998 resultados para Cold-adapted yeast


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The Arabidopsis CBF transcriptional activators bind to the CRT/DRE regulatory element present in the promoters of many cold-regulated genes and stimulate their transcription. Expression of the CBF1 proteins in yeast activates reporter genes carrying a minimal promoter with the CRT/DRE as an upstream regulatory element. Here we report that this ability of CBF1 is dependent upon the activities of three key components of the yeast Ada and SAGA complexes, namely the histone acetyltransferase (HAT) Gcn5 and the transcriptional adaptor proteins Ada2 and Ada3. This result suggested that CBF1 might function through the action of similar complexes in Arabidopsis. In support of this hypothesis we found that Arabidopsis has a homolog of the GCN5 gene and two homologs of ADA2, the first report of multiple ADA2 genes in an organism. The Arabidopsis GCN5 protein has intrinsic HAT activity and can physically interact in vitro with both the Arabidopsis ADA2a and ADA2b proteins. In addition, the CBF1 transcriptional activator can interact with the Arabidopsis GCN5 and ADA2 proteins. We conclude that Arabidopsis encodes HAT-containing adaptor complexes that are related to the Ada and SAGA complexes of yeast and propose that the CBF1 transcriptional activator functions through the action of one or more of these complexes.


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The Schizosaccharomyces pombe mutant, ban5-4, displays aberrant mitochondrial distribution. Incubation of this conditional-lethal mutant at the nonpermissive temperature led to aggregated mitochondria that were distributed asymmetrically within the cell. Development of this mitochondrial asymmetry but not mitochondrial aggregation required progression through the cell division cycle. Genetic analysis revealed that ban5-4 is an allele of atb2 encoding alpha 2-tubulin. Consistent with this finding, cells with the cold-sensitive nda3 mutation in beta-tubulin displayed aggregated and asymmetrically distributed mitochondria after incubation at lowered temperatures. These results indicate that microtubules mediate mitochondrial distribution in fission yeast and provide the first genetic evidence for the role of microtubules in mitochondrial movement.


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Yeast and animals use mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascades to mediate stress and extracellular signals. We have tested whether MAP kinases are involved in mediating environmental stress responses in plants. Using specific peptide antibodies that were raised against different alfalfa MAP kinases, we found exclusive activation of p44MMK4 kinase in drought- and cold-treated plants. p44MMK4 kinase was transiently activated by these treatments and was correlated with a shift in the electrophoretic mobility of the p44MMK4 protein. Although transcript levels of the MMK4 gene accumulated after drought and cold treatment, no changes in p44MMK4 steady state protein levels were observed, indicating a posttranslational activation mechanism. Extreme temperatures, drought, and salt stress are considered to be different forms of osmotic stress. However, high salt concentrations or heat shock did not induce activation of p44MMK4, indicating the existence of distinct mechanisms to mediate different stresses in alfalfa. Stress adaptation in plants is mediated by abscisic acid (ABA)-dependent and ABA-independent processes. Although ABA rapidly induced the transcription of an ABA-inducible marker gene, MMK4 transcript levels did not increase and p44MMK4 kinase was not activated. These data indicate that the MMK4 kinase pathway mediates drought and cold signaling independently of ABA.


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Transposon Tn1000 has been adapted to deliver novel DNA sequences for manipulating recombinant DNA. The transposition procedure for these "tagged" Tn1000s is simple and applicable to most plasmids in current use. For yeast molecular biology, tagged Tn1000s introduce a variety of yeast selective markers and replication origins into plasmids and cosmids. In addition, the beta-globin minimal promoter and lacZ gene of Tn(beta)lac serve as a mobile reporter of eukaryotic enhancer activity. In this paper, Tn(beta)lac was used to localize a mouse HoxB-complex enhancer in transgenic mice. Other tagged transposons create Gal4 DNA-binding-domain fusions, in either Escherichia coli or yeast plasmids, for use in one- and two-hybrid tests of transcriptional activation and protein-protein interaction, respectively. With such fusions, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Swi6 G1/S-phase transcription factor and the Xenopus laevis Pintallavis developmental regulator are shown to activate transcription. Furthermore, the same transposon insertions also facilitated mapping of the Swi6 and Pintallavis domains responsible for transcriptional activation. Thus, as well as introducing novel sequences, tagged transposons share the numerous other applications of transposition such as producing insertional mutations, creating deletion series, or serving as mobile primer sites for DNA sequencing.


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We describe here the cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding a protein kinase that has high sequence homology to members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase kinase (MAPKKK or MEKK) family; this cDNA is named cATMEKKI (Arabidopsis thaliana MAP kinase or ERK kinase kinase 1). The catalytic domain of the putative ATMEKK1 protein shows approximately 40% identity with the amino acid sequences of the catalytic domains of MAPKKKs (such as Byr2 from Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Ste11 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bck1 from S. cerevisiae, MEKK from mouse, and NPK1 from tobacco). In yeast cells that overexpress ATMEKK1, the protein kinase replaces Ste11 in responding to mating pheromone. In this study, the expression of three protein kinases was examined by Northern blot analyses: ATMEKK1 (structurally related to MAPKKK), ATMPK3 (structurally related to MAPK), and ATPK19 (structurally related to ribosomal S6 kinase). The mRNA levels of these three protein kinases increased markedly and simultaneously in response to touch, cold, and salinity stress. These results suggest that MAP kinase cascades, which are thought to respond to a variety of extracellular signals, are regulated not only at the posttranslational level but also at the transcriptional level in plants and that MAP kinase cascades in plants may function in transducing signals in the presence of environmental stress.


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The MKC7 gene was isolated as a multicopy suppressor of the cold-sensitive growth phenotype of a yeast kex2 mutant, which lacks the protease that cleaves pro-alpha-factor and other secretory proproteins at pairs of basic residues in a late Golgi compartment in yeast. MKC7 encodes an aspartyl protease most closely related to product of the YAP3 gene, a previously isolated multicopy suppressor of the pro-alpha-factor processing defect of a kex2 null. Multicopy MKC7 suppressed the alpha-specific mating defect of a kex2 null as well as multicopy YAP3 did, but multicopy YAP3 was a relatively weak suppressor of kex2 cold sensitivity. Overexpression of MKC7 resulted in production of a membrane-associated proteolytic activity that cleaved an internally quenched fluorogenic peptide substrate on the carboxyl side of a Lys-Arg site. Treatment with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C shifted Mkc7 activity from the detergent to the aqueous phase in a Triton X-114 phase separation, indicating that membrane attachment of Mkc7 is mediated by a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol anchor. Although disruption of MKC7 or YAP3 alone resulted in no observable phenotype, mkc7 yap3 double disruptants exhibited impaired growth at 37 degrees C. Disruption of MKC7 and YAP3 in a kex2 null mutant resulted in profound temperature sensitivity and more generalized cold sensitivity. The synergism of mkc7, yap3, and kex2 null mutations argues that Mkc7 and Yap3 are authentic processing enzymes whose functions overlap those of Kex2 in vivo.


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The biochemistry of most metabolic pathways is conserved from bacteria to humans, although the control mechanisms are adapted to the needs of each cell type. Oxygen depletion commonly controls the switch from respiration to fermentation. However, Saccharomyces cerevisiae also controls that switch in response to the external glucose level. We have generated an S. cerevisiae strain in which glucose uptake is dependent on a chimeric hexose transporter mediating reduced sugar uptake. This strain shows a fully respiratory metabolism also at high glucose levels as seen for aerobic organisms, and switches to fermentation only when oxygen is lacking. These observations illustrate that manipulating a single step can alter the mode of metabolism. The novel yeast strain is an excellent tool to study the mechanisms underlying glucose-induced signal transduction. © 2004 European Molecular Biology Organization.


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Cold-water corals form prominent reef ecosystems along ocean margins that depend on suspended resources produced in surface waters. In this study, we investigated food processing of 13C and 15N labelled bacteria and algae by the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa. Coral respiration, tissue incorporation of C and N and metabolic-derived C incorporation into the skeleton were traced following the additions of different food concentrations (100, 300, 1300 µg C/l) and two ratios of suspended bacterial and algal biomass (1:1, 3:1). Respiration and tissue incorporation by L. pertusa increased markedly following exposure to higher food concentrations. The net growth efficiency of L. pertusa was low (0.08±0.03), which is consistent with their slow growth rates. The contribution of algae and bacteria to total coral assimilation was proportional to the food mixture in the two lowest food concentrations, but algae were preferred over bacteria as food source at the highest food concentration. Similarly, the stoichiometric uptake of C and N was coupled in the low and medium food treatment, but was uncoupled in the high food treatment and indicated a comparatively higher uptake or retention of bacterial carbon as compared to algal nitrogen. We argue that behavioural responses for these small-sized food particles, such as tentacle behaviour, mucus trapping and physiological processing, are more likely to explain the observed food selectivity as compared to physical-mechanical considerations. A comparison of the experimental food conditions to natural organic carbon concentrations above CWC reefs suggests that L. pertusa is well adapted to exploit temporal pulses of high organic matter concentrations in the bottom water caused by internal waves and down-welling events.