118 resultados para Civics
Citizenship education was intensively discussed during the 1910s. Patriotic ideals and the love of the fatherland were described with diligence in teachers' journals. After the outbreak of the World War I, Swiss teachers reacted immediately to the new circumstances and published lessons in their weekly teacher journals for every day of school for different grade levels. These lessons comprised current events and civic education as well as didactical instructions for the teacher. In pupils' essays, citizens are often depicted as religious members of society who are industrious and hardworking, whereas in the journals, religious aspects are related to peace but not to citizenship education. As a multilingual and neutral country, Switzerland struggled with major domestic problems due to the cultural conflict between the French- and the German-speaking regions, especially during wartime. However, teachers promoted unity from the beginning. Therefore, changes and continuities during this decade concerning citizenship education are of crucial research interest. The practical sections of teachers' journals, including lessons and didactical instructions, and pupils' essays provide insight into what happened in the classrooms. Which forms of national identity and citizenship were taught in classrooms before, during and shortly after WW1 in public schools in Switzerland? How did pupils describe the current issues of war and citizenship?
Este artículo pretende presentar algunos elementos de reflexión en torno a las contradicciones e incoherencias existentes entre las características identitarias de la educación social y de su ejercicio profesional a nivel teórico, y la aplicación práctica de ésta así como las consecuencias derivadas de dicho ejercicio. De entre las múltiples consecuencias que puedan tener lugar, en este trabajo nos centraremos en aquellas que son no deseadas, considerando la definición normativa de educación social, y las funciones y encargos sociales que le son atribuidos.
El Parlament de Catalunya «ha aprobado la moción presentada por CiU sobre la ocultación o disimulación del rostro en el espacio público y las medidas que se deben adoptar en materia de seguridad pública» (18/7/2013). Esta iniciativa para impedir el uso del velo integral mediante nuevas normativas legales sobre seguridad ha reabierto la polémica entre prohibicionistas y no prohibicionistas.
This study sought to create a curriculum resource for Ontario secondary school educators that addresses the inadequate preparation of students prior to their involvement in community service. Specifically, Helping Youth Venture Into Volunteerism: A Resource for Ontario Secondary School Educators was designed to help grade 10 Civics and Citizenship teachers prepare students for the 40 hours of community service that are a prerequisite for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. The resource discusses problems with the current unstructured program, outlines researchers’ recommendations to address such problems, and provides comprehensive unit and lesson plans to help educators meet curriculum expectations for grade 10 Civics and Citizenship. In addition, the study examined the rationale and development of the community service program and reviewed related literature corresponding both to Ontario’s community service program as well as service-learning programs in schools. Study results and the accompanying resource will help improve the community service program’s effectiveness by integrating it into school practices and curriculum and making it more relevant, structured, and meaningful to students. By improving the community service program, students will be more engaged in community service and more likely will become lifelong volunteers and active members of their community.
Foi com grande satisfação que tomei conhecimento do tema a mim confiado, neste FORUM NORDESTINO DE MUSEUS - IV ENCONTRO, causando-me até uma certa surpresa, devido às poucas oportunidades que temos tido de discutir, da forma mais abrangente e integrante, o trabalho técnico que vem sendo desenvolvido nos museus. Para o profissional que vem se dedicando às ações educativas dos museus, como é meu caso, é pouco comum ser chamado para discutir e analisar as correlações existentes entre as suas ações e as demais desenvolvidas nos diversos setores técnicos do museu. Esta é a primeira vez que recebo um convite desse teor e o considerei um avanço, pois a meu ver, as ações do museu devem ser desenvolvidas de forma integrada, visando a atingir os objetivos mais amplos da instituição, de acordo com as suas características e a realidade à qual está destinado. Falar da relação entre documentação, educação e cidadania, é abordar uma rede de questões, uma malha bastante complexa, da qual, nesse momento, tentaremos puxar alguns fios necessários à compreensão do funcionamento do museu como um todo e, sobretudo, aos objetivos dessa instituição.