250 resultados para Consommateurs--Préférences


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Au cours des dix dernières années, la proportion d'adolescents consommateurs de psychotropes a diminué (Institut National de Santé Publique du Québec (INSPQ), 2009). Bien que cette proportion ait diminué, il demeure évident que le nombre de jeunes consommateurs demeure préoccupant (INSPQ, 2009), et ce, malgré tous les efforts des gouvernements pour prévenir l'usage et l'abus de psychotropes. Or, tous les programmes de prévention ne se valent pas. Ce projet de recherche de type exploratoire permettra d'identifier les critères des activités de prévention en toxicomanie qui (1) ont influencé leur perception de la toxicomanie et (2) ont influencé leur propre consommation de psychotropes (soit à la hausse ou à la baisse), et ce, par la consultation d'adolescents. Les données résultent d'entrevues semi-structurées réalisées à partir d'un échantillon composé de 12 adolescents(es). Plusieurs critères ont été abordés lors des discussions soient les approches utilisées, les médiums utilisés, la nature du message, le niveau d'exposition, la nature de l'intervention, la nature des animateurs, les stratégies pédagogiques, les jeunes ciblés et enfin, le niveau d'implication des jeunes. Ce présent projet de mémoire présente donc la prise de position que les jeunes ont émise quant à ces critères.


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Bon nombre d’études révèlent que, dans les pays en développement, la préférence des parents pour un sexe en particulier les pousse souvent à traiter leurs enfants inéquitablement. Pour déterminer si ce phénomène existe en Haïti, cette étude s’inspire des travaux de Barcellos et al. (2014) sur les parents indiens dont les résultats, obtenus à partir des données d’enquête démographique et de santé (DHS 1992), suggèrent une discrimination au détriment des filles. Cette discrimination a lieu au niveau du temps et des ressources consacrés à prendre soin de l’enfant suite à sa naissance. Les résultats obtenus à l’aide des données nationales révèlent qu’en 1994, parmi les variables d’intérêt (allaitement, immunisation, vitamine A), seule la probabilité d’allaitement semble varier par sexe en faveur des garçons en Haïti. Tout nouveau-né de sexe masculin a une probabilité de 3,2 points de pourcentage plus élevée d’être allaité que le sexe opposé. Des données plus récentes révèlent que le sexe de l’enfant n’a aucun impact sur la probabilité d’être allaité en 2000. Par contre, en 2005 l’effet de cette probabilité est contraire à celui observé en 1994. En l’occurrence, si le nouveau-né est de sexe féminin elle a 2,4 points de pourcentage de plus que les garçons d’être allaité. De plus, considérant les enfants de 0 à 59 mois, les estimations révèlent qu’en 2005 la durée de l’allaitement augmente de 11,2% si l’enfant est une fille. Mots clés: Investissement, Haïti, enfant, sexe, allaitement, mère, immunisation, anthropométrie, 1994, 2000, 2005.


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RESUMO: Desde 1976 que as Forças Armadas desenvolvem acções de prevenção do consumo de drogas e álcool. Na década de 80 foi criada capacidade laboratorial e deu-se início a um programa de rastreios toxicológicos. No quinquénio 2001 a 2005, as proporções de resultados positivos, associando todos os tipos de rastreio, variaram entre 3,7% e 1,5%. De Outubro de 2006 a Julho de 2007 realizou-se um estudo analítico transversal, para estimar a prevalência do consumo de drogas (canabinóides, opiáceos, cocaína e anfetaminas) num dos Ramos das Forças Armadas, com base nos despistes realizados pelo seu laboratório. Foi utilizada uma amostra aleatória simples de 1039 militares, profissionais (QP) e contratados (RC), no activo e de ambos os sexos. Desde a nomeação dos militares a rastrear, passando pela cadeia de custódia das amostras até à obtenção do resultado foi utilizado apoio informático específico. O processo de pesquisa utilizou duas técnicas de triagem por imunoensaio e tecnologia de confirmação por GC/MS, de acordo com as recomendações europeias, permitindo estabelecer uma metodologia standard para organizações e empresas. A prevalência estimada, de consumidores de droga, foi de 3,8/1.000, para um erro de 0,37%. O número de casos registado (4) não permitiu a utilização de testes estatísticos que conduzissem à identificação de características determinantes da positividade, mas não deixou de revelar aspectos inesperados. A observação de séries de casos e a realização regular de estudos epidemiológicos, que ajudem a redefinir grupos alvo e a perceber a dimensão, as determinantes e as consequências do consumo de drogas é sugerida, em conclusão.--------------------------------------- RÉSUMÉ: Depuis 1976, les Forces Armées mettent au point des mesures visant à prévenir la consommation de drogues et d'alcool. En 1980, fut créé capacité laboratoriel et ont ensuite commencé un programme de dépistage toxicologique. Au cours des cinq années allant de 2001 à 2005, les proportions de consommateurs, impliquant tous les types de dépistage, allaient de 3,7% à 1,5 %. D'octobre 2006 à juillet 2007, une étude analytique transversale a été organisée pour évaluer la prévalence de l’usage de drogues (cannabis, opiacés, cocaïne et amphétamines) dans une branche de les Forces Armées, basée sur les dépistages faites par un laboratoire militaire, à l'aide d'un échantillon aléatoire de 1039 militaires, professionnels (QP) et sous contract (RC), à l’actif et des deux sexes. Tout au long du procès, de la nomination des donneurs, en passant par la chaine de garde des échantillons, jusqu’à obtention du résultat, il fut employé un appui informatique sécurisé. Le processus de recherche employa deux techniques de tri par imunoessay et la technologie de confirmation GC/MS, selon les recommandations européennes, permettant d'établir une méthodologie standard pour les organisations et les entreprises. La prévalence estimée fut de 3,8/1.000 pour une marge d’erreur de 0,37%. Le nombre de cas enregistrés (4) n'autorise pas l'utilisation de testes statistiques de menant à l'identification de caractéristiques déterminant de la positivité, mais il permet à révéler des aspects inattendus. L'observation de séries de cas et la tenue régulière d’études épidémiologiques, qui contribuent à redéfinir les groupes cibles et de comprendre l'ampleur, les déterminants et les conséquences de l'usage de drogues, est suggéré, en fin de compte.--------------------------------------- ABSTRACT: Since 1976, the Armed Forces, have been developing measures to prevent the use of drugs and alcohol. In 1980, was created laboratory facility which then started a program of toxicological screenings. In the five years running from 2001 to 2005, the proportions of consumers, involving all types of screening, ranged from 3,7% to 1,5%. From October 2006 to July 2007, a cross-sectional study was held to estimate the prevalence of drug use (cannabinoids, opiates, cocaine and amphetamines) in one branch of the Portuguese Armed Forces, based on laboratory screenings, using a random sample of 1039 military, professional (QP) and enlisted (RC), active-duty and of both sexes. Specific computer support was used all the way, from the appointment, including the chain of custody of samples, to the obtaining of the result. The process of search used two techniques for sorting by immunoassay and confirmation technology GC/MS, according to European recommendations, allowing to establish a standard methodology for organizations and companies. The estimated prevalence of drug users was 3.8/1.000 for a 0.37% error (95% confidence interval). The number of cases registered (4) does not permit use of statistical testing leading to the identification of characteristics weighing in the establishing to extrapolate for the population, but it allows revealing unexpected aspects. The observation of series of cases and the regular holding of epidemiological studies, which help redefine target groups and to understand the extent, the determinants and consequences of drug use, is suggested, in conclusion.


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A presente tese pretende fazer uma abordagem ao crescimento dos consumos de energia elétrica, que se tem verificado, nos últimos anos, no setor das telecomunicações e das tecnologias de informação; devido ao constante crescimento das redes, dos equipamentos a ela ligados e do tráfego que nelas transita. Num contexto de globalização da economia, no qual, as redes de telecomunicações e de energia elétrica são dois dos maiores contribuintes, a presente tese procura encontrar enquadramentos e soluções para um dos maiores desafios que a humanidade enfrenta atualmente, e que em parte, é consequente dessa globalização: encontrar novas fontes e formas de utilização da energia, -particularmente da energia elétrica - para que a humanidade continue a usufruir, de uma forma sustentável, dos benefícios que a mesma proporciona. Na primeira parte, procura-se fazer uma abordagem que utiliza fontes de informação e conhecimento, do mercado global, nomeadamente, entidades reguladoras e normalizadoras, operadores, fornecedores de tecnologias e consumidores, que abrangessem os três maiores mercados mundiais – União Europeia, Estados Unidos da América e Ásia-Pacífico. Considerou-se fundamental fazê-lo, por se tratar de uma dissertação no âmbito de um Mestrado com o selo de garantia EUR-ACE. Ao longo da dissertação analisou-se a temática da eficiência energética nas redes de telecomunicações e das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, um tema cada vez mais pertinente, já que o número de pessoas com ligações à Internet, já supera os 3 mil milhões, e as redes passaram a ser o meio por onde são transmitidos, a cada segundo, terabytes de sinais de voz, dados e vídeo. Procurou-se encontrar as linhas de orientação que estão a ser traçadas, para otimizar os consumos energéticos, de um complexo sistema convergente de redes e serviços, formado por entidades reguladoras e normalizadoras, operadores, fornecedores de tecnologias e consumidores, onde nem sempre as fronteiras estão perfeitamente definidas. Perante a constatação da realidade exposta, analisou-se as políticas energéticas desenvolvidas nos últimos anos, pelos vários players do mercado das telecomunicações, das tecnologias de informação e dos sistemas elétricos de energia bem como algumas métricas e objetivos comumente aceites. viii São analisados os contributos das partes interessadas, para o desenvolvimento de políticas energéticas eficazes, por forma a permitirem uma implementação, que considere o funcionamento dos equipamentos como um todo, e não de uma forma isolada como tradicionalmente o assunto era abordado. As especificidades na forma como funcionam as redes de telecomunicações e respetivos equipamentos, são expostas sobre várias óticas, comprovando-se que a temática da eficiência energética é uma das áreas mais difíceis lidar, de todas as consideradas nas políticas energéticas. Demonstrou-se que muitos dos equipamentos não estão otimizados em termos de gestão de energia, procurou-se evidenciar as consequências dessa realidade, uma vez que os equipamentos referidos, têm a necessidade de estar permanentemente a ser alimentados pela rede de energia elétrica, para garantir as funções para que foram projetados. Da pesquisa efetuada e descrita ao longo da dissertação, constatamos o empenho de toda a comunidade científica, operadores e agências de energia e de telecomunicações, em resolver o problema, já que há a consciencialização de que o ritmo de crescimento da rede e equipamentos terminais, é superior ao registado na melhoria da eficiência energética dos vários componentes e equipamentos terminais. Na segunda parte do relatório da tese, procurou-se testar a aplicabilidade das normas e recomendações dos organismos que tutelam a atividade a nível global - algumas publicadas nos últimos 2 anos - a um caso prático. Um edifício hospitalar de média dimensão. Foi elaborada uma aplicação informática, que suportada numa metodologia padronizada, seja capaz de fazer a avaliação da eficiência energética dos equipamentos serviços de telecomunicações de informação e comunicação em funcionamento do hospital. Por dificuldades de disponibilidade dos responsáveis do edifício, os resultados ficaram aquém do esperado. Conseguiu-se desenhar a aplicação, inventariar-se apenas parte dos equipamentos. Demonstrou-se que, a forma como alguns equipamentos estão a ser utilizados, não cumprem regras de utilização racional e eficiente. Procurou-se sensibilizar alguns dos responsáveis, para a necessidade de alterar comportamentos e prosseguir o processo de inventariação, por forma, a que o trabalho iniciado atinja os objetivos propostos.


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Latent variable models in finance originate both from asset pricing theory and time series analysis. These two strands of literature appeal to two different concepts of latent structures, which are both useful to reduce the dimension of a statistical model specified for a multivariate time series of asset prices. In the CAPM or APT beta pricing models, the dimension reduction is cross-sectional in nature, while in time-series state-space models, dimension is reduced longitudinally by assuming conditional independence between consecutive returns, given a small number of state variables. In this paper, we use the concept of Stochastic Discount Factor (SDF) or pricing kernel as a unifying principle to integrate these two concepts of latent variables. Beta pricing relations amount to characterize the factors as a basis of a vectorial space for the SDF. The coefficients of the SDF with respect to the factors are specified as deterministic functions of some state variables which summarize their dynamics. In beta pricing models, it is often said that only the factorial risk is compensated since the remaining idiosyncratic risk is diversifiable. Implicitly, this argument can be interpreted as a conditional cross-sectional factor structure, that is, a conditional independence between contemporaneous returns of a large number of assets, given a small number of factors, like in standard Factor Analysis. We provide this unifying analysis in the context of conditional equilibrium beta pricing as well as asset pricing with stochastic volatility, stochastic interest rates and other state variables. We address the general issue of econometric specifications of dynamic asset pricing models, which cover the modern literature on conditionally heteroskedastic factor models as well as equilibrium-based asset pricing models with an intertemporal specification of preferences and market fundamentals. We interpret various instantaneous causality relationships between state variables and market fundamentals as leverage effects and discuss their central role relative to the validity of standard CAPM-like stock pricing and preference-free option pricing.


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This paper studies vertical R&D spillovers between upstream and downstream firms. The model incorporates two vertically related industries, with horizontal spillovers within each industry and vertical spillovers between the two industries. Four types of R&D cooperation are studied : no cooperation, horizontal cooperation, vertical cooperation, and simultaneous horizontal and vertical cooperation. Vertical spillovers always increase R&D and welfare, while horizontal spillovers may increase or decrease them. The comparison of cooperative settings in terms of R&D shows that no setting uniformly dominates the others. Which type of cooperation yields more R&D depends on horizontal and vertical spillovers, and market structure. The ranking of cooperative structures hinges on the signs and magnitudes of three competitive externalities (vertical, horizontal, and diagonal) which capture the effect of the R&D of a firm on the profits of other firms. One of the basic results of the strategic investment literature is that cooperation between competitors increases (decreases) R&D when horizontal spillovers are high (low); the model shows that this result does not necessarily hold when vertical spillovers and vertical cooperation are taken into account. The paper proposes a theory of innovation and market structure, showing that the relation between innovation and competition depends on horizontal spillovers, vertical spillovers, and cooperative settings. The private incentives for R&D cooperation are addressed. It is found that buyers and sellers have divergent interests regarding the choice of cooperative settings and that spillovers increase the likelihood of the emergence of cooperation in a decentralized equilibrium.


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We provide a survey of the literature on ranking sets of objects. The interpretations of those set rankings include those employed in the theory of choice under complete uncertainty, rankings of opportunity sets, set rankings that appear in matching theory, and the structure of assembly preferences. The survey is prepared for the Handbook of Utility Theory, vol. 2, edited by Salvador Barberà, Peter Hammond, and Christian Seidl, to be published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. The chapter number is provisional.


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We identify conditions under which preferences over sets of consumption opportunities can be reduced to preferences over bundles of \"commodities\". We distinguish ordinal bundles, whose coordinates are defined up to monotone transformations, from cardinal bundles, whose coordinates are defined up to positive linear transformations only.


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This paper develops and estimates a game-theoretical model of inflation targeting where the central banker's preferences are asymmetric around the targeted rate. In particular, positive deviations from the target can be weighted more, or less, severely than negative ones in the central banker's loss function. It is shown that some of the previous results derived under the assumption of symmetry are not robust to the generalization of preferences. Estimates of the central banker's preference parameters for Canada, Sweden, and the United Kingdom are statistically different from the ones implied by the commonly used quadratic loss function. Econometric results are robust to different forecasting models for the rate of unemployment but not to the use of measures of inflation broader than the one targeted.


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This paper studies monetary policy in an economy where the central banker's preferences are asymmetric around optimal inflation. In particular, positive deviations from the optimum can be weighted more, or less, severely than negative deviations in the policy maker's loss function. It is shown that under asymmetric preferences, uncertainty can induce a prudent behavior on the part of the central banker. Since the prudence motive can be large enough to override the inflation bias, optimal monetary policy could be implemented even in the absence of rules, reputation, or contractual mechanisms. For certain parameter values, a deflationary bias can arise in equilibrium.


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In this paper, we characterize the asymmetries of the smile through multiple leverage effects in a stochastic dynamic asset pricing framework. The dependence between price movements and future volatility is introduced through a set of latent state variables. These latent variables can capture not only the volatility risk and the interest rate risk which potentially affect option prices, but also any kind of correlation risk and jump risk. The standard financial leverage effect is produced by a cross-correlation effect between the state variables which enter into the stochastic volatility process of the stock price and the stock price process itself. However, we provide a more general framework where asymmetric implied volatility curves result from any source of instantaneous correlation between the state variables and either the return on the stock or the stochastic discount factor. In order to draw the shapes of the implied volatility curves generated by a model with latent variables, we specify an equilibrium-based stochastic discount factor with time non-separable preferences. When we calibrate this model to empirically reasonable values of the parameters, we are able to reproduce the various types of implied volatility curves inferred from option market data.


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Moulin (1999) characterizes the fixed-path rationing methods by efficiency, strategy-proofness, consistency, and resource-monotonicity. In this note, we give a straightforward proof of his result.


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We study the problem of locating two public goods for a group of agents with single-peaked preferences over an interval. An alternative specifies a location for each public good. In Miyagawa (1998), each agent consumes only his most preferred public good without rivalry. We extend preferences lexicographically and characterize the class of single-peaked preference rules by Pareto-optimality and replacement-domination. This result is considerably different from the corresponding characterization by Miyagawa (2001a).


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We consider a probabilistic approach to the problem of assigning k indivisible identical objects to a set of agents with single-peaked preferences. Using the ordinal extension of preferences, we characterize the class of uniform probabilistic rules by Pareto efficiency, strategy-proofness, and no-envy. We also show that in this characterization no-envy cannot be replaced by anonymity. When agents are strictly risk averse von-Neumann-Morgenstern utility maximizers, then we reduce the problem of assigning k identical objects to a problem of allocating the amount k of an infinitely divisible commodity.


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In spatial environments, we consider social welfare functions satisfying Arrow's requirements. i.e., weak Pareto and independence of irrelevant alternatives. When the policy space os a one-dimensional continuum, such a welfare function is determined by a collection of 2n strictly quasi-concave preferences and a tie-breaking rule. As a corrollary, we obtain that when the number of voters is odd, simple majority voting is transitive if and only if each voter's preference is strictly quasi-concave. When the policy space is multi-dimensional, we establish Arrow's impossibility theorem. Among others, we show that weak Pareto, independence of irrelevant alternatives, and non-dictatorship are inconsistent if the set of alternatives has a non-empty interior and it is compact and convex.