367 resultados para Choroid plexus


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We have isolated cDNAs encoding a second member of the dilute (myosin-V) unconventional myosin family in vertebrates, myr 6 (myosin from rat 6). Expression of myr 6 transcripts in the brain is much more limited than is the expression of dilute, with highest levels observed in choroid plexus and components of the limbic system. We have mapped the myr 6 locus to mouse chromosome 18 using an interspecific backcross. The 3' portion of the myr 6 cDNA sequence from rat is nearly identical to that of a previously published putative glutamic acid decarboxylase from mouse [Huang, W.M., Reed-Fourquet, L., Wu, E. & Wu, J.Y. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 8491-8495].


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We have isolated overlapping cDNAs encoding the N-terminal non-triple-helical region of mouse alpha 1(XVIII) collagen and shown that three different variants of alpha 1(XVIII) collagen exist. Each of the three variants shows characteristic tissue-specific expression patterns. Immunohistochemical studies show positive staining for alpha 1(XVIII) collagen along the basement membrane zones of vessels in the intestinal villi, the choroid plexus, skin, liver, and kidney. Thus, we conclude that alpha 1(XVIII) collagen may interact (directly or indirectly) with components in basement membrane zones or on the basal surface of endothelial/epithelial cells.


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The acyclic nucleoside phosphonate analog 9-(2-phosphonylmethoxyethyl)adenine (PMEA) was recently found to be effective as an inhibitor of visna virus replication and cytopathic effect in sheep choroid plexus cultures. To study whether PMEA also affects visna virus infection in sheep, two groups of four lambs each were inoculated intracerebrally with 10(6.3) TCID50 of visna virus strain KV1772 and treated subcutaneously three times a week with PMEA at 10 and 25 mg/kg, respectively. The treatment was begun on the day of virus inoculation and continued for 6 weeks. A group of four lambs were infected in the same way but were not treated. The lambs were bled weekly or biweekly and the leukocytes were tested for virus. At 7 weeks after infection, the animals were sacrificed, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and samples of tissue from various areas of the brain and from lungs, spleen, and lymph nodes were collected for isolation of virus and for histopathologic examination. The PMEA treatment had a striking effect on visna virus infection, which was similar for both doses of the drug. Thus, the frequency of virus isolations was much lower in PMEA-treated than in untreated lambs. The difference was particularly pronounced in the blood, CSF, and brain tissue. Furthermore, CSF cell counts were much lower and inflammatory lesions in the brain were much less severe in the treated lambs than in the untreated controls. The results indicate that PMEA inhibits the propagation and spread of visna virus in infected lambs and prevents brain lesions, at least during early infection. The drug caused no noticeable side effects during the 6 weeks of treatment.


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A tranferência nuclear de células somáticas (TNCS) está sendo utilizada para produzir cavalos de elite. No entanto, durante este procedimento pode ocorrer a perfuração da zona pelúcida, levando, ocasionalmente, à secção da massa celular interna, e conseqüente derivação de gêmeos monozigóticos. Além de serem relatadas alterações no processo de imprinting genômico, que conduzem ao desenvolvimento de doenças. Com a descoberta da possibilidade de reprogramar as células somáticas a um estado de pluripotência (iPSCs), estas células passaram a ser muito utilizadas em pesquisas de neurociência. Contudo, também ocorrem modificações epigenéticas durante esta reprogramação celular. Portanto, nossas hipóteses são que os gêmeos eqüinos gerados pela TNCS podem levar às irregularidades no desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso. O padrão de metilação do SNRPN nas estruturas dos fetos muares clonados, e as células iPSCs são diferentes dos padrões encontrados nos muares analisados. A expressão dos genes SNRPN, Necdin e UBE3A são maiores no cérebro, enquanto a expressão do H19 é maior nas membranas extra-embrionárias. Em nosso estudo, obtivemos duas gestações gemelares equinas derivadas da TNCS, que foram interrompidas com 40 e 60 dias de gestação, e comparados com gestações eqüinas únicas de idade similar. Diferenças no comprimento entre os embriões gêmeos foram observadas aos 40 (2.0 e 2.2 cm 10%) e aos 60 (6,5 e 8,5 cm 24%) dias de gestação. Somente o plexo coróide do quarto ventrículo apresentou-se mais desenvolvido nos fetos com maior comprimento. Ao analisarmos fetos muares clonados em diferentes idades gestacionais e compará-los com muares, nos períodos embrionário, fetal e adulto, não foi observada diferença no padrão de metilação do gene SNRPN. No entanto, na décima passagem das células iPSC o padrão de metilação alterou, em relação aos muares estudados e ao padrão observado nos fibroblastos. Ao analisarmos os fetos clonados nas diferentes idades gestacionais observou-se no cérebro menor expressão dos gene H19 e UBE3A, e maior expressão do gene SNRPN. Contudo, a expressão do gene Necdin variou entre as estruturas estudadas. Em conclusão, apesar dos gêmeos eqüinos provenientes de TNCS diferirem quanto ao tamanho, morfologicamente são iguais. Dentre as estruturas cerebrais o plexo coróide se apresentou mais desenvolvido nos fetos de maior comprimento. Os fetos muares clonados não apresentaram diferença no padrão de metilação do gene SNRPN. No entanto, as iPSCs apresentaram alteração no padrão de metilação deste gene na décima passagem. Embora os genes SNRPN, Necdin e UBE3A sejam expressos no cérebro, o SNRPN apresentou-se prevalente nessa estrutura


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Ribozymes are short strands of RNA that possess a huge potential as biological tools for studying gene expression and as therapeutic agents to down-regulate undesirable gene expression. Successful application of ribozymes requires delivery to the target site in sufficient amounts for an adequate duration. However, due to their large size and polyanionic character ribozymes are not amenable to transport across biological membranes. In this study a chemically modified ribozyme with enhanced biological stability, targeted against the EGFR mRNA has been evaluated for cellular delivery to cultured glial and neuronal cells with a view to developing treatments for brain tumours. Cellular delivery of free ribozyme was characterised in cultured glial and neuronal cells from the human and rat. Delivery was very limited and time dependent with no consistent difference observed between glial and neuronal cells in both species. Cellular association was largely temperature and energy-dependent with a small component of non-energy dependent association. Further studies showed that ribozyme cellular association was inhibited with self and cross competition with nucleic and non-nucleic acid polyanions indicating the presence of cell surface ribozyme-binding molecules. Trypsin washing experiments further implied that the ribozyme binding surface molecules were protein by nature. Dependence of cellular association on pH indicated that interaction of ribozyme with cell surface molecules was based on ionic interactions. Fluoresence studies indicated that, post cell association, ribozymes were sequestered in sub-cellular vesicles. South-Western blots identified several cell surface proteins which bind to ribozymes and could facilitate cellular association. The limited cellular association observed with free ribozyme required the development and evaluation of polylactide-co-glycolide microspheres incorporating ribozyme for enhanced cellular delivery. Characterisation of microsphere mediated delivery of ribozyme in cultured glial and neuronal cells showed that association increased by 18 to 27-fold in all cell types with no differences observed between cell lines and species. Microsphere mediated delivery was temperature and energy dependent and independent of pH. In order to assess the potential of PLGA micro spheres for the CNS delivery of ribozyme the distribution of ribozyme entrapping microspheres was investigated in rat CNS after intracerebroventricular injection. Distribution studies demonstrated that after 24 hours there was no free ribozyme present in the brain parenchyma, however microsphere entrapped ribozyme was found in the CNS. Microspheres remained in the ventricular system after deposition and passed from the lateral ventricles to the third and fourth ventricle and in the subarachnoid space. Investigation of the influence of microsphere size on the distribution in CNS demonstrated that particles up to 2.5 and O.5f.lm remained in the ventricles around the choroid plexus and ependymal lining.


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PURPOSE: Breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP/ABCG2) is a drug efflux transporter expressed at the blood cerebrospinal fluid barrier (BCSFB), and influences distribution of drugs into the central nervous systems (CNS). Current inhibitors have failed clinically due to neurotoxicity. Novel approaches are needed to identify new modulators to enhance CNS delivery. This study examines 18 compounds (mainly phytoestrogens) as modulators of the expression/function of BCRP in an in vitro rat choroid plexus BCSFB model. METHODS: Modulators were initially subject to cytotoxicity (MTT) assessment to determine optimal non-toxic concentrations. Reverse-transcriptase PCR and confocal microscopy were used to identify the presence of BCRP in Z310 cells. Thereafter modulation of the intracellular accumulation of the fluorescent BCRP probe substrate Hoechst 33342 (H33342), changes in protein expression of BCRP (western blotting) and the functional activity of BCRP (membrane insert model) were assessed under modulator exposure. RESULTS: A 24 hour cytotoxicity assay (0.001 µM-1000 µM) demonstrated the majority of modulators possessed a cellular viability IC50 > 148 µM. Intracellular accumulation of H33342 was significantly increased in the presence of the known BCRP inhibitor Ko143 and, following a 24 hour pre-incubation, all modulators demonstrated statistically significant increases in H33342 accumulation (P < 0.001), when compared to control and Ko143. After a 24 hour pre-incubation with modulators alone, a 0.16-2.5-fold change in BCRP expression was observed for test compounds. The functional consequences of this were confirmed in a permeable insert model of the BCSFB which demonstrated that 17-β-estradiol, naringin and silymarin (down-regulators) and baicalin (up-regulator) can modulate BCRP-mediated transport function at the BCSFB. CONCLUSION: We have successfully confirmed the gene and protein expression of BCRP in Z310 cells and demonstrated the potential for phytoestrogen modulators to influence the functionality of BCRP at the BCSFB and thereby potentially allowing manipulation of CNS drug disposition.


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Purpose: To determine the subbasal nerve density and tortuosity at 5 corneal locations and to investigate whether these microstructural observations correlate with corneal sensitivity. Method: Sixty eyes of 60 normal human subjects were recruited into 1 of 3 age groups, group 1: aged ,35 years, group 2: aged 35–50 years, and group 3: aged .50 years. All eyes were examined using slit-lamp biomicroscopy, noncontact corneal esthesiometry, and slit scanning in vivo confocal microscopy. Results: The mean subbasal nerve density and the mean corneal sensitivity were greatest centrally (14,731 6 6056 mm/mm2 and 0.38 6 0.21 millibars, respectively) and lowest in the nasal mid periphery (7850 6 4947 mm/mm2 and 0.49 6 0.25 millibars, respectively). The mean subbasal nerve tortuosity coefficient was greatest in the temporal mid periphery (27.3 6 6.4) and lowest in the superior mid periphery (19.3 6 14.1). There was no significant difference in mean total subbasal nerve density between age groups. However, corneal sensation (P = 0.001) and subbasal nerve tortuosity (P = 0.004) demonstrated significant differences between age groups. Subbasal nerve density only showed significant correlations with corneal sensitivity threshold in the temporal cornea and with subbasal nerve tortuosity in the inferior and nasal cornea. However, these correlations were weak. Conclusions: This study quantitatively analyzes living human corneal nerve structure and an aspect of nerve function. There is no strong correlation between subbasal nerve density and corneal sensation. This study provides useful baseline data for the normal living human cornea at central and mid-peripheral locations


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To develop a rapid optimized technique of wide-field imaging of the human corneal subbasal nerve plexus. A dynamic fixation target was developed and, coupled with semiautomated tiling software, a rapid method of capturing and montaging multiple corneal confocal microscopy images was created. To illustrate the utility of this technique, wide-field maps of the subbasal nerve plexus were produced in 2 participants with diabetes, 1 with and 1 without neuropathy. The technique produced montages of the central 3 mm of the subbasal corneal nerve plexus. The maps seem to show a general reduction in the number of nerve fibers and branches in the diabetic participant with neuropathy compared with the individual without neuropathy. This novel technique will allow more routine and widespread use of subbasal nerve plexus mapping in clinical and research situations. The significant reduction in the time to image the corneal subbasal nerve plexus should expedite studies of larger groups of diabetic patients and those with other conditions affecting nerve fibers. The inferior whorl and the surrounding areas may show the greatest loss of nerve fibers in individuals with diabetic neuropathy, but this should be further investigated in a larger cohort.


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Purpose To investigate the influence of monocular hyperopic defocus on the normal diurnal rhythms in axial length and choroidal thickness of young adults. Methods A series of axial length and choroidal thickness measurements (collected at ~3 hourly intervals, with the first measurement at ~9 am and the final measurement at ~9 pm) were obtained for 15 emmetropic young adults over three consecutive days. The natural diurnal rhythms (Day 1, no defocus), diurnal rhythms with monocular hyperopic defocus (Day 2, – 2.00 DS spectacle lens over the right eye), and the recovery from any defocus induced changes (Day 3, no defocus) in diurnal rhythms were examined. Results Both axial length and choroidal thickness underwent significant diurnal changes on each of the three measurement days (p<0.0001). The introduction of monocular hyperopic defocus resulted in significant changes in the diurnal variations observed in both parameters (p<0.05). A significant (p<0.001) increase in the mean amplitude (peak to trough) of change in axial length (mean increase, 0.016 ± 0.005 mm) and choroidal thickness (mean increase, 0.011 ± 0.003 mm) was observed on day 2 with hyperopic defocus compared to the two ‘no defocus’ days (days 1 and 3). At the second measurement (mean time 12:10 pm) on the day with hyperopic defocus, the eye was significantly longer by 0.012 ± 0.002 mm compared to the other two days (p<0.05). No significant difference was observed in the average timing of the daily peaks in axial length (mean peak time 12:12 pm) and choroidal thickness (21:02 pm) over the three days. Conclusions The introduction of monocular hyperopic defocus resulted in a significant increase in the amplitude of the diurnal change in axial length and choroidal thickness that returned to normal the following day after removal of the blur stimulus.


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Purpose We examined the age-dependent alterations and longitudinal course of subbasal nerve plexus (SNP) morphology in healthy individuals. Methods Laser-scanning corneal confocal microscopy, ocular screening, and health and metabolic assessment were performed on 64 healthy participants at baseline and at 12-month intervals for 3 years. At each annual visit, eight central corneal images of the SNP were selected and analyzed using a fully-automated analysis system to quantify corneal nerve fiber length (CNFL). Two linear mixed model approaches were fitted to examine the relationship between age and CNFL, and the longitudinal changes of CNFL over three years. Results At baseline, mean age was 51.9 ± 14.7 years. The cohort was sex balanced (χ2 = 0.56, P = 0.45). Age (t = 1.6, P = 0.12) and CNFL (t = -0.50, P = 0.62) did not differ between sexes. A total of 52 participants completed the 36-month visit and 49 participants completed all visits. Age had a significant effect on CNFL (F1,33 = 5.67, P = 0.02) with a linear decrease of 0.05 mm/mm2 in CNFL per one year increase in age. No significant change in CNFL was observed over the 36-month period (F1,55 = 0.69, P = 0.41). Conclusions The CNFL showed a stable course over a 36-month period in healthy individuals, although there was a slight linear reduction in CNFL with age. The findings of this study have implications for understanding the time-course of the effect of pathology and surgical or therapeutic interventions on the morphology of the SNP, and serves to confirm the suitability of CNFL as a screening/monitoring marker for peripheral neuropathies.


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Purpose The aim of the study was to determine the association, agreement, and detection capability of manual, semiautomated, and fully automated methods of corneal nerve fiber length (CNFL) quantification of the human corneal subbasal nerve plexus (SNP). Methods Thirty-three participants with diabetes and 17 healthy controls underwent laser scanning corneal confocal microscopy. Eight central images of the SNP were selected for each participant and analyzed using manual (CCMetrics), semiautomated (NeuronJ), and fully automated (ACCMetrics) software to quantify the CNFL. Results For the entire cohort, mean CNFL values quantified by CCMetrics, NeuronJ, and ACCMetrics were 17.4 ± 4.3 mm/mm2, 16.0 ± 3.9 mm/mm2, and 16.5 ± 3.6 mm/mm2, respectively (P < 0.01). CNFL quantified using CCMetrics was significantly higher than those obtained by NeuronJ and ACCMetrics (P < 0.05). The 3 methods were highly correlated (correlation coefficients 0.87–0.98, P < 0.01). The intraclass correlation coefficients were 0.87 for ACCMetrics versus NeuronJ and 0.86 for ACCMetrics versus CCMetrics. Bland–Altman plots showed good agreement between the manual, semiautomated, and fully automated analyses of CNFL. A small underestimation of CNFL was observed using ACCMetrics with increasing the amount of nerve tissue. All 3 methods were able to detect CNFL depletion in diabetic participants (P < 0.05) and in those with peripheral neuropathy as defined by the Toronto criteria, compared with healthy controls (P < 0.05). Conclusions Automated quantification of CNFL provides comparable neuropathy detection ability to manual and semiautomated methods. Because of its speed, objectivity, and consistency, fully automated analysis of CNFL might be advantageous in studies of diabetic neuropathy.


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Background: Brachial plexus birth palsy (BPBP) most often occurs as a result of foetal-maternal disproportion. The C5 and C6 nerve roots of the brachial plexus are most frequently affected. In contrast, roots from the C7 to Th1 that result in total injury together with C5 and C6 injury, are affected in fewer than half of the patients. BPBP was first described by Smellie in 1764. Erb published his classical description of the injury in 1874 and his name became linked with the paralysis that is associated with upper root injury. Since then, early results of brachial plexus surgery have been reasonably well documented. However, from a clinical point of view not all primary results are maintained and there is also a need for later follow-up results. In addition most of the studies that are published emanate from highly specialized clinics and no nation wide epidemiological reports are available. One of the plexus injuries is the avulsion type, in which the nerve root or roots are ruptured at the neural cord. It has been speculated whether this might cause injury to the whole neural system or whether shoulder asymmetry and upper limb inequality results in postural deformities of the spine. Alternatively, avulsion could manifest as other signs and symptoms of the whole musculoskeletal system. In addition, there is no available information covering activities of daily living after obstetric brachial plexus surgery. Patients and methods: This was a population-based cross-sectional study on all patients who had undergone brachial plexus surgery with at least 5 years of follow-up. An incidence of 3.05/1000 for BPBP was obtained from the registers for this study period. A total of 1706 BPBP patients needing hospital treatment out of 1 717 057 newborns were registered in Finland between 1971 and 1997 inclusive. Of these BPBP patients, 124 (7.3%) underwent brachial plexus surgery at a mean age of 2.8 months (range: 0.4―13.2 months). Surgery was most often performed by direct neuroraphy after neuroma resection (53%). Depending on the phase of the study, 105 to 112 patients (85-90%) participated in a clinical and radiological follow-up assessment. The mean follow up time exceeded 13 years (range: 5.0―31.5 years). Functional status of the upper extremity was evaluated using Mallet, Gilbert and Raimondi scales. Isometric strength of the upper limb, sensation of the hand and stereognosis were evaluated for both the affected and unaffected sides then the differences and their ratios were calculated and recorded. In addition to the upper extremity, assessment of the spine and lower extremities were performed. Activities of daily living (ADL), participation in normal physical activities, and the use of physiotherapy and occupational therapy were recorded in a questionnaire. Results: The unaffected limb functioned as the dominant hand in all, except four patients. The mean length of the affected upper limb was 6 cm (range: 1-13.5 cm) shorter in 106 (95%) patients. Shoulder function was recorded as a mean Mallet score of 3 (range: 2―4) which was moderate. Both elbow function and hand function were good. The mean Gilbert elbow scale value was 3 (range: -1―5) and the mean Raimondi hand scale was 4 (range:1―5). One-third of the patients experienced pain in the affected limb including all those patients (n=9) who had clavicular non-union resulting from surgery. A total of 61 patients (57%) had an active shoulder external rotation of less than 0° and an active elbow extension deficiency was noted in 82 patients (77%) giving a mean of 26° (range: 5°―80°). In all, expect two patients, shoulder external rotation strength at a mean ratio 35% (range: 0―83%) and in all patients elbow flexion strength at a mean ratio of 41% (range: 0―79%) were impaired compared to the unaffected side. According to radiographs, incongruence of the glenohumeral joint was noted in 15 (16%) patients, whereas incongruence of the radiohumeral joint was found in 20 (21%) patients. Fine sensation was normal for 34/49 (69%) patients with C5-6 injury, for 15/31 (48%) with C5-7 and for only 8/25 (32%) of patients with total injury. Loss of protective sensation or absent sensation was noted in some palmar areas of the hand for 12/105 patients (11%). Normal stereognosis was recorded for 88/105 patients (84%). No significant inequalities in leg length were found and the incidence of structural scoliosis (1.7%) did not differ from that of the reference population. Nearly half of the patients (43%) had asynchronous motion of the upper limbs during gait, which was associated with impaired upper limb function. Data obtained from the completed questionnaires indicated that two thirds (63%) of the patients were satisfied with the functional outcome of the affected hand although one third of all patients needed help with ADL. Only a few patients were unable to participate in physical activities such as: bicycling, cross-country skiing or swimming. However, 71% of the patients reported problems related to the affected upper limb, such as muscle weakness and/or joint stiffness during the aforementioned activities. Incongruity of the radiohumeral joints, extent of the injury, avulsion type injury, age less than three months of age at the time of plexus surgery and inexperience of the surgeon was related to poor results as determined by multivariate analyses. Conclusions: Most of the patients had persistent sequelae, especially of shoulder function. Almost all measurements for the total injury group were poorer compared with those of the C5-6 type injury group. Most of the patients had asymmetry of the shoulder region and a shorter affected upper limb, which is a probable reason for having an abnormal gait. However, BPBP did not have an effect on normal growth of the lower extremities or the spine. Although, participation in physical activities was similar to that of the normal population, two-thirds of the patients reported problems. One-third of the patients needed help with ADL. During the period covered by this study, 7.3% BPBP of patients that needed hospital treatment had a brachial plexus operation, which amounts to fewer than 10 operations per year in Finland. It seems that better results of obstetric plexus surgery and more careful follow-up including opportunities for late reconstructive procedures will be expected, if the treatment is solely concentrated on by a few specialised teams.


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Brachial plexus birth injury (BPBI) is caused by stretching, tearing or avulsion of the C5-C8 or Th1 nerve roots during delivery. Foetal-maternal disproportion is the main reason for BPBI. The goal of this study was to find out the incidence of posterior subluxation of the humeral head during first year of life in BPBI and optimal timing of the ultrasonographic screening of the glenohumeral joint. The glenohumeral congruity and posterior subluxation of the humeral head associated to muscle atrophy were assessed and surgical treatment of the shoulder girdle as well as muscle changes in elbow flexion contracture were evaluated. The prospective, population based part of the study included all neonates born in Helsinki area during years 2003-2006. Patients with BPBI sent to the Hospital for Children and Adolescents because of decreased external rotation, internal rotation contracture or deformation of the glenohumeral joint as well as patients with elbow flexion contracture were also included in this prospective study. The incidence of BPBI was calculated to be 3.1/1000 newborns in Helsinki area. About 80% of the patients with BPBI recover totally during the follow-up within the first year of life. Permanent plexus injury at the age of one year was noted in 20% of the patients (0.64/1000 newborns). Muscle imbalance resulted in sonographically detected posterior subluxation in one third of the patients with permanent BPBI. If muscle imbalance and posterior subluxation are left untreated bony deformities will develop. All patients with internal rotation contracture of the glenohumeral joint presented muscle atrophy of the rotator cuff muscles. Especially subscapular and infraspinous muscles were affected. A correlation was found particularly between greatest thickness of subscapular muscle and subluxation of the humeral head, degree of glenoid retroversion, as well as amount of internal rotation contracture. Supinator muscle atrophy was evident among all the studied patients with elbow flexion contracture. Brachial muscle pathology seemed to be an important factor for elbow flexion contracture in BPBI. Residual dysfunction of the upper extremity may require operative treatment such as tendon lengthening, tendon transfers, relocation of the humeral head or osteotomy of the humerus. Relocation of the humeral head improved the glenohumeral congruency among patients under 5 years of age. Functional improvement without remodeling of the glenohumeral joint was achieved by other reconstructive procedures. In conclusion: Shoulder screening by US should be done to all patients with permanent BPBI at the age of 3 and 6 months. Especially atrophy of the subscapular muscle correlates with glenohumeral deformity and posterior subluxation of the humeral head, which has not been reported in previous studies. Permanent muscle changes are the main reason for diminished range of motion of the elbow and forearm. Relocation of the humeral head, when needed, should be performed under the age of 5 years.