56 resultados para Colubridae


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal inventariar a fauna de serpentes do Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades, Piraracuruca, Piauí, Brasil, enfocando os seguintes aspectos: composição, riqueza e abundância de espécies nos seus diversos habitats, padrões de atividade diária, dieta, reprodução e comparação de composição com outras áreas estudadas por outros autores. Foram realizadas seis expedições ao Parque, entre setembro de 2005 e agosto de 2006, que totalizaram 120 dias de trabalho de campo. Para a amostragem de campo, foram utilizados três métodos: procura limitada por tempo, armadilhas de interceptação e queda e encontros ocasionais. Foram registradas 87 serpentes, distribuídas em quatro famílias (Boidae, Colubridae, Elapidae, Viperidae), 18 gêneros e 24 espécies. A espécie dominante foi Thamnodynastes sp. A (13,1%), seguida de Oxyrhopus trigeminus e Micrurus ibiboboca (10, 3%). Houve um predomínio de espécies terrestres e com períodos de atividade diurna. Como em outras taxocenoses de áreas abertas os colubrídeos mostraram-se dominantes. A fitofisionomia Cerrado Típico apresentou maior diversidade de espécies, sendo as menores diversidades registradas no Campo Limpo e Cerrado Rupestre. O método que apresentou melhor desempenho foi procura limitada por tempo, contudo, a utilização dos métodos de coleta isolados não se mostrou eficiente para inventariar a fauna de serpentes, sendo necessário o uso conjunto destes métodos para uma melhor amostragem da área. Através da análise de ACOP e da análise de agrupamento, foi possível observar que apesar de haver uma semelhança florística e fisionomicamente com Cerrado, a composição de espécies mostrou maior similaridade faunística com taxocenoses de áreas transição Cerrado/Caatinga e Caatinga.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Throughout the analysis of the collections JJ, CEVAP, IBSP, ZUEC and UEL, a study on the ophiofauna of Botucatu was made. We present a preliminary list of the species of snakes here found, with small comments on their natural history. The number of specimens studied was 943. We registered, for Botucatu, 51 species of snakes, distributed in 31 genera and 6 families. The families here found were Anomalepididae (1 spp.), Boidae (1 spp.), Colubridae (7 spp.), Dipsadidae (32 spp.), Elapidae (3 spp.) and Viperidae (7 spp.). The analysis of the relative abundance shows that Dipsadidae was the most abundant family, with n=425 (44,83%), followed by Viperidae, with n=388 (40,93%), Boidae, n=62 (6,54%), Colubridae, n=57 (6,01%), Elapidae, n=15 (1,6%) and, at last, Anomalepididae, with n=1 (0,1%). The five more representative species were Crotalus durissus (n=135, 14,31%), Oxyrhopus guibei (n=123, 12,8%) Bothropoides jararaca (N=121, 12,6%), Bothropoides neuwiedi (N=95, 9,88%) and Sibynomorphus mikani (N=65, 6,76%). A higher number of individuals collected was registered for the months of january to april that, together, sum up to almost 50% of the total. The months of june to september registered a lower number of individuals. The spacial distribution analysis shows that a higher number of snakes was found on the country areas of Botucatu (n=270, 41,54%), specially on pastures. Due to the lack of studies of Botucatu’s ophiofauna, this list is probably underestimated. It is mandatory that future studies approaching this group and its ecological components on this region are made, using appropriate sampling methodologies, in order to form an accurate list of the species of snakes of Botucatu


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Although snake infralabial glands are generally constituted of mucous cells, among dipsadines, they are much more developed and predominantly serous in nature, possibly due to the peculiar feeding habits of some species of this group, the ""goo-eaters"", which feed on soft and viscous invertebrates. We compared the morphology and histochemistry of the infralabial glands of three goo-eater species of Southeast Brazil, Atractus reticulatus, Dipsas indica and Sibynomorphus mikanii. In A. reticulatus the glands are formed by mixed acini composed of mucous and seromucous cells and in D. indica, they are composed of mucous tubules and seromucous acini. In S. mikanii the glands are organized in seromucous acini; mucous cells are restricted to the gland anterior region and to the duct lining epithelium. Ultrastructurally, secretory granule electron density varies from low to moderate, depending on their mucous or seromucous nature. The results indicate a large morphological and histochemical variation in the infralabial glands, probably reflecting differences in the secretion chemical composition and in feeding specialization among the three species. The protein content in the secretory cells can be related with the presence of toxins that can be used in chemical prey immobilization or detaching of snails from their shells. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new species of Pseudoboa, P. martinsi, is described from the Amazon basin of Brazil, with records from the states of Para, Amazonas, Roraima and Rondonia. The new species is distinguished from the other five species of the genus by a combination of scalation and coloration characters. Individuals of the new species were found in both primary and disturbed forested areas. The species seems to be predominantly nocturnal and secretive because specimens were found foraging in the litter during night.


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Recently four subspecies of Chironius multiventris were recognized as valid distinct species: C. in. foveatus, C. in. multiventris, C. in. cochranae, and C. m. septentrionalis. Although C. foveatus and C. septentrionalis clearly deserve specific status, a re-evaluation of the characters pointed in the literature as diagnostic of C. multiventris and C. cochranae does not support their recognition as valid distinct taxa. Additionally, our analysis of the scutellation pattern, continuous characters, and hemipenial morphology of 34 specimens, and of the available data in literature, shows that there are no significant differences between them. We therefore suggest that C. cochranae should be synonymized with C. multiventris.


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We present a phylogenetic analysis of the New World dipsadids based on an expanded data matrix that includes 246 terminal taxa including 196 dipsadids. The species are sampled for eight genes (12S, 16S, cytb, nd2, nd4, bdnf, c-mos, rag2). The data are explored using two distinct optimality proceduresmaximum parsimony and maximum likelihoodand two alignment strategiesdynamic homology and static homology. Two previously unsampled dipsadid genera, Sordellina and Rhachidelus, are now included in the analysis. The definitions of the genera, Erythrolamprus, Clelia, Hypsirhynchus, Philodryas and Phimophis, and the tribes Alsophiini, Echinantherini and Conophiini, are revised. In order to maintain monophyly, the genus Umbrivaga is synonymized with Erythrolamprus, and two new genera are erected to accommodate Phimophis iglesiasi and Clelia rustica, as well as their closely related species. The West Indian genera Schwartzophis, Darlingtonia, Antillophis and Ocyophis are resurrected. (c) The Willi Hennig Society 2012.


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We studied the reproduction, sexual dimorphism, and diet of Oxyrhopus trigeminus from two sites in southeastern Brazil. Oxyrhopus trigeminus from Irape Power Plant (IPP) contained vitellogenic follicles and eggs in both rainy and dry seasons and clutch size was not correlated with female snout vent length (SVL). Sexual dimorphism was evident. Females attain larger SVL but males have longer tails. We found three females from Santa Clara Power Plant (SPP) with vitellogenic follicles, all of them collected in the dry season. Mean SVLs of adult females from IPP and SPP were 717.7 mm and 786 mm, respectively. Mean SVL of adult males from IPP was 553.4 mm and the single adult male from SPP was 507 mm. The diet of O. trigeminus from IPP included rodents (46.7%), lizards (33.3%), and birds (20%). The volume of individual prey items was not correlated with snake SVL. The diet of O. trigeminus from SPP included rodents (37.5%), lizards (37.5%), birds (12.5%), and marsupials (12.5%). It seemed that an ontogenetic shift may occur in individuals of this snake species from IPP.