928 resultados para Computer technology


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The physical pendulum treated with a Hamiltonian formulation is a natural topic for study in a course in advanced classical mechanics. For the past three years, we have been offering a series of problem sets studying this system numerically in our third-year undergraduate courses in mechanics. The problem sets investigate the physics of the pendulum in ways not easily accessible without computer technology and explore various algorithms for solving mechanics problems. Our computational physics is based on Mathematica with some C communicating with Mathematica, although nothing in this paper is dependent on that choice. We have nonetheless found this system, and particularly its graphics, to be a good one for use with undergraduates.


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Background: Advances in nutritional assessment are continuing to embrace developments in computer technology. The online Food4Me food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was created as an electronic system for the collection of nutrient intake data. To ensure its accuracy in assessing both nutrient and food group intake, further validation against data obtained using a reliable, but independent, instrument and assessment of its reproducibility are required. Objective: The aim was to assess the reproducibility and validity of the Food4Me FFQ against a 4-day weighed food record (WFR). Methods: Reproducibility of the Food4Me FFQ was assessed using test-retest methodology by asking participants to complete the FFQ on 2 occasions 4 weeks apart. To assess the validity of the Food4Me FFQ against the 4-day WFR, half the participants were also asked to complete a 4-day WFR 1 week after the first administration of the Food4Me FFQ. Level of agreement between nutrient and food group intakes estimated by the repeated Food4Me FFQ and the Food4Me FFQ and 4-day WFR were evaluated using Bland-Altman methodology and classification into quartiles of daily intake. Crude unadjusted correlation coefficients were also calculated for nutrient and food group intakes. Results: In total, 100 people participated in the assessment of reproducibility (mean age 32, SD 12 years), and 49 of these (mean age 27, SD 8 years) also took part in the assessment of validity. Crude unadjusted correlations for repeated Food4Me FFQ ranged from .65 (vitamin D) to .90 (alcohol). The mean cross-classification into “exact agreement plus adjacent” was 92% for both nutrient and food group intakes, and Bland-Altman plots showed good agreement for energy-adjusted macronutrient intakes. Agreement between the Food4Me FFQ and 4-day WFR varied, with crude unadjusted correlations ranging from .23 (vitamin D) to .65 (protein, % total energy) for nutrient intakes and .11 (soups, sauces and miscellaneous foods) to .73 (yogurts) for food group intake. The mean cross-classification into “exact agreement plus adjacent” was 80% and 78% for nutrient and food group intake, respectively. There were no significant differences between energy intakes estimated using the Food4Me FFQ and 4-day WFR, and Bland-Altman plots showed good agreement for both energy and energy-controlled nutrient intakes. Conclusions: The results demonstrate that the online Food4Me FFQ is reproducible for assessing nutrient and food group intake and has moderate agreement with the 4-day WFR for assessing energy and energy-adjusted nutrient intakes. The Food4Me FFQ is a suitable online tool for assessing dietary intake in healthy adults.


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Learning from anywhere anytime is a contemporary phenomenon in the field of education that is thought to be flexible, time and cost saving. The phenomenon is evident in the way computer technology mediates knowledge processes among learners. Computer technology is however, in some instances, faulted. There are studies that highlight drawbacks of computer technology use in learning. In this study we aimed at conducting a SWOT analysis on ubiquitous computing and computer-mediated social interaction and their affect on education. Students and teachers were interviewed on the mentioned concepts using focus group interviews. Our contribution in this study is, identifying what teachers and students perceive to be the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of ubiquitous computing and computer-mediated social interaction in education. We also relate the findings with literature and present a common understanding on the SWOT of these concepts. Results show positive perceptions. Respondents revealed that ubiquitous computing and computer-mediated social interaction are important in their education due to advantages such as flexibility, efficiency in terms of cost and time, ability to acquire computer skills. Nevertheless disadvantages where also mentioned for example health effects, privacy and security issues, noise in the learning environment, to mention but a few. This paper gives suggestions on how to overcome threats mentioned.


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Computer technology enables the creation of detailed documentation about the processes that create or affect entities (data, objects, etc.). Such documentation of the past can be used to answer various kinds of questions regarding the processes that led to the creation or modification of a particular entity. The answer to such questions is known as an entity's provenance. In this paper, we derive a number of principles for documenting the past, grounded in work from philosophy and history, which allow for provenance questions to be answered within a computational context. These principles lead us to argue that an interaction-based model is particularly suited for representing high quality documentation of the past.


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This dissertation presents a research aimed at identifying and explaining the individual perceptions as far as the introduction of computer technology concerning the organization change process and the reason underlying those changes, utilizing for study purposes, a customer attendance agency of INSS , located in São Luís-MA, which data collection was carried out by interviews with three managers and application of to thirty employees, all of them working at the unit researched. The core point was to identify feelings and perceptions of individuals, and the reason steering the change actions deployed in this office. Based on this perception, it is presented a literature review on the main thinkers who discussed the role, and the relevance of reasoning in the development of human relations, both in the organizations and in society. To start with, Max Weber thinking on rationality was introduced, on the sequence, the discussion raised by the Frankfurt School in its first phase, mainly on the Max Horkheimer thinking and finally it is shown a summary of Jurgen Habermas thinking, mainly concerning its communicative action theory proposed as a path to emancipation of individual of current instrumental reasoning. Summing up, we can conclude from this research that perceptions, feelings and opinions indicate that the institution uses to discuss with the civil servants the implementation of change process. For those servants the excessive functional control, the limitation of knowledge production and an artificial functional integration are consequences of the shape and intensity, as well as of computer technologies deployed in the institution. It is also shared by most of civil servants, including managers, that the overall participation would have more validity and would decrease the resistance to those changes. And it is also worth registering that despite of the servants having job stability, only 50% have positive expectations as far as its future in the institution.


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A partir da segunda metade da década de 1990, com o avanço da informática, passou-se a integrar Tecnologia da Informação (TI) em vários processos de gestão das cidades. A partir desta integração, nasce o conceito genérico de Smart City, traduzido – não literalmente – para o português como Cidade inteligente. O conceito está sendo disseminado rapidamente, mas destaca-se que não há consenso em sua definição, o que faz com que os projetos desta natureza sejam bastante heterogêneos. A concessionária de energia elétrica Ampla S.A., que atende 66 municípios no estado do Rio de Janeiro, está desenvolvendo um projeto que tem como premissa transformar a cidade de Armação dos Búzios na primeira cidade inteligente da América Latina. Iniciado em 2011, o projeto da concessionária é basicamente pautado em melhorias da rede elétrica, o que seria apenas um dos elementos de um projeto de cidade inteligente. A presente dissertação está dividida em duas partes. Na primeira, o objetivo é apresentar um panorama atualizado das pesquisas sobre cidades inteligentes e projetos que estão sendo desenvolvidos, buscando compreender as interpretações que pode-se ter do conceito. A segunda parte aproxima-se do cotidiano de Búzios a partir de entrevistas realizadas com alguns moradores em novembro de 2013. As entrevistas propõem debater questões relacionadas a qualidade de vida na cidade, incluindo as transformações promovidas pelo projeto Cidade inteligente Búzios. O resultado deste trabalho é uma reflexão acerca dos limites e possibilidades do conceito cidade inteligente, considerando, em primeira instância, os impactos no cotidiano da população.


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This paper uses dynamic programming to study the time consistency of optimal macroeconomic policy in economies with recurring public deficits. To this end, a general equilibrium recursive model introduced in Chang (1998) is extended to include govemment bonds and production. The original mode! presents a Sidrauski economy with money and transfers only, implying that the need for govemment fmancing through the inflation tax is minimal. The extended model introduces govemment expenditures and a deficit-financing scheme, analyzing the SargentWallace (1981) problem: recurring deficits may lead the govemment to default on part of its public debt through inflation. The methodology allows for the computation of the set of alI sustainable stabilization plans even when the govemment cannot pre-commit to an optimal inflation path. This is done through value function iterations, which can be done on a computeI. The parameters of the extended model are calibrated with Brazilian data, using as case study three Brazilian stabilization attempts: the Cruzado (1986), Collor (1990) and the Real (1994) plans. The calibration of the parameters of the extended model is straightforward, but its numerical solution proves unfeasible due to a dimensionality problem in the algorithm arising from limitations of available computer technology. However, a numerical solution using the original algorithm and some calibrated parameters is obtained. Results indicate that in the absence of govemment bonds or production only the Real Plan is sustainable in the long run. The numerical solution of the extended algorithm is left for future research.


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In this work we are disagreeing with the possibility of production and of the use of video-class for the disciplines of history of mathematics by the teachers of elementary e middle school as a way to contribute to the development of their classes. Our goal is to provide to the mathematics teachers the option of connecting social, scientific, cognitive, and didactic aspects of topics in math thoughts to their students. That shall be based in the presence of mathematics in the history of humanity. Thus, we consider possible that teachers and their students can link and relate mathematics to other sciences, education culture, and reflect about the many ways of represent them, as well as the patters of organization of nature and of culture. In this way, they shall be able to observe and interpret situations that involve mathematical questions associated to the various means of historic-epistemological studies already done by other researchers and scholars in the field of history of mathematics who works in creating video-classes. In addition to that, we can use all the available media in order to give edifying dynamics to the mathematical formulations established throughout history. In this sense, we are based and focused on the objectives, which are sustained by educational computer technology, techniques for video making, as well as mathematical teaching proposals and the historical inquiring made by Mendes (2001, 2009a, 2009b). The validating experimentation allowed us to conclude that the techniques we used in the production of the history of mathematics video-classes proved they to be valid ones. They are able to be executed with the minimum of technological resources. In addition, they have the same efficacy as far as classroom use


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Computerized technological resources have become essential in education, particularly for teaching topics that require the performance of specific tasks. These resources can effectively help the execution of such tasks and the teaching-learning process itself. After the development of a Web site on the topic of nursing staff scheduling, this study aimed at comparing the development of students involved in the teaching-learning process of the previously mentioned topic, with and without the use of computer technology. Two random groups of undergraduate nursing students from a public university in São Paulo state, Brazil, were organized: a case group (used the Web site) and a control group (did not use the Web site). Data were collected from 2003 to 2005 after approval by the Research Ethics Committee. Results showed no significant difference in motivation or knowledge acquisition. A similar performance for the two groups was also verified. Other aspects observed were difficulty in doing the nursing staff scheduling exercise and the students' acknowledgment of the topic's importance for their training and professional lives; easy access was considered to be a positive aspect for maintaining the Web site.


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A educação ambiental (EA) vem-se expandindo no Brasil em diversos espaços educativos formais e não-formais. Este texto considera a EA provocadora de mudanças políticas, estimuladora de uma racionalidade ética e ecológica e promovedora de atitudes e valores pessoais e de práticas sociais compatíveis com a sustentabilidade da vida na Terra. Sob esta visão, o artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre a expansão da educação ambiental nas universidades brasileiras, nos últimos vinte anos; discutir as possíveis mudanças educacionais das políticas públicas da área, a partir da Constituição de 1988; considerar a possível influência das forças dos movimentos sociais da sociedade organizada e das redes de EA locais, regionais e nacionais formadas com a generalização do uso da informática, como impulsionadora da sua expansão. A EA se constitui e se formaliza com o respaldo de uma política nacional que propicia sua permanência e aprofundamento nos espaços já conquistados e promove sua inserção nos demais contextos da sociedade organizada.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O presente trabalho versa sobre as práticas de ensino-aprendizagem da leitura em língua materna, tendo o computador como uma das principais ferramentas didáticas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa-ação fundamentada em pressupostos sociointeracionistas de língua, linguagem e leitura. Portanto, faz-se referência à perspectiva dialógica, aos gêneros discursivos - concepções teóricas e como objeto de ensino - à sequência didática, ao blog como suporte virtual e gênero relato de experiência em blog, assim como ao ensino da compreensão escrita em língua materna e ai computador como ferramenta didática. Esse aparato teórico é utilizado para analisar parte de uma sequência didática que priorizou o trabalho com a competência de leitura e escrita (sendo a primeira o foco de nossos estudos) desenvolvida com uma turma do ensino fundamental II do Município de Benevides/PA. E tenta verificar em que medida essas práticas, ao se utilizar da ferramenta didático-tecnológica computador, contribuem para o aprimoramento da compreensão escrita dos aprendentes.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo central analisar as prescrições curriculares oficiais para a implantação do ensino médio integrado na Rede de Escolas de Educação Tecnológica do Estado do Pará (EETEPA) no período de 2004 a 2009. Obteve financiamento do CNPq e foi vinculado ao Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa sobre Currículo e Formação de Professores na Perspectiva da Inclusão (INCLUDERE). Trata-se de um estudo caso de caráter documental. A trajetória do estudo foi realizada por meio de pesquisa exploratória em estudos correlatos, com revisão bibliográfica em fontes secundárias da área de educação seguida de pesquisa documental em fontes primárias, como: leis, atos normativos, boletins informativos, proposta pedagógica, plano de curso de informática de uma unidade tecnológica da Rede EETEPA por meio de critério seletivo. Os aspectos discursivos tratados foram: os fundamentos teóricos para implantação do ensino médio integrado à educação profissional; As políticas curriculares para o ensino médio e educação profissional destacando o caráter dual entre a formação geral e profissional. Bem como, foi resgatado o movimento da implantação do ensino médio integrado em nível nacional e localmente no estado paraense mediante as prescrições curriculares oficiais. Os resultados alcançados: referiram-se primeiramente as estratégias adotadas pela SEDUC para implantação do ensino médio integrado nos estabelecimentos de ensino da Rede de EETEPA, a saber: Criação da Diretoria de Ensino Médio, com duas coordenações, a de Ensino Médio e de Educação Profissional; Quebra do contrato com a OSETPP, resgatando para a administração da SEDUC, as 11 (onze) escolas; Criação da Rede EETEPA; Realização de eventos (conferências, fóruns e seminários); Elaboração da proposta educacional para Rede EETEPA; Elaboração do Projeto Político-Pedagógico para Rede EETEPA; Orientações para reestruturação dos projetos políticos-pedagógicos das escolas tecnológicas e construção dos planos de cursos técnicos; Abertura de edital público para oferta de cursos subsequentes, integrado e PROEJA; e, Iniciação das reformas físicas nas unidades tecnológicas. Foi realizada, também, a identificação e análise das prescrições curriculares oficiais para Rede EETEPA, a saber, Proposta Educacional para a Rede EETEPA; Orientações para implantação de cursos técnicos de nível médio na forma integrada para a Rede EETEPA; Diretrizes Específicas II: Orientações Gerais para o Ensino Médio Integrado. Ao analisar esses documentos, constatei que a proposta educacional prescrita para Rede EETEPA pela COEP/DEMP-SEDUC, coaduna com a proposta idealizada pelo Ministério de Educação, ambas resgatam elementos já disseminados pelo pensamento educacional brasileiro desde as décadas dos anos 1980, com a finalidade de se erigir os fundamentos de uma escola unitária e politécnica, deixando explicita a concepção filosófica inspiradora do documento. Contudo, constatou-se que, o plano de curso de informática da Escola Técnica Magalhães Barata (localizada a região metropolitana de Belém do Pará) não conseguiu apresentar uma proposta coerente com os fundamentos do ensino médio integrado.


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Os processos de formação dos grupos humanos estão sendo transformados pelas novas tecnologias de informação inovando procedimentos, técnicas e meios. As gerações atuais têm contatos com máquinas, computadores, senhas e códigos de acessos desconhecidos pelos mais velhos e àqueles distantes social e economicamente ainda destas tecnologias, meios, códigos e inovações. Negros e empobrecidos são os que mais se distanciam da geografia deste veículo e meio de aprender, de saber, de trocar, de dialogar e de obter poder. A escrita, a energia e a tecnologia computacional interligadas processam um efeito colateral avassalador associados à acumulação de riquezas e bens nas mãos de poucos e juntos promovem o mais árduo processo discriminador e de exclusão social no planeta, atingindo, sobretudo, as populações tradicionalmente mais vulneráveis pelo racismo e pelo machismo, ou seja, negros e mulheres, sendo eles os mais empobrecidos no planeta.