937 resultados para Circadian Rhythm


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The circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus organizes behavioral rhythms, such as the sleep–wake cycle, on a near 24-h time base and synchronizes them to environmental day and night. Light information is transmitted to the SCN by direct retinal projections via the retinohypothalamic tract (RHT). Both glutamate (Glu) and pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP) are localized within the RHT. Whereas Glu is an established mediator of light entrainment, the role of PACAP is unknown. To understand the functional significance of this colocalization, we assessed the effects of nocturnal Glu and PACAP on phasing of the circadian rhythm of neuronal firing in slices of rat SCN. When coadministered, PACAP blocked the phase advance normally induced by Glu during late night. Surprisingly, blocking PACAP neurotransmission, with either PACAP6–38, a specific PACAP receptor antagonist, or anti-PACAP antibodies, augmented the Glu-induced phase advance. Blocking PACAP in vivo also potentiated the light-induced phase advance of the rhythm of hamster wheel-running activity. Conversely, PACAP enhanced the Glu-induced delay in the early night, whereas PACAP6–38 inhibited it. These results reveal that PACAP is a significant component of the Glu-mediated light-entrainment pathway. When Glu activates the system, PACAP receptor-mediated processes can provide gain control that generates graded phase shifts. The relative strengths of the Glu and PACAP signals together may encode the amplitude of adaptive circadian behavioral responses to the natural range of intensities of nocturnal light.


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Photoreceptors of the Xenopus laevis retina are the site of a circadian clock. As part of a differential display screen for rhythmic gene products in this system, we have identified a photoreceptor-specific mRNA expressed in peak abundance at night. cDNA cloning revealed an open reading frame encoding a putative 388 amino acid protein that we have named “nocturnin” (for night-factor). This protein has strong sequence similarity to the C-terminal domain of the yeast transcription factor, CCR4, as well as a leucine zipper-like dimerization motif. Nocturnin mRNA levels exhibit a high amplitude circadian rhythm and nuclear run-on analysis indicates that it is controlled by the retinal circadian clock at the level of transcription. Our observations suggest that nocturnin may function through protein–protein interaction either as a component of the circadian clock or as a downstream effector of clock function.


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The transcription of CAB genes, encoding the chlorophyll a/b-binding proteins, is rapidly induced in dark-grown Arabidopsis seedlings following a light pulse. The transient induction is followed by several cycles of a circadian rhythm. Seedlings transferred to continuous light are known to exhibit a robust circadian rhythm of CAB expression. The precise waveform of CAB expression in light–dark cycles, however, reflects a regulatory network that integrates information from photoreceptors, from the circadian clock and possibly from a developmental program. We have used the luciferase reporter system to investigate CAB expression with high time resolution. We demonstrate that CAB expression in light-grown plants exhibits a transient induction following light onset, similar to the response in dark-grown seedlings. The circadian rhythm modulates the magnitude and the kinetics of the response to light, such that the CAB promoter is not light responsive during the subjective night. A signaling pathway from the circadian oscillator must therefore antagonize the phototransduction pathways controlling the CAB promoter. We have further demonstrated that the phase of maximal CAB expression is delayed in light–dark cycles with long photoperiods, due to the entrainment of the circadian oscillator. Under short photoperiods, this pattern of entrainment ensures that dawn coincides with a phase of high light responsiveness, whereas under long photoperiods, the light response at dawn is reduced.


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A negative feedback control of kaiC expression by KaiC protein has been proposed to generate a basic oscillation of the circadian clock in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942. KaiC has two P loops or Walker's motif As, that are potential ATP-/GTP-binding motifs and DXXG motifs conserved in various GTP-binding proteins. Herein, we demonstrate that in vitro KaiC binds ATP and, with lower affinity, GTP. Point mutation by site-directed mutagenesis of P loop 1 completely nullified the circadian rhythm of kaiBC expression and markedly reduced ATP-binding activity. Moreover, KaiC can be autophosphorylated in vitro. These results suggest that the nucleotide-binding activity of KaiC plays important roles in the generation of circadian oscillation in cyanobacteria.


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Overnight low-temperature exposure inhibits photosynthesis in chilling-sensitive species such as tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and cucumber by as much as 60%. In an earlier study we showed that one intriguing effect of low temperature on chilling-sensitive plants is to stall the endogenous rhythm controlling transcription of certain nuclear-encoded genes, causing the synthesis of the corresponding transcripts and proteins to be mistimed when the plant is rewarmed. Here we show that the circadian rhythm controlling the activity of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) and nitrate reductase (NR), key control points of carbon and nitrogen metabolism in plant cells, is delayed in tomato by chilling treatments. Using specific protein kinase and phosphatase inhibitors, we further demonstrate that the chilling-induced delay in the circadian control of SPS and NR activity is associated with the activity of critical protein phosphatases. The sensitivity of the pattern of SPS activity to specific inhibitors of transcription and translation indicates that there is a chilling-induced delay in SPS phosphorylation status that is caused by an effect of low temperature on the expression of a gene coding for a phosphoprotein phosphatase, perhaps the SPS phosphatase. In contrast, the chilling-induced delay in NR activity does not appear to arise from effects on NR phosphorylation status, but rather from direct effects on NR expression. It is likely that the mistiming in the regulation of SPS and NR, and perhaps other key metabolic enzymes under circadian regulation, underlies the chilling sensitivity of photosynthesis in these plant species.


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The sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) cultivar 58M, which contains the null mutant phytochrome B gene, shows reduced photoperiodic sensitivity and exhibits a shade-avoidance phenotype. Ethylene production by seedlings of wild-type and phytochrome B mutant cultivars was monitored every 3 h, and both cultivars were found to produce ethylene in a circadian rhythm, with peak production occurring during the day. The phytochrome B mutant produces rhythmic peaks of ethylene with approximately 10 times the amplitude of the wild-type counterpart with the same period and diurnal timing. The source of the mutant's additional ethylene is the shoot. The diurnal rhythm can be produced with either light or temperature cycles; however, both light and temperature cycles are required for circadian entrainment. The temperature signal overrides the light signal in the production of diurnal rhythms, because seedlings grown under thermoperiods reversed with the photoperiod produced ethylene peaks during the warm nights. To examine the effect of extreme shading on ethylene production, seedlings were grown under dim, far-red-enriched light. This treatment duplicated the phytochrome B mutant's shade-avoidance phenotype in the wild type and caused the wild type to produce ethylene peaks similar to those observed in the mutant. The results confirm that phytochrome B is not required for proper function of circadian timing, but it may be involved in modulating physiological rhythms driven by the biological clock oscillator.


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Purpose: Increased risk of arrhythmic events occurs at certain times during the circadian cycle with the highest risk being in the second and fourth quarter of the day. Exercise improves treatment outcome in individuals with cardiovascular disease. How different exercise protocols affect the circadian rhythm and the associated decrease in adverse cardiovascular risk over the circadian cycle has not been shown. Methods: Fifty sedentary male participants were randomized into an 8-week high volume and moderate volume training and a control group. Heart rate was recorded using Polar Electronics and investigated with Cosinor analysis and by Poincaré plot derived features of SD1, SD2 and the complex correlation measure (CCM) at 1-h intervals over the 24-h period. Results: Moderate exercise significantly increased vagal modulation and the temporal dynamics of the heart rate in the second quarter of the circadian cycle (p = 0.004 and p = 0.007 respectively). High volume exercise had a similar effect on vagal output (p = 0.003) and temporal dynamics (p = 0.003). Cosinor analysis confirms that the circadian heart rate displays a shift in the acrophage following moderate and high volume exercise from before waking (1st quarter) to after waking (2nd quarter of day). Conclusions: Our results suggest that exercise shifts vagal influence and increases temporal dynamics of the heart rate to the 2nd quarter of the day and suggest that this may be the underlying physiological change leading to a decrease in adverse arrhythmic events during this otherwise high-risk period.


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Disruptions to circadian rhythm in mice and humans have been associated with an increased risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome. The gut microbiota is known to be essential for the maintenance of circadian rhythm in the host suggesting a role for microbe-host interactions in the regulation of the peripheral circadian clock. Previous work suggested a role for gut bacterial bile salt hydrolase (BSH) activity in the regulation of host circadian gene expression. Here we demonstrate that unconjugated bile acids, known to be generated through the BSH activity of the gut microbiota, are potentially chronobiological regulators of host circadian gene expression. We utilised a synchronised Caco-2 epithelial colorectal cell model and demonstrated that unconjugated bile acids, but not the equivalent tauro-conjugated bile salts, enhance the expression levels of genes involved in circadian rhythm. In addition oral administration of mice with unconjugated bile acids significantly altered expression levels of circadian clock genes in the ileum and colon as well as the liver with significant changes to expression of hepatic regulators of circadian rhythm (including Dbp) and associated genes (Per2, Per3 and Cry2). The data demonstrate a potential mechanism for microbe-host crosstalk that significantly impacts upon host circadian gene expression. Disruptions to circadian rhythm in mice and humans have been associated with an increased risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome. The gut microbiota is known to be essential for the maintenance of circadian rhythm in the host suggesting a role for microbe-host interactions in the regulation of the peripheral circadian clock. Previous work suggested a role for gut bacterial bile salt hydrolase (BSH) activity in the regulation of host circadian gene expression. Here we demonstrate that unconjugated bile acids, known to be generated through the BSH activity of the gut microbiota, are potentially chronobiological regulators of host circadian gene expression. We utilised a synchronised Caco-2 epithelial colorectal cell model and demonstrated that unconjugated bile acids, but not the equivalent tauro-conjugated bile salts, enhance the expression levels of genes involved in circadian rhythm. In addition oral administration of mice with unconjugated bile acids significantly altered expression levels of circadian clock genes in the ileum and colon as well as the liver with significant changes to expression of hepatic regulators of circadian rhythm (including Dbp) and associated genes (Per2, Per3 and Cry2). The data demonstrate a potential mechanism for microbe-host crosstalk that significantly impacts upon host circadian gene expression.


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This paper deals with the phase control for Neurospora circadian rhythm. The nonlinear control, given by tuning the parameters (considered as controlled variables) in Neurospora dynamical model, allows the circadian rhythms tracking a reference one. When there are many parameters (e.g. 3 parameters in this paper) and their values are unknown, the adaptive control law reveals its weakness since the parameters converging and control objective must be guaranteed at the same time. We show that this problem can be solved using the genetic algorithm for parameters estimation. Once the unknown parameters are known, the phase control is performed by chaos synchronization technique.


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Ultra-performance LC coupled to quadrupole TOF/MS (UPLC-QTOF/MS) in positive and negative ESI was developed and validated to analyze metabolite profiles for urine from healthy men during the day and at night. Data analysis using principal components analysis (PCA) revealed differences between metabolic phenotypes of urine in healthy men during the day and at night. Positive ions with mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) 310.24 (5.35 min), 286.24 (4.74 min) and 310.24 (5.63 min) were elevated in the urine from healthy men at night compared to that during the day. Negative ions elevated in day urine samples of healthy men included m/z 167.02 (0.66 min), 263.12 (2.55 min) and 191.03 (0.73 min), whilst ions m/z 212.01 (4.77 min) were at a lower concentration in urine of healthy men during the day compared to that at night. The ions m/z 212.01 (4.77 min), 191.03 (0.73 min) and 310.24 (5.35 min) preliminarily correspond to indoxyl sulfate, citric acid and N-acetylneuraminic acid, providing further support for an involvement of phenotypic difference in urine of healthy men in day and night samples, which may be associated with notably different activities of gut microbiota, velocity of tricarboxylic acid cycle and activity of sialic acid biosynthesis in healthy men as regulated by circadian rhythm of the mammalian bioclock.


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Hypothesis Melatonin synthesis, which is directly controlled by the central circadian pacemaker indicates the circadian phase better than rectal temperature. Methods: Thirty four men (16-32 years, 7 morning, 13 neither, 14 evening types) performed a constant routine (24-26-hr bedrest, < 30 lux, 18-20°C, hourly isocaloric diet). Salivary melatonin level was determined hourly and rectal temperature was continuously recorded. Results: The nadir of rectal temperature occurred 1.5 hr (P = 0.017), the onset of melatonin synthesis 3 hr earlier (P < 0.0001) in morning than in evening types. Morningness was not related to the quantitative but significantly to the temporal parameters, closer to those of melatonin than of rectal temperature. Conclusions: The melatonin onset is a more reliable indicator of the diurnal type than the nadir of rectal temperature. As morningness has been associated with intolerance to shiftwork, melatonin profiling provides a suitable basis for the establishment of directed preventive measures.


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- Objective Driver sleepiness is a major crash risk factor, but may be under-recognized as a risky driving behavior. Sleepy driving is usually rated as less of a road safety issue than more well-known risky driving behaviors, such as drink driving and speeding. The objective of this study was to compare perception of crash risk of sleepy driving, drink driving, and speeding. - Methods In total, 300 Australian drivers completed a questionnaire that assessed crash risk perceptions for sleepy driving, drink driving, and speeding. Additionally, the participants perception of crash risk was assessed for five different contextual scenarios that included different levels of sleepiness (low, high), driving duration (short, long), and time of day/circadian influences (afternoon, night-time) of driving. - Results The analysis confirmed that sleepy driving was considered a risky driving behavior, but not as risky as high levels of speeding (p < .05). Yet, the risk of crashing at 4 am was considered as equally risky as low levels of speeding (10 km over the limit). The comparisons of the contextual scenarios revealed driving scenarios that would arguably be perceived as quite risky due to time of day/circadian influences were not reported as high risk. - Conclusions The results suggest a lack of awareness or appreciation of circadian rhythm functioning, particularly the descending phase of circadian rhythm that promotes increased sleepiness in the afternoon and during the early hours of the morning. Yet, the results suggested an appreciation of the danger associated with long distance driving and driver sleepiness. Further efforts are required to improve the community’s awareness of the impairing effects from sleepiness and in particular, knowledge regarding the human circadian rhythm and the increased sleep propensity during the circadian nadir.


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Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster females display rhythmic egg-laying under 12: 12 h light/dark (LD) cycles which persists with near 24 h periodicity under constant darkness (DD). We have shown previously that persistence of this rhythm does not require the neurons expressing pigment dispersing factor (PDF), thought to be the canonical circadian pacemakers, and proposed that it could be controlled by peripheral clocks or regulated/triggered by the act of mating. We assayed egg-laying behaviour of wild-type Canton S (CS) females under LD, DD and constant light (LL) conditions in three different physiological states; as virgins, as females allowed to mate with males for 1 day and as females allowed to mate for the entire duration of the assay. Here, we report the presence of a circadian rhythm in egg-laying in virgin D. melanogaster females. We also found that egg-laying behaviour of 70 and 90% females from all the three male presence/absence protocols follows circadian rhythmicity under DD and LL, with periods ranging between 18 and 30 h. The egg-laying rhythm of all virgin females synchronized to LD cycles with a peak occurring soon after lights-off. The rhythm in virgins was remarkably robust with maximum number of eggs deposited immediately after lights-off in contrast to mated females which show higher egg-laying during the day. These results suggest that the egg-laying rhythm of D. melanogaster is endogenously driven and is neither regulated nor triggered by the act of mating; instead, the presence of males results in reduction in entrainment to LD cycles.


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A saudável interação entre o indivíduo e o meio depende do alinhamento entre a dinâmica fisiológica do primeiro e os periódicos movimentos da natureza. A interação entre tais ritmos por sua vez constitui-se em base e derivação do processo de evolução. O comprometimento de tal alinhamento representa um risco para a sobrevivência das espécies. Neste contexto, os organismos alinham seus ritmos fisiológicos a diferentes ciclos externos. Desta forma, ciclos endógenos são coordenados por relógios biológicos que determinam em nosso organismo, específicos ritmos em fase com a natureza, tais como ritmos circadianos (RC), cujo período aproxima-se de 24 horas. O peso corporal, a ingestão de alimentos e o consumo de energia são processos caracterizados pelo RC e a obesidade está associada a uma dessincronização deste processo. A modulação do RC é resultado da expressão dos clock gens CLOCK e BMAL1 que formam um heterodímero responsável pela transcrição gênica de Per1, Per2, Per3, Cry1 e Cry2. As proteínas codificadas por estes genes, uma vez sintetizadas, formam dímeros (PER-CRY) no citoplasma que, a partir de determinada concentração, retornam ao núcleo, bloqueando a ação do heterodímero CLOCK/BMAL1 na transcrição dos próprios genes, formando assim uma alça de retroalimentação negativa de transcrição e tradução. Estes genes asseguram a periodicidade e são significativamente expressos no núcleo supraquiasmático (SCN) do hipotálamo. Para estudar esse processo em camundongos normais e hiperalimentados, saciados e em estado de fome, foi utilizado um método de registro do comportamento alimentar baseado no som produzido pela alimentação dos animais, e a correlação destes estados metabólicos com a expressão de CLOCK, BMAL1, Per1, Per2, Per3, bem como das proteínas Cry1 e Cry2 no SCN, por análise de imagens obtidas em microscopia confocal. Camundongos suíços controle em estado de fome (CF) e saciados (CS) foram comparados com animais hiperalimentados com fome (HF) e saciados (HS). Nenhum grupo demonstrou diferença nos conteúdos CLOCK e BMAL1, indicando capacidade potencial para modular os ritmos biológicos. No entanto, as proteínas Per1, Per2, Per3 e Cry1 apresentaram menor expressão no grupo CS, mostrando uma diferença significativa quando comparados com o grupo CF (P<0,05), diferença esta não encontrada na comparação entre os grupos HF e HS. A quantidade de proteína Cry2 não foi diferente na mesma comparação. Os resultados do estudo indicaram que as alterações dos ritmos endógenos e exógenos, refletido pelo comportamento hiperfágico observado em camundongos hiperalimentados, pode ser devido a um defeito no mecanismo de feedback negativo associado ao dímero Cry-Per, que não bloqueia a transcrição de Per1 Per2, Per3 e Cry1 pelo heterodímero CLOCK-BMAL1.


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A hiperatividade locomotora e as alterações nos ritmos circadianos têm sido descritas em roedores e humanos expostos ao etanol durante o desenvolvimento. Considerando que a atividade locomotora em camundongos é conhecida por variar ao longo das fases do ciclo claro escuro, é possível que o fenótipo hiperativo resultante da exposição precoce ao etanol também varie em função da hora do dia. Além disso, é possível que a hiperatividade apresentada pelos indivíduos expostos ao etanol durante o desenvolvimento esteja associada com distúrbios no sistema de controle do ritmo circadiano. Neste estudo, avaliamos estas duas possibilidades realizando uma análise circadiana da atividade locomotora e da expressão dos genes de relógio de camundongos adolescentes expostos ao etanol durante o período de surto de crescimento cerebral. Para tanto, camundongos suíços criados e mantidos em um ciclo claro/escuro de 12h (luzes acesas às 2:00h, apagadas as 14:00h) foram injetados com etanol (5g/kg ip, grupo ETOH) ou um volume equivalente de solução salina (grupo SAL) em dias alternados do segundo ao oitavo dias pós-natais. No 30 dia pós-natal, os animais foram testados em campo aberto por 15 minutos em diferentes momentos do ciclo claro/escuro: durante a fase clara entre 6:00 e 7:30h e entre12:00 e 13:30h; durante a fase escura entre 18:00 e 19:30h e entre 0:00 e 01:30h. Durante a fase escura os testes foram realizados sob iluminação com luz vermelha. Após os testes comportamentais, alguns animais foram randomicamente selecionados para as análises de imunofluorescência da expressão dos genes PER 1, 2 e 3 no núcleo supraquiasmático. Ao longo dos seis primeiros minutos, a atividade locomotora dos animais testados durante o período claro não mudou significativamente ou apresentou um leve aumento e a dos animais testados no período escuro apresentou uma marcante redução. Além disso, o grupo de animais testados entre 00:00 e 1:30h apresentou a maior atividade locomotora e o grupo dos animais testados entre 12:00 e 13:30h apresentou a menor atividade locomotora. De modo importante, a exposição neonatal ao etanol promoveu hiperatividade locomotora apenas no grupo de animais testados entre 00:00 e 1:30h. Em relação aos genes de controle do ritmo circadiano, a exposição precoce ao etanol afetou apenas a expressão do gene Per1 que foi menor entre 18:00 e 19:30h. O fato de que a expressão dos genes de controle do ritmo circadiano foi alterada no meio da fase escura e que a hiperatividade locomotora foi observada apenas no final da fase escura é compatível com a hipótese de que a hiperatividade induzida pelo etanol pode estar associada com as perturbações de controle do ritmo circadiano.