904 resultados para Coloração diferencial de Gram


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We report an empirical study of n-gram posterior probability confidence measures for statistical machine translation (SMT). We first describe an efficient and practical algorithm for rapidly computing n-gram posterior probabilities from large translation word lattices. These probabilities are shown to be a good predictor of whether or not the n-gram is found in human reference translations, motivating their use as a confidence measure for SMT. Comprehensive n-gram precision and word coverage measurements are presented for a variety of different language pairs, domains and conditions. We analyze the effect on reference precision of using single or multiple references, and compare the precision of posteriors computed from k-best lists to those computed over the full evidence space of the lattice. We also demonstrate improved confidence by combining multiple lattices in a multi-source translation framework. © 2012 The Author(s).


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Defensins are a group of cationic antimicrobial peptides which play an important role in the innate immune system by exerting their antimicrobial activity against pathogens. In this study, we cloned a novel beta-defensin cDNA from medaka (Oryzias latipes) by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) technique. The full-length cDNA consists of 480 bp, and the open reading frame (CRF) of 189 bp encodes a polypeptide of 63 amino acids (aa) with a predicted molecular weight of 7.44 kDa. Its genomic organization was analyzed, and Southern blot detection confirmed that only one copy of beta-defensin exists in the medaka HNI strain. RT-PCR, Western blot and immunohistochemistry detections showed that the beta-defensin transcript and protein could be detected in eyes, liver, kidney, blood, spleen and gill, and obviously prevalent expression was found in eyes. Antimicrobial activity of the medaka beta-defensin was evaluated, and the antibacterial activity-specific to Gram-negative bacteria was revealed. Furthermore, the lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a major component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, was demonstrated to be able to induce about 13-fol up-regulation of the beta-defensin within first 12 h. In addition, promoter and promoter mutagenesis analysis were performed in the medaka beta-defensin. A proximal 100 base pair(bp) sequence (+26 to -73)and the next 1700 bp sequence (-73 to -1755) were demonstrated to be responsible for the basal promoter activity and for the transcription regulation. Three nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) cis-elements and a Sp1 cis-element were revealed by mutagenesis analysis to exist in the 5' flanking sequence, and they were confirmed to be responsible for the up-regulation of medaka beta-defensin stimulated by LPS. And, the Sp1 cis-element was further revealed to be related to the basal promoter activity, and transcriptional factor II D (TFIID) was found to be in charge of the gene transcription initiation. All the obtained data suggested that the novel medaka beta-defensin should have antimicrobial activity-specific to Gram-negative bacteria, and the antibacterial immune function should be modulated by NF-kappa B and Sp1. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Condições de estresse climático e incidência de grãos verdes; Gr]aos esverdeados e seus efeitos sobre a qualidade da soja e seus derivados.


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Phage-mediated transfer of microbial genetic elements plays a crucial role in bacterial life style and evolution. In this study, we identify the RinA family of phage-encoded proteins as activators required for transcription of the late operon in a large group of temperate staphylococcal phages. RinA binds to a tightly regulated promoter region, situated upstream of the terS gene, that controls expression of the morphogenetic and lysis modules of the phage, activating their transcription. As expected, rinA deletion eliminated formation of functional phage particles and significantly decreased the transfer of phage and pathogenicity island encoded virulence factors. A genetic analysis of the late promoter region showed that a fragment of 272 bp contains both the promoter and the region necessary for activation by RinA. In addition, we demonstrated that RinA is the only phage-encoded protein required for the activation of this promoter region. This region was shown to be divergent among different phages. Consequently, phages with divergent promoter regions carried allelic variants of the RinA protein, which specifically recognize its own promoter sequence. Finally, most Gram-postive bacteria carry bacteriophages encoding RinA homologue proteins. Characterization of several of these proteins demonstrated that control by RinA of the phage-mediated packaging and transfer of virulence factor is a conserved mechanism regulating horizontal gene transfer.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Conditions that impair protein folding in the Gram-negative bacterial envelope cause stress. The destabilizing effects of stress in this compartment are recognized and countered by a number of signal transduction mechanisms. Data presented here reveal another facet of the complex bacterial stress response, release of outer membrane vesicles. Native vesicles are composed of outer membrane and periplasmic material, and they are released from the bacterial surface without loss of membrane integrity. Here we demonstrate that the quantity of vesicle release correlates directly with the level of protein accumulation in the cell envelope. Accumulation of material occurs under stress, and is exacerbated upon impairment of the normal housekeeping and stress-responsive mechanisms of the cell. Mutations that cause increased vesiculation enhance bacterial survival upon challenge with stressing agents or accumulation of toxic misfolded proteins. Preferential packaging of a misfolded protein mimic into vesicles for removal indicates that the vesiculation process can act to selectively eliminate unwanted material. Our results demonstrate that production of bacterial outer membrane vesicles is a fully independent, general envelope stress response. In addition to identifying a novel mechanism for alleviating stress, this work provides physiological relevance for vesicle production as a protective mechanism.


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A ênfase algébrica dada ao longo do tempo nos cursos de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral não oportunizou que tratamentos gráficos e numéricos fossem privilegiados, visto a ausência de softwares que possibilitassem uma abordagem diferenciada aos conceitos inerentes a esta disciplina (Richit, 2010, Guimarães, 2001). Contudo, iniciativas no mundo inteiro têm dedicado esforços e desenvolvido softwares que possibilitam explorações qualitativamente diferentes para conceitos de Cálculo a partir de representações gráficas, numéricas ou algébricas envolvendo visualização, a simulação, o aprofundamento do pensamento matemático, conjecturas e validações, etc. Deste modo, a incorporação das tecnologias digitais na aula de Cálculo remove um pouco o fardo da manipulação algébrica, possibilitando a transição entre a ação física (interação do estudante com a tecnologia) e a representação matemática de um conceito. Assim, a proposta de oficina aqui apresentada objetiva explorar conceitos de Cálculo (Funções, Limites, Derivadas e Integrais) em uma perspectiva de investigação com o software GeoGebra.


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Ante la problemática que presenta la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de los conceptos del cálculo diferencial y también al surgimiento de herramientas computacionales capaces de graficar y realizar derivación simbólica y manipulaciones algebraicas, se requiere una reflexión crítica sobre cómo se puede utilizar la tecnología para apoyar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del cálculo. En este artículo, se hace una propuesta didáctica que se ha implementado en un sistema computacional y un libro que la implementa. El acercamiento se apoya fuertemente en actividades con polinomios a través de los cuales se puede apreciar el poder del cálculo diferencial sin demérito de considerar situaciones suficientemente complejas.


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La intención de este trabajo es presentar algunas teorías y concepciones de la Matemática Educativa y su implementación concreta en cursos de Cálculo Diferencial en una y varias variables. Se expondrán algunas ideas de la Resolución de Problemas, Investigación - Acción, Constructivismo Social (Teoría de Aprendizaje de Vigotsky) y algunos elementos de Ingeniería Didáctica. De todas estas teorias, se mencionan diversos ejemplos, implementados en los cursos de la Universidad de la República (Montevideo, Uruguay), entre los años 1995 y 2002. La exposición estará complementada con la presentación de resultados, y a partir de los mismos se obtendrán conclusiones y se formularán recomendaciones.


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Hemos dejado para el final aquella resolución por la que comienza la mayoría del profesorado de matemáticas: la basada en el uso del cálculo diferencial. Siempre que hemos propuesto el problema que planteábamos en la primera entrega en algún curso o seminario, la forma de abordarlo ha sido echando mano de las derivadas para la búsqueda de extremos de determinada función área. Como se habla de enmarcar un cuadro de 3 m de perímetro, siempre han comenzado pensando en formas rectangulares, por lo que el problema que se planteaban solía ser el siguiente: entre todos los rectángulos de igual perímetro P, el cuadrado de lado P/4 es el que encierra la mayor área.


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En este artículo se obtiene un método de obtención de rectas tangentes a curvas polinómicas sin necesidad de conocer el cálculo de derivadas. Incluso no precisa conocimientos previos de trigonometría. El cálculo de máximos y mínimos es inmediato. El procedimiento que se presenta puede considerarse como una primera toma de contacto del estudiante, de manera inmediata, con los problemas con los que se va a encontrar posteriormente al estudiar el cálculo diferencial. Este método está pensado para incitar al alumno el interés por las derivadas.