990 resultados para Common Scrambling Algorithm Stream Cipher


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We present an algebraic attack approach to a family of irregularly clock-controlled bit-based linear feedback shift register systems. In the general set-up, we assume that the output bit of one shift register controls the clocking of other registers in the system and produces a family of equations relating the output bits to the internal state bits. We then apply this general theory to four specific stream ciphers: the (strengthened) stop-and-go generator, the alternating step generator, the self-decimated generator and the step1/step2 generator. In the case of the strengthened stop-and-go generator and of the self-decimated generator, we obtain the initial state of the registers in a significantly faster time than any other known attack. In the other two situations, we do better than or as well as all attacks but the correlation attack. In all cases, we demonstrate that the degree of a functional relationship between the registers can be bounded by two. Finally, we determine the effective key length of all four systems.


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Esta tesis estudia la monitorización y gestión de la Calidad de Experiencia (QoE) en los servicios de distribución de vídeo sobre IP. Aborda el problema de cómo prevenir, detectar, medir y reaccionar a las degradaciones de la QoE desde la perspectiva de un proveedor de servicios: la solución debe ser escalable para una red IP extensa que entregue flujos individuales a miles de usuarios simultáneamente. La solución de monitorización propuesta se ha denominado QuEM(Qualitative Experience Monitoring, o Monitorización Cualitativa de la Experiencia). Se basa en la detección de las degradaciones de la calidad de servicio de red (pérdidas de paquetes, disminuciones abruptas del ancho de banda...) e inferir de cada una una descripción cualitativa de su efecto en la Calidad de Experiencia percibida (silencios, defectos en el vídeo...). Este análisis se apoya en la información de transporte y de la capa de abstracción de red de los flujos codificados, y permite caracterizar los defectos más relevantes que se observan en este tipo de servicios: congelaciones, efecto de “cuadros”, silencios, pérdida de calidad del vídeo, retardos e interrupciones en el servicio. Los resultados se han validado mediante pruebas de calidad subjetiva. La metodología usada en esas pruebas se ha desarrollado a su vez para imitar lo más posible las condiciones de visualización de un usuario de este tipo de servicios: los defectos que se evalúan se introducen de forma aleatoria en medio de una secuencia de vídeo continua. Se han propuesto también algunas aplicaciones basadas en la solución de monitorización: un sistema de protección desigual frente a errores que ofrece más protección a las partes del vídeo más sensibles a pérdidas, una solución para minimizar el impacto de la interrupción de la descarga de segmentos de Streaming Adaptativo sobre HTTP, y un sistema de cifrado selectivo que encripta únicamente las partes del vídeo más sensibles. También se ha presentado una solución de cambio rápido de canal, así como el análisis de la aplicabilidad de los resultados anteriores a un escenario de vídeo en 3D. ABSTRACT This thesis proposes a comprehensive approach to the monitoring and management of Quality of Experience (QoE) in multimedia delivery services over IP. It addresses the problem of preventing, detecting, measuring, and reacting to QoE degradations, under the constraints of a service provider: the solution must scale for a wide IP network delivering individual media streams to thousands of users. The solution proposed for the monitoring is called QuEM (Qualitative Experience Monitoring). It is based on the detection of degradations in the network Quality of Service (packet losses, bandwidth drops...) and the mapping of each degradation event to a qualitative description of its effect in the perceived Quality of Experience (audio mutes, video artifacts...). This mapping is based on the analysis of the transport and Network Abstraction Layer information of the coded stream, and allows a good characterization of the most relevant defects that exist in this kind of services: screen freezing, macroblocking, audio mutes, video quality drops, delay issues, and service outages. The results have been validated by subjective quality assessment tests. The methodology used for those test has also been designed to mimic as much as possible the conditions of a real user of those services: the impairments to evaluate are introduced randomly in the middle of a continuous video stream. Based on the monitoring solution, several applications have been proposed as well: an unequal error protection system which provides higher protection to the parts of the stream which are more critical for the QoE, a solution which applies the same principles to minimize the impact of incomplete segment downloads in HTTP Adaptive Streaming, and a selective scrambling algorithm which ciphers only the most sensitive parts of the media stream. A fast channel change application is also presented, as well as a discussion about how to apply the previous results and concepts in a 3D video scenario.


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LEX is a stream cipher that progressed to Phase 3 of the eSTREAM stream cipher project. In this paper, we show that the security of LEX against algebraic attacks relies on a small equation system not being solvable faster than exhaustive search. We use the byte leakage in LEX to construct a system of 21 equa- tions in 17 variables. This is very close to the require- ment for an efficient attack, i.e. a system containing 16 variables. The system requires only 36 bytes of keystream, which is very low.


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This paper examines the algebraic cryptanalysis of small scale variants of the LEX-BES. LEX-BES is a stream cipher based on the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) block cipher. LEX is a generic method proposed for constructing a stream cipher from a block cipher, initially introduced by Biryukov at eSTREAM, the ECRYPT Stream Cipher project in 2005. The Big Encryption System (BES) is a block cipher introduced at CRYPTO 2002 which facilitates the algebraic analysis of the AES block cipher. In this paper, experiments were conducted to find solution of the equation system describing small scale LEX-BES using Gröbner Basis computations. This follows a similar approach to the work by Cid, Murphy and Robshaw at FSE 2005 that investigated algebraic cryptanalysis on small scale variants of the BES. The difference between LEX-BES and BES is that due to the way the keystream is extracted, the number of unknowns in LEX-BES equations is fewer than the number in BES. As far as the author knows, this attempt is the first at creating solvable equation systems for stream ciphers based on the LEX method using Gröbner Basis computations.


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This work examines the algebraic cryptanalysis of small scale variants of the LEX-BES. LEX-BES is a stream cipher based on the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) block cipher. LEX is a generic method proposed for constructing a stream cipher from a block cipher, initially introduced by Biryukov at eSTREAM, the ECRYPT Stream Cipher project in 2005. The Big Encryption System (BES) is a block cipher introduced at CRYPTO 2002 which facilitates the algebraic analysis of the AES block cipher. In this article, experiments were conducted to find solutions of equation systems describing small scale LEX-BES using Gröbner Basis computations. This follows a similar approach to the work by Cid, Murphy and Robshaw at FSE 2005 that investigated algebraic cryptanalysis on small scale variants of the BES. The difference between LEX-BES and BES is that due to the way the keystream is extracted, the number of unknowns in LEX-BES equations is fewer than the number in BES. As far as the authors know, this attempt is the first at creating solvable equation systems for stream ciphers based on the LEX method using Gröbner Basis computations.


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Various time-memory tradeoffs attacks for stream ciphers have been proposed over the years. However, the claimed success of these attacks assumes the initialisation process of the stream cipher is one-to-one. Some stream cipher proposals do not have a one-to-one initialisation process. In this paper, we examine the impact of this on the success of time-memory-data tradeoff attacks. Under the circumstances, some attacks are more successful than previously claimed while others are less. The conditions for both cases are established.


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A key derivation function is used to generate one or more cryptographic keys from a private (secret) input value. This paper proposes a new method for constructing a generic stream cipher based key derivation function. We show that our proposed key derivation function based on stream ciphers is secure if the underlying stream cipher is secure. We simulate instances of this stream cipher based key derivation function using three eStream finalist: Trivium, Sosemanuk and Rabbit. The simulation results show these stream cipher based key derivation functions offer efficiency advantages over the more commonly used key derivation functions based on block ciphers and hash functions.


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This paper presents a model for the generation of a MAC tag using a stream cipher. The input message is used indirectly to control segments of the keystream that form the MAC tag. Several recent proposals can be considered as instances of this general model, as they all perform message accumulation in this way. However, they use slightly different processes in the message preparation and finalisation phases. We examine the security of this model for different options and against different types of attack, and conclude that the indirect injection model can be used to generate MAC tags securely for certain combinations of options. Careful consideration is required at the design stage to avoid combinations of options that result in susceptibility to forgery attacks. Additionally, some implementations may be vulnerable to side-channel attacks if used in Authenticated Encryption (AE) algorithms. We give design recommendations to provide resistance to these attacks for proposals following this model.


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Non-linear feedback shift register (NLFSR) ciphers are cryptographic tools of choice of the industry especially for mobile communication. Their attractive feature is a high efficiency when implemented in hardware or software. However, the main problem of NLFSR ciphers is that their security is still not well investigated. The paper makes a progress in the study of the security of NLFSR ciphers. In particular, we show a distinguishing attack on linearly filtered NLFSR (or LF-NLFSR) ciphers. We extend the attack to a linear combination of LF-NLFSRs. We investigate the security of a modified version of the Grain stream cipher and show its vulnerability to both key recovery and distinguishing attacks.


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Trivium is a bit-based stream cipher in the final portfolio of the eSTREAM project. In this paper, we apply the algebraic attack approach of Berbain et al. to Trivium-like ciphers and perform new analyses on them. We demonstrate a new algebraic attack on Bivium-A. This attack requires less time and memory than previous techniques to recover Bivium-A's initial state. Though our attacks on Bivium-B, Trivium and Trivium-N are worse than exhaustive keysearch, the systems of equations which are constructed are smaller and less complex compared to previous algebraic analyses. We also answer an open question posed by Berbain et al. on the feasibility of applying their technique on Trivium-like ciphers. Factors which can affect the complexity of our attack on Trivium-like ciphers are discussed in detail. Analysis of Bivium-B and Trivium-N are omitted from this manuscript. The full paper is available on the IACR ePrint Archive.


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At Crypto 2008, Shamir introduced a new algebraic attack called the cube attack, which allows us to solve black-box polynomials if we are able to tweak the inputs by varying an initialization vector. In a stream cipher setting where the filter function is known, we can extend it to the cube attack with annihilators: By applying the cube attack to Boolean functions for which we can find low-degree multiples (equivalently annihilators), the attack complexity can be improved. When the size of the filter function is smaller than the LFSR, we can improve the attack complexity further by considering a sliding window version of the cube attack with annihilators. Finally, we extend the cube attack to vectorial Boolean functions by finding implicit relations with low-degree polynomials.


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Trivium is a stream cipher candidate of the eStream project. It has successfully moved into phase three of the selection process under the hardware category. No attacks faster than the exhaustive search have so far been reported on Trivium. Bivium-A and Bivium-B are simplified versions of Trivium that are built on the same design principles but with two registers. The simplified design is useful in investigating Trivium type ciphers with a reduced complexity and provides insight into effective attacks which could be extended to Trivium. This paper focuses on an algebraic analysis which uses the boolean satisfiability problem in propositional logic. For reduced variants of the cipher, this analysis recovers the internal state with a minimal amount of keystream observations.


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NLS is a stream cipher which was submitted to the eSTREAM project. A linear distinguishing attack against NLS was presented by Cho and Pieprzyk, which was called Crossword Puzzle (CP) attack. NLSv2 is a tweak version of NLS which aims mainly at avoiding the CP attack. In this paper, a new distinguishing attack against NLSv2 is presented. The attack exploits high correlation amongst neighboring bits of the cipher. The paper first shows that the modular addition preserves pairwise correlations as demonstrated by existence of linear approximations with large biases. Next, it shows how to combine these results with the existence of high correlation between bits 29 and 30 of the S-box to obtain a distinguisher whose bias is around 2^−37. Consequently, we claim that NLSv2 is distinguishable from a random cipher after observing around 2^74 keystream words.