998 resultados para Co-60 gamma-ray


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The measurement of void fraction is of importance to the oil industry and chemical industry. In this article, the principle and mathematical method of determining the void fraction of horizontal gas-liquid flow by using a single-energy gamma-ray system is described. The gamma-ray source is the radioactive isotope of Am-241 with gamma-ray energy of 59.5 keV. The time-averaged value of the void fraction in a 50.0-mm i.d. transparent horizontal pipeline is measured under various combinations of the liquid flow and gas flow. It is found that increasing the gas flow rate at a fixed liquid flow rate would increase the void fraction. Test data are compared with the predictions of the correlations and a good agreement is found. The result shows that the designed gamma-ray system can be used for measuring the void fraction in a horizontal gas-liquid two-phase flow with high accuracy.


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Blazars are active galaxies with a jet closely oriented to our line of sight. They are powerful, variable emitters from radio to gamma-ray wavelengths. Although the general picture of synchrotron emission at low energies and inverse Compton at high energies is well established, important aspects of blazars are not well understood. In particular, the location of the gamma-ray emission region is not clearly established, with some theories favoring a location close to the central engine, while others place it at parsec scales in the radio jet.

We developed a program to locate the gamma-ray emission site in blazars, through the study of correlated variations between their gamma-ray and radio-wave emission. Correlated variations are expected when there is a relation between emission processes at both bands, while delays tell us about the relative location of their energy generation zones. Monitoring at 15 GHz using the Owens Valley Radio Observatory 40 meter telescope started in mid-2007. The program monitors 1593 blazars twice per week, including all blazars detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (Fermi) north of -20 degrees declination. This program complements the continuous monitoring of gamma-rays by Fermi.

Three year long gamma-ray light curves for bright Fermi blazars are cross-correlated with four years of radio monitoring. The significance of cross-correlation peaks is investigated using simulations that account for the uneven sampling and noise properties of the light curves, which are modeled as red-noise processes with a simple power-law power spectral density. We found that out of 86 sources with high quality data, only three show significant correlations (AO 0235+164, B2 2308+34 and PKS 1502+106). Additionally, we find a significant correlation for Mrk 421 when including the strong gamma-ray/radio flare of late 2012. In all four cases radio variations lag gamma-ray variations, suggesting that the gamma-ray emission originates upstream of the radio emission. For PKS 1502+106 we locate the gamma-ray emission site parsecs away from the central engine, thus disfavoring the model of Blandford and Levinson (1995), while other cases are inconclusive. These findings show that continuous monitoring over long time periods is required to understand the cross-correlation between gamma-ray and radio-wave variability in most blazars.


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20 at.% Yb:YAG single crystals have been grown by the CZ method and gamma-ray irradiation induced color centers and valence change of Fe3+ and Yb3+ ions in Yb:YAG have been studied. One significant 255 nm absorption band was observed in as-grown crystals and was attributed to Fe3+ ions. Two additional absorption (AA) bands located at 255 nm and 345 nm, respectively, were produced after gamma irradiation. The changes in the AA spectra after gamma irradiation and air annealing are mainly related to the charge exchange of the Fe3+, Fe2+, oxygen vacancies and F-type color centers. Analysis shows that the broad AA band is associated with Fe2+ ions and F-type color centers. The transition Yb3+ Yb2+ takes place as an effect of recharging of one of the Yb3+ ions from a pair in the process of gamma irradiation. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The 8π spectrometer at TRIUMF-ISAC consists of 20 Compton-suppressed germanium detectors and various auxiliary devices. The Ge array, once used for studies of nuclei at high angular momentum, has been transformed into the world's most powerful device dedicated to radioactive-decay studies. Many improvements in the spectrometer have been made, including a high-throughput data acquisition system, installation of a moving tape collector, incorporation of an array of 20 plastic scintillators for β-particle tagging, 5 Si(Li) detectors for conversion electrons, and 10 BaF2 detectors for fast-lifetime measurements. Experiments can be performed where data from all detectors are collected simultaneously, resulting in a very detailed view of the nucleus through radioactive decay. A number of experimental programmes have been launched that take advantage of the versatility of the spectrometer, and the intense beams available at TRIUMF-ISAC. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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<正> 一、引言据报导,低等生物对电离輻射的敏感性是很低的。在太平洋原子弹爆炸后,对海藻的調查,发現这些低等植物仍然非常繁茂,而且很少有异常現象。是否所有藻类均有这情况,到目前为丘,仅有波恩哈姆(K.Bonham)和帕兰姆博(R.Palumbo),哥德沃德(M.B.E.Gordward),基勒(M.M.R.Gilet)和奥贊德(P.Ozenda)以及方宗熙等为数不多的报告。


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A process for fabricating n channel JFET/SOS (junction field-effect transistors on silicon-on-sapphire) has been researched. The gate p(+)n junction was obtained by diffusion, and the conductive channel was gotten by a double ion implantation. Both enhancement and depletion mode transistors were fabricated in different processing conditions. From the results of the Co-50 gamma ray irradiation experimental we found that the devices had a good total dose radiation-hardness. When the tot;ll dose was 5Mrad(Si), their threshold voltages shift was less than 0.1V. The variation of transconductance and the channel leakage current were also little.


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Hypersensitive response of mammalian cells in cell killing to X- and gamma-rays has been reported at doses below 1 Gy. The purpose of this study was to examine the low dose sensitivity of human hepatoma SMMC-7721 cells irradiated with Co-60 gamma-rays and 50 MeV/u C-12 ions. Experiments using gamma-rays and charged particle irradiation were performed, particularly in the low dose range from 0 to 2 Gy. The survival effect of SMMC-7721 cells was measured by means of standard clonogenic assay in conjunction with a cell sorter. The result indicates SMMC-7721 cells showed hyper-radiosensitive response at low doses and increased radio-resistance at larger single doses for the carbon ions (LET = 45.2 keV/mu m) and the gamma-rays. However, the HRS/IRR effect caused by high-LET irradiation is different from that by low-LET radiation. This might possibly be due to the difference in the mode of energy deposition by particle beam and low-LET irradiation.


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探测器位置分辨能力的高低是实现γ成像的一个重要指标.Segmented HPGe平面型位置灵敏探测器能够很好地给出γ射线与探测器晶体相互作用的作用点位置信息.利用由这种探测器组成的探测器阵列对~(22)Na标准源进行了γ成像实验.结果能够区分出标准源两个不同的摆放位置的细微差别,并与实际情况符合得很好.从而检验了Segmented HPGe平面型位置灵敏探测器的位置分辨能力.


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A high detection efficiency calorimeter which is used to detect gamma-rays with energies from 1 MeV up to 10 MeV as well as light charged particles has been proposed. Design of the geometry, results of the crystal tests and Monte Carlo simulations are presented in this paper. The simulation results confirm that the calorimeter can obtain high detection efficiency and good energy resolution with the current designed geometry. And the calorimeter is competent for the future External Target Facility (ETIF) experiments.