354 resultados para Chlamydia-trachomatis
This study assessed the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of Pap smear and human papillomavirus (HPV), in addition to analyzing the prevalence of genital HPV infection, Herpes Simplex Type 2 (HSV-2) and Chlamydia trachomatis in teenagers. The study consisted of two approaches, one based only on interviews conducted with adolescents enrolled in public schools or in public health facilities in the city of Natal. The other approach involved only a group of 132 adolescents enrolled among those admitted to two health units in Natal-RN. This second group of participants two specimens were collected for laboratory analysis: one was directed to prepare the blade for the Pap test, and other processed for DNA extraction for molecular analysis, focusing on the detection of HPV, HSV-2 and C . trachomatis. The presence of DNA of the three pathogens was investigated by the technique of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The presence of each of the three pathogens was analyzed in terms of socio-demographic characteristics, as well as sexual and reproductive activity to identify risk factors for infection and development of lesions of the uterine cervix. The results show that the adolescents in this study had levels of knowledge and attitude very low, both in relation to cytology to HPV as though they have made a reasonable percentage of adequate practice exam and prevention of HPV infection. The overall prevalence of HPV infection was 54.5% and 48.2% in adolescents with normal cytology and 86.4% in those with abnormal cytology. We observed a higher proportion of cases of infection in the age group of 18 to 21. The prevalence of HPV infection was slightly higher among pregnant teenagers. The overall prevalence of HSV-2 infection was 13.6% and 11.8% in women with normal cytology and 22.7% in those with abnormal cytology. A higher proportion of cases of infection was found in the age group from 14 to 17, with a slightly higher prevalence among pregnant women. The C. trachomatis was found with an overall prevalence of 19.7% and 21.8% in adolescents with normal cytology and 9.1% in those with abnormal cytology. The prevailing rate was highest in the age group 18 to 21 years and in nonpregnant
Genital infection with Chlamydia trachomatis is now recognized as one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections (STDs). Despite major advances in laboratory diagnosis techniques, primarily the character of asymptomatic chlamydial infection in both men and in women constitutes the basis for the formation of reservoirs that perpetuate transmission and acquisition of this and other STDs. The asymptomatic in women favors the rise of infection to the upper genital tract, causing injuries that can result in infertility. An examination of population screening for early detection and treatment of asymptomatic infections is the key step in combating this major public health problem. The present study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of infection by C. trachomatis in sexually active women attended the screening program for cervical cancer of the uterus in health facilities in municipalities in different regions of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, and identify factors that may contribute to the spread of this pathogen and its relationship with the lesions of the uterine cervix. It is a cross-sectional study aimed at detecting the presence of genital tract infection by C. trachomatis either in isolated form or in association with human papilloma virus (HPV) infection in asymptomatic women. Were included in this study, a total sample of 1,134 women aged 13-76, mean 34.4 years, from March 2008 to September 2012. Specimens containing exfoliated cells of the epithelium of the uterine cervix were analyzed by examining Pap cytology for the detection of possible injuries, and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of plasmid DNA from C. trachomatis and HPV. Infection with C. trachomatis was detected with overall prevalence rate of 8.1% in the isolated form and 2.8% in co-infection with HPV. The infection was detected in 7.4% of women with normal cytology 11.5% of those with atypical cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) and 16.7% of those with low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL). We observed an association between C. trachomatis and incidence of low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL). The genital tract infection by C. trachomatis alone was associated with education level, ethnicity and parity, revealing that women with higher education, those of non-white ethnicity and those who had three or more pregnancies were more likely to acquire infection. Levels very close to statistical significance were observed for chronological age, age at first sexual intercourse and first pregnancy. There was no association with marital status, number of sexual partners. Co-infection with C. trachomatis and HPV was detected in 2.3% of women with normal cytology, who had 5.1% in ASC-US and 10.4% in those with LSIL. No association was found between infection C. trachomatis and increased risk of HPV infection, but women with simultaneous infection by both pathogens showed greater risk for LSIL. Co-infection was more prevalent among single women, who had in the first sexual intercourse under 18 years and those who had two or more sexual partners over a lifetime
Objective. To evaluate the prevalence of and risk factors for Chlamydia trachomatis cervicitis in pregnant women seen at the Genital Tract Infection in Obstetrics Unit Care in Botucatu Medical School, São Paulo State University - UNESP.Materials and Methods. Between June 2006 and February 2008, 101 pregnant women were included in this study. During the gynecologic examination, cervical secretions were collected using cytobrush Plus GT (CooperSurgical Inc) to assess C. trachomatis using polymerase chain reaction. Vaginal flora were examined by Gram stain, and socio-demographic data were extracted from medical records.Results. of the 101 patients, 26 (25.7%) were positive for C. trachomatis. The median age of the infected group was 24 years (range = 13-40 y), and 48.5% of them had abnormal vaginal flora. The presence of chlamydial infection was associated with smoking (odds ratio [OR] = 2.67, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.01-7.19), residing in a city with fewer than 100,000 inhabitants (OR = 2.86, 95% CI = 1.03-7.94), presence of condyloma acuminatum (p = .03), and presence of discreet inflammation on Pap smear (p = .02).Conclusions. The prevalence of C. trachomatis is high in pregnant women seen at the Genital Infection Unit Care, UNESP, and is related to many risk factors. Therefore, its screening is extremely important in reducing obstetrical and neonatal complications.
Cervical discharges from 142 women attending the Public Gynecologic Service of Araraqura (SESA), Brazil were cultured for Chlamydia trachomatis. Gram-smears and plating on semiquantitative sheep blood agar and chocolate agar were also carried out. An isolation rate of 18% was reported. The presence of purulent cervical secretion was observed in 8 (32%) out of 25 women. It was also observed that a substantial proportion of culture-positive women had no symptoms. Our data demonstrate that screening tests should be based on specific diagnostic techniques for Chlamydia trachomatis since the majority of infected women we examined were asymptomatic.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O tracoma como principal causa de cegueira prevenível no mundo, é uma doença negligenciada relacionada a baixas condições socioeconômicas e locais sem saneamento básico. Presente principalmente nos países subdesenvolvidos traz grandes prejuízos aos cofres públicos com a perda de produtividade e a deficiência visual. Com a criação da Aliança para Eliminação Global de Tracoma em 1997 (GET2020), o Estado do Pará, com apoio do Ministério da Saúde do Brasil, realizaram em 2006 o inquérito epidemiológico do tracoma em escolares de 1ª a 4ª série da rede oficial de ensino, nos municípios com índice de desenvolvimento humano inferior a média nacional, para conhecer a prevalência da doença. Os dados obtidos no inquérito comprovaram que a doença não foi erradicada, revelando 35 municípios paraenses prioritários e prevalências acima de 5%. Uma sub-amostra da conjuntiva de escolares clinicamente positivos foi coletada para a confirmação diagnóstica por Imunofluorescência direta (IFD). O presente estudo utilizou 52 amostras crio conservadas obtidas durante o inquérito, para serem analisadas pelos métodos de IFD e de biologia molecular, na identificação laboratorial da Chlamydia trachomatis. Foram encontradas as frequências de 26,92% (14/52) e 49% (24/49) de resultados positivos pelas técnicas de IFD e reação em cadeia da polimerase (nested-PCR), respectivamente. Considerando as 49 amostras analisadas pelas duas metodologias, as sensibilidades para a detecção do agente etiológico, por IFD e PCR foram de 28,57% (14/49) e 48,98% (24/49), respectivamente (p = 0,0127). As duas técnicas juntas confirmaram a infecção em 57,14% (n=28) das amostras, onde 50% (n=14) foram positivas apenas pela PCR, 35,72% (n=10) para ambas as técnicas e 14,28% (n=4) somente pela IFD. A análise de sete sequências nucleotídicas demonstrou homologia para isolados de C. trachomatis genótipo L1. Este estudo é pioneiro no Brasil, pois além de confirmar a presença de C. trachomatis em amostras oculares de escolares clínicamente positivos para tracoma, validou protocolo de obtenção de DNA a partir de lâminas de IFD crioconservadas, demonstrou a maior sensibilidade do método molecular frente à IFD e identificou o genótipo L1 presente nas amostras.
A base genética das doenças é frequentemente estudada a partir dos polimorfismos dos genes de citocinas. O presente estudo investigou marcadores da resposta inflamatória associados a infecções virais e bacterianas que possam influenciar o curso da infecção. Foram medidos os níveis séricos (por ensaio imunoenzimático) e os polimorfismos de TNF-α (-308), TNF-β (+252), IFN-γ (+874) e da proteína C reativa, por meio de PCR e RFLP ou PCR alelo específico, em grupos de pessoas infectadas pelo vírus da dengue (n=80), com doença febril, não infectados (100), um grupo de infectados pelo HTLV (30 sintomáticos e 47 assintomáticos), um grupo com doença coronariana (58 com sororreatividade para Chlamydia e 31 com sorologia negativa) e um grupo controle (99 pessoas com sorologia negativa para dengue, HTLV e Chlamydia). Nenhum grupo mostrou associação com informações demográficas. O Vírus da dengue 3 (66,2%) e o HTLV-1 (90% em sintomáticos e 76,6% em assintomáticos) foram os agentes mais frequentes dentre os grupos respectivos. A maioria com doença coronariana (65,1%) apresentou anticorpos para Chlamydia (39,6% para C. trachomatis e C. pneumoniae, 58,6% apenas para C. trachomatis e 1,7% somente para C. pneumoniae). Foram significantes as diferenças encontradas entre: (i) os níveis séricos de TNF-β, IFN-γ e PrtCR dos grupos dengue positivo e dengue negativo com o grupo controle (p< 0,01); (ii) os níveis séricos de TNF-α, TNF-β, e IFN-γ dos grupos de HTLV (incluindo os tipos) e grupo controle; (iii) os níveis séricos de TNF-α, TNF-β, IFN-γ e PrtCR entre os pacientes com doença coronariana e sorologia positiva para Chlamydia e o grupo controle; (iv) a presença de anticorpos para C. trachomatis e C. pneumoniae e o grupo controle na comparação com a TNF-β, IFN-γ e PrtCR. As distribuições de frequências genotípicas foram estatisticamente significantes para os polimorfismos: (i) dos genes TNF-α (p=0,0494) e IFN-γ (p= 0,0008), entre os grupos dengue positivo, dengue negativo e controle e para o IFN-γ (p= 0,0007) entre os grupos DEN 1, DEN 2 e DEN 3 e o controle; (ii) do gene IFN-γ (p= 0,0023) nos grupos de pacientes com doença coronariana e sorologia positiva para C. trachomatis e C. pneumoniae, assim como nos monoreativos na comparação entre a positividade para C. trachomatis e o grupo controle.
As bactérias do gênero Chlamydia estão associadas à diversas doenças, como cegueira, infecções genitais e pneumonia. Existem poucos dados sobre como a Chlamydia e o Treponema pallidum afetam indígenas na Amazônia brasileira. Este estudo objetivou determinar a soroprevalência das infecções pela Chlamydia trachomatis, Chlamydia pneumoniae e Treponema pallidum nas aldeias indígenas Bakajá, Apyterewa, Xingu e Mrotdidjãm, no município de Altamira, Pará, Brasil. O estudo incluiu 270 amostras de sangue coletadas no ano de 2007. A detecção de anticorpos das classes IgM e IgG anti-Chlamydia foi realizada empregando-se o ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA), e selecionada de forma aleatória amostragem de 36, entre os positivos, para determinar a sorotipagem pela microimunofluorescência. Para detecção de anticorpos anti-T. pallidum foi utilizado um teste treponêmico (ELISA) e as amostras positivas foram submetidas a um teste não treponêmico (RPR). A prevalência geral de anticorpos anti-Chlamydia foi de 26,7%, com prevalência de 100% para C. trachomatis entre as amostras testadas pela MIF. Para a C. pneumoniae a prevalência foi de 61,1% e a prevalência de anticorpos contra Treponema pallidum foi baixa. As bactérias do estudo circulam nas comunidades indígenas da Amazônia brasileira estudada, o que requer uma resposta urgente das autoridades de saúde pública, pois estas bactérias podem causar doenças graves, mas são sensíveis a tratamento específico, quando diagnosticadas adequadamente.
A Chlamydia trachomatis e o Treponema pallidum compartilham com o HIV uma importante forma de transmissão: a via sexual. Por conta do comprometimento imunológico dos portadores de HIV, a C. pneumoniae pode apresentar um papel potencial em infecções respiratórias. Este trabalho objetivou a descrição da soroprevalência destes três agentes em portadores de HIV do Estado do Pará, Brasil. Entre setembro de 2007 a junho de 2008, foram coletadas 430 amostras de portadores de HIV em Belém, Pará. Estas foram submetidas a um ELISA para detecção de anticorpo IgG e IgM anti-Chlamydia e, dentre os positivos, uma amostragem aleatória foi escolhida e submetida à microimunofluorescência para sorotipagem. Para a detecção de anticorpos anti-Treponema pallidum foi feito um teste não treponêmico (RPR) e um teste treponêmico (ELISA). Os resultados obtidos foram analisados pelo teste do χ2. A prevalência geral de anticorpos anti-Chlamydia foi 64,2% (51,6% para IgG e 4% para IgM). A sorotipagem mostrou uma alta prevalência de C. trachomatis (100% tanto para IgG como IgM), e C. pneumoniae (73,5% IgG e 70,5% IgM), sendo que houve uma larga disseminação dos sorotipos que causam infecções genitais da Chlamydia trachomatis. A prevalência geral de anticorpos contra o Treponema pallidum foi de 34,9%, sendo que 7,3% apresentaram resultado laboratorial indicativo de sífilis. As variáveis que apresentaram associação com a infecção por Chlamydia e Treponema pallidum foram: o gênero masculino, maior idade, baixa escolaridade, número de parceiros por semana, a prática de sexo anal, homossexualismo/bissexualismo, uso de droga não-endovenosa, histórico de IST. Faz-se necessário tanto a conscientização como o monitoramento da população, para impedir a transmissão destes agentes e para a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos indivíduos portadores de HIV.
A prevalência de anticorpos IgG, grupo-específico para Chlamydia, em populações do Brasil, Inglaterra e Portugal foi determinada através do teste de imunofluorescência indireta, tendo-se como antígeno a cepa SA2 (f). Foram considerados positivos os soros com títulos de IgG >1:32. Dentre as populações brasileiras, a prevalência de anticorpos para Chlamydia foi maior em Serra Norte (76,2%, p < 0,01) do que nas das populações de Belém (53,6%) e dos Índios Xicrins (51,3%). Entre os pacientes do Departamento de Medicina Genito-Urinária do University College Hospital (UCH) e do quadro do mesmo Hospital, a prevalência de anticorpos anti-Chlamydia foi de 62% e 53,1%, respectivamente. Anticorpos anti-Chlamydia foram detectados em 54% e 66% na Inglaterra e em 56% e 68% em Portugal, nas pacientes do sexo feminino que freqüentavam Clínicas de Pré-Natal e de Infertilidade, respectivamente, Os resultados encontrados mostram uma alta exposição das populações testadas, à Chlamydia, principalmente do grupo de baixo nível sócio-econômico de Serra Norte, Brasil. A evidência de infecção por Chlamydia é da mesma ordem, tanto no Brasil, quanto na Inglaterra e Portugal.
Some characteristics and behaviors, that are of young, as a tendency to rebel and take risks, deviating from the rules of society, makes it vulnerable to many detrimental aspects, such as may indiscriminate use of alcohol and drugs, practicing unsafe sex and having multiple partners, which cause, among another complications, sexually transmitted diseases (STD). The Chlamydia trachomatis causes chlamydial infection, is one of the most recurrent STD of the world. Several risk factors are already defined for Chlamydial infection, among them, age under 25 years old and sexual behavior of the risk. The objective was to determine the prevalence of Chlamydia infection cervicitis in adolescent females of the Botucatu, São Paulo, and risk factors associated with this infection. It is cross-sectional study, of the populational basis, performed together the nineteen basic health units of the Botucatu, São Paulo. The data were obtained through clinical interviews and gynecological examination on samples collected for laboratory analysis. The research of C. trachomatis was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This report presents preliminary data, which represent 19% of the sample checked. Were interviewed 37 adolescents with a mean age of 17 years (between 15th and 19th years old), average of years studied of the 8,19, 40% of the families lived on less than a minimum wage by person and 24,3% dosen’t has ownership of the house where they live. Mean age of first sexual intercourse of 14 years (between 12th and 16th years old), 24,3% regularly used condoms, 5,4% had a premature birth and 8,1% reported abortion. 75,7% had any complaints in the gynecological exam, pain in lower abdomen, the most prevalent. The prevalence of vulvovaginitis or vaginal flora altered was 54,1%. The prevalence of infection by C. trachomatis was 58%. Presence content was associated infection chlamydial and age... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
To assess the impact of screening programmes in reducing the prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis, mathematical and computational models are used as a guideline for decision support. Unfortunately, large uncertainties exist about the parameters that determine the transmission dynamics of C. trachomatis. Here, we use a SEIRS (susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered-susceptible) model to critically analyze the turnover of C. trachomatis in a population and the impact of a screening programme. We perform a sensitivity analysis on the most important steps during an infection with C. trachomatis. Varying the fraction of the infections becoming symptomatic as well as the duration of the symptomatic period within the range of previously used parameter estimates has little effect on the transmission dynamics. However, uncertainties in the duration of temporary immunity and the asymptomatic period can result in large differences in the predicted impact of a screening programme. We therefore analyze previously published data on the persistence of asymptomatic C. trachomatis infection in women and estimate the mean duration of the asymptomatic period to be longer than anticipated so far, namely 433 days (95% CI: 420-447 days). Our study shows that a longer duration of the asymptomatic period results in a more pronounced impact of a screening programme. However, due to the slower turnover of the infection, a substantial reduction in prevalence can only be achieved after screening for several years or decades.
Background. An important question for chlamydia control programs is the extent to which finding and treating prevalent, asymptomatic Chlamydia trachomatis genital infection reduces reproductive sequelae in infected women. Methods. We reviewed the literature to critically evaluate evidence on the effect of chlamydia screening on development of sequelae in infected women. Results. Two randomized controlled trials of 1-time screening for chlamydial infection—in a Seattle-area health maintenance organization and a Danish school district—revealed that screening was associated with an ∼50% reduction in the incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease over the following year. However, both of these trials had methodological issues that may have affected the magnitude of observed screening benefits and might limit generalizability to other populations. A large, nonrandomized cohort of chlamydia screening among US Army recruits, although limited by lack of outpatient data, did not find a benefit of similar magnitude to the randomized trials. Methodological limitations restrict valid conclusions about individual benefits of screening using data from historical cohorts and ecological studies. We identified no trials directly evaluating the effect of chlamydia screening on subclinical tubal inflammation or damage, ectopic pregnancy, or tubal factor infertility and no studies addressing the effects of >1 round of screening, the optimal frequency of screening, or the benefits of screening for repeat infections. Conclusions. Additional studies of the effectiveness of chlamydia screening would be valuable; feasible study designs may depend on the degree to which screening programs are already established. In addition, better natural history data on the timing of tubal inflammation and damage after C. trachomatis infection and development of more accurate, noninvasive tools to assess chlamydial sequelae are essential to informing chlamydia control efforts.
Chlamydia trachomatis infection, the most common reportable disease in the United States, can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and chronic pelvic pain. Although C. trachomatis is identified among many women who receive a diagnosis of PID, the incidence and timing of PID and long-term sequelae from an untreated chlamydial infection have not been fully determined. This article examines evidence reviewed as part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Chlamydia Immunology and Control Expert Advisory Meeting; 24 reports were included. We found no prospective studies directly assessing risk of long-term reproductive sequelae, such as infertility, after untreated C. trachomatis infection. Several studies assessed PID diagnosis after untreated chlamydial infection, but rates varied widely, making it difficult to determine an overall estimate. In high-risk settings, 2%-5% of untreated women developed PID within the approximately 2-week period between testing positive for C. trachomatis and returning for treatment. However, the rate of PID progression in the general, asymptomatic population followed up for longer periods appeared to be low. According to the largest studies, after symptomatic PID of any cause has occurred, up to 18% of women may develop infertility. In several studies, repeated chlamydial infection was associated with PID and other reproductive sequelae, although it was difficult to determine whether the risk per infection increased with each recurrent episode. The present review critically evaluates this body of literature and suggests future research directions. Specifically, prospective studies assessing rates of symptomatic PID, subclinical tubal damage, and long-term reproductive sequelae after C. trachomatis infection; better tools to measure PID and tubal damage; and studies on the natural history of repeated chlamydial infections are needed.