1000 resultados para Civitali, Matteo, 1436-1501.


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The Global River Discharge (RivDIS) data set contains monthly discharge measurements for 1018 stations located throughout the world. The period of record varies widely from station to station, with a mean of 21.5 years. These data were digitized from published UNESCO archives by Charles Voromarty, Balaze Fekete, and B.A. Tucker of the Complex Systems Research Center (CSRC) at the University of New Hampshire. River discharge is typically measured through the use of a rating curve that relates local water level height to discharge. This rating curve is used to estimate discharge from the observed water level. The rating curves are periodically rechecked and recalibrated through on-site measurement of discharge and river stage.


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Transmission of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) from an infected women to her offspring during gestation and delivery was found to be influenced by the infant's major histocompatibility complex class II DRB1 alleles. Forty-six HIV-infected infants and 63 seroreverting infants, born with passively acquired anti-HIV antibodies but not becoming detectably infected, were typed by an automated nucleotide-sequence-based technique that uses low-resolution PCR to select either the simpler Taq or the more demanding T7 sequencing chemistry. One or more DR13 alleles, including DRB1*1301, 1302, and 1303, were found in 31.7% of seroreverting infants and 15.2% of those becoming HIV-infected [OR (odds ratio) = 2.6 (95% confidence interval 1.0-6.8); P = 0.048]. This association was influenced by ethnicity, being seen more strongly among the 80 Black and Hispanic children [OR = 4.3 (1.2-16.4); P = 0.023], with the most pronounced effect among Black infants where 7 of 24 seroreverters inherited these alleles with none among 12 HIV-infected infants (Haldane OR = 12.3; P = 0.037). The previously recognized association of DR13 alleles with some situations of long-term nonprogression of HIV suggests that similar mechanisms may regulate both the occurrence of infection and disease progression after infection. Upon examining for residual associations, only only the DR2 allele DRB1*1501 was associated with seroreversion in Caucasoid infants (OR = 24; P = 0.004). Among Caucasoids the DRB1*03011 allele was positively associated with the occurrence of HIV infection (P = 0.03).


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Abstract in italiano L’oggetto del presente elaborato è una proposta di traduzione dall’italiano al portoghese di un racconto della scrittrice Paola Zoffoli intitolato "Matteo il maestro vetraio". Il libro ha come fine quello di far conoscere ai più piccoli la rinomata arte del vetro veneziano. Questo progetto si divide in tre capitoli: nel primo vengono presentate l’autrice e l’opera, nel secondo vengono commentate le scelte traduttive con particolare attenzione al tipo di pubblico cui il testo è rivolto, nel terzo vengono esposte le conclusioni. La proposta di traduzione viene fornita in appendice. Sinopse em português O tema desta tese é uma proposta de tradução de italiano para português do conto "Matteo il maestro vetraio" escrito por Paola Zoffoli. O livro tem o fim de sensibilizar as crianças sobre a renomada arte do vidro veneziano. Este estudo é composto por três capítulos: no primeiro, é apresentada a autora e a obra, no segundo analizam-se as opções tradutivas com especial atenção para o tipo de leitores aos quais o texto está endereçado, enquanto que no terceiro estão apresentadas as conclusões. A proposta de tradução encontra-se no final do presente trabalho em anexo.