959 resultados para Computer software maintenance


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The worldwide installed base of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems has increased rapidly over the past 10 years now comprising tens of thousands of installations in large- and medium-sized organizations and millions of licensed users. Similar to traditional information systems (IS), ERP systems must be maintained and upgraded. It is therefore not surprising that ERP maintenance activities have become the largest budget provision in the IS departments of many ERP-using organizations. Yet, there has been limited study of ERP maintenance activities. Are they simply instances of traditional software maintenance activities to which traditional software maintenance research findings can be generalized? Or are they fundamentally different, such that new research, specific to ERP maintenance, is required to help alleviate the ERP maintenance burden? This paper reports a case study of a large organization that implemented ERP (an SAP system) more than three years ago. From the case study and data collected, we observe the following distinctions of ERP maintenance: (1) the ERP-using organization, in addition to addressing internally originated change-requests, also implements maintenance introduced by the vendor; (2) requests for user-support concerning the ERP system behavior, function and training constitute a main part of ERP maintenance activity; and (3) similar to the in-house software environment, enhancement is the major maintenance activity in the ERP environment, encompassing almost 64% of the total change-request effort. In light of these and other findings, we ultimately: (1) propose a clear and precise definition of ERP maintenance; (2) conclude that ERP maintenance cannot be sufficiently described by existing software maintenance taxonomies; and (3) propose a benefits-oriented taxonomy, that better represents ERP maintenance activities. Three salient dimensions (for characterizing requests) incorporated in the proposed ERP maintenance taxonomy are: (1) who is the maintenance source? (2) why is it important to service the request? and (3) what––whether there is any impact of implementing the request on the installed module(s)?


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In this paper, we discuss the problem of maintenance of a CBR system for retrieval of rotationally symmetric shapes. The special feature of this system is that similarity is derived primarily from graph matching algorithms. The special problem of such a system is that it does not operate on search indices that may be derived from single cases and then used for visualisation and principle component analyses. Rather, the system is built on a similarity metric defined directly over pairs of cases. The problems of efficiency, consistency, redundancy, completeness and correctness are discussed for such a system. Performance measures for the CBR system are given, and the results for trials of the system are presented. The competence of the current case-base is discussed, with reference to a representation of cases as points in an n-dimensional feature space, and a Gramian visualisation. A refinement of the case base is performed as a result of the competence analysis and the performance of the case-base before and after refinement is compared.


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[This abstract is based on the authors' abstract.]Three new standards to be applied when adopting commercial computer off-the-shelf (COTS) software solutions are discussed. The first standard is for a COTS software life cycle, the second for a software solution user requirements life cycle, and the third is a checklist to help in completing the requirements. The standards are based on recent major COTS software solution implementations.


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Changes to software requirements occur during initial development and subsequent to delivery, posing a risk to cost and quality while at the same time providing an opportunity to add value. Provision of a generic change source taxonomy will support requirements change risk visibility, and also facilitate richer recording of both pre- and post-delivery change data. In this paper we present a collaborative study to investigate and classify sources of requirements change, drawing comparison between those pertaining to software development and maintenance. We begin by combining evolution, maintenance and software lifecycle research to derive a definition of software maintenance, which provides the foundation for empirical context and comparison. Previously published change ‘causes’ pertaining to development are elicited from the literature, consolidated using expert knowledge and classified using card sorting. A second study incorporating causes of requirements change during software maintenance results in a taxonomy which accounts for the entire evolutionary progress of applications software. We conclude that the distinction between the terms maintenance and development is imprecise, and that changes to requirements in both scenarios arise due to a combination of factors contributing to requirements uncertainty and events that trigger change. The change trigger taxonomy constructs were initially validated using a small set of requirements change data, and deemed sufficient and practical as a means to collect common requirements change statistics across multiple projects.


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Les systèmes logiciels sont devenus de plus en plus répondus et importants dans notre société. Ainsi, il y a un besoin constant de logiciels de haute qualité. Pour améliorer la qualité de logiciels, l’une des techniques les plus utilisées est le refactoring qui sert à améliorer la structure d'un programme tout en préservant son comportement externe. Le refactoring promet, s'il est appliqué convenablement, à améliorer la compréhensibilité, la maintenabilité et l'extensibilité du logiciel tout en améliorant la productivité des programmeurs. En général, le refactoring pourra s’appliquer au niveau de spécification, conception ou code. Cette thèse porte sur l'automatisation de processus de recommandation de refactoring, au niveau code, s’appliquant en deux étapes principales: 1) la détection des fragments de code qui devraient être améliorés (e.g., les défauts de conception), et 2) l'identification des solutions de refactoring à appliquer. Pour la première étape, nous traduisons des régularités qui peuvent être trouvés dans des exemples de défauts de conception. Nous utilisons un algorithme génétique pour générer automatiquement des règles de détection à partir des exemples de défauts. Pour la deuxième étape, nous introduisons une approche se basant sur une recherche heuristique. Le processus consiste à trouver la séquence optimale d'opérations de refactoring permettant d'améliorer la qualité du logiciel en minimisant le nombre de défauts tout en priorisant les instances les plus critiques. De plus, nous explorons d'autres objectifs à optimiser: le nombre de changements requis pour appliquer la solution de refactoring, la préservation de la sémantique, et la consistance avec l’historique de changements. Ainsi, réduire le nombre de changements permets de garder autant que possible avec la conception initiale. La préservation de la sémantique assure que le programme restructuré est sémantiquement cohérent. De plus, nous utilisons l'historique de changement pour suggérer de nouveaux refactorings dans des contextes similaires. En outre, nous introduisons une approche multi-objective pour améliorer les attributs de qualité du logiciel (la flexibilité, la maintenabilité, etc.), fixer les « mauvaises » pratiques de conception (défauts de conception), tout en introduisant les « bonnes » pratiques de conception (patrons de conception).


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Les logiciels sont de plus en plus complexes et leur développement est souvent fait par des équipes dispersées et changeantes. Par ailleurs, de nos jours, la majorité des logiciels sont recyclés au lieu d’être développés à partir de zéro. La tâche de compréhension, inhérente aux tâches de maintenance, consiste à analyser plusieurs dimensions du logiciel en parallèle. La dimension temps intervient à deux niveaux dans le logiciel : il change durant son évolution et durant son exécution. Ces changements prennent un sens particulier quand ils sont analysés avec d’autres dimensions du logiciel. L’analyse de données multidimensionnelles est un problème difficile à résoudre. Cependant, certaines méthodes permettent de contourner cette difficulté. Ainsi, les approches semi-automatiques, comme la visualisation du logiciel, permettent à l’usager d’intervenir durant l’analyse pour explorer et guider la recherche d’informations. Dans une première étape de la thèse, nous appliquons des techniques de visualisation pour mieux comprendre la dynamique des logiciels pendant l’évolution et l’exécution. Les changements dans le temps sont représentés par des heat maps. Ainsi, nous utilisons la même représentation graphique pour visualiser les changements pendant l’évolution et ceux pendant l’exécution. Une autre catégorie d’approches, qui permettent de comprendre certains aspects dynamiques du logiciel, concerne l’utilisation d’heuristiques. Dans une seconde étape de la thèse, nous nous intéressons à l’identification des phases pendant l’évolution ou pendant l’exécution en utilisant la même approche. Dans ce contexte, la prémisse est qu’il existe une cohérence inhérente dans les évènements, qui permet d’isoler des sous-ensembles comme des phases. Cette hypothèse de cohérence est ensuite définie spécifiquement pour les évènements de changements de code (évolution) ou de changements d’état (exécution). L’objectif de la thèse est d’étudier l’unification de ces deux dimensions du temps que sont l’évolution et l’exécution. Ceci s’inscrit dans notre volonté de rapprocher les deux domaines de recherche qui s’intéressent à une même catégorie de problèmes, mais selon deux perspectives différentes.


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Many tools and techniques for addressing software maintenance problems rely on code coverage information. Often, this coverage information is gathered for a specific version of a software system, and then used to perform analyses on subsequent versions of that system without being recalculated. As a software system evolves, however, modifications to the software alter the software’s behavior on particular inputs, and code coverage information gathered on earlier versions of a program may not accurately reflect the coverage that would be obtained on later versions. This discrepancy may affect the success of analyses dependent on code coverage information. Despite the importance of coverage information in various analyses, in our search of the literature we find no studies specifically examining the impact of software evolution on code coverage information. Therefore, we conducted empirical studies to examine this impact. The results of our studies suggest that even relatively small modifications can greatly affect code coverage information, and that the degree of impact of change on coverage may be difficult to predict.


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A mail survey was conducted to assess current computer hardware use and perceived needs of potential users for software related to crop pest management in Nebraska. Surveys were sent to University of Nebraska-Lincoln agricultural extension agents, agribusiness personnel (including independent crop consultants), and crop producers identified by extension agents as computer users. There were no differences between the groups in several aspects of computer hardware use (percentage computer use, percentage IBM-compatible computer, amount of RAM memory, percentage with hard drive, hard drive size, or monitor graphics capability). Responses were similar among the three groups in several areas that are important to crop pest management (pest identification, pest biology, treatment decision making, control options, and pesticide selection), and a majority of each group expressed the need for additional sources of such information about insects, diseases, and weeds. However, agents mentioned vertebrate pest management information as a need more often than the other two groups. Also, majorities of each group expressed an interest in using computer software, if available, to obtain information in these areas. Appropriate software to address these needs should find an audience among all three groups.


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Software metrics offer us the promise of distilling useful information from vast amounts of software in order to track development progress, to gain insights into the nature of the software, and to identify potential problems. Unfortunately, however, many software metrics exhibit highly skewed, non-Gaussian distributions. As a consequence, usual ways of interpreting these metrics --- for example, in terms of "average" values --- can be highly misleading. Many metrics, it turns out, are distributed like wealth --- with high concentrations of values in selected locations. We propose to analyze software metrics using the Gini coefficient, a higher-order statistic widely used in economics to study the distribution of wealth. Our approach allows us not only to observe changes in software systems efficiently, but also to assess project risks and monitor the development process itself. We apply the Gini coefficient to numerous metrics over a range of software projects, and we show that many metrics not only display remarkably high Gini values, but that these values are remarkably consistent as a project evolves over time.