941 resultados para Comparative performance


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A multiresolution technique based on multiwavelets scale-space representation for stereo correspondence estimation is presented. The technique uses the well-known coarse-to-fine strategy, involving the calculation of stereo correspondences at the coarsest resolution level with consequent refinement up to the finest level. Vector coefficients of the multiwavelets transform modulus are used as corresponding features, where modulus maxima defines the shift invariant high-level features (multiscale edges) with phase pointing to the normal of the feature surface. The technique addresses the estimation of optimal corresponding points and the corresponding 2D disparity maps. Illuminative variation that can exist between the perspective views of the same scene is controlled using scale normalization at each decomposition level by dividing the details space coefficients with approximation space. The problems of ambiguity, explicitly, and occlusion, implicitly, are addressed by using a geometric topological refinement procedure. Geometric refinement is based on a symbolic tagging procedure introduced to keep only the most consistent matches in consideration. Symbolic tagging is performed based on probability of occurrence and multiple thresholds. The whole procedure is constrained by the uniqueness and continuity of the corresponding stereo features. The comparative performance of the proposed algorithm with eight famous existing algorithms, presented in the literature, is shown to validate the claims of promising performance of the proposed algorithm.


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Este trabalho discute a racionalidade econômica para o desenvolvimento de um sistema de metas sociais como forma de o governo federal aumentar a eficiência na utilização dos recursos sociais transferidos para os municípios. O trabalho desenvolve algumas extensões do modelo de agente-principal incluindo abordagens estáticas com e sem informação imperfeita e abordagens dinâmicas com contratos perfeitos e imperfeitos. Os resultados dos modelos estáticos indicam que o uso de critérios usuais de focalização onde localidades mais pobres recebem mais recursos pode levar a incentivos adversos para a erradicação da pobreza. Nós também mostramos que transferências incondicionais do governo federal deslocam gastos sociais locais. O trabalho argumenta em favor do uso de contratos onde quanto maior for a melhora no indicador social escolhido, mais recursos o município receberia. A introdução de informação imperfeita neste modelo basicamente gera uma penalidade aos segmentos pobres de áreas onde os governos demonstram ser menos avessos a pobreza. O trabalho também aborda o problema de favoritismo político onde determinados grupos sociais têm maior, ou menor, atenção por parte de governos locais. O resultado é que as políticas sociais acabam privilegiando determinados setores em detrimento de outros. Com o estabelecimento de metas sociais é possível, se não eliminar o problema, ao menos criar incentivos corretos para que os gastos sociais sejam distribuídos de forma mais equânime. Também desenvolvemos modelos dinâmicos com diferentes possibilidades de renegociação ao longo do tempo. Demonstramos que a melhor forma de aumentar a eficiência alocativa dos fundos seria criar mecanismos institucionais garantindo a impossibilidade de renegociações bilaterais. Esse contrato ótimo reproduz a seqüência de metas e transferências de vários períodos encontrada na solução do modelo estático. Entretanto, esse resultado- desaparece quando incorporamos contratos incompletos. Nesse caso, as ineficiências ex-ante criadas pela possibilidade de renegociação devem ser comparadas com as ineficiências ex-post criadas por não se usar a informação nova revelada ao longo do processo. Finalmente, introduzimos a possibilidade do resultado social observado depender não só do investimento realizado, mas também da presença de choques. Nesse caso, tanto o governo quanto o município aumentam as suas metas de investimento na área social. Contratos lineares na presença de choques negativos fazem com que os municípios recebem menos recursos justamente em situações adversas. Para contornar esse problema, mostramos a importância da utilização de contratos com comparação de performance.


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The Car Rental Salesman Problem (CaRS) is a variant of the classical Traveling Salesman Problem which was not described in the literature where a tour of visits can be decomposed into contiguous paths that may be performed in different rental cars. The aim is to determine the Hamiltonian cycle that results in a final minimum cost, considering the cost of the route added to the cost of an expected penalty paid for each exchange of vehicles on the route. This penalty is due to the return of the car dropped to the base. This paper introduces the general problem and illustrates some examples, also featuring some of its associated variants. An overview of the complexity of this combinatorial problem is also outlined, to justify their classification in the NPhard class. A database of instances for the problem is presented, describing the methodology of its constitution. The presented problem is also the subject of a study based on experimental algorithmic implementation of six metaheuristic solutions, representing adaptations of the best of state-of-the-art heuristic programming. New neighborhoods, construction procedures, search operators, evolutionary agents, cooperation by multi-pheromone are created for this problem. Furtermore, computational experiments and comparative performance tests are conducted on a sample of 60 instances of the created database, aiming to offer a algorithm with an efficient solution for this problem. These results will illustrate the best performance reached by the transgenetic algorithm in all instances of the dataset


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Outsourcing is related to the action which an organization deals with its suppliers through a kind of business contract where a specific activity or service has been hired to be made. The outsourcing of some activities has become a common practice in the industry, nowadays. It reduces costs, significantly, in the production process and, at the same time, adds some values to the business organization. However it is necessary to measure the performance of these activities. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a non-parametric method useful to measure comparative performance. It has a wide range of applications measuring comparative efficiency. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a multiple criteria decision-making method that uses hierarchic structures to represent a decision problem and then develops priorities for the alternatives based on the decision-maker's judgments. This paper presents an integrated application based on DEA and AHP to evaluate the efficiency of subcontracted companies in a Brazilian aerospace factory. © 2007 Springer-Verlag London Limited.


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As descargas atmosféricas representam um dos maiores fatores de riscos para o setor elétrico, especialmente na Amazônia, uma região do mundo identificada com altas densidades de ocorrências e picos de corrente de raios. Nesse contexto, a rede STARNET (Sferics Timing And Ranging NETwork), único sistema de detecção de descargas elétricas atmosféricas, terrestre, gratuito, e contínuo, cobrindo toda a região Amazônica, foi escolhido para a geração de padrões de descargas atmosféricas necessários a otimização dos sistemas de proteção das linhas de transmissão por meio de sistema de monitoramento de descargas atmosféricas. Contudo, o funcionamento intermitente, observado nos diagramas operacionais das várias estações da rede STARNET, afeta o desempenho global do sistema, em especial a eficiência de detecção. Por isso, foi desenvolvido um modelo de uniformização dos dados de descargas atmosféricas em função da configuração da rede (número e localização dos sensores em operação), no objetivo final de editar mapas de índice ceráunico e densidades de raios confiáveis. Existem regiões da Amazônia que sempre apresentam anomalias positivas de densidade de raios como as regiões de Belém e Manaus, bem como o estado do Tocantins que afeitam as linhas de transmissão. Depois, a incidência de raios nas linhas de transmissão na Amazônia foi estimada a partir da distribuição de pico de correntes registrada pela RDR-SIPAM e da densidade de raios corrigida da rede STARNET. A avaliação do desempenho da rede STARNET tendo como referencia à rede de detecção de raios do Sistema de Proteção da Amazônia (RDR-SIPAM) mostrou também uma forte dependência da eficiência de detecção da rede STARNET em função do pico de corrente das descargas atmosféricas.


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Knowing the attributes of the most suitable species to overcome the obstacles in different environmental conditions is an important tool for ecological restoration. To evaluate the comparative performance of native Cerrado species being cultivated at an arboretum (Assis State Forest, Assis, SP, Brazil), we categorized 106 species by the following attributes: average annual increment in height and crown diameter, survival rates, frequency of herbivory, frost susceptibility and seed dispersal syndrome. The score of each attribute may vary from 1 to 3, and the value of a species for restoration was generated from the sum of the scores for the different attributes converted to the scale of 0 to 100. Analyzing the species altogether, survival was 70%, the average annual increment was 30 cm in height and 21 cm in crown diameter. Only 8% of the species showed high susceptibility to frost and 17% high frequency of herbivory. Eighteen species had scores above 80, being the first Annona crassiflora, Cecropia pachystachya, Enterolobium gummiferum, Plathymenia reticulata e Protium heptaphyllum. In this group are the species that gather the highest number of favorable attributes for the restoration of Cerrado vegetation. We generated two separate lists of ten species of higher value, one for the cerrado sensu stricto and the other for cerradao the forest type of cerrado vegetation. We believe that using these species accelerates the recovery of vegetation structure and thus provide the restoration of ecological processes of ecosystems undergoing restoration. At the end of the list are species of low scores, which, if used, can lead to higher costs or delay in the recovery of structure and ecological processes of the ecosystem being restored.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the production of dry mass, forage accumulation rate and the structural composition of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraes pastures, managed under different grazing heights in continuous stocking. The experimental area was 12 hectares, divided in paddocks of one hectare each. The treatments were 15, 30, 45 and 60 cm of defoliation heights. Nellore steers were used to reach the desired heights. Every 28 days four cut samples and eight visual samples were collected for comparative performance in the experimental plots. Two grazing exclusion cages were used per treatment to estimate accumulation rates kg.ha(-1) DM. The cut material was taken to the laboratory for separation of the botanical components (green leaf, stem and senescent material), weighing and determination of dry matter. The experimental design was the completely randomized with three replicates. There were treatments effects at all seasons for the production of total mass, except in the spring. In summer and spring seasons it was observed the highest values for leaf blades (1.100 kg DM.ha(-1)). In the winter, the highest values of senescent material was observed, as expected. The average accumulation showed no significant difference among the treatments, except for stem and total mass in the summer and stem in the fall. The tillers were heavier and higher values for number of green leaves per tiller occurred in the fall, but for senescent leaves per tiller ocurred in the winter. Swards grazed at heights between 45 and 60 cm of defoliation, had good production of forage mass and leaf constituent.


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Quantitative sensory testing (QST) is widely used to investigate peripheral and central sensitization. However, the comparative performance of different QST for diagnostic or prognostic purposes is unclear. We explored the discriminative ability of different quantitative sensory tests in distinguishing between patients with chronic neck pain and pain-free control subjects and ranked these tests according to the extent of their association with pain hypersensitivity. METHODS We performed a case-control study in 40 patients and 300 control subjects. Twenty-six tests, including different modalities of pressure, heat, cold, and electrical stimulation, were used. As measures of discrimination, we estimated receiver operating characteristic curves and likelihood ratios. RESULTS The following quantitative sensory tests displayed the best discriminative value: (1) pressure pain threshold at the site of the most severe neck pain (fitted area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, 0.92), (2) reflex threshold to single electrical stimulation (0.90), (3) pain threshold to single electrical stimulation (0.89), (4) pain threshold to repeated electrical stimulation (0.87), and (5) pressure pain tolerance threshold at the site of the most severe neck pain (0.86). Only the first 3 could be used for both ruling in and out pain hypersensitivity. CONCLUSIONS Pressure stimulation at the site of the most severe pain and parameters of electrical stimulation were the most appropriate QST to distinguish between patients with chronic neck pain and asymptomatic control subjects. These findings may be used to select the tests in future diagnostic and longitudinal prognostic studies on patients with neck pain and to optimize the assessment of localized and spreading sensitization in chronic pain patients.


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In this paper, the authors provide a methodology to design nonparametric permutation tests and, in particular, nonparametric rank tests for applications in detection. In the first part of the paper, the authors develop the optimization theory of both permutation and rank tests in the Neyman?Pearson sense; in the second part of the paper, they carry out a comparative performance analysis of the permutation and rank tests (detectors) against the parametric ones in radar applications. First, a brief review of some contributions on nonparametric tests is realized. Then, the optimum permutation and rank tests are derived. Finally, a performance analysis is realized by Monte-Carlo simulations for the corresponding detectors, and the results are shown in curves of detection probability versus signal-to-noise ratio


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Esta tese apresenta e discute os dados obtidos a partir de trabalho experimental projetado para avaliar comparativamente o desempenho de reatores desnitrificantes em batelada, tendo etanol, metanol e gás metano como doadores de elétrons. Os experimentos foram realizados em reatores em escala de bancada. Os ensaios com gás metano objetivaram verificar a efetividade deste sub-produto de reatores anaeróbios em substituir os doadores exógenos de elétrons comumente utilizados, tais como metanol e etanol. Para alcançar o objetivo principal deste trabalho, os parâmetros cinéticos de desnitrificação, para os doadores de elétrons ensaiados, foram determinados nas diferentes condições operacionais. Além disso, as alterações ocorridas na população microbiana, ao longo do período experimental, foram avaliadas em relação à diversidade microbiana, por meio de análises microscópicas (óptica, de fluorescência e eletrônica de varredura) e da técnica de Biologia Molecular de PCR/DGGE. A completa desnitrificação foi alcançada para todos os compostos testados, e o etanol foi o doador de elétrons mais eficiente para a desnitrificação. A melhor razão carbono-nitrogênio para a desnitrificação foi igual a 1,0. Contudo, este parâmetro foi encontrado ser inadequado para utilização no processo de desnitrificação, uma vez que não expressa a capacidade real do composto usado em doar elétrons. A desnitrificação com metano ocorreu tanto na presença como na ausência de oxigênio, embora a baixas velocidades quando comparado com os outros compostos. No entanto, a configuração do reator utilizado neste estudo não foi adequada para promover a efetiva dissolução do gás metano na fase líquida. Por essa razão, sugere-se o desenvolvimento de configurações de reatores apropriadas para minimizar as resistências à transferência de massa da fase gasosa para a líquida e também desta para a biomassa.


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This thesis addresses data assimilation, which typically refers to the estimation of the state of a physical system given a model and observations, and its application to short-term precipitation forecasting. A general introduction to data assimilation is given, both from a deterministic and' stochastic point of view. Data assimilation algorithms are reviewed, in the static case (when no dynamics are involved), then in the dynamic case. A double experiment on two non-linear models, the Lorenz 63 and the Lorenz 96 models, is run and the comparative performance of the methods is discussed in terms of quality of the assimilation, robustness "in the non-linear regime and computational time. Following the general review and analysis, data assimilation is discussed in the particular context of very short-term rainfall forecasting (nowcasting) using radar images. An extended Bayesian precipitation nowcasting model is introduced. The model is stochastic in nature and relies on the spatial decomposition of the rainfall field into rain "cells". Radar observations are assimilated using a Variational Bayesian method in which the true posterior distribution of the parameters is approximated by a more tractable distribution. The motion of the cells is captured by a 20 Gaussian process. The model is tested on two precipitation events, the first dominated by convective showers, the second by precipitation fronts. Several deterministic and probabilistic validation methods are applied and the model is shown to retain reasonable prediction skill at up to 3 hours lead time. Extensions to the model are discussed.


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The idea of comparative performance assessment is crucial. Recent study findings show that in South Florida the use by most municipalities of external benchmarks for performance comparison is virtually non-existent. On one level this study sought to identify the factors impacting resident perceptions of municipal service quality. On a different and more practical level, this study sought to identify a core set of measures that could serve for multi jurisdictional comparisons of performance. ^ This study empirically tested three groups of hypotheses. Data were collected via custom designed survey instruments from multiple jurisdictions, representing diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, and across two counties. A second layer of analysis was conducted on municipal budget documents for the presence of performance measures. A third layer of analysis was conducted via face-to-face interviews with residents at the point of service delivery. Research questions were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistic methodologies. ^ Results of survey data yielded inconsistent findings. In absolute aggregated terms, the use of sociological determinants to guide inquiry failed to yield conclusive answers regarding the factors impacting resident perceptions of municipal service quality. At disaggregated community levels, however, definite differences emerged but these had weak predictive ability. More useful were the findings of performance measures reporting via municipal budget documents and analyses of interviews with residents at the point of service delivery. Regardless of socio-economic profile, neighborhood characteristics, level of civic engagement or type of community, the same aspects were important to citizens when making assessments of service quality. For parks and recreation, respondents most frequently cited maintenance, facility amenities, and program offerings as important while for garbage collection services timely and consistent service delivery mattered most. Surprisingly municipalities participating in the study track performance data on items indicated as important by citizen assessments but regular feed back from residents or reporting to the same is rarely done. ^ The implications of these findings suggest that endeavors, such as the one undertaken in this study, can assist in determining a core set of measures for cross jurisdictional comparisons of municipal service quality, improving municipal delivery of services, and to communicate with the public. ^


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O problema de planejamento de rotas de robôs móveis consiste em determinar a melhor rota para um robô, em um ambiente estático e/ou dinâmico, que seja capaz de deslocá-lo de um ponto inicial até e um ponto final, também em conhecido como estado objetivo. O presente trabalho emprega o uso de uma abordagem baseada em Algoritmos Genéticos para o planejamento de rotas de múltiplos robôs em um ambiente complexo composto por obstáculos fixos e obstáculos moveis. Através da implementação do modelo no software do NetLogo, uma ferramenta utilizada em simulações de aplicações multiagentes, possibilitou-se a modelagem de robôs e obstáculos presentes no ambiente como agentes interativos, viabilizando assim o desenvolvimento de processos de detecção e desvio de obstáculos. A abordagem empregada busca pela melhor rota para robôs e apresenta um modelo composto pelos operadores básicos de reprodução e mutação, acrescido de um novo operador duplo de refinamento capaz de aperfeiçoar as melhores soluções encontradas através da eliminação de movimentos inúteis. Além disso, o calculo da rota de cada robô adota um método de geração de subtrechos, ou seja, não calcula apenas uma unica rota que conecta os pontos inicial e final do cenário, mas sim várias pequenas subrotas que conectadas formam um caminho único capaz de levar o robô ao estado objetivo. Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos dois cenários, para avaliação da sua escalabilidade: o primeiro consiste em um cenário simples composto apenas por um robô, um obstáculo movel e alguns obstáculos fixos; já o segundo, apresenta um cenário mais robusto, mais amplo, composto por múltiplos robôs e diversos obstáculos fixos e moveis. Ao final, testes de desempenho comparativos foram efetuados entre a abordagem baseada em Algoritmos Genéticos e o Algoritmo A*. Como critério de comparação foi utilizado o tamanho das rotas obtidas nas vinte simulações executadas em cada abordagem. A analise dos resultados foi especificada através do Teste t de Student.


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PURPOSE: The validity of the SF-6D, a preference-based measure of health-related quality of life, is not well explored in the context of spinal cord injury (SCI). The aim of this analysis was to assess appropriate measurement properties of the SF-6D in a sample of individuals living with SCI. METHODS: Longitudinal data from the Rick Hansen Spinal Cord Injury Registry were used. Responses to the 36-item short-form health survey were transformed into SF-6D utility scores. We investigated practicality, floor and ceiling effects, and responsiveness to change. Responsiveness to change was explored using three different anchors that reflected changes in self-reported health, functional independence, and life satisfaction. Discriminative validity was assessed by ten a priori defined hypotheses, with a distinction made between 'strong' and 'weak' hypotheses. RESULTS: Three hundred and fifty-eight individuals with SCI were included in this analysis. Practicality was deemed acceptable based on a completion rate of 94%. The SF-6D showed low responsiveness to detect important health changes over time, and differences in responsiveness were found between individuals with paraplegia and tetraplegia. All five strong hypotheses and three weak hypotheses were confirmed. CONCLUSION: The SF-6D demonstrated good practicality and discriminative validity in this sample. The failure to detect self-reported and clinically important health changes requires further consideration. Comparative performance of the SF-6D (i.e., how the SF-6D performs against other preference-based measures) is unknown in the SCI context and requires further research.