707 resultados para Colegio de Niñas Educandas de San Francisco de Sales de la Habana.
La presente investigación se realizó en base alos objetivos asignados: Realizar mediante palpaciones rectales un diagnóstico reproductivo de los hatos bovinos de doble propósito del municipio de cuapa-chontales y así determinar por comarcas el intervalo parto-concepción, intervalo parto-parto y diagnóstico reproductivo por eso se propuso este trabajo investigativo que lleva por título “Diagnóstico reproductivo de las fincas bovinas en el municipio de san francisco de cuapa-chontales “se realizó en el periodo comprendido de septiembre 2009 a marzo de 2010, el cual se basó en establecer el diagnóstico reproductivos mediante la palpación rectal en cada una de las vacas, incluyendo ganado parido y vacas horras de cada hato de los productores, la cantidad de productor para realizar este trabajo investigativo fue de 21 productor asociados a una cooperativa llamada La unión de dicho municipio. Las variables evaluadas fueron intervalo parto-concepción: con un índice de mayor de 150 días, intervalo parto-parto: con índice de 17 meses. El diagnóstico reproductivo total fue de 48.5% de vacas gestadas, el 45.1% de vacas vacías y 6.4 % de vacas servidas. Este trabajo investigativo se realizo en un periodo de seis meses mediante la estadía en el municipio de la investigación ,los datos recopilados se obtuvieron mediante formatos utilizados para cada productor ,dentro de ellos tenemos: inventarios de las fincas y diagnóstico reproductivo de cada fincas de los productores.Los resultados que obtuvimos de los productores hacia nosotros fueron satisfactorios para efectuar el trabajo investigativo y además pudimos recolectar toda la información que necesitábamos.
Durante la época de postrera 2003, en la comunidad de Pacora, municipio de San Francisco Libre, departamento de Managua, se realizó una investigación con el propósito de evaluar el efecto de insecticidas biológicos y botánicos, en combinación con diferentes asocios de cultivos, para conocer su efecto sobre Spodoptera frigiperda J. L. Smith , y sus enemigos naturales y el rendimiento de grano en los tratamientos. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: 1. Dipel (Bacillus Thuringiensis Berliner) en combinación con el monocultivo de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench.) en, 2. Dipel en combinación con el asocio de maíz (Zea mays L.) y sorgo, 3. Neem (Azadirachta indica) en combinación con el monocultivo de sorgo, 4. Neem en combinación con el asocio de maíz y sorgo, 5.Testigo (agua) en combinación con el monocultivo de sorgo, 6.Testigo (agua) en combinación con el asocio de maíz y sorgo. Se utilizó un diseño completamente aleatorio (DCA), con cinco repeticiones por tratamiento. Se muestreo semanalmente para evaluar la incidencia de plagas e insectos benéficos., el tratamiento que obtuvo el menor porcentaje de plantas dañadas por S. frugiperda, fue el tratamiento Neem en combinación con el asocio de maíz y sorgo, la mayor presencia de insectos benéficos se encontró en los tratamientos en cultivos asociados no siendo así en los tratamientos en monocultivos, siendo los tratamientos Neem en combinación con el asocio de maíz y sorgo, Dipel en combinación con el asocio de maíz y sorgo y Testigo en combinación con el cultivo asociado de maíz y sorgo, los que presentaron las mayores poblaciones de insecto benéficos. Los mejores rendimientos se obtuvieron en los tratamientos en cultivos asociados en comparación con los tratamientos en monocultivos. Siendo el tratamiento Neem en combinación con el cultivo asociado de maíz y sorgo el que obtuvo el mayor rendimiento de grano con 1051 Kg. /ha.
El presente trabajo se realizó en la finca de l señor Aurelio López, ubicada en la comunidad de Pacora del municipio de San Francisco Li bre, Managua, durante la época de postrera (Agosto a Diciembre del 2003), con el propósito de determinar el efecto de dos sistema de manejo sobre el rendimiento de los cultivos y las propiedades químicas del suelo. El diseño utilizado fue en bloques completos al azar (BCA) con dos tratamientos (sorgo como monocultivo y sorgo asociado con maíz) y tres repeticiones, la variedad de sorgo ( Sorghun bicolor L. Moench) evaluado fue tortillero precoz y en el maíz ( Zea mays L.) la variedad NB-S. Los resultados provenientes del análisis estadísticos en las variables de crecimiento (altura de la planta, diámetro del tallo y num ero de hojas), nitróge no en grano y nitrógeno en biomasa no presentaron diferencias signifi cativas; pero las variables rendimiento del grano y biomasa seca producida mostraron difere ncias significativas siendo el sistema de manejo sorgo como monocultivo el que obtuvo los valores mayores con 4,520 y 12,361 kg ha -1 respectivamente. En las variables del suel o la materia orgánica, nitrógeno, fósforo, y capacidad de intercambio catiónico aumentaron su contenido en el suelo en comparación a su contenido inicial en los dos sistemas de manejo, en cuanto al pH disminuyó levemente y el potasio disminuyó bruscamente probablemente a que el sorgo es un gran extractor de este elemento y pudiendo ser mayor cuando se combina con el maíz. En el balance aparente de nutrientes los dos sistemas de manejo presentaron balances positivos, pero cabe destacar que fue el sistema sorgo asociado con maíz el que presentó el mejor balance, probablemente aque recibió la misma entrada de nutrientes y exportó menos nutrientes vía rendimiento de grano y biomasa producida
El presente trabajo se realizo en la comunidad de Pacora, San Francisco Libre, Managua, donde los habitantes tradicionalmente, han utilizado la crianza de ganado menor (cerdos, cabras, gallinas, patos, Peliguey y otros) para satisfacer en cierta medida sus necesidades alimenticias y económicas por la pobreza que caracteriza la comunidad. Con este estudio se presenta una opción de utilizar las tierras que no pueden ser aprovechadas con cultivos tradicionales, empleando especies forestales cuyo sistema radicular y funciones fisiológicas son muy diferente a los cultivos tradicionales, permitiendo su sobrevivencia, calidad nutritiva, el manejo agronómico y el potencial de incorporar estos forrajes en la dieta de animales domésticos. Se evalúa la producción de biomasa total y comestible, la sobrevivencia y los agentes biológicos que afectan a las especies de Quelite ( Cnidoscolus aconitifolium (Mill) L.M.Johnst), m arango (Moringa oleífera) Lam, y Leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) de wit), estableciéndose en parcelas de 10.5 m 2 La mayor producción de biomasa verde total la obtuvo Moringa oleífera (Lam) con 15,991 kg ha -1 en la primera poda (7 meses de establecido el ensayo) y en la segunda poda (12 meses de establecido el ensayo) con 34,873 kg ha -1 . Esta misma especie mostró los mejores rendimientos de biomasa seca total en la primera poda con 4,181 kg ha -1 , pero en la segunda poda fue superada por la especie Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) de wit, con 6,782 kg ha -1 . La mayor producción de biomasa verde comestible en la primera poda la obtuvo Cnidoscolus aconitifolium (Mill) L. M.Johnst con 9,491 kg ha -1 y en la segunda poda con 25,553 kg ha -1 , Esta misma especie mostró los mayores rendimientos en biomasa seca comestible con 1,790 kg ha -1 en la primera poda y 5,817 kg ha -1 en la segunda poda. Los mayores porcentajes de sobrevivencia (100%), en la primera poda fueron obtenidos por la especie Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) de wit , Cinco meses después esta misma especie mostró rendimientos de 100% de sobrevivencia. Los agentes biológicos (insectos) encontrados en el ensayo no ocasionaron daños a las plantas que incurrieran en la producción y la calidad de la biomasa obtenida en el estudio.
[ES] Estudio de caso (Fiesta de S. Francisco en Pamplona, Navarra) del modo en que la derecha conservadora española (Bloque de Derechas) y los radicales (carlistas) emplearon densos elementos identificadores (“identidad”) de lo local (Navarra-España) y católica para generar actitudes y adhesiones políticas antirrepublicanas.
(PDF contains 300 pages)
228pp. (pdf contains 257 pages)
Executive Summary: The marine environment plays a critical role in the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) that remains within Earth’s atmosphere, but has not received as much attention as the terrestrial environment when it comes to climate change discussions, programs, and plans for action. It is now apparent that the oceans have begun to reach a state of CO2 saturation, no longer maintaining the “steady-state” carbon cycle that existed prior to the Industrial Revolution. The increasing amount of CO2 present within the oceans and the atmosphere has an effect on climate and a cascading effect on the marine environment. Potential physical effects of climate change within the marine environment, including ocean acidification, changes in wind and upwelling regimes, increasing global sea surface temperatures, and sea level rise, can lead to dramatic, fundamental changes within marine and coastal ecosystems. Altered ecosystems can result in changing coastal economies through a reduction in marine ecosystem services such as commercial fish stocks and coastal tourism. Local impacts from climate change should be a front line issue for natural resource managers, but they often feel too overwhelmed by the magnitude of this issue to begin to take action. They may not feel they have the time, funding, or staff to take on a challenge as large as climate change and continue to not act as a result. Already, natural resource managers work to balance the needs of humans and the economy with ecosystem biodiversity and resilience. Responsible decisions are made each day that consider a wide variety of stakeholders, including community members, agencies, non-profit organizations, and business/industry. The issue of climate change must be approached as a collaborative effort, one that natural resource managers can facilitate by balancing human demands with healthy ecosystem function through research and monitoring, education and outreach, and policy reform. The Scientific Expert Group on Climate Change in their 2007 report titled, “Confronting Climate Change: Avoiding the Unmanageable and Managing the Unavoidable” charged governments around the world with developing strategies to “adapt to ongoing and future changes in climate change by integrating the implications of climate change into resource management and infrastructure development”. Resource managers must make future management decisions within an uncertain and changing climate based on both physical and biological ecosystem response to climate change and human perception of and response to the issue. Climate change is the biggest threat facing any protected area today and resource managers must lead the charge in addressing this threat. (PDF has 59 pages.)
The objective of this study was to describe the physical and ichthyological changes occurring seasonally and annually in the south San Francisco Bay, based on the results of 2,561 otter trawl and water samples obtained between February 1973 and June 1982. Temperature varied predictably among seasons in a pattern that varied little between years. Salinity also underwent predictable seasonal changes but the pattern varied substantially between years. The most abundant species of fish were northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax), English sole (Parophrys vetulus), and shiner surfperch (Cymatogaster aggregata). The majority of the common fish species were most abundant during wet years and least abundant in dry years. Numeric diversity was highest during the spring and early summer, with no detectable interannual trends. Species composition changed extensively between seasons and between years, particularly years with extremely high or extremely low freshwater inflows. All the common species exhibited clustered spatial distributions. Such spatial clustering could affect the interpretation of data from estuarine sampling programs. Gobies (Family Gobiidae) were more abundant during flood tides than during ebb tides. English sole were significantly more abundant in shallower areas. Shiner surfperch showed significant differences in abundance between sample areas.(PDF file contains 28 pages.)
Thirteen hundred and seventy-three striped bass, Marone saxatilis, were collected from the San Francisco Bay-Delta area to correlate host diet with parasitic infections and to determine the prevalence, intensity, longevity, and persistence of larval Anisakis sp. nematodes and the metacestode Lacistorhynchus tenuis. There is an increase in the prevalence and intensity of Anisakis sp. and in the intensity of L. tenuis with increase of age of the host. These increases are probably related to the diet and the persistence of tbe parasites. The infections of both species are overdispersed. San Francisco Bay striped bass are an incompatible host for both species of parasites. Degenerated Anisakis sp. will remain in lhe host for at least 8 months and L. tenuis metacestodes for 22 months. The occurrence of several other species of parasites and a tumor are also reported. (PDF file contains 10 pages.)
The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), in continued partnership with the San Francisco Bay Long Term Management Strategies (LTMS) Agencies, is undertaking the development of a Regional Sediment Management Plan for the San Francisco Bay estuary and its watershed (estuary). Regional sediment management (RSM) is the integrated management of littoral, estuarine, and riverine sediments to achieve balanced and sustainable solutions to sediment related needs. Regional sediment management recognizes sediment as a resource. Sediment processes are important components of coastal and riverine systems that are integral to environmental and economic vitality. It relies on the context of the sediment system and forecasting the long-range effects of management actions when making local project decisions. In the San Francisco Bay estuary, the sediment system includes the Sacramento and San Joaquin delta, the bay, its local tributaries and the near shore coastal littoral cell. Sediment flows from the top of the watershed, much like water, to the coast, passing through rivers, marshes, and embayments on its way to the ocean. Like water, sediment is vital to these habitats and their inhabitants, providing nutrients and the building material for the habitat itself. When sediment erodes excessively or is impounded behind structures, the sediment system becomes imbalanced, and rivers become clogged or conversely, shorelines, wetlands and subtidal habitats erode. The sediment system continues to change in response both to natural processes and human activities such as climate change and shoreline development. Human activities that influence the sediment system include flood protection programs, watershed management, navigational dredging, aggregate mining, shoreline development, terrestrial, riverine, wetland, and subtidal habitat restoration, and beach nourishment. As observed by recent scientific analysis, the San Francisco Bay estuary system is changing from one that was sediment rich to one that is erosional. Such changes, in conjunction with increasing sea level rise due to climate change, require that the estuary sediment and sediment transport system be managed as a single unit. To better manage the system, its components, and human uses of the system, additional research and knowledge of the system is needed. Fortunately, new sediment science and modeling tools provide opportunities for a vastly improved understanding of the sediment system, predictive capabilities and analysis of potential individual and cumulative impacts of projects. As science informs management decisions, human activities and management strategies may need to be modified to protect and provide for existing and future infrastructure and ecosystem needs. (PDF contains 3 pages)
The aim of this paper is to analyse the recent evolution of the city of San Francisco to outline the major features that have made it possible this continuing process of creative innovation in the city. In order to meet this objective, the project is framed around answering two key research questions: (1) what are the main economic and social elements that characterise urban change in the city of San Francisco and (2) which is the role of public strategies in the continuing economic success of San Francisco. The paper concludes that the successful performance of San Francisco is the result of the actions taken by many agents in the city, but the role of public authorities, especially the City and County, must be stressed, both through direct intervention and by coordinating, fostering and supporting the private and non-profit sectors. This is especially relevant in a country like the US where private initiative has been seen in many occasions as the greatest driver of economic and social success. Yet, the performance of San Francisco City cannot be explained without the role played by the public sector, in coordination with the civil society
Inter and intra-annual variation in year-class strength was analyzed for San Francisco Bay Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) by using otoliths of juveniles. Juvenile herring were collected from March through June in 1999 and 2000 and otoliths from subsamples of these collections were aged by daily otolith increment analysis. The composition of the year classes in 1999 and 2000 were determined by back-calculating the birth date distribution for surviving juvenile herring. In 2000, 729% more juveniles were captured than in 1999, even though an estimated 12% fewer eggs were spawned in 2000. Spawning-date distributions show that survival for the 2000 year class was exceptionally good for a short (approximately 1 month) period of spawning, resulting in a large abundance of juvenile recruits. Analysis of age at size shows that growth rate increased significantly as the spawning season progressed both in 1999 and 2000. However, only in 2000 were the bulk of surviving juveniles a product of the fast growth period. In the two years examined, year-class strength was not predicted by the estimated number of eggs spawned, but rather appeared to depend on survival of eggs or larvae (or both) through the juvenile stage. Fast growth through the larval stage may have little effect on year-class strength if mortality during the egg stage is high and few larvae are available.
Principal coordinates analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to determine the environmental factors associated with the decline in phytoplankton production during and after the 1977 drought for the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary. Physical, chemical and biological data were collected semimonthly or monthly during the spring-summer between 1973 and 1982 from 15 sampling sites located throughout the Bay-Delta. A decline in phytoplankton community diversity and density during the 1977 drought and subsequent years (1978 through 1981) was described using principal coordinates analysis. The best multiple regression which described the changes in phytoplankton community succession contained the variables water temperature, wind velocity and ortho-phosphate concentration. Together these variables accounted for 61 percent of the variation in the phytoplankton community among years described by principal coordinates analysis. An increase in water temperature, wind velocity and ortho-phosphate concentration within the Bay-Delta, beginning in June 1976 and continuing through 1981, was demonstrated using weighted moving averages. From the strong association between phytoplankton community succession and climatic variables it was hypothesized that the decline in phytoplankton production during and after the 1977 drought was associated with climatic changes within the northeast Pacific.
As California entered its sixth consecutive year of drought, the onset of a positive sea surface temperature anomaly in the equatorial Pacific and other indicators of a developing ENSO event were observed. This brought the following question from the media, water officials, and the public: What effect will El Niño have on the current rainfall season in general and on the intraseasonal distribution of rain in particular? To answer the question, the historical San Francisco rainfall record was examined in relationship to previous ENSO events.