106 resultados para Chrysomya


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In blowflies, larval aggregation in patches of food can be both intra- and interspecific, depending upon the degree to which competitors are clumped among the patches. In the present study, the implications of spatial aggregation for larval competition was investigated in experimental populations of the introduced blowfly Chrysomya putoria and the native Cochliomyia macellaria, using data from survival to adulthood in a range of single- and double-species larval cultures. The reduction in C. macellaria survival rate in the presence of C. putoria suggests that the former species is the inferior competitor. The results on survival to adulthood for both species in single- and double-species cultures can be explained in the light of the relationship between the level of intra- and interspecific aggregation and the efficiency of the larval feeding process. The possible implications of these results for the population biology of both species in natural environments are discussed.


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One way to understand the behavioural patterns exhibited by a predator in response to prey density is to evaluate its functional response. Such evaluation yields information about basic mechanisms of prey-predator dynamics, and is an essential component of prey-predator models. In this paper we analysed experimentally the functional response and the handling time spent by Chrysomya albiceps on different prey species and larval instars of blowflies. The type II functional response was observed when second instar larvae of Chrysomya megacephala and Chrysomya macellaria were consumed. The handling time spent by the predator was significantly different between instars and species. The implications of the functional response and handling time for the interaction dynamics of Brazilian Chrysomyinae species are discussed.


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Larvae of Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann) and Chrysomya putoria (Wiedemann) were reared on liver tissues from a rabbit that had a malignant tumor in the thoracic cavity. Larval rearing of both blowfly species was conducted at ambient temperature. Larvae that fed on tissues from the rabbit with the tumor developed at significantly faster rates than those feeding on tissues from the control animal.


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Medico-Legal or Forensic Entomology can be defined as the application of the study of insects and other arthropods which, in association with criminalistic processes, have the the purpose of desovering useful information for an investigation. Nowadays, the insects are a reliable alternative for toxicological analysis, especially when tissues and liquids usually required for this purpose are absent, once insects store some ingested substances which can change their growth rate, being this a relevant fact in the determination of the cause and the time since death. Previous experiments in our laboratory on the testosterone effects on body decomposition suggested that this hormone could interfere in the cadaveric fauna development. With the objective of investigating testosterone influence on the Chrysomya albiceps larval development, a common species in cadaveric fauna, an experimental study was done from eggs of a laboratory maintained colony of this species. The eggs were divided in four groups of 30 and put in glass flasks with 50g of artificial diet in each of them, with testosterone being added in two of them. The larvae were weighted each 12 h during all interval of the larval growing. The studied larvae did not present any difference in the stages of development, but larvae from the experimental group had 5 times the weight of the larvae from the control group and with bigger size. This result shows a significant influence of testosterone in the growth of C. albiceps.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Em ambiente natural, as moscas-varejeiras depositam seus ovos geralmente em grupos de 100 a 300 ovos, freqüentemente na presença de ovos de outras espécies. Estes ovos são depositados em substratos discretos e efêmeros, que constituem unidades pequenas e separadas espacialmente, tais como carcaças, fezes, frutos, fungos e vegetais em decomposição, nas quais ocorrem mudanças sucessivas e rápidas. Em condições naturais, tais substratos apresentam-se saturados de indivíduos, de uma única ou mais espécies de insetos, principalmente em estágio larval, caracterizando uma intensa competição por recursos durante o desenvolvimento pós embrionário. Vários autores tentaram explicar a coexistência de moscas-varejeiras em substratos efêmeros, sugerindo que cada espécie pode ter seu próprio nicho dentro do substrato, uma especialização em diferentes partes do recurso alimentar ou comportamentos distintos de dispersão larval pós alimentar, que podem permitir a coexistência de espécies. No gênero Chrysomya, as similaridades nos nichos ecológicos, como por exemplo, no requerimento alimentar de suas larvas, podem acirrar a competição por recursos, e a espécie C. albiceps pode tornar-se predadora, apresentando comportamento de predação intra-guilda e canibalismo, interferindo na coexistência, no tamanho populacional das espécies presentes e podendo até excluir alguma delas. O nível de competição por espaço e alimento que os imaturos irão enfrentar relaciona-se com o padrão de distribuição espacial destes no substrato, decorrentes da escolha do sítio de oviposição pelas fêmeas adultas. Assim, o comportamento de oviposição é um processo biológico fundamental para as moscas, pois pode determinar a sobrevivência e o tamanho populacional nas sucessivas gerações. Por este motivo, o objetivo deste trabalho ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius), has considerable medical, veterinary and forensic importance. In insects in general, the ability to track the food substrate is due to highly sensitive organs adapted for detecting odors, particularly in the case of blowflies, which is one of carcass main consumers. Eggs of blowflies are usually aggregated in function of the behavior of other pheromone mediated by females laying eggs in place on the same substrate. One of the main reasons for studying oviposition behavior is because it may indirectly affect individual qualification, population dynamics and community structure. It has been suggested that female blowflies can evaluate the number of eggs on a substrate, decreasing the size of oviposition in very saturated substrates with larvae or eggs leading to a lower intraspecific competition. The present study investigated the oviposition behavior of females of C. megacephala, and wished to consider whether they are able to distinguish quantitatively (size of the mass) eggs previously put into a place of posture and hence indicate whether there is a limit beneficial (to avoid competition among larvae) for its oviposition on the same substrate or if that place would already be saturated, requiring find another substrate without eggs or less for futures ovipositions. With 20 females and five males, five treatments were applied, repeated ten times and analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test. Each treatment consists in placing, inside the cage, a flask with 50g of ground beef and another one in the other side, with the same amount of substrate with a certain amount of prior oviposition for a period of 5 hours. The masses prior eggs were used 0.03 g, 0.05 g, 0.1 g, 0.2 g and 0.3 g (respectively, T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5). The other part of the work consisted in the use of a “Y” olfactometer, a device used to determine the choice of an invertebrate against... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) é um díptero da família Calliphoridae, introduzido recentemente no Brasil, de forma acidental. Esta espécie possui grande importância médicosanitária por ser veiculadora de enteropatógenos como vírus, bactérias e helmintos; causar miíases facultativas; além de ser de fundamental importância na entomologia forense pelo fato de poder ser utilizada na estimativa do tempo de decomposição de cadáveres humanos, conhecido como intervalo pós-morte (IPM), ou na descoberta da causa da morte. Sabe-se que análises toxicológicas das larvas destes insetos podem detectar traços de substâncias lícitas ou não que se encontravam nos tecidos do cadáver, ingeridos antes da morte deste. Trabalhos recentes têm demonstrado que a presença de toxinas nos tecidos em decomposição pode alterar a taxa de desenvolvimento de insetos que utilizam-se destes como local de oviposição. Assim, testes preliminares utilizando dietas artificiais em laboratório são necessários para a criação de um banco de dados como padrão para investigar e quantificar as possíveis alterações no desenvolvimento de insetos coletados da cena criminal, para não gerar dados imprecisos sobre o IPM. No estágio larval, as moscas varejeiras competem ativamente por recursos alimentares. Nesse período, o substrato alimentar pode estar contaminado por substâncias químicas. O presente trabalho visa conhecer quais os possíveis efeitos da droga Citalopram, um antidepressivo que vem sendo utilizado em larga escala em casos de suicídio, sobre o tempo de desenvolvimento larval de C. megacephala até a pupação, frente a diferentes dosagens que serão utilizadas, além da obtenção de dados envolvendo porcentagem de emergência e razão social para os adultos emergidos, para cada um doss diferentes tratamentos