688 resultados para Conto de fadas


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This research started with an investigation about the theatrical speaking. Through an empirical methodology that analyzed a practical experience of creating a play and bibliographical research, the actress/researcher investigated ways to manipulate musical parameters as tools in the creation process of the actor s voice. The actress/researcher attempted to connect theory and practice, moved by the desire to find a vocal expression in theater that unfolds as living and transforming movement. This dissertation also contains the report of pedagogical experiences, in which the actress/researcher explored strategies to teach the appropriation of musical parameters in the construction of the vocal work of the actor. Considering that speaking in theater is closer to singing than everyday speech, she concluded that the actor may compose music as a music composer does in the elaborating process of building vocal scores. Therefore, she demonstrated that it is of fundamental importance a musical training in the development of the actor.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This dissertation is about an Education which is made concrete through orality and gestuality of the elderly joking masters of the territory of Mato Grande/RN and proposes a reflection about the exchange between these two knowledges and school education. Thus, it presents the following objectives: identifying the joking elderly in the region; recording their life experiences related to the jokes of the tradition and the way they realize such references at present; besides investigating and recording educative practices which consider the elderly s jokes at the present education. The investigation is supported by the metaphor in the making of a quilt as a methodological resource in the actions of measurement, choice of patches, sewing and binding off. The mapping of the territory of Mato Grande/RN has enabled the identification of seventeen joking elderly people. It considers and records their experiences with the popular amusements and from them, it discusses the ways through which the oral tradition in Mato Grande may be recognized in four categories/actions, namely, narrating, singing, dancing and getting old, which are analyzed under the studies by authors like Benjamin, Zumthor, Almeida, Porpino, among others. Finally, it also focuses the relation between the elderly, the knowledge of the tradition and the systemized education. It describes and articulates educative actions able to connect the knowledge by the joking elderly people and the knowledges taught at school, possibilities of concretization of a rebinding of knowledges which might bring orality and writing, the new and the old, science and tradition close to each other


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Quand on se plonge sur l‟oeuvre de Caio Fernando Abreu, on est forcement mené à faire une profonde analyse social qui résulte dans une grande bataille entre l‟amour, la société et la politique. Cette Memoire de Master, Politique, chanson et théâtre : Le conte « Ces deux-là » de Caio Fernando Abreu répercute au quotidien brésilien, montre que la plongé faite ici cherche à analyser, à partir d‟une perspective comparative, les angles observés par l‟auteur dans son oeuvre écrite pendant les années de la Dictature Militaire brésilienne, l‟influence des Beatles et du musicien/poète Caetano Veloso avec le mouvement du Tropicalismo. Dans ce travail, on observe le rôle du narrateur au sein du développement du conte comme représentation de la société irrémédiable et comme cette narrative s‟ajuste en mode théâtral. La lecture de cette memoire est basée sur l‟analyse du conte « Ces deux-là », du livre Fraises Moisies, et l‟influence de la musique Strawberry Fields Forever, des Beatles chez l‟écriture de l‟auteur, ainsi que les discussions sur les images présentent dans la narrative comme la structure essentielle pour le processus du montage du spectacle homonyme par la Cia. Luna Lunera, Minas Gerais, à partir du mécanisme de la traduction, du littéraire au scénique, appuyée sur les idées de Patrice Pavis


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This current study consists in an analysis of the work Contos de enganar a morte (2004), of the novelist, illustrator and researcher of popular culture Ricardo Azevedo, aiming to highlight aspects and elements present in this work which show the update and the permanence of traditional popular narratives, widespread by orality, especially those collected by the Luís da Câmara Cascudo in Literatura oral no Brasil (1984), linked to the category of the Cycle of the Death and Tales of the Deceived Demon. It is argued that the symbolic, playful, humor and aspects of orality, evident in these narratives are cultural possessions own of a popular tradition that diffuses, is updated and maintained by the memory of handmade anonymous narrators (BENJAMIN, 1994), poets and brazilian singers of cordel, holders of the traditional knowledge not established, but polyphonic, dialogical and democratic in essence (BAKHTIN, 1996). Still, alongside the people who know and counts the stories of Trancoso and Fairies, the tale, as a written literary genre, has allowed to maintain outstanding the same subjects successively renewed, enabling the resistance of popular narrative tradition and understanding and appreciation of popular orality (ZUMTHOR, 1993; 2000) and of the updates performed in the contemporarity (CANDIDO, 1976), without losing sight of the singularity and autonomy of the literary work


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Football, understood as a phenomenon of sports practice and nearly universal coverage, can also be seen as a game whose operation circumvents the cultural universe of people who practice it. Much more than just a sport, so this game is a cultural phenomenon par excellence, bearing a communicational and aesthetic dimension whose occurrence has been spotted in various fields of scientific and cultural. Therefore, it is as game and as a phenomenon of culture, we intend to focus on football here as an object of study. Our aim is to investigate the sport in Brazil taking the Literature and Journalism as privileged instances of their representation in the media. Thus, the central idea of this research is to show when and how football has become a recurrent theme in Brazilian literature, starting with its journalistic approach until we get an overview of the aesthetic representation of the game, Literature as the main focus of attention and taking the genre of fiction story as material fact of their representation. With this approach, we intend to develop an overall view, overview of the literature about football in our country and at the same time, particularize this vision in some representative authors of it, like the writer-journalist Mario Filho (the historian, essayist on the modernization of chronic specific theme), José Lins do Rego (writer passionate about the game), Nelson Rodrigues (the esthetician that elevated the sport to the status of art by chronic), Lima Barreto (who along with Antonio de Alcantara Machado pioneered the formalized within the fiction) and the storytellers of the topic itself. In the end, we intend to infer the results of evaluations and reviews of books and authors listed, we have examined a wide sense, but also vertical (and which were focused on a socio-historical perspective and critical-aesthetic) within the assumption that seems be a homology between the way football practice amongst us will historically winning characteristics as to form a Brazilian school of football, and how our writers, journalists will be addressing the topic, which also would focus on creating a "Brazilian way" of telling literary football. The proof of this hypothesis operational work together with the development of historiography and the necessity arising from it, creating a "Guide to Reading football theme in fictional tale of Brazil" shut the focal perspective of this study


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O término do curso representa um período especialmente estressante para estudantes de Medicina, colocando-os perante diversas angústias: deixar de ser aluno, ter novas responsabilidades e enfrentar o exame de residência. Com o intuito de auxiliá-los nesta fase, foi desenvolvida na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu (FMB) uma série de estratégias de acolhimento para os estudantes. Este trabalho descreve uma atividade na qual se utilizou o Psicodrama como facilitador da expressão dos sentimentos e emoções experimentadas ao final do curso. Por dois anos consecutivos foram realizadas sessões de Sociodrama com o conjunto dos alunos do 6º ano do curso médico da FMB. Utilizaram-se Contos de Fadas como recurso para que os estudantes identificassem sua trajetória na instituição e o momento que estavam vivendo. A dramatização dos contos possibilitou a troca de experiências entre os alunos e o acolhimento de suas angústias, muitas delas coletivas e próprias daquele contexto. A análise dos contos privilegiou aspectos projetivos grupais, concluindo na direção da necessidade de mais espaços de encontro e troca entre professores e alunos.


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Este artigo apresenta uma análise descritivo-comparativa desenvolvida a partir da tra dução de modalidades no conto Laços de Família de Clarice Lispector. Os resultados indicam até que ponto a tradução de certas modalidades mostram uma margem maior ou menor de literalidade ou individualidade.


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A literatura escrita tem sido um espaço privilegiado para a representação e, consequentemente, para o registro e divulgação dos valores e costumes de variados grupos e segmentos sociais. No conto analisado neste ensaio – Eguns –, o escritor paulistano João Antônio (1937-1996) traz um narrador que descreve com detalhes uma rara festa religiosa ocorrida na Bahia, destinada ao culto dos ancestrais. Contemplativo e respeitoso, limita-se a contar o que a tradição religiosa permite. O contato com a alteridade ganha foros de rito iniciático e a experiência – em sentido forte – é transferida ao leitor.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)