968 resultados para Condom use
On s’accorde à dire que les adolescents constituent l’avenir quel que soit le temps et l’espace considéré. Il est également reconnu que le développement de leur capital humain et social, nécessaire pour une vie adulte de qualité, dépend des conditions dans lesquelles ils vivent et de l’environnement dans lequel s’opérera la transition vers cette vie adulte. Plus que dans toute autre partie du monde, ce constat est encore plus d’actualité en Afrique sub-Saharienne où, à la situation socio-économique déjà précaire, s’ajoutent d’importants problèmes de santé sexuelle et reproductive auxquels font face les adolescents en particulier le VIH. Conscients de l’enjeu majeur que représente la santé des adolescents, les gouvernements en Afrique sub-Saharienne, aidés en cela par les organismes non-gouvernementaux et toute la communauté internationale, ont inscrit la promotion de stratégies efficientes en santé sexuelle et reproductive des adolescents comme haute priorité dans leurs agendas. Mais force est de constater que l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de telles stratégies supposent la production de connaissances sans cesse actualisées ainsi que la formulation de politiques innovatrices basées sur des données probantes et éprouvées en matière de santé sexuelle et reproductive, ce qui n’est pas toujours le cas. De plus, le fait que ce segment particulier de la population ne constitue pas un groupe homogène pose un défi supplémentaire quant à l’élaboration de stratégies généralisables. Fort de ce qui précède, le présent travail, qui porte sur le Burkina Faso, le Ghana, le Malawi et l’Ouganda, fait d’abord le point sur les problèmes majeurs de santé sexuelle et reproductive auxquels fait face cette frange spécifique de la population, tout en jetant un regard critique sur les efforts déployés par les sciences sociales pour les analyser. Il apporte ensuite des réponses à des questions spécifiques de recherche que nous nous sommes posées à travers les trois articles qui constituent l’ossature de cette thèse et dont l’essentiel de l’analyse empirique peut être résumé comme suit : Dans le premier article, nous sommes partis du constat suivant : dans les quatre pays étudiés, une importante proportion des adolescents qui se déclarent non encore sexuellement actifs pensent paradoxalement que leurs chances de contracter le VIH sont très grandes. Face à un tel constat, la question que l’on est en droit de se poser est celle de savoir pourquoi sont-ils si préoccupés? Quels sont les facteurs qui déterminent cette perception du risque? Les résultats confirment ce que certaines études ont déjà démontré à savoir que les individus élaborent leur propre définition du risque qui peut ne pas se résumer nécessairement à une opposition binaire «risque/aucun risque», mais est plutôt fonction des caractéristiques individuelles mais aussi du contexte social et épidémiologique dans lesquels ils vivent. Le deuxième article de la thèse analyse le contexte dans lequel s’opère la transition vers le premier rapport sexuel chez les adolescentes des quatre pays étudiés. Il part du constat selon lequel les recherches ont très souvent abordé les comportements sexuels des adolescents sous un angle marqué par la dichotomie entre les «sexuellement actifs» et les «non encore sexuellement actifs». Or le calendrier de l’entrée en sexualité et le contexte dans lequel elle a lieu (dans l’union ou hors union) sont non seulement des marqueurs des comportements sexuels à risque vis-à-vis du VIH, mais ils conditionnent aussi et surtout la qualité de la transition vers l’entrée dans la vie adulte. Les résultats montrent ici également que le contrôle parental est significativement associé à une faible probabilité pour les adolescents d’initier la sexualité hors de l’union. Quant au troisième article, il se penche sur un cas précis de comportement à risques chez les adolescents: le multipartenariat sexuel aggravé par la non utilisation systématique du condom, pourtant le seul moyen pour l’instant (en dehors de l’abstinence) de se protéger contre les infections sexuellement transmissibles et le VIH/SIDA. Les résultats montrent entre autres que le contrôle parental est significativement associé à une faible probabilité de comportement sexuel à risque, défini ici comme étant la co-occurrence de plusieurs partenaires sexuels au cours de 12 derniers mois et la non-utilisation systématique du condom avec chacun des partenaires. Sur un plan programmatique, ce résultat est plutôt encourageant car il prouve que l’autorité parentale jadis considérée comme érodée, demeure une pierre angulaire dans les stratégies de prévention du VIH chez les adolescents.
En una muestra de 119 estudiantes de cuarto de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) y primero de Bachillerato (52,6% mujeres) se analizan los conocimientos sobre la prevención de la transmisión sexual del virus del sida, las expectativas de resultados y de autoeficacia respecto a los métodos preventivos y el tipo de prevención utilizada durante la última relación sexual. Para evitar las respuestas inducidas respecto a los comportamientos preventivos se emplea un formato de pregunta abierta. Los resultados muestran que sólo el 23,5% de los estudiantes han dado dos respuestas totalmente correctas sobre estrategias consideradas eficaces en la prevención sexual del VIH: uso del preservativo y abstinencia (por este orden). El 70,5% valoran totalmente o muy eficaz el preservativo para evitar la transmisión sexual del VIH y el 95% de los que dan la segunda respuesta juzgan totalmente eficaz la práctica de la abstinencia con la misma finalidad. En el caso del preservativo se sienten totalmente o muy capaces de usarlo el 64,3%, mientras que cuando se trata de la abstinencia sólo se perciben con esa competencia el 20%. Por lo que se refiere al uso autoinformado de métodos preventivos en la última relación, por parte de los 29 estudiantes que tuvieron actividad sexual durante el mes anterior, se observa que 21 de ellos emplearon el preservativo, dos la píldora anticonceptiva, otros dos no precisan el tipo de precaución y el resto no tomó ninguna. Tanto el reducido nivel de conocimientos sobre prevención, como la baja percepción de autoeficacia para mantenerse abstinentes, nos alertan sobre la necesidad de hacer un mayor esfuerzo de información para eliminar creencias equivocadas, como por ejemplo: sobre la pretendida eficacia protectora de tener relaciones sexuales con una pareja estable o conocida. Así mismo, conviene insistir en el uso del preservativo como anticonceptivo de elección entre los adolescentes
Introducción: Descripción de tendencias de indicadores seleccionados de Encuestas Nacionales de Demografía y Salud (ENDS) considerados de importancia para medición del alcance de los primeros 6 objetivos de desarrollo del milenio (ODM). Metodología: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, análisis de 18 indicadores de salud, por disponibilidad de datos de ENDS 1990 - 2010. Análisis con estadística descriptiva datos disponibles y modelo matemático de crecimiento exponencial para determinar proyección al 2015. Resultados: ODM1, quintil de riqueza más bajo en el 18.4% de la población y la proyección 2015 es 19.6%, la desnutrición global ha disminuido; ODM2, porcentaje de asistencia escolar ha incrementado (2010, 94%); ODM3, ocupación mujeres en agricultura ha disminuido en últimos 20 años (2010, 4,6%) y ha incrementado actividades de mayor preparación; se mantienen los diferentes tipos de violencia contra la mujer; ODM4, desde 1995 ha disminuido la mortalidad en la niñez y aumento de cobertura en vacunación desde 2000; ODM5, atención profesional del parto con incremento hasta 92.7% en 2010, incremento en conocimiento de métodos anticonceptivos; ODM6 mayor uso del condón y mayores conocimientos de métodos para evitar VIH. Discusión: Avances en los ODM 2, 3, 4 y 5, que van de la mano con estrategias planteadas para el cumplimiento de los ODM, con gran impacto en disminución de la desnutrición y de la mortalidad en menores de 5 años, mejoría en la atención pre/postnatal. Algunos objetivos según las tendencias no serán alcanzados como el ODM1 cuyo indicador muestra que el número de personas en situación de pobreza podría aumentar.
This thesis explores the correlation between school factors and the differentiated results on sexual behaviour between boys and girls in Bogota. A school stratified propensity score matching was performed to match each boy of the sample with the most similar girls in individual, household and school characteristics. A regression analysis was performed to estimate the correlation between the five school factors evaluated with four main outcomes: have had sexual intercourse, condom use in the last sexual intercourse, incidence of teenage childbearing and age at first intercourse. Boys - in relation to girls - begin earlier their sexual life, more of them reported have used condom in their last sexual intercourse and have a lower incidence of teenage childbearing. These differences are correlated with have reported the school as main source of knowledge about reproductive health and contraceptive methods, a larger proportion of teachers with a graduate or postgraduate degree, a larger proportion of teachers with a related pedagogy degree and to the average age of teachers in the school. The results suggest that the content of the message about sex that is delivered to girls at school is not complete or accurate and that the competences of the school teachers in charge of this task should be improved to reach equally boys and girls.
This paper explores the correlation between school factors and the differentiated results on sexual behavior between boys and girls in Bogota. A school stratified propensity score matching was per-formed to match each boy of the sample with the most similar girls in individual, household and school characteristics. A regression analysis was performed to estimate the correlation between school factors and the main outcomes, namely sexual status, condom use in last intercourse, teenage childbearing and age at first intercourse. Boys - in relation to girls - begin earlier their sexual life, report larger use of condom and lower incidence of teenage childbearing. These differences are correlated with sex education at school, and teacher’s characteristics age, education level and pedagogy degree. The results suggest that the content of sex education that is delivered to girls at school is not complete or accurate and that teachers play a key role to reduce this gender bias
Este documento presenta los resultados del componente cuantitativo de la evaluación del Programa de Educación para la Sexualidad y Construcción de Ciudadanía (PESCC) del Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia (MEN). Para identificar el efecto, la estrategia empírica explota la variación en la implementación del componente pedagógico del PESCC entre los colegios y la variación en el componente de fortalecimiento institucional del programa a nivel departamental. El principal hallazgo de este trabajo es que el PESCC mejora las prácticas docentes de planeación y los conocimientos de los estudiantes en servicios en salud sexual y reproductiva y en derechos humanos sexuales y reproductivos. No hay efectos significativos en otros índices de Conocimientos, Actitudes o Prácticas (CAP) de profesores o estudiantes.
Objective: To assess the perspectives of couples who requested vasectomy in a public health service on the use of male participation contraceptive methods available in Brazil: male condoms, natural family planning/calendar, coitus interruptus and vasectomy. Methods: A qualitative study with semi-structured interviews was held with 20 couples who had requested vasectomy at the Human Reproduction Unit of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil. Data analysis was carried out through thematic content analysis. Findings: The couples did not, in general, know any effective contraceptive options for use by men and/or participating in their use, except for vasectomy. The few methods with male participation that they knew of were perceived to interfere in spontaneity and in pleasure of intercourse. Men accepted that condom use in extra-conjugal relations offered them protection from sexually transmitted diseases; that their wives might also participate in extra-marital relationships was not considered. Discussion: The few contraceptive options with male participation lead to difficulty in sharing responsibilities between men and women. On the basis of perceived gender roles, women took the responsibility for contraception until the moment when the situation became untenable, and they faced the unavoidable necessity of sterilization. Conclusion: Specific actions are necessary for men to achieve integral participation in relation to reproductive sexual health. These include education and discussions on gender roles, leading to greater awareness in men of the realities of sexual and reproductive health.
Objectives: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a major risk factor for cervical disease. Using baseline data from the HIV-infected cohort of Evandro Chagas Clinical Research Institute at Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, factors associated with an increased prevalence of HPV were assessed. Methods: Samples from 634 HIV-infected women were tested for the presence of HPV infection using hybrid capture 11 and polymerase chain reaction. Prevalence ratios (PR) were estimated using Poisson regression analysis with robust variance. Results: The overall prevalence of HPV infection was 48%, of which 94% were infected with a high-risk HPV. In multivariate analysis, factors independently associated with infection with high-risk HPV type were: younger age (<30 years of age; PR 1.5, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.1-2.1), current or prior drug use (PR 1.3, 95% CI 1.0-1.6), self-reported history of HPV infection (PR 1.2, 95% CI 0.96-1.6), condom use in the last sexual intercourse (PR 1.3, 95% CI 1.1-1.7), and nadir CD4+ T-cell count <100 cells/mm(3) (PR 1.6, 95% CI 1.2-2.1). Conclusions: The estimated prevalence of high-risk HPV-infection among HIV-infected women from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was high. Close monitoring of HPV-related effects is warranted in all HIV-infected women, in particular those of younger age and advanced immunosuppression. (C) 2008 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Rio Grande do Norte is among the Brazilian States where the tourism and sexual violence increasingly grow in the country, occupying 4th place in 2004. Associated to this fact, it comes the problematic one of the contamination of the women by Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). Studies in Brazil have presented a considerable increase of the STDs, caused through lack of suitable protection in the sexual relationships. Due to the biological and psychosocial vulnerability, besides failures or inconsistencies in the condom use associated to the raised taxes of sexual activity with different partners, the STDs constitute the main risk of health. Many difficulties are found by the confrontation of this problem. In this context, this project had as aim to evaluate the vulnerability of this population of sexually active women in Natal-RN Ponta Negra neighbourhood to the infections by STDs, such as, Candida sp., Vaginoses Bacterial, Trichomonas Vaginalis and Chlamydia sp., arisen with the explosion of the sex market, showing a current statistical panorama. It was possible to detect vulnerable points in prevention through patient anamnesis, where the study it showed: high number of partners (8,3% with more than five), low age of first relationship and not the use of condoms (31,8% sometimes use and 45,8% had not used in the first relationship). Already consolidated by the preventive cytopathologic examination, these data were strengthened by high incidence of causing agents of STDs (58,6%). In this way, it is clear that the sexuality must to be thought on the context of the deep economic and socio-cultural transformations in which pass societies, and mainly the ones concerning to the sexuality exercise and to the sex market. With the profile change of the infections, new demands are placed in relation to the risk factors. Therefore, it can be concluded that the prevention vulnerable points detected as more important had been the deficiency in self-perception and wareness of the risk existence among the studied women
Aim. To describe the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) epidemic in Brazil and analyze the impact of federal government measures addressing the problem since its onset.Method. Retrospective review of AIDS epidemic data from its onset in 1980 up to the last published data in June 2001.Results. AIDS was first reported in Brazil in 1980. By 1988, all 27 Brazilian states had diagnosed cases, and until June 2000 more than half of Brazilian municipalities had recorded at least one case of the disease. The AIDS incidence reached its peak between 1996 and 1997 (14.7 per 100,000 population), and then declined between 1998 and 2000 to 9 per 100,000 population. In the last two decades, the proportion of deaths has been also significantly reduced. These were not random events, but reflected the efficiency of the program implemented by the Brazilian Health Ministry's Coordination on Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS. The program includes an epidemiological surveillance modeling system, which records cases from several regular epidemiological bulletins; national network of diagnosis and monitoring of HIV-infected individuals (ill or not); highly active antiretroviral therapy available free to all patients; mother-infant protection program; educational programs on condom use; the introduction of the female condom; development of AIDS studies in different areas to provide practical solutions; constant preoccupation about drug costs accounting for the patent breaking; and national production of many drugs currently in use.Conclusion. Well-planned and implemented national program against AIDS can significantly reduce the burden of this disease to the population.
Hepatitis C is transmitted primarily parenterally by contaminated blood and is often associated with: intravenous drug abuse, invasive procedures, blood transfusions, acupuncture, tattooing, and alcohol and tobacco use. This study aimed to quantify and evaluate the risk factors among blood donors, volunteer blood donors and replacement individuals, infected or not by the C virus. The main transmission routes of C virus were identified in 55 men and 25 women (GI) monitored by the Ambulatory Unit of the Department of Tropical Diseases, Botucatu Medical School, and in 24 men and 26 women (GII), all active blood donors at the Bauru State Hospital Transfusional Agency. Both groups were similar in: tobacco and alcohol consumption, sexual behavior, tattooing and illicit drug use. The duration of alcohol and tobacco consumption and blood transfusions in GI were longer, whereas the option for steady partners, condom use, disposable materials and piercings were predominant in GII. In conclusion, the risk factors for hepatitis C demonstrate the necessity of health policies that act on the primary and secondary prevention levels (respectively, reduction of infection incidence and hepatopathy risk).
Este estudo avalia os fatores maternos e fetais envolvidos na transmissão vertical do HIV-1 em 47 pares de mãe e filho. As variáveis comportamentais, demográficas e obstétricas foram obtidas mediante entrevista; os dados referentes ao parto e ao recém-nascido, dos prontuários das maternidades. Durante o terceiro trimestre de gestação foi realizada a contagem da carga viral materna e dos linfócitos T CD4+. A média de idade foi de 25 anos e 23,4% das gestantes eram primigestas, e o fator comportamental mais prevalente foi não usar preservativos. Dentre as gestantes, 48,9% tinham células CD4+ superior a 500 células/mm³ e 93,6% se enquadravam na categoria clínica A; 95,7% submeteram-se à profilaxia com zidovudina durante a gestação ou no parto, a qual foi ministrada a todos os recém-nascidos; 50,0% delas foram submetidas à cesárea eletiva. Apesar de expostas a vários fatores de risco e protetores, nenhuma criança tornou-se infectada. A transmissão vertical resulta de um desequilíbrio entre os fatores, com predomínio dos de risco sobre os protetores.
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
As doenças sexualmente transmissíveis (DST) estão entre os problemas de saúde pública mais comuns em todo o mundo, principalmente entre os adolescentes, pois eles são mais vulneráveis em relação à sexualidade, tanto em países industrializados como nos em desenvolvimento. Este estudo tem por objetivo investigar a prevalência de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis em escolares da rede pública municipal de ensino da área urbana do município de Porto Velho, Estado de Rondônia. Foram investigados 122 alunos da Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Marechal Joaquim Vicente Rondon, na faixa etária de 11 a 19 anos, através de questionário de autopreenchimento e coleta de amostras de sangue, secreção uretral e vaginal. O método sorológico ELISA (Ensaio imunoenzimático) e a bacterioscopia pelo método de Gram foram os testes utilizados para detecção e identificação de DST. 84,4% dos estudantes responderam saber o que é uma DST, 82,8% informaram que usavam preservativo durante as relações sexuais para prevenir DST, 11,5% não utilizavam o preservativo e 5,7% afirmaram que selecionavam seus parceiros sexuais. Foram examinadas 83 amostras de soro pelo teste ELISA e 41 esfregaços corados pelo método de Gram. A prevalência encontrada para Chlamydia foi de 65,3% no sexo feminino e 34,6% no sexo masculino. Os agentes biopatogênicos encontrados com mais freqüência foram Gardnerella vaginalis, Candida albicans e Trichomonas vaginalis.
A hepatite causada pelo HCV constitui-se de uma doença silenciosa que tende a evoluir para a forma crônica. A persistência viral, fatores genéticos do indivíduo e do vírus (genótipos), estilo de vida e exposição a fatores de risco aumentam as chances de o portador desenvolver carcinoma hepatocelular. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a função hepática dos pacientes com hepatite C; avaliar os fatores de riscos para aquisição do vírus; determinar os genótipos de HCV mais prevalentes e correlacionar os genótipos com os achados histopatológicos das biópsias hepáticas. A amostra constituiu-se de 152 pacientes adultos com sorologia (ELISA) reagente para anticorpos anti-HCV, que aceitaram participar da pesquisa, colheram amostra sanguínea para as análises e responderam a um questionário epidemiológico. A análise epidemiológica demonstrou maioria do sexo masculino, faixa etária de 45 anos e predomínio de indivíduos casados ou com união estável. Quanto aos fatores de risco para aquisição da infecção, observou-se a multiplicidade de parceiros, o não uso de preservativos, internações hospitalares e o compartilhamento de kits de manicure. Na detecção do RNA viral, 107 (70,4%) apresentaram positividade, sendo 97 (90,6%) do genótipo 1 e 10 (9,4%) do genótipo 3. Não houve variação entre as dosagens bioquímicas, os genótipos e as alterações histopatológicas. Dos 65 pacientes que realizaram biópsia hepática e exame histopatológico, todos os pacientes tinham hepatite crônica. Analisando as alterações histopatológicas e os genótipos virais encontramos associação destas variáveis, sendo o genótipo 1 relacionado a modificações histológicas mais intensas. Os resultados encontrados estão em concordância com outros descritos na literatura.