958 resultados para Collaborative process


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A relevância da atuação colaborativa dos sujeitos do processo para o resultado tempestivo e efetivo da prestação jurisdicional. Análise dos modelos de estruturação processual, em adequação ao Estado Constitucional. A invasão dos valores éticos e a releitura do princípio do contraditório, num viés amplo de participação democrática, em configuração dos pressupostos lógicos da colaboração processual. Os deveres das partes, e seus procuradores, potencializados pela parcialidade envolta e pela relação profissional desenvolvida. A pertinência de um juiz ativo e diligente no ideal cooperativo e os deveres extras daí decorrentes. A probidade processual e sua proteção normativa, através das técnicas repressivas de controle social: a litigância de má-fé e os atos atentatórios à dignidade da justiça. O abuso do processo como desvio das situações legais permissivas e sua contenção, sobretudo através do mote da boa-fé objetiva na restrição do exercício de direitos. A preocupação normativa em encorajar/desencorajar comportamentos e o formato disponível para estimular o cumprimento da norma jurídica. O mote da boa-fé objetiva como caminho a ser seguido pelos operadores do Direito na exegese normativa, através da majoração da responsabilidade dos litigantes. Contextualização através do exame de situações específicas.


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A colaboração de usuários em sites jornalísticos é um fenômeno crescente. Cada vez mais, a evolução tecnológica abre espaço para uma maior participação dos usuários no processo de construção da narrativa noticiosa. Nesse contexto, um olhar do design sobre os modelos colaborativos dos sites jornalísticos fornece subsídios para o entendimento deste fenômeno e para o aprofundamento em cada uma das etapas que compõe o processo colaborativo. Dessa forma, essa dissertação apresenta a análise teórica e prática dessas diferentes etapas, bem como das soluções de design aplicáveis aos modelos colaborativos, de maneira a estabelecer conceitos e diretrizes para a construção de modelos que otimizem o aproveitamento do conteúdo enviado por usuários e sua relação com o conteúdo editorial dos sites noticiosos.


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A presente pesquisa tem por objeto os processos colaborativos e interacionais de construção do conhecimento em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. Discute a formação humana em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem numa perspectiva democrática. Parte da análise do homem que se quer formar para transformar a atual sociedade capitalista desigual numa sociedade mais igualitária. Sob este aspecto, analisa-se também a educação que se faz necessária. Como todo esforço dialético, traz à tona algumas contradições que serão importantes para a melhor compreensão da atualidade e para a busca de caminhos alternativos. Por fim, analisa a Educação Online como caminho democrático de educação, destacando indicativos para o desenvolvimento de uma proposta que privilegie os processos colaborativos e interacionais de construção do conhecimento em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. A metodologia usada é o Estudo de Caso, em uma perspectiva longitudinal e qualitativa, com abordagem sócio-histórica. A coleta de dados envolveu a observação participante e a análise documental. O tratamento dos dados utiliza a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados apontam que a educação online, pautada em processos colaborativos e interacionais de construção do conhecimento, além de mais democrática é mais eficaz em relação à aprendizagem que o ensino a distância mais tradicional, de perspectiva instrucional. Além disso, apontam seis indicativos fundamentais para a elaboração de propostas de educação online: o conceito claro de educação online; a consciência de que as tecnologias são do homem e como tal podem favorecer a emancipação humana; a profissionalização docente; a integração dos saberes docentes; a importância da configuração do AVA; e a necessidade de práticas pedagógicas que alternem trabalho autônomo com trabalho colaborativo.


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A local collaborative process was launched in Windsor, Ontario, Canada to explore the role of occupation as a risk factor for cancer. An initial hypothesis-generating study found an increased risk for breast cancer among women aged 55 years or younger who had ever worked in farming. On the basis of this result, a 2-year case–control study was undertaken to evaluate the lifetime occupational histories of women with breast cancer. The results indicate that women with breast cancer were nearly three times more likely to have worked in agriculture when compared to the controls (OR = 2.80 [95% CI, 1.6–4.8]). The risk for those who worked in agriculture and subsequently worked in automotive-related manufacturing was further elevated (OR = 4.0 [95% CI, 1.7–9.9]). The risk for those employed in agriculture and subsequently employed in health care was also elevated (OR = 2.3 [95% CI, 1.1–4.6]). Farming tended to be among the earlier jobs worked, often during adolescence. While this article has limitations including the small sample size and the lack of information regarding specific exposures, it does provide evidence of a possible association between farming and breast cancer. The findings indicate the need for further study to determine which aspects of farming may be of biological importance and to better understand the significance of timing of exposure in terms of cancer risk.


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The value proposition concept, while forming a central foundational premise of service-dominant (S-D) logic, has nevertheless been treated somewhat ambiguously. Recent work in attempting to address this has focused through a S-D logic lens on the reciprocal nature of value propositions. Important to this work has been a focus on communicative interactions and resource integration between network suppliers and customers. Overall, value proposition thinking has not studied in detail their adoption and use in practice. Considering the compelling notion of reciprocity, there have been recent calls for research to consider reciprocal value propositions in practice. The overall aim of this paper, therefore, was to explore how reciprocal value propositions are developed (or not) in practice at the network level. The study was set in the mobile television (TV) sector, which, as an internet-driven sector, is viewed as particularly pertinent. To conduct the study an S-D logic and Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group framework are integrated for the first time. A key finding is that while the reciprocal value proposition concept is theoretically intuitive, it is by no means inevitable in practice. Reciprocal value propositions were found to be simultaneously constrained, and, potentially enabled by these constraints in practice. At an overall level this paper contributes to the ongoing collaborative process, which aims to move S-D logic from a framework to a theory. More specifically, we provide new insights into the development of reciprocal value propositions in practice.


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Ongoing collaboration with Christian Marclay. ‘Graffiti Composition’ and ‘Screenplay’ are two related works consisting of live musical improvisation and performance. They are part of an ongoing collaboration with the artist Christian Marclay. 'Graffiti Composition' involved Beresford directing an invited orchestra of improvising musicians. The work focuses on making music from the random compositional acts of strangers. Prior to realization, Marclay fly-posted several hundred sheets of blank manuscript paper, collecting the sheets some days later, after passers-by had written on them – using either traditional music notation or more transgressive interference modes (colour-blocks, torn holes in or abstract graphic symbols on the paper) – and sending photographs of them to Beresford. Beresford’s directorial decisions helped these random graffiti become music via simple formal processes – restricting each musician to a handout of two MS each, or stipulating a mini-concerto for each player. Beresford’s contribution explores the paradox of improvisation stipulated by strangers and controlled, however loosely, by the structuring agency of a musical director. ‘Screenplay’ extended this collaborative process between Marclay and Beresford. Beresford and other musicians responding to a visual track comprising found and public domain moving images manipulated by Marclay – gunfight scenes from a TV Western; running water; racing cars morphing into crying children, and so on, in black-and-white, with single-colour blocks appearing and developing as lines, spots, and other suggestive ‘notation’. The elliptical, surprising, humorous nature of the images at times is hyperexplicated by the improvised music, and at others challenged, ignored or contradicted by the musicians’ interaction. ‘Graffiti Composition’ was performed by the LSO at St. Luke’s, London, March 22, 2005. ‘Screenplay’ premiered in Dundee in 2006, and toured Europe during 2007. Reviewed in the Herald (21 Feb 06) and Times (24 March 07). Beresford’s work as improviser, composer and performer was profiled in The Wire (April 2002, May 2005).


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O presente relatório – requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico – reflete os conhecimentos desenvolvidos, assentes num quadro teórico e concetual construído ao longo do ciclo de estudos, e explana as aprendizagens decorrentes da prática pedagógica supervisionada desenvolvida em nos contextos de estágio: Educação Pré-Escolar e 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este foi erigido numa perspetiva de desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, promovendo uma postura indagadora e reflexiva face à prática educativa. Com efeito, a mestranda teve como objetivo descrever, compreender e refletir acerca do seu processo de formação relevando o desenvolvimento de capacidades e competências substanciais à prática docente, e a construção de aprendizagens que permitiram uma tomada de consciência do compromisso e responsabilidade do papel do docente. O período de estágio, a par das aulas da unidade curricular: Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada apresentou-se como uma oportunidade fulcral para o desenvolvimento e experimentação de métodos e estratégias, questionando conceções e preconceitos inerentes ao processo de ensino e de aprendizagem. Conforme a metodologia de investigação-ação, a ação da mestranda desenvolveu-se ciclicamente, e de forma articulada, numa perspetiva socio construtivista e holística do desenvolvimento, com enfoque na criança. Também o processo colaborativo constituiu um processo eficaz na elaboração e reflexão sobre a prática estimulando momentos de aprendizagem e de recriação da prática. Assim, este mestrado contribuiu fortemente para a construção da identidade profissional da futura docente. Concludentemente, a conceção teórica e prática conseguida no decorrer dos estágios, nos dois níveis educativos, iniciaram a edificação de uma postura profissional, reflexiva e investigativa, reafirmando competências profissionais e pessoais e valorando-se a formação ao longo da vida para aquele que se constitui, nesta formação, um docente generalista.


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This research project examined the behavioural, social, and emotional issues affecting children and youth with conduct disorder. Based on the literature review, the deconstruction of theoretical and empirical studies, and findings from the needs assessment, Conduct Disorder: A Handbook for Elementary School Educators was created. This handbook was developed based on the evidence that conduct problems can most effectively be improved when multiple systems are included in the prevention and intervention of the disorder. Educators, related service providers, and the child all play an important role in designing and implementing effective interventions. Therefore, it is imperative to provide educators with the information necessary to begin this emerging collaborative process. The handbook was created as a tool for educators intending to enhance their knowledge when working with students with conduct disorder. A Needs Assessment was conducted to determine what educators wanted the handbook to contain to assist them in working with students displaying conduct problems. The educators evaluated the handbook, providing constructive feedback and confirming the potential value and practicality of this handbook for elementary school educators. The educators reported an increase in their understanding of conduct disorder, as well as a heightened awareness of the causal factors that contribute to the disorder. The list of community resources and agencies was thought to be a good starting point for educators looking for supplementary aids. The educators indicated that the handbook is a good reference tool to use when teaching students with conduct problems. The educators concluded with the hope that this handbook will be shared with others.


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The integration of Biographical Knowledge in research processes is a methodological proposal of critical empiricism that shifts the centre of production of knowledge to the research objects. We try to show haw Biographical Narratives can allow bypassing the locks and the deviations from real observation by the researcher and focus is work on actors in process. In the critique of the Eurocentric paradigm and is production of hegemonic scientific discourses by Bonaventura Sousa Santos (Santos, 2000) proposes the "south epistemologies" as a research process and the inclusion of knowledge of actors as the research field. In the article we will try to look at the process of production of biographical narratives using the tools of south epistemological proposal. We start reviewing the methodologies working on biographical objects. Then we present the preliminary studies and research we have been doing in communities in southern Mozambique in Djabula Community Centre. These results should be completed with other works on the ground, and now we opened as a collaborative process discussion on African Studies community. The project will be completed in the coming months, through the proposal of a "House of memories" to develop with the local population through articles, stories, sounds and dances that are chosen and will support the chosen narratives by the community. The projects created with local players, from their problems allow rapprochement and dialogue between the different knowledge.


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The integration of Biographical Knowledge in research processes is a methodological proposal of critical empiricism that shifts the center of production of knowledge to the referred research objects. We try to show how Biographical Narratives can allow bypassing the locks and the deviations from real observation by the researcher, and focus his work on the actors in process. In the critique of the Eurocentric paradigm and its production of hegemonic scientific papers presentations and speaches, by Bonaventura Sousa Santos (Santos, 2000), proposes the "south epistemologies" as a research process and the inclusion of knowledge of actors as the research field. In the article, we will try to look at the production process of biographical narratives, using the tools of south epistemological proposal. We start with reviewing the methodologies, working on biographical objects, then we will present the preliminary studies and research that has been ongoing in several communities in southern Mozambique, in Djabula Community Centre. These results should be completed with other field works, as we open as a collaborative process discussion on African Studies community. We expect the project to be completed in the coming months, aiming towards the proposal of a "House of memories", in order to develop with the local population through articles, stories, sounds and dances that are selected and will support the chosen narratives by the community. The projects created with local players, from their problems will allow a rapprochement and dialogue between different kinds of knowledge."


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The integration of Biographical Knowledge in research processes is a methodological proposal of critical empiricism that shifts the center of production of knowledge to the referred research objects. We try to show how Biographical Narratives can allow bypassing the locks and the deviations from real observation by the researcher, and focus his work on the actors in process. In the critique of the Eurocentric paradigm and its production of hegemonic scientific papers presentations and speaches, by Bonaventura Sousa Santos (Santos, 2000), proposes the "south epistemologies" as a research process and the inclusion of knowledge of actors as the research field. In the article, we will try to look at the production process of biographical narratives, using the tools of south epistemological proposal. We start with reviewing the methodologies, working on biographical objects, then we will present the preliminary studies and research that has been ongoing in several communities in southern Mozambique, in Djabula Community Centre. These results should be completed with other field works, as we open as a collaborative process discussion on African Studies community. We expect the project to be completed in the coming months, aiming towards the proposal of a "House of memories", in order to develop with the local population through articles, stories, sounds and dances that are selected and will support the chosen narratives by the community. The projects created with local players, from their problems will allow a rapprochement and dialogue between different kinds of knowledge."


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Design patterns are a way of sharing evidence-based solutions to educational design problems. The design patterns presented in this paper were produced through a series of workshops, which aimed to identify Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) design principles from workshop participants’ experiences of designing, teaching and learning on these courses. MOOCs present a challenge for the existing pedagogy of online learning, particularly as it relates to promoting peer interaction and discussion. MOOC cohort sizes, participation patterns and diversity of learners mean that discussions can remain superficial, become difficult to navigate, or never develop beyond isolated posts. In addition, MOOC platforms may not provide sufficient tools to support moderation. This paper draws on four case studies of designing and teaching on a range of MOOCs presenting seven design narratives relating to the experience in these MOOCs. Evidence presented in the narratives is abstracted in the form of three design patterns created through a collaborative process using techniques similar to those used in collective autoethnography. The patterns: “Special Interest Discussions”, “Celebrity Touch” and “Look and Engage”, draw together shared lessons and present possible solutions to the problem of creating, managing and facilitating meaningful discussion in MOOCs through the careful use of staged learning activities and facilitation strategies.


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Purpose This research explored the use of developmental evaluation methods with community of practice programmes experiencing change or transition to better understand how to target support resources. Design / methodology / approach The practical use of a number of developmental evaluation methods was explored in three organisations over a nine month period using an action research design. The research was a collaborative process involving all the company participants and the academic (the author) with the intention of developing the practices of the participants as well as contributing to scholarship. Findings The developmental evaluation activities achieved the objectives of the knowledge managers concerned: they developed a better understanding of the contribution and performance of their communities of practice, allowing support resources to be better targeted. Three methods (fundamental evaluative thinking, actual-ideal comparative method and focus on strengths and assets) were found to be useful. Cross-case analysis led to the proposition that developmental evaluation methods act as a structural mechanism that develops the discourse of the organisation in ways that enhance the climate for learning, potentially helping develop a learning organization. Practical implications Developmental evaluation methods add to the options available to evaluate community of practice programmes. These supplement the commonly used activity indicators and impact story methods. 2 Originality / value Developmental evaluation methods are often used in social change initiatives, informing public policy and funding decisions. The contribution here is to extend their use to organisational community of practice programmes.


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Interdiscursive collaborative construction of professional genres (Bhatia, 2004 & 2010; Bremner, 2006; Smart, 2006) within the framework of “communities of practice” (Lave & Wenger, 1991) can be viewed as a useful instrument for developing writing expertise to initiate novice writers into the conventions of corporate writing. Drawing on evidence from public relations (PR) writing contexts in Hong Kong, the paper focuses on the dynamics of participation in collaborative PR practice and on the deconstruction of the collaborative process as evidenced in the deconstruction of various drafts (from brainstorming to the final product) and through the perceptions of some of the key PR practitioners in the industry. The paper will have implications for our understanding of interdiscursivity in genre theory (Bhatia, 2010) and for the collaborative writing process within the academy as well as in the workplace.


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Information literacy has become an important skill for undergraduate students due to societal changes that have seen information become a valuable commodity, the need for graduates to become lifelong learners to remain effective across their working lives, and the recognition by many stakeholders that information literacy is an underpinning generic skill for effective learning in higher education. Important elements in the design and delivery of information literacy training include the collaborative process between library and academic staff, the need to link generic information literacy skills into the specific discipline context of the students, and catering for a wide diversity in the student body including off-campus students. This paper describes a sequence of activities designed to help students learn and practice information literacy skills that have been purposefully designed and integrated into a first-year engineering and technology study unit as a core element of the unit syllabus.