944 resultados para Comparative literature.


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle (Université de Montréal et Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7)


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Cette étude s’organise autour d’une articulation : celle entre un médium (la photographie), une ville (Beyrouth), et les événements qui ont marqué son passé récent. Le thème des rapports entre la photographie et l’histoire, avec la pluralité de sens qui le décrit, vient, en arrière-fond de ces questions, délimiter l’horizon de cette étude ; le lien entre voir et savoir, antiquement aux sources de la connaissance historique (Hartog, Loraux), en représente la ligne de fuite. En premier plan, la relation photographique et historienne à l’événement constitue l’objet de cette recherche dont le propos est d’identifier dans la photographie une référence à l’histoire considérée en tant qu’écriture. Concrètement, cet argument se déplie sur deux mouvements. Il exige, dans un premier temps, une série d’analyses théoriques visant à étudier le potentiel de connaissance et le caractère formel de la photographie en qualité de représentation événementielle. En partant des expérimentations des avant-gardes (Lugon, Baqué), jusqu’au jumelage entre la photographie et la presse, il s’agira de montrer la part de lisibilité qui appartient aux narrations photographiques (Barthes, Lavoie). Ensuite, on prendra en considération le travail opéré par l’historien lors de l’opération historiographique visant à produire, autour de l’événement, une représentation historique (de Certeau, Ricœur, Ginzburg). Outre faire ressortir le caractère de visibilité qui appartient à l’écriture historienne, ce passage sera aussi l’occasion de produire une étude comparée de la photographie et de l’histoire (Kracauer) autour de notions ponctuelles, comme celles d’empreinte, d’indice et de témoignage. Le moteur de ce premier mouvement est la notion d’événement. Abordée d’un point de vue phénoménologique (Zarader, Marion, Dastur, Diano), elle nous permettra d’observer la photographie et l’histoire d’après la génétique de leur construction. Finalement, Beyrouth et son histoire façonnées par les images constituent le cadre à l’intérieur duquel s’organise le deuxième mouvement. Les analyses des œuvres de Sophie Ristelhueber (Beyrouth photographies, 1984), Robert Frank (Come again, 1991) et Lamia Joreige (Beyrouth, autopsie d’une ville, 2010) sont conçues comme autant d’espaces dialogiques entre la photographie, l’épistémologie de l’histoire et les événements historiques qu’elles représentent. Le propos est de faire ressortir le basculement qu’elles mettent en scène : de la chronique vers l’écriture d’histoire.


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La intenció d'aquesta tesi ha estat analitzar la dimensió biogràfica i crítica de Ramon Esquerra (1909-1938?). Es pretén arribar a la seva teoria a través de la seva pràctica, reconstruir el pensament global d'Esquerra a partir de l'obra dispersa que ens ha llegat i deixar constància d'un pensament literari -un pensament que mai no formularia de manera completa, però que existia i evolucionava a través de la ressenya de les obres d'altri o de la publicació de manuals i estudis-. L'activitat vital i professional de Ramon Esquerra parteix d'una autèntica passió per la literatura i la crítica literària. Aquesta activitat s'articula principalment i té el seu fruit en el camp del periodisme, la traducció i la docència. En tots tres camps, es revela com a intermediari i peça fonamental en la difusió de la literatura occidental i universal a Catalunya, que introdueix, primer, a través d'una crítica comparatista intuïtiva i, després, a través del model francès de la literatura comparada d'entreguerres, que disciplina la primera i en canvia bona part dels centres d'interès.


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When we first encounter the narrator of Austerlitz, he is wandering around the unfamiliar town of Antwerp with, he tells us, “unsicheren Schritten” (1; 9). As well as reflecting the unfamiliarity of the locale, these “uncertain steps” evince a proud modesty characteristic of the classic Sebaldian narrator, a wanderer who discreetly relays the stories of the people and places he is privileged to encounter. Although Sebald does not use the phrase, steps of this sort, unpurposed yet unerring, are made with what is commonly known in German as somnambule Sicherheit: the legendary surefootedness of the sleepwalker. The convergence of sleepwalking and certainty in a single phrase poses an interesting challenge to one of the central tenets of the English-language canonization of Sebald, for his writing has been most highly valued for its ability to move the reader through apparent certainties towards a salutary uncertainty. But somnambule Sicherheit also presents the possibility that the current may be reversed, that narrative may move under cover of uncertainty towards certainty. That Sebald criticism has not been more troubled by this possibility is in no small part due to the fact that it tends to deploy the notion of sleepwalking with a minimum of reflection on its theoretical ramifications. To evoke some of the complexities of this matter, I first offer a brief cultural history of sleepwalking, as well as a brief account of the topic of uncertainty in Sebald criticism. Most of my argument, however, involves an extended comparative analysis of sleepwalking in Sebald's Austerlitz and Hermann Broch's 1933 trilogy The Sleepwalkers. Although these writers have not previously been the object of any sustained comparison, sleepwalking in Broch's novels illuminates much that is left implicit on the topic in Sebald's fiction and points toward some difficult questions regarding the role of aesthetics and agency in Sebald's work.


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This paper explores the relationship between national institutional archetypes and investments in training and development. A recent trend within the literature on comparative capitalism has been to explore the nature and extent of heterogeneity within the coordinated market economies (CMEs) of Europe. Based on a review of the existing comparative literature on training and development, and comparative firm-level survey evidence of differences in training and development practices, we both support and critique existing country clusters and argue for a more nuanced and flexible categorization.


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The necessary nationalism This article deals with the role of fictional narratives, especially the modern novel, in the formation of national identities. Naguib Mafouz’s Cairo trilogy is referred to as an example of how literature may both serve as the mirror image of national identities and as an agency in their formation. The sense of community attachment to a modern state is ”thinner” than to a family or traditional village and/or tribe, though no less vital. Drawing on Norbert Elias’s concept of ”survival unit,” Benedict Anderson’s ”imagined communities” and recent studies in the field of comparative literature by Gregory Jusdanis and Azade Seyhan, this article argues for the necessity of the nation – in spite of its unfavourable chauvinistic reputation. This contention is discussed in relation to recent literary developments in Turkey and recent debates on nationhood in a Swedish context.


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At the airport, across from the magazines at Wal-Mart, and probably somewhere near the front of local bookstores — chick lit is everywhere. One would probably recognize it from a distance as a sea of shiny pink1, the small glossy paperbacks cheerfully beckoning from their carefully constructed display. Chick lit has exploded into the western2 market over the last decade, captivating millions of readers with their tales of young, urban professional women navigating the worlds of careers, relationships, and of course, shopping. By the end of the novel, each of these components is generally resolved in somewhat formulaic fashion


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The “traveling imagination,” is of paramount importance to both western and postcolonial travelers. Since both groups create “travel imaginations” by extensive reading, the nature of the books that inform them must directly affect their travels. A westerner, for example, who reads only colonial-era accounts has the “travel imagination” of a different generation. If all perspectives were represented equally in libraries, the “travel imagination” of a given person would be entirely his/her own. But usually the “traveler’s imagination” is biased by prevailing opinion. Libraries are not democracies, and sometimes extensive reading only indoctrinates the reader with the biases of the canon. Perhaps the following generalization will be helpful. Westerners are able to create “traveling imaginations,” based on the books they trust. But postcolonials, who have reason to be suspicious of what they read, have complicated “traveling imaginations.” Sometimes postcolonial travelers base their “traveling imaginations” on what they read, and sometimes, in opposition to what they read. The books discussed in this thesis, In Patagonia, The Cruise of the Shark, The Happy Isles of Oceania, A Passage to England and The Enigma of Arrival, were first published in, 1977, 1939, 1992, 1971 and 1987, respectively, in what Ali Behdad calls the “age of colonial dissolution.” Perhaps it would be more accurate to say these books are set in the “age of colonial demolition.” For the most part, the empires in these texts are in ruins, or at least in the process of being dismantled. In fact, two of the authors, Nirad Chaudhuri and V.S. Naipaul are canonical post-colonial thinkers.