950 resultados para Complex combinatorial problem


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The International Labor Organization (OIT) estimates that there are around 118 million children subjected to child labor around the world. In Brazil, there are 3.5 million workers aged between 5 and 17. This exploitation practice constitutes a serious social problem, including of Public Health, since these workers are exposed to a wide range of risks, such as those related to health, physical integrity and even to life, which may cause them to become sick adults and/or interrupt their lives prematurely. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the relationship between the frequency of child labor in the age group of 10 to 13 years and some socio-economic indicators. It is a quantitative research in an ecological study whose levels of analysis are the Brazilian municipalities grouped in 161 regions, defined from socioeconomic criteria. The dependent variable of this study was the prevalence of child labor in the age group of 10 to 13 years. The independent variables were selected after a correlation between the 2010 Census of child labor in the age group of 10 to 13 years and secondary data had been conducted, adopting two main independent variables: funds from the Family Allowance Program (PBF) per 1,000 inhabitants and Funds from the Child Labor Eradication Program (PETI) per a thousand inhabitants. Initially, it was conducted a descriptive analysis of the variables of the study, then, a bivariate analysis, and the correlation matrix was built. At last, the Multiple Linear Regression stratified analysis was performed. The results of this survey indicate that public policies , like the Bolsa Familia Program Features per 1000 inhabitants and Resources Program for the Eradication of Child Labour to be allocated to municipalities with HDI < 0.697 represent a decrease in the rate of child labor ; These programs have the resources to be invested in municipalities with HDI > = 0.697 have no effect on the rate of child labor. Other adjustment variables showed significance, among these the municipal Human Development Index (IDH), years of schooling at 18 years of age, illiteracy at 15 years of age or more, employees without employment contract at 18 years of age and the Gini Index. It is understood that the child labor issue is complex. The problem is associated, although not restricted to, poverty, the social exclusion and inequality that exist in Brazil, but other factors of cultural and economic nature, as well as of organization of production, also account for its aggravation. Fighting child labor involves a wide intersectoral articulation, shared and integrated with several public policies, among them health, sports, culture, agriculture, labor and human rights, with a view to guaranteeing the integrality of the rights of children and adolescents in situation of labor and of their respective families


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The Car Rental Salesman Problem (CaRS) is a variant of the classical Traveling Salesman Problem which was not described in the literature where a tour of visits can be decomposed into contiguous paths that may be performed in different rental cars. The aim is to determine the Hamiltonian cycle that results in a final minimum cost, considering the cost of the route added to the cost of an expected penalty paid for each exchange of vehicles on the route. This penalty is due to the return of the car dropped to the base. This paper introduces the general problem and illustrates some examples, also featuring some of its associated variants. An overview of the complexity of this combinatorial problem is also outlined, to justify their classification in the NPhard class. A database of instances for the problem is presented, describing the methodology of its constitution. The presented problem is also the subject of a study based on experimental algorithmic implementation of six metaheuristic solutions, representing adaptations of the best of state-of-the-art heuristic programming. New neighborhoods, construction procedures, search operators, evolutionary agents, cooperation by multi-pheromone are created for this problem. Furtermore, computational experiments and comparative performance tests are conducted on a sample of 60 instances of the created database, aiming to offer a algorithm with an efficient solution for this problem. These results will illustrate the best performance reached by the transgenetic algorithm in all instances of the dataset


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The capacitor placement (replacement) problem for radial distribution networks determines capacitor types, sizes, locations and control schemes. Optimal capacitor placement is a hard combinatorial problem that can be formulated as a mixed integer nonlinear program. Since this is a NP complete problem (Non Polynomial time) the solution approach uses a combinatorial search algorithm. The paper proposes a hybrid method drawn upon the Tabu Search approach, extended with features taken from other combinatorial approaches such as genetic algorithms and simulated annealing, and from practical heuristic approaches. The proposed method has been tested in a range of networks available in the literature with superior results regarding both quality and cost of solutions.


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The capacitor placement problem for radial distribution networks aims to determine capacitor types, sizes, locations and control scheme. This is a combinatorial problem that can be formulated as a mixed integer nonlinear program. The paper presents an algorithm inspired in artificial immune systems and developed for this specific problem. A good performance was obtained through experimental tests applied to known systems. © 2006 IEEE.


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Traditional Monte Carlo simulations of QCD in the presence of a baryon chemical potential are plagued by the complex phase problem and new numerical approaches are necessary for studying the phase diagram of the theory. In this work we consider a ℤ3 Polyakov loop model for the deconfining phase transition in QCD and discuss how a flux representation of the model in terms of dimer and monomer variable solves the complex action problem. We present results of numerical simulations using a worm algorithm for the specific heat and two-point correlation function of Polyakov loops. Evidences of a first order deconfinement phase transition are discussed. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A systematic approach to model nonlinear systems using norm-bounded linear differential inclusions (NLDIs) is proposed in this paper. The resulting NLDI model is suitable for the application of linear control design techniques and, therefore, it is possible to fulfill certain specifications for the underlying nonlinear system, within an operating region of interest in the state-space, using a linear controller designed for this NLDI model. Hence, a procedure to design a dynamic output feedback controller for the NLDI model is also proposed in this paper. One of the main contributions of the proposed modeling and control approach is the use of the mean-value theorem to represent the nonlinear system by a linear parameter-varying model, which is then mapped into a polytopic linear differential inclusion (PLDI) within the region of interest. To avoid the combinatorial problem that is inherent of polytopic models for medium- and large-sized systems, the PLDI is transformed into an NLDI, and the whole process is carried out ensuring that all trajectories of the underlying nonlinear system are also trajectories of the resulting NLDI within the operating region of interest. Furthermore, it is also possible to choose a particular structure for the NLDI parameters to reduce the conservatism in the representation of the nonlinear system by the NLDI model, and this feature is also one important contribution of this paper. Once the NLDI representation of the nonlinear system is obtained, the paper proposes the application of a linear control design method to this representation. The design is based on quadratic Lyapunov functions and formulated as search problem over a set of bilinear matrix inequalities (BMIs), which is solved using a two-step separation procedure that maps the BMIs into a set of corresponding linear matrix inequalities. Two numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.


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In the present dissertation we consider Feynman integrals in the framework of dimensional regularization. As all such integrals can be expressed in terms of scalar integrals, we focus on this latter kind of integrals in their Feynman parametric representation and study their mathematical properties, partially applying graph theory, algebraic geometry and number theory. The three main topics are the graph theoretic properties of the Symanzik polynomials, the termination of the sector decomposition algorithm of Binoth and Heinrich and the arithmetic nature of the Laurent coefficients of Feynman integrals.rnrnThe integrand of an arbitrary dimensionally regularised, scalar Feynman integral can be expressed in terms of the two well-known Symanzik polynomials. We give a detailed review on the graph theoretic properties of these polynomials. Due to the matrix-tree-theorem the first of these polynomials can be constructed from the determinant of a minor of the generic Laplacian matrix of a graph. By use of a generalization of this theorem, the all-minors-matrix-tree theorem, we derive a new relation which furthermore relates the second Symanzik polynomial to the Laplacian matrix of a graph.rnrnStarting from the Feynman parametric parameterization, the sector decomposition algorithm of Binoth and Heinrich serves for the numerical evaluation of the Laurent coefficients of an arbitrary Feynman integral in the Euclidean momentum region. This widely used algorithm contains an iterated step, consisting of an appropriate decomposition of the domain of integration and the deformation of the resulting pieces. This procedure leads to a disentanglement of the overlapping singularities of the integral. By giving a counter-example we exhibit the problem, that this iterative step of the algorithm does not terminate for every possible case. We solve this problem by presenting an appropriate extension of the algorithm, which is guaranteed to terminate. This is achieved by mapping the iterative step to an abstract combinatorial problem, known as Hironaka's polyhedra game. We present a publicly available implementation of the improved algorithm. Furthermore we explain the relationship of the sector decomposition method with the resolution of singularities of a variety, given by a sequence of blow-ups, in algebraic geometry.rnrnMotivated by the connection between Feynman integrals and topics of algebraic geometry we consider the set of periods as defined by Kontsevich and Zagier. This special set of numbers contains the set of multiple zeta values and certain values of polylogarithms, which in turn are known to be present in results for Laurent coefficients of certain dimensionally regularized Feynman integrals. By use of the extended sector decomposition algorithm we prove a theorem which implies, that the Laurent coefficients of an arbitrary Feynman integral are periods if the masses and kinematical invariants take values in the Euclidean momentum region. The statement is formulated for an even more general class of integrals, allowing for an arbitrary number of polynomials in the integrand.


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Balancing the frequently conflicting priorities of conservation and economic development poses a challenge to management of the Swiss Alps Jungfrau- Aletsch World Heritage Site (WHS). This is a complex societal problem that calls for a knowledge-based solution. This in turn requires a transdisciplinary research framework in which problems are defined and solved cooperatively by actors from the scientific community and the life-world. In this article we re-examine studies carried out in the region of the Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch WHS, covering three key issues prevalent in transdisciplinary settings: integration of stakeholders into participatory processes; perceptions and positions; and negotiability and implementation. In the case of the Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch WHS the transdisciplinary setting created a situation of mutual learning among stakeholders from different levels and backgrounds. However, the studies showed that the benefits of such processes of mutual learning are continuously at risk of being diminished by the power play inherent in participatory approaches.


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Planning in realistic domains typically involves reasoning under uncertainty, operating under time and resource constraints, and finding the optimal subset of goals to work on. Creating optimal plans that consider all of these features is a computationally complex, challenging problem. This dissertation develops an AO* search based planner named CPOAO* (Concurrent, Probabilistic, Over-subscription AO*) which incorporates durative actions, time and resource constraints, concurrent execution, over-subscribed goals, and probabilistic actions. To handle concurrent actions, action combinations rather than individual actions are taken as plan steps. Plan optimization is explored by adding two novel aspects to plans. First, parallel steps that serve the same goal are used to increase the plan’s probability of success. Traditionally, only parallel steps that serve different goals are used to reduce plan execution time. Second, actions that are executing but are no longer useful can be terminated to save resources and time. Conventional planners assume that all actions that were started will be carried out to completion. To reduce the size of the search space, several domain independent heuristic functions and pruning techniques were developed. The key ideas are to exploit dominance relations for candidate action sets and to develop relaxed planning graphs to estimate the expected rewards of states. This thesis contributes (1) an AO* based planner to generate parallel plans, (2) domain independent heuristics to increase planner efficiency, and (3) the ability to execute redundant actions and to terminate useless actions to increase plan efficiency.


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Gender reassignment procedures are performed more frequently nowadays due to a multidisciplinary approach and improved techniques and selection process. Many male-to-female patients require bilateral breast augmentation as part of the transformation following the gender reassignment if they fail to develop female breast features after hormonal treatment. We report on a very rare incidence of male-to-female gender reassignment in a patient with Poland syndrome. A male-to-female transsexual on hormonal therapy for gender reassignment developed one normal female-shaped breast whereas the other breast remained hypoplastic. As a male, he was not aware of his chest wall deformity but it became a major issue after successful gender reassignment surgery. Our experience with the specific reconstructive considerations and recommendations regarding our surgical approach to this complex reconstructive problem are discussed.


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Management of the World Heritage Site Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch is challenged by the interplay of conservation and economic development. This is a situation where a knowledge-based solution is sought for a complex societal problem. This sets the frame for transdisciplinary research where the problem is defined and solved cooperatively by actors from science and the life-world. In this paper we re-examine studies carried out in the region of the WHS Jungfrau-Aletsch and reveal the issue of integration into participation, the issue of perceptions and positions as well as the issue of negotiability and implementation as key issues prevalent in transdisciplinary settings. The transdisciplinary setting in the case of the WHS Jungfrau-Aletsch constructs a situation of mutual learning among stakeholders from different levels and backgrounds. However, the positive effects of mutual learning are continuously challenged by the power play inherent in participatory approaches.


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Balancing the frequently conflicting priorities of conservation and economic development poses a challenge to management of the Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch World Heritage Site (WHS). This is a complex societal problem that calls for a knowledge-based solution. This in turn requires a transdisciplinary research framework in which problems are defined and solved cooperatively by actors from the scientific community and the life-world. In this article we re-examine studies carried out in the region of the Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch WHS, covering three key issues prevalent in transdisciplinary settings: integration of stakeholders into participatory processes; perceptions and positions; and negotiability and implementation. In the case of the Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch WHS the transdisciplinary setting created a situation of mutual learning among stakeholders from different levels and backgrounds. However, the studies showed that the benefits of such processes of mutual learning are continuously at risk of being diminished by the power play inherent in participatory approaches.


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This paper applies a policy analysis approach to the question of how to effectively regulate micropollution in a sustainable manner. Micropollution is a complex policy problem characterized by a huge number and diversity of chemical substances, as well as various entry paths into the aquatic environment. It challenges traditional water quality management by calling for new technologies in wastewater treatment and behavioral changes in industry, agriculture and civil society. In light of such challenges, the question arises as to how to regulate such a complex phenomenon to ensure water quality is maintained in the future? What can we learn from past experiences in water quality regulation? To answer these questions, policy analysis strongly focuses on the design and choice of policy instruments and the mix of such measures. In this paper, we review instruments commonly used in past water quality regulation. We evaluate their ability to respond to the characteristics of a more recent water quality problem, i.e., micropollution, in a sustainable way. This way, we develop a new framework that integrates both the problem dimension (i.e., causes and effects of a problem) as well as the sustainability dimension (e.g., long-term, cross-sectoral and multi-level) to assess which policy instruments are best suited to regulate micropollution. We thus conclude that sustainability criteria help to identify an appropriate instrument mix of end-of-pipe and source-directed measures to reduce aquatic micropollution.


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One of the main problems relief teams face after a natural or man-made disaster is how to plan rural road repair work tasks to take maximum advantage of the limited available financial and human resources. Previous research focused on speeding up repair work or on selecting the location of health centers to minimize transport times for injured citizens. In spite of the good results, this research does not take into account another key factor: survivor accessibility to resources. In this paper we account for the accessibility issue, that is, we maximize the number of survivors that reach the nearest regional center (cities where economic and social activity is concentrated) in a minimum time by planning which rural roads should be repaired given the available financial and human resources. This is a combinatorial problem since the number of connections between cities and regional centers grows exponentially with the problem size, and exact methods are no good for achieving an optimum solution. In order to solve the problem we propose using an Ant Colony System adaptation, which is based on ants? foraging behavior. Ants stochastically build minimal paths to regional centers and decide if damaged roads are repaired on the basis of pheromone levels, accessibility heuristic information and the available budget. The proposed algorithm is illustrated by means of an example regarding the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and its performance is compared with another metaheuristic, GRASP.