901 resultados para Communication networks
Despite the increased offering of online communication channels to support web-based retail systems, there is limited marketing research that investigates how these channels act singly, or in combination with offline channels, to influence an individual's intention to purchase online. If the marketer's strategy is to encourage online transactions, this requires a focus on consumer acceptance of the web-based transaction technology, rather than the purchase of the products per se. The exploratory study reported in this paper examines normative influences from referent groups in an individual's on and offline social communication networks that might affect their intention to use online transaction facilities. The findings suggest that for non-adopters, there is no normative influence from referents in either network. For adopters, one online and one offline referent norm positively influenced this group's intentions to use online transaction facilities. The implications of these findings are discussed together with future research directions.
The future broadband information network will undoubtedly integrate the mobility and flexibility of wireless access systems with the huge bandwidth capacity of photonics solutions to enable a communication system capable of handling the anticipated demand for interactive services. Towards wide coverage and low cost implementations of such broadband wireless photonics communication networks, various aspects of the enabling technologies are continuingly generating intense research interest. Among the core technologies, the optical generation and distribution of radio frequency signals over fibres, and the fibre optic signal processing of optical and radio frequency signals, have been the subjects for study in this thesis. Based on the intrinsic properties of single-mode optical fibres, and in conjunction with the concepts of optical fibre delay line filters and fibre Bragg gratings, a number of novel fibre-based devices, potentially suitable for applications in the future wireless photonics communication systems, have been realised. Special single-mode fibres, namely, the high birefringence (Hi-Bi) fibre and the Er/Yb doped fibre have been employed so as to exploit their merits to achieve practical and cost-effective all-fibre architectures. A number of fibre-based complex signal processors for optical and radio frequencies using novel Hi-Bi fibre delay line filter architectures have been illustrated. In particular, operations such as multichannel flattop bandpass filtering, simultaneous complementary outputs and bidirectional nonreciprocal wavelength interleaving, have been demonstrated. The proposed configurations featured greatly reduced environmental sensitivity typical of coherent fibre delay line filter schemes, reconfigurable transfer functions, negligible chromatic dispersions, and ease of implementation, not easily achievable based on other techniques. A number of unique fibre grating devices for signal filtering and fibre laser applications have been realised. The concept of the superimposed fibre Bragg gratings has been extended to non-uniform grating structures and into Hi-Bi fibres to achieve highly useful grating devices such as overwritten phase-shifted fibre grating structure and widely/narrowly spaced polarization-discriminating filters that are not limited by the intrinsic fibre properties. In terms of the-fibre-based optical millimetre wave transmitters, unique approaches based on fibre laser configurations have been proposed and demonstrated. The ability of the dual-mode distributed feedback (DFB) fibre lasers to generate high spectral purity, narrow linewidth heterodyne signals without complex feedback mechanisms has been illustrated. A novel co-located dual DFB fibre laser configuration, based on the proposed superimposed phase-shifted fibre grating structure, has been further realised with highly desired operation characteristics without the need for costly high frequency synthesizers and complex feedback controls. Lastly, a novel cavity mode condition monitoring and optimisation scheme for short length, linear-cavity fibre lasers has been proposed and achieved. Based on the concept and simplicity of the superimposed fibre laser cavities structure, in conjunction with feedback controls, enhanced output performances from the fibre lasers have been achieved. The importance of such cavity mode assessment and feedback control for optimised fibre laser output performance has been illustrated.
We have reduced signal-signal four-wave mixing crosstalk in a fiber optical parametric amplifier (OPA) by using a short nonlinear fiber for the gain medium and a high-power pump. This allowed us to obtain less than 1 dB penalty for amplification of 26 dense wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) channels modulated at 43.7Gb/s return to zero-differential phase-shift keying, with the OPA placed between transmitter and receiver. We then used the same OPA in several different roles for a long-haul transmission system. We did not insert the OPA within the loop, but investigated this role indirectly by using equivalent results for small numbers of loop recirculations. We found that standard erbium-doped fiber amplifiers currently hold an advantage over this OPA, which becomes negligible for long distances. This paper shows that at this time OPAs can handle amplification of WDM traffic in excess of 1 Tb/s with little degradation. It also indicates that with further improvements, fiber OPAs could be a contender for wideband amplification in future optical communication networks.
Erasure control coding has been exploited in communication networks with an aim to improve the end-to-end performance of data delivery across the network. To address the concerns over the strengths and constraints of erasure coding schemes in this application, we examine the performance limits of two erasure control coding strategies, forward erasure recovery and adaptive erasure recovery. Our investigation shows that the throughput of a network using an (n, k) forward erasure control code is capped by r =k/n when the packet loss rate p ≤ (te/n) and by k(l-p)/(n-te) when p > (t e/n), where te is the erasure control capability of the code. It also shows that the lower bound of the residual loss rate of such a network is (np-te)/(n-te) for (te/n) < p ≤ 1. Especially, if the code used is maximum distance separable, the Shannon capacity of the erasure channel, i.e. 1-p, can be achieved and the residual loss rate is lower bounded by (p+r-1)/r, for (1-r) < p ≤ 1. To address the requirements in real-time applications, we also investigate the service completion time of different schemes. It is revealed that the latency of the forward erasure recovery scheme is fractionally higher than that of the scheme without erasure control coding or retransmission mechanisms (using UDP), but much lower than that of the adaptive erasure scheme when the packet loss rate is high. Results on comparisons between the two erasure control schemes exhibit their advantages as well as disadvantages in the role of delivering end-to-end services. To show the impact of the bounds derived on the end-to-end performance of a TCP/IP network, a case study is provided to demonstrate how erasure control coding could be used to maximize the performance of practical systems. © 2010 IEEE.
In this letter, we consider wireless powered communication networks which could operate perpetually, as the base station (BS) broadcasts energy to the multiple energy harvesting (EH) information transmitters. These employ “harvest then transmit” mechanism, as they spend all of their energy harvested during the previous BS energy broadcast to transmit the information towards the BS. Assuming time division multiple access (TDMA), we propose a novel transmission scheme for jointly optimal allocation of the BS broadcasting power and time sharing among the wireless nodes, which maximizes the overall network throughput, under the constraint of average transmit power and maximum transmit power at the BS. The proposed scheme significantly outperforms “state of the art” schemes that employ only the optimal time allocation. If a single EH transmitter is considered, we generalize the optimal solutions for the case of fixed circuit power consumption, which refers to a much more practical scenario.
The wide adaptation of Internet Protocol (IP) as de facto protocol for most communication networks has established a need for developing IP capable data link layer protocol solutions for Machine to machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) networks. However, the wireless networks used for M2M and IoT applications usually lack the resources commonly associated with modern wireless communication networks. The existing IP capable data link layer solutions for wireless IoT networks provide the necessary overhead minimising and frame optimising features, but are often built to be compatible only with IPv6 and specific radio platforms. The objective of this thesis is to design IPv4 compatible data link layer for Netcontrol Oy's narrow band half-duplex packet data radio system. Based on extensive literature research, system modelling and solution concept testing, this thesis proposes the usage of tunslip protocol as the basis for the system data link layer protocol development. In addition to the functionality of tunslip, this thesis discusses the additional network, routing, compression, security and collision avoidance changes required to be made to the radio platform in order for it to be IP compatible while still being able to maintain the point-to-multipoint and multi-hop network characteristics. The data link layer design consists of the radio application, dynamic Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) optimisation daemon and the tunslip interface. The proposed design uses tunslip for creating an IP capable data link protocol interface. The radio application receives data from tunslip and compresses the packets and uses the IP addressing information for radio network addressing and routing before forwarding the message to radio network. The dynamic MTU size optimisation daemon controls the tunslip interface maximum MTU size according to the link quality assessment calculated from the radio network diagnostic data received from the radio application. For determining the usability of tunslip as the basis for data link layer protocol, testing of the tunslip interface is conducted with both IEEE 802.15.4 radios and packet data radios. The test cases measure the radio network usability for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) based applications without applying any header or content compression. The test results for the packet data radios reveal that the typical success rate for packet reception through a single-hop link is above 99% with a round-trip-delay of 0.315s for 63B packets.
Many important problems in communication networks, transportation networks, and logistics networks are solved by the minimization of cost functions. In general, these can be complex optimization problems involving many variables. However, physicists noted that in a network, a node variable (such as the amount of resources of the nodes) is connected to a set of link variables (such as the flow connecting the node), and similarly each link variable is connected to a number of (usually two) node variables. This enables one to break the problem into local components, often arriving at distributive algorithms to solve the problems. Compared with centralized algorithms, distributed algorithms have the advantages of lower computational complexity, and lower communication overhead. Since they have a faster response to local changes of the environment, they are especially useful for networks with evolving conditions. This review will cover message-passing algorithms in applications such as resource allocation, transportation networks, facility location, traffic routing, and stability of power grids.
Distributed control systems consist of sensors, actuators and controllers, interconnected by communication networks and are characterized by a high number of concurrent process. This work presents a proposal for a procedure to model and analyze communication networks for distributed control systems in intelligent building. The approach considered for this purpose is based on the characterization of the control system as a discrete event system and application of coloured Petri net as a formal method for specification, analysis and verification of control solutions. With this approach, we develop the models that compose the communication networks for the control systems of intelligent building, which are considered the relationships between the various buildings systems. This procedure provides a structured development of models, facilitating the process of specifying the control algorithm. An application example is presented in order to illustrate the main features of this approach.
Emerging infectious diseases, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), are of huge economic importance. They are difficult to predict. The World Health Organization has a Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network, which was involved at an early stage in the SARS outbreak in 2003. Three major lessons were learned as a result of the SARS epidemic in 2003, involving communication, evidence-based action and global partnerships. It is proposed that a series of broadband global response networks should be developed. At a technical level the networks are essentially in place, such as the Internet2 global network. Suitable peripheral devices also exist. What has not yet been created is the appropriate software to allow the use of these networks, although a number of commercial products are in the process of development.
A tese afirma a vida por meio das biopotências que se manifestam em movimentações invisíveis aos olhos acostumados a permitir o ver, o julgar e o falar. Foca o tempo presente, na comunicação em redes, traz em si a potência de reatar a multidão, com a capacidade de sondar possibilidades mostrando o que antes parecia opaco e impossível. Perambular é ligar nas redes quentes de um bairro com/no/do território ao privilegiar o movimento, o processo, sempre caminhando pelas vias e conexões abertas, aposta estética-ética-política nos paradoxos sem superação e não hierarquizados. Toma como método de pesquisa-intervenção elementos de uma cartografia de movimentos e devires, traçando um perambular rizomático em que são problematizados a constituição do problema de pesquisa, que considera a construção do conhecimento diversificada, descentralizada e horizontalizada. Problematiza as práticas discursivas de si em suas relações com a biopolítica, a governabilidade e a biopolítica das populações. O que está(rá) rolando nesse bairro, no que foi chamado de criança, adolescente, escola, compor para que as coisas apareçam, junto com outros que vivem a loucura em duplas e trios. A tese é a possibilidade da existência de uma educação menor na periferia para as populações marginalizadas, muçulmanizadas. Educação menor, da sala de aula, do bairro, do cotidiano de professores, familiares e alunos. Educação que permite revolucionários, na medida em que alguma revolução ainda faz sentido na educação nesses dias. A educação menor constitui-se, assim, num empreendimento de militância, de professores militantes. Plano das afecções em que não há unidades, apenas intensidade. A tese fala do processo, de como reproduzir, ou não, os modos de subjetividade dominante, não se trata de medidas - "menor" ou "pequeno". Nesse sentido, é preciso considerar os efeitos de produção de subjetividade e a incorporação dos fatos à própria vida. A tese analisa movimentos instituintes buscando reconhecê-los em sua natureza contestatória e transgressora e ter conhecimento de como se organiza na escola e muito além dela. Discutindo a produtividade dessa coreografia do perambular, esboçamos movimentos que denominamos: estradas que levam a nada, além muro
O RoF (Radio over Fiber) é uma tecnologia que permite a transmissão de sinais rádio de elevada largura de banda, fornecida pela fibra óptica, e simultaneamente mantêm a característica de mobilidade das redes de comunicação móvel. Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objectivo estudar, simular e comparar sistemas RoF com modulação directa e com modulação externa, utilizando um sinal WiMAX, por ser uma tecnologia recente e com potencial de utilização futura. Desta forma foram avaliados três tipos de moduladores externos, sendo que o modulador EA (Electro-Absorption) é o que permite obter melhores valores de EVM e de SNR devido ao facto deste ter menores perdas de inserção na fibra. Da comparação entre o esquema com modulação directa e o esquema com modulação externa, é possível concluir que para larguras de banda mais baixas a utilização de modulação directa é mais eficiente que a modulação externa, mas à medida que a largura de banda aumenta a modulação externa apresenta claramente melhor desempenho. Isto deve-se ao facto de a modulação directa produzir mais chirp que a modulação externa, sendo que o chirp limita a largura de banda e o comprimento da fibra. De forma a melhorar o desempenho do sistema com modulação directa foi introduzido uma fibra com compensação de dispersão. Foi possível concluir que a utilização de fibra com compensação de dispersão é uma boa solução quando se pretende transmitir sinais de elevada largura de banda em esquemas com modulação directa.
Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
The globalization is a process of economical, social, cultural and political integration motivated by the needs generated by a consumption-orientated society and a set of factors that have led to its development, such as reducing transport costs, the technological advancement and the development of communication networks. However, the phenomenon of globalization has been accompanied by increasing levels of insecurity as a result of various types of threats and transnational crimes that the International Community seeks to control and minimize. Throughout this work, we examined how the globalization process has been developing and how nations are able to maintain security levels consistent with their economical status and social development, without disturbing the normal course of organizations’ economical activity and the well-being of people. From the investigation developed we concluded that, besides the confirmation that economic integration and the opening of markets have influence on internal consumption, market globalization and migrations have been causing modifications in the consumption habits. We also concluded that the security measures implemented by States or by the International Community affect international trade, but do not imply disproportionate costs or significant delays in transactions. Likewise, we concluded that the control measures implemented in international trade are sufficient to ensure the safety of the people and nations, enabling us to confirm two of the three conjectures raised in this study.
In the past few years the so-called gadgets like cellular phones, personal data assistants and digital cameras are more widespread even with less technological aware users. However, for several reasons, the factory-floor itself seems to be hermetic to this changes ... After the fieldbus revolution, the factory-floor has seen an increased use of more and more powerful programmable logic controllers and user interfaces but the way they are used remains almost the same. We believe that new user-computer interaction techniques including multimedia and augmented rcaliry combined with now affordable technologies like wearable computers and wireless networks can change the way the factory personal works together with the roachines and the information system on the factory-floor. This new age is already starting with innovative uses of communication networks on the factory-floor either using "standard" networks or enhancing industrial networks with multimedia and wireless capabilities.
A recent trend in distributed computer-controlled systems (DCCS) is to interconnect the distributed computing elements by means of multi-point broadcast networks. Since the network medium is shared between a number of network nodes, access contention exists and must be solved by a medium access control (MAC) protocol. Usually, DCCS impose real-time constraints. In essence, by real-time constraints we mean that traffic must be sent and received within a bounded interval, otherwise a timing fault is said to occur. This motivates the use of communication networks with a MAC protocol that guarantees bounded access and response times to message requests. PROFIBUS is a communication network in which the MAC protocol is based on a simplified version of the timed-token protocol. In this paper we address the cycle time properties of the PROFIBUS MAC protocol, since the knowledge of these properties is of paramount importance for guaranteeing the real-time behaviour of a distributed computer-controlled system which is supported by this type of network.