipo de processo. Ainda analisamos a influência de diversos valores da probabilidade de sobrevivência do intervalo de rapidez, [|S|], nos resultados, de forma que com 10 pb -1 de dados acumulados, uma simples observação da produção de dijatos difrativos inclusivos, pelo método proposto, pode vir a excluir valores muito pequenos de [|S|].
La cuestión nuclear, tradicionalmente tratada en su vertiente estrictamente tecnológica, tiene también importantes dimensiones de carácter no técnico que están resultando trascendentales en el proceso de aceptación e incorporación de esta tecnología a las estrategias energéticas de la humanidad. Por una parte, los llamados “usos pacíficos” del átomo arrastran el hándicap de haber nacido precedidos por los usos no pacíficos o bélicos con que esta energía se incorporó a nuestra civilización. Ambos usos alternativos permanecen inequívocamente vinculados no sólo a nivel simbólico, sino también en su escala tecnológica. Por otro lado, la energía nuclear fue promocionada en sus inicios como la gran panacea de la abundancia, impregnada de un halo salvador que intentaba borrar su ingrato y catastrófico nacimiento. Y así se presentó como la gran revolución tecnológica de nuestro siglo, de gran complejidad, perfección y sofisticación, haciéndola abordable sólo por unos pocos elegidos.