413 resultados para Compulsive gamblers
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have restricted and repetitive behaviours (RRBs) which may be similar to obsessions and compulsions in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). These behaviours can be intrusive and interfere in the lives of the child and their family. Preliminary studies have shown success in using adapted Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to treat these behaviors in children with high functioning ASD. Using a hypothetical vignette, this thesis attempted to examine procedural knowledge that the children and their parents gained while participating in a CBT treatment that was evaluated in a Randomized Controlled Trial. For both parents and children, there was a significant increase in number of strategies generated from pre to post-treatment. Further, children in the experimental group generated significantly more strategies than the treatment as usual (TAU) group post-intervention. There was no significant correlation between number of strategies generated and the child’s treatment success, age, or IQ.
This Study Presents Both a Comprehensive Survey Jof the Empirical Literature on Gambling and Our Most Recent Research Based on Data Provided by Both Loto-Quebec and Statistics Canada. in Spite of All the Excitement Surrounding the Subject, the Typical Gambler Emerges with the Relatively Boring Image of a Regular, Relatively Lower Paid Blue Or White Collar Worker, Whose Career Stalled, Who Is Relatively Older and Has More Children Than the Rest of the Population. But He Is Not Criminal and Does Not Spend Recklessly. the Game Gives Him Hope, Type of Hope That No Other Existing Spending Opportunities Can Provide. the Study Also Reveals That People Do Not Tell the Truth About Their Spendings on Games of Chance.
Cette présentation examinera le degré de certitude qui peut être atteint dans le domaine scientifique. Le paradigme scientifique est composé de deux extrêmes; causalité et déterminisme d'un côté et probabilité et indéterminisme de l'autre. En faisant appel aux notions de Hume de la ressemblance et la contiguïté, on peut rejeter la causalité ou le hasard objectif comme étant sans fondement et non empirique. Le problème de l'induction et le sophisme du parieur proviennent d’une même source cognitif / heuristique. Hume décrit ces tendances mentales dans ses essais « Of Probability » et « Of the Idea of Necessary Connexion ». Une discussion sur la conception de la probabilité de Hume ainsi que d'autres interprétations de probabilité sera nécessaire. Même si la science glorifie et idéalise la causalité, la probabilité peut être comprise comme étant tout aussi cohérente. Une attitude probabiliste, même si elle est également non empirique, pourrait être plus avantageuse que le vieux paradigme de la causalité.
Essai doctoral d’intégration Présenté en vue de l’obtention du doctorat (D.Psy.)
Contexte: En dépit de la preuve substantielle pour l'efficacité générale de la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale pour le trouble obsessionnel-compulsif (TOC), il existe une controverse à propos de l'amélioration de certains déficits neuropsychologiques dans ce trouble. Objectif: Le but de cette étude est d'évaluer: 1) la corrélation de la gravité du TOC et les résultats des tests neuropsychologiques et 2) l'amélioration clinique et neuropsychologique des patients souffrant de TOC qui ont terminé avec succès leur traitement. Méthode: Cette étude évalue les fonctions neurocognitives et l'état clinique de 27 participants du groupe TOC et 25 participants du groupe témoin. La fonction neurocognitive de chaque participant a été évaluée en utilisant le test de Rey-Osterreich Figure complexe (RCFT), le test de fluidité D-KEFS et l’essai Cardebat-D. Nous avons également, utilisé l'inventaire d'anxiété de Beck (IAB), l’Inventaire de dépression de Beck (IDB) et l'échelle d'obsession-compulsion de Yale-Brown (Y-BOCS) pour vérifier la présence de l'anxiété et de la dépression avec le TOC et la gravité des symptômes chez les patients souffrant de TOC. Résultats: Notre étude conclut qu’il y une différence significative de la fonction de la mémoire selon le score au sous test de copie entre les participants souffrant de TOC et le groupe témoin. De plus, nous avons constaté une différence considérable dans le score de rappel immédiat et différé du RCFT avant et après le traitement dans le groupe de TOC. Conclusion: En résumé, la présente étude a démontré que les patients atteints de TOC ont des troubles cognitifs spécifiques et que la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale serait un traitement qui pourrait améliorer, au moins, certaines dysfonctions neurocognitives.
En una muestra de 34 adictos al juego en tratamiento, se examinan las características de consumo de tabaco de los sujetos fumadores y la influencia de las consecuencias percibidas de la conducta de fumar en función de las etapas de cambio (Prochaska, DiClemente y Norcross, 1992). Los resultados muestran que, aunque los porcentajes de fumadores doblan a los existentes en la población general, las personas fumadoras adictas al juego están representadas en las diferentes etapas de cambio con porcentajes parecidos a los de dicha población. Por otra parte, no se ha encontrado relación entre el nivel de dependencia medido con el Test de Fagerström y la etapa de cambio. En cuanto a la influencia de las consecuencias percibidas del consumo de tabaco, en general los sujetos tienden a conceder mayor importancia a los perjuicios que a los beneficios de fumar. En los análisis en función de las etapas de cambio, se encuentran diferencias significativas entre el grupo de los que piensan dejar de fumar en los próximos seis meses, (contempladores y preparados) y el grupo de los que no fuman (exfumadores y no fumadores) en el beneficio “fumar ayuda a relajarse” que es más valorado por los primeros. También se encuentran dichas diferencias entre los precontempladores y los que no fuman en dos perjuicios: “fumar produce a veces dolor de cabeza” y “fumar a veces provoca taquicardia” que son más valorados por los segundos. Estos resultados sugieren la conveniencia de realizar las intervenciones más adecuadas para cada etapa de cambio, a fin de que las personas adictas al juego puedan también tener éxito en el abandono de la adicción al tabaco
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
A clinical case of compulsive gambling is exposed in this article. The subject’s playing behaviour had both positive and negative consequences. The subject tried to practice control over the urge to play. As shown in the functional analysis, the failure to control the urge despite the best efforts worsened the problem due to its negative consequences. A variation of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) was applied in order to break down the fight-surrender vicious circle of the playing behaviour. Two treatment strategies were agreed upon: acceptance of the fact that both playing and not playing had negatives consequences and commitment to one of these options despite its disadvantages. Finally, it is proposed that this acceptance and commitment therapy is a useful therapeutic process as it decreases the suffering subject and eliminates the problem: playing bahaviour.
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
There is substantial evidence for the effectiveness of psychological treatments for OCD, and various approaches have been widely recommended. These approaches tend to be characterized by exposure and response prevention (ERP) and also tend to be applied equally to all forms of OCD. Patients/clients (and some therapists) often find ERP to be a difficult treatment, and both dropout and refusal rates are unacceptably high. Based on specific cognitive conceptualizations of different manifestations of OCD, new and refined cognitive treatment methods are now available. The present article describes a specific cognitively based approach to the treatment of compulsive checking.
Self-report measures of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in children and adolescents are needed for practical evaluation of severity and treatment response. We compared the self- and parent-report Obsessional Compulsive Inventory Revised (CHOCI-R) to the interview-based Child Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (CY-BOCS) in a clinical sample of 285 children and adolescents with OCD. Classical test theory and item-response theory were applied to compare the instruments. The self- and parent-report CHOCI-R had good internal consistency and were strongly related to each other. The self- and parent-report CHOCI-R severity scores correlated with the CY-BOCS (Pearson's r 0.55 and 0.45 respectively). The CY-BOCS discriminated better at the severe end of the spectrum. The CHOCI-R provided better discrimination in the mild to moderate range. The time-efficient self- and parent-report alternatives will enable routine measurement of OCD severity in clinical practice. Estimates of equivalent summed scores are provided to facilitate comparison. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for young people with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) has become the treatment of first choice. However, the literature is largely based on studies emphasising exposure and response prevention. In this study, we report on a randomised controlled trial of CBT for young people carried out in typical outpatient clinic conditions which focused on cognitions. A randomised controlled trial compares 10 sessions of manualised cognitive behavioural treatment with a 12-week waiting list for adolescents and children with OCD. Assessors were blind to treatment allocation. 21 consecutive patients with OCD aged between 9 and 18 years were recruited. The group who received treatment improved more than a comparison group who waited for 3 months. The second group was treated subsequently using the same protocol and made similar gains. In conclusion, CBT can be delivered effectively to young people with OCD in typical outpatient settings.
Background: An inflated sense of responsibility is characteristic of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). No previous studies have investigated its origins. Five potential pathways to inflated responsibility beliefs have been proposed; these are tested in this study. Method: A novel measure, the Origins Questionnaire for Adolescents (OQA), was developed to assess experiences on these five pathways. Reliability of the OQA was investigated. The experiences on the five pathways to inflated responsibility beliefs of sixteen adolescents with a history of OCD were compared to sixteen adolescents with no history of OCD. Parents also reported on adolescents’ experiences on the five pathways. Results: Inter-rater reliability was high. The internal consistency of the subscales were only partly satisfactory. The groups differed on one pathway; the clinical group reported a higher sense of responsibility for significant incidents with a negative outcome prior to onset of OCD. Conclusions: An inflated sense of responsibility, in combination with the occurrence of specific incidents, might act as a vulnerability factor for development of OCD. Future research should consider how to measure the subtle effects of experiences of responsibility over the course of development.