88 resultados para Chla


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采用多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(MC-ICP-Ms)对喀斯特高原湖泊红枫湖、阿哈湖水体及其主要支流水体悬浮物和一些生物样品中的锌同位素进行了测定,测试精度小于0.11%。(2SD)。结果显示,红枫湖水体与其主要支流水体悬浮物中的δ^66Zn变化范围分别为-0.29‰~0.26‰和-0.04‰~0.48‰,阿哈湖水体与其主要支流水体悬浮物中的δ^66Zn变化范围分别为-0.18‰~0.27‰和-0.17‰~0.46‰,均表现出支流中的锌同位素组成较重的特点。两湖生物样品中的δ^66Zn变化范围较大,为-0.35‰~0.57‰,说明湖泊生态系统中各端员的锌同位素组成存在一定差异。根据同位素组成分析,湖泊主要入湖河流及所携带的陆源物质是阿哈湖?白水体中锌的主要来源,锌同位素是一种较好的物源示踪工具。红枫湖夏季δ^66Zn与Chla(叶绿素)呈显著的正相关(R=0. 97),主要是藻类对锌的有机吸附和吸收过程导致锌同位素组成发生变化。此外,湖泊水体悬浮物中的锌同位素组成均在夏季较轻,表明大气的干湿沉降可能是一个较负的锌同位素源。水体悬浮物中的δ^66Zn变化范围小于生物样品中的δ^66Zn变化范围,说明由于生物作用过程导致的锌同位素分馏大于非生物过程.


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贵州红枫湖10月叶绿素a(chla)和NO3^-含量均比7月明显降低。利用氮同位素等数据对此进行了研究,结果表明,含量的降低是由不同的生物地球化学作用引起的。chla含量的降低主要是水体中有机质降解(硝化)所致,而NO3^- 含量的降低则是缺氧季节湖泊沉积物表层反硝化作用的结果。缺氧季节表层水体仍然能发生较强烈的硝化作用。硝化作用和反硝化作用分别发生在热分层湖泊的上层和沉积物表层。反硝化作用不仅消耗大量的NO3^-,而且还造成了一定量的有机质降解(有机碳作为电子受体)。据估算,在红枫湖后五测点和大坝测点,总有机碳在沉积成岩前分别降解了78%和68%。其中由硝化作用引起的总有机质降解量分别为35.8%和25.9%,而反硝化作用则分别为13.4%和9.2%.


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大气中不断增加的温室气体浓度,将对气候、生态环境和人类活动等一系列问题产生重大影响,因此其“源”﹑“汇”效应备受关注。水库,作为人为活动对大气温室气体浓度影响的一个重要方面,也越来越受到国、内外学者的关注。本论文对贵州省喀斯特地区两个富营养水库(红枫湖、百花湖)中主要温室气体(CO2﹑CH4﹑N2O)在不同月份的水体中的分布规律进行研究,并结合两湖具体水环境条件,分析了影响两湖水体中CO2﹑CH4﹑N2O变化的因素,进而阐明两湖水体中CO2﹑CH4﹑N2O产生与释放的机理。本论文得到的结论如下: 1.由于地理位置和气候条件类似,所以两库水体中pCO2变化规律类似:两库表层水中pCO2在6月、8月明显低于大气CO2分压,其他月份则明显高于大气CO2分压。从全年角度来说,红枫湖表层水pCO2为874.2±774.4µatm,百花湖为1131.7±1164.0µatm,都是大气CO2的“源”。两湖pCO2与Chla之间存在的显著负相关,说明浮游植物光合作用与细菌呼吸作用共同影响是两湖pCO2出现季节变化的主要原因。 2.夏季,水体中光合作用产生的有机质发生降解产生CO2对温跃层中CO2的增加起重要作用;沉积物中有机质降解导致静水层中CO2积累,这种作用在秋﹑冬季有所降低,可能与水温有关。而秋冬季,随着温跃层的消失,在水体混合作用下,夏季水体中积累的CO2重新释放到表层水中使其pCO2升高。 3.通过与国内、外其他地区湖泊(水库)表层水中CO2的比较,发现:(1)由于红枫湖与百花湖地处喀斯特山区,陆源输入的有机碳比北部温带地区少,所以表层水中CO2低,对大气CO2释放的贡献较小。(2)由于富营养化现象,两库夏季表层水体成为大气CO2的“汇”。并且,就全年而言,表层水中CO2低于北部温带地区,说明两库光合作用固定的C返回大气的程度可能较低。 4.两湖表层水中CH4浓度的变化规律为:枯水期>丰水期,但在所有采样期间两湖始终是大气CH4的“源”。就全年而言,红枫湖两采样点HF-N和HF-S表层水中CH4浓度分别为0.19±0.09µmol/L和0.48±0.53µmol/L,百花湖两采样点BH-1和BH-2分别为0.32±0.29µmol/L和0.29±0.20µmol/L。两湖表层水中CH4浓度变化可能由以下几方面原因造成:(1)枯水期,水体滞留时间长,水体中的CH4得到积累;(2)丰水期,藻类初级生产造成表层水中DO含量增加,表层水体中CH4被氧化的程度较高;(3)丰水期,径流及降雨的增加也可能造成表层水体中CH4被稀释。 5.两湖湖底水体中CH4浓度的变化规律为:枯水期〈丰水期。就全年而言,HF-N和HF-S点底层水中CH4浓度分别为16.49±26.16µmol/L和8.80±15.30µmol/L,BH-1和BH-2分别为6.03±7.07µmol/L和4.41±7.00µmol/L。浮游植物光合作用产生的有机物及湖底水温﹑含氧状况是影响CH4产生的主要因素。SO42-也对湖底CH4的产生起一定抑制作用。 6.夏季,两湖湖水表层藻类的初级生产与湖水底层沉积物的降解对水体中CH4产生有影响。而热分层和两湖静水层中缺氧环境使得CH4得到积累。而到了秋冬季节,在水体混合作用下这部分CH4在水体中重新分布,并且由于氧化作用加强而被损耗。 7.两湖表层水中N2O的变化规律为:夏季N2O明显低于其他季节,但在所有采样期间内两湖都是大气N2O的“源”。从全年来看,红枫湖HF-N和HF-S两采样点表层水中N2O浓度分别为;46.31±29.65nmol/L,36.93±18.41nmol/L;百花湖BH-1和BH-2两采样点表层水中N2O浓度分别为102.13±79.53nmol/L,99.51±75.77nmol/L。硝化反应是影响两湖表层水中N2O季节变化的主要原因,并受表层水温﹑DO及NO3-等共同影响。 8.通过比较水体中NO3-﹑NH4+及N2O的分布特征,发现:春季,红枫湖水体中以硝化反应为主;夏季,两湖温跃层以上水体中以硝化反应为主,湖底以反硝化作用为主;秋﹑冬季节,虽然有个别采样点出现硝化或反硝化反应,但总体上两湖水体中N2O以水体混合作用为主。


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近年来铜、锌同位素地球化学研究已经进入了快速发展时期。作为新兴的同位素技术手段,铜锌同位素工具已普遍应用于地球化学、矿床学、古海洋学和生物学等多种领域,然而铜、锌同位素在湖泊生态系统中的研究却相对较少。湖泊生态系统中,重金属的迁移、循环与转化一直是地球科学家们关注的焦点,但研究手段仅局限于含量与形态的测定。因此本论文旨在通过对湖泊生态系统中铜、锌同位素的研究,揭示影响铜、锌同位素组成的主要因素,为铜、锌同位素成为湖泊系统中新的重金属示踪工具奠定基础。 本论文通过一系列条件实验,确定了用于MC-ICP-MS测定环境样品中铜、锌同位素时最佳的化学分离条件。随后选取红枫湖和阿哈湖为主要研究对象,用此实验流程对湖泊水体及其主要支流悬浮物中的铜、锌同位素的季节及剖面变化进行了初步研究。除此之外,对水体中重金属如Cu、Zn、Mn、Ni、Co、Cr、Cd和Pb的形态分布特征及物质循环进行了研究。主要得出以下几点认识: 1、环境样品中铜锌的最佳分离条件是,采用AG MP-1(100-200目)阴离子交换树脂,分别以7 mol/L HCl + 0.001% H2O2,2 mol/L HCl+ 0.001% H2O2,0.5 mol/L HNO3作为淋洗液,并分别在适当的体积接收淋洗液,可以有效地分离沉积物、植物和悬浮物等样品中的铜和锌。化学分离过程中回收率接近100%,同位素比值的变化均在误差范围以内。 2、红枫湖、阿哈湖水体及主要支流悬浮物和红枫湖生物样品中的δ65Cu分布范围为-2.64‰~1.11‰,可达到3.75‰的变化。红枫湖夏季水体悬浮物的δ65Cu变化为-0.08‰~0.25‰,入湖河流水体悬浮物δ65Cu的变化范围为0.13‰~ 1.11‰;阿哈湖夏季水体悬浮物δ65Cu的变化范围为-0.62‰~0.37‰,入湖河流水体悬浮物δ65Cu的变化范围为-1.08‰~0.60‰。两湖冬季水体悬浮物的δ65Cu值均较负。红枫湖生物样品中δ65Cu较负(-1.54‰~ 0.03‰)。 红枫湖水体悬浮物中δ65Cu的随水深的变化趋势主要受到藻类吸收作用的控制,而阿哈湖δ65Cu的随水深的变化趋势主要受到其物源的控制。说明在贫营养化湖泊中,铜同位素组成可以示踪物源;而在富营养化湖泊中,铜同位素组成则可以示踪生物活动。同时水温的垂直变化也可能是其影响因素之一。 3、红枫湖水体及其主要支流水体悬浮物中的δ66Zn变化范围分别为-0.29‰~0.26‰和-0.04‰~0.48‰,阿哈湖水体及其主要支流水体悬浮物中的δ66Zn变化范围分别为-0.18‰~0.27‰和-0.17‰~0.46‰,均表现出支流中的锌同位素组成较重的趋势。而生物样品中的δ66Zn变化范围较大,为-0.35‰~0.57‰。说明湖泊生态系统中各端元的锌同位素组成存在明显差异。 红枫湖夏季δ66Zn随着湖水深度的变化,与Chla(叶绿素)呈极显著的正相关(R=0.97)。说明锌同位素组成与藻类生物量有一定的响应关系,主要是藻类对锌的有机吸附或是吸收过程改变了锌同位素组成。阿哈湖的锌同位素组成主要受到其源区的控制作用,从而可利用锌同位素示踪源区;此外,红枫湖和阿哈湖悬浮物中的锌同位素比值均表现出夏季小于冬季,说明大气的干湿沉降可能是一个较负的锌同位素源。生物样品中的δ66Zn变化范围较大,说明由于生物作用过程导致的锌同位素分馏大于非生物过程。 4、红枫湖重金属Mn、Ni、Co、Cr、Cd和Pb的含量在南湖高于北湖,主要是羊昌湖的输入所导致;重金属入湖通量的季节性变化,直接导致了重金属含量的季节性变化。沉积物-水界面在冬夏季节,由于“富氧”和“贫氧”状态的改变,导致了溶解态Mn、Ni和Cr的季节性变化;水粒相互作用过程中,溶解有机碳(DOC)、氧化铁胶体、氧化锰胶体和水生藻类的生长繁殖,影响了重金属不同结合形态的变化。


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流域水环境是流域一切生态过程的基础,也是保障水资源发挥各项服务功能的必要条件。随着社会经济的发展,河流的自然性质和作用过程受到流域内不断加强的人文活动的强烈冲击。其中,水利大坝对河流的拦截调蓄可以算得上是对河流及流域生态系统的影响最为显著和重要。在河流上修筑水坝后,水库成为流域(河流)景观格局中重要的组成部分。目前对河流“水库效应”的研究主要集中在由水坝拦截引起的河流水文情势改变、泥砂淤积、地貌侵蚀以及鱼类迴游、水坝建设对生源要素的拦截、水库温室气体等方面,且大多数研究只针对单个水库或几个位于不同流域的独立水库,而对同一流域梯级开发形成的河流—水库体系中水环境演化的过程缺乏深入的了解,对单一水库中碳循环的生物地球化学作用研究不够。 碳是生命的核心元素,所有其它重要元素的生物循环过程都与碳密切相关。水体内生物活动与水库水环境变化之间的反馈、水体生态系统与营养元素载荷的相互作用关系以及响应过程是研究水环境变化的基础。其中,水体内部的元素循环、能量流动、CO2动力学与营养状况的关系等都是控制水环境变化的关键过程,碳作为这一切活动的核心元素,对它的研究对认识水环境变化、水生态过程、元素循环以及它们的相互作用具有重要的指示意义。 因此,本研究中选取中国西南喀斯特山区典型的梯级水库作为研究对象,以碳循环为研究主线,于2006年4月、7月、10月和2007年1月对乌江中上游干流已进行梯级开发的六个水库的入库水体、库区水体及出库水体进行一个水文年的采样,对溶解无机碳(DIC)、溶解有机碳(DOC)、颗粒有机碳(POC)、DIC同位素组成(δ13CDIC)和POC同位素组成(δ13CPOC)以及TN、TP、chla、和藻类种类和数量进行了分析,深入探讨了水电梯级开发对河流碳循环的影响,获得以下几点重要认识。这些认识将为我们理解和评价梯级开发对河流水环境的影响提供重要的科学依据: 1、河水化学的水库效应:河流梯级筑坝拦截使得水库水体基本水化学特征发生变化。研究区水化学类型主要为重碳酸盐-碳酸盐Ca组Ⅱ型水。河流经水坝拦截后,库区水位抬升,水库水化学性质表现出随季节变化的特征。水库中水体在春季开始出现水温的分层结构,这种状况持续到夏季和秋季,有效地限制了上下层水体的垂直交换。河流水体经水库作用后,出库水体水温、pH值均降低。除冬季外,各水库出库水体水温均低于入库水体和库区表层水体。水体水化学组成因此出现较为明显的上下差异。Na+、K+、Mg2+、Cl-、SO42-经水库作用而部分被吸收或滞留;而Ca2+、HCO3-和NO3-经水库作用后增加。 2、生物作用的水库效应:研究区水库中,洪家渡水库、引子渡水库和索风营以绿藻为主,处于中营养状态;普定水库和东风水库以硅藻为主,处于轻度富营养状态;乌江渡水库以蓝藻为主,处于富营养状态。总体上表现为水库库龄与水库营养程度正相关,建库时间越长,水库营养程度越高。 3、碳循环的水库效应:水库作用过程使得出库水体中DIC浓度增加,DOC和POC浓度减少。梯级水库作用使得乌江中上游河流体系DIC输出量增加22.18%,而DOC和POC输出量则分别减少18.19%和70.09%。研究区梯级水库是河流—水库体系DIC的“源”、DOC和POC的“汇”。经梯级水库作用后,乌江中上游河流—水库体系经乌江渡水库每年向下游河流输送的DIC(以C计)、DOC、POC通量分别为263.64 kt、12.40 kt、13.86 kt。 总体上,研究区梯级水库是下游河流DIC的“源”,DOC、POC的“汇”。在水体垂直剖面上,DIC浓度随水深的增加而增加,而DOC、POC浓度则随着水深的增加而减小,但由于底部沉积物的再悬浮作用,使得部分剖面中底部水体中DOC、POC浓度增加。溶解无机碳同位素组成(δ13CDIC)对水库作用过程有良好的响应,水库出库水体中δ13CDIC值比入库水体和库区表层水体均偏负,在库区坝前垂直剖面上,δ13CDIC值随着水深的增加而偏负,δ13CPOC值变化规律性较差。从研究结果来看,δ13CDIC值可用于对水库作用过程对水环境的影响进行示踪。 4、水库的温室气体释放:总体上,入库水体中溶解CO2分压(pCO2)低于出库水体。河流经水库截留后,水体中pCO2增高,向大气中释放的CO2增加,成为大气CO2的“源”。在水库内部垂直剖面上,水体中CO2分压随着深度的增加而增大。由于水库为下层泄水,使得出库水体中CO2分压显著高于大气分压,CO2释放通量平均为水库库区表层水体的6.51倍。由此可见,在研究水库作用过程对大气中温室气体的影响时,水库泄水的CO2释放问题需引起极大的重视。


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During summer 2008 and spring 2009, surface oceanographic surveys were carried out around three islands of the Azores archipelago (Terceira, Sao Miguel and Santa Maria) to assess the phytoplankton distribution and associated physico-chemical processes. The Azores archipelago is a major feature in the biogeochemical North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre (NAST) province although its influence on the productivity of the surrounding ocean is poorly known. Surface phytoplankton was studied by microscopy and HPLC (High Precision Liquid Chromatography). The mean values for biomass proxy Chlorophyll a (Chla) ranged from 0.04 to 0.55 mu g L-1 (Chla maximum = 0.86 mu g L-1) and coccolithophores were the most abundant group, followed by small flagellates, Cyanobacteria, diatoms and dinoflagellates being the least abundant group. The distribution of phytoplankton and coccolithophore species in particular presented seasonal differences and was consistent with the nearshore influence of warm subtropical waters from the south Azores current and colder subpolar waters from the north. The satellite-derived circulation patterns showed southward cold water intrusions off Terceira and northward warm water intrusions off Santa Maria. The warmer waters signal was confirmed by the subtropical coccolithophore assemblage, being Discosphaera tubifera a constant presence under these conditions. The regions of enhanced biomass, either resulting from northern cooler waters or from island induced processes, were characterized by the presence of Emiliania huxleyi. Diatoms and dinoflagellates indicated coastal and regional processes of nutrient enrichment and areas of physical stability, respectively.


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We review current knowledge and understanding of the biology and ecology of Centropages typicus in the European shelf-seas (e.g. North Sea, English Channel and Bay of Biscay). Our study is based on observations at seven coastal time-series stations as well as on the Continuous Plankton Recorder dataset. This paper focuses on the influence of the environmental parameters (e.g. temperature and Chla) on the life cycle and distribution of C typicus and provides a comparison with its congeneric species C. hamatus and C. chierchiae in the study area. Data on abundance, seasonality and egg production have been used to define the temperature and chlorophyll optima for occurrence and reproduction of Centropages spp. within this region of the European shelf-seas. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The heterogeneity in phytoplankton production in the North Atlantic after the spring bloom is poorly understood. We analysed merged microwave and infrared satellite sea surface temperature (SST) data and ocean colour phytoplankton size class biomass, primary production (PP) and new production (ExP) derived from SeaWiFS data, to assess the spatial and temporal frequency of surface thermal fronts and areas of enhanced PP and ExP. Strong and persistent surface thermal fronts occurred at the Reykjanes Ridge (RR) and sub-polar front (SPF), which sustain high PP and ExP and, outside of the spring bloom, account for 9% and 15% of the total production in the North Atlantic. When normalised by area, PP at the SPF is four times higher than the RR. Analysis of 13 years of satellite ocean colour data from SeaWiFS, and compared with MODIS-Aqua and MERIS, showed that there was no increase in Chla from 1998 to 2002, which then decreased in all areas from 2002 to 2007 and was most pronounced in the RR. These time series also illustrated that the SPF exhibited the highest PP and the lowest variation in Chla over the ocean colour record. This implies that the SPF provides a high and consistent supply of carbon to the benthos irrespective of fluctuations in the North Atlantic Oscillation.


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The optical cross section of PS I in whole cells of Porphyridium cruentum (UTEX 161), held in either state 1 or state 2, was determined by measuring the change in absorbance at 820nm, an indication of P700+; the X-section of PS2 was determined by measuring the variable fluorescence, (Fv-Fo)/Fo, from PS2. Both cross-sections were 7 determined by fitting Poisson distribution equations to the light saturation curves obtained with single turnover laser flashes which varied in intensity from zero to a level where maximum yield occurred. Flash wavelengths of 574nm, 626nm, and 668nm were used, energy absorbed by PBS, by PBS and chla, and by chla respectively. There were two populations of both PSi and PS2. A fraction of PSi is associated with PBS, and a fraction of PS2 is free from PBS. On the transition S1->S2, only with PBS-absorbed energy (574nm) did the average X-section of PSi increase (27%), and that of PS2 decrease (40%). The fraction of PSi associated with PBS decreased, from 0.65 to 0.35, and the Xsection of this associated PS 1 increased, from 135±65 A2 to 400±300A2. The cross section of PS2 associated with PBS decreased from 150±50 A2 to 85±45 A2, but the fraction of PS2 associated with PBS, approximately 0.75, did not change significantly. The increase in PSi cross section could not be completely accounted for by postulating that several PSi are associated with a single PBS and that in the transition to state2, fewer PSi share the same number of PBS, resulting in a larger X-section. It is postulated that small changes occur in the attachment of PS2 to PBS causing energy to be diverted to the attached PSi. These experiments support neither the mobile-PBS model of state transitions nor that of spillover. From cross section changes there was no evidence of energy transfer from PS2 to PSi with 668nm light. The decrease in PS2 fluorescence which occurred at this wavelength cannot be explained by energy transfer; another explanation must be sought. No explanation was found for an observed decrease in PSi yield at high flash intensities.


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BACKGROUND: The role of ss-catenin signaling in mesodermal lineage formation and differentiation has been elusive. METHODOLOGY: To define the role of ss-catenin signaling in these processes, we used a Dermo1(Twist2)(Cre/+) line to target a floxed beta-catenin allele, throughout the embryonic mesenchyme. Strikingly, the Dermo1(Cre/+); beta-catenin(f/-) conditional Knock Out embryos largely phenocopy Pitx1(-/-)/Pitx2(-/-) double knockout embryos, suggesting that ss-catenin signaling in the mesenchyme depends mostly on the PITX family of transcription factors. We have dissected this relationship further in the developing lungs and find that mesenchymal deletion of beta-catenin differentially affects two major mesenchymal lineages. The amplification but not differentiation of Fgf10-expressing parabronchial smooth muscle progenitor cells is drastically reduced. In the angioblast-endothelial lineage, however, only differentiation into mature endothelial cells is impaired. CONCLUSION: Taken together these findings reveal a hierarchy of gene activity involving ss-catenin and PITX, as important regulators of mesenchymal cell proliferation and differentiation.


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Affiche présentée lors de : Canadian Health Libraries Association (CHLA) /Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada (ABSC) Conference 2009 in Winnipeg, May 30 - June 3, 2009.


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Situation : Dans le cadre du cours « Données factuelles en santé mentale » offert par la Faculté de médecine aux résidents III en psychiatrie, la formation documentaire donnée par la bibliothécaire a évolué au cours des quatre dernières années afin de mieux répondre aux objectifs de ce cours visant à promouvoir une pratique clinique basée sur des données factuelles. Programme : En 2006, les résidents en psychiatrie participent à un atelier de formation de 3 heures sur les ressources documentaires en pratique factuelle, tenu à la Bibliothèque de la santé. En 2007, le professeur responsable du cours « Données factuelles en santé mentale » demande l’ajout d’un atelier pratique avancé de 3 heures afin que les résidents explorent davantage les ressources utilisées lors de l’atelier de formation. Depuis 2008, la bibliothécaire participe aussi activement à la séance où les résidents présentent oralement en classe les résultats de leur recherche documentaire sur une question clinique de leur choix. Résultats : La bibliothécaire participe maintenant à 9 heures sur un total de 45 heures de cours. Cette collaboration présente des avantages pour tous. La participation de la bibliothécaire aux présentations orales des résidents lui a permis de mieux comprendre la façon dont les résidents abordent une question clinique et utilisent les outils de recherche documentaires. Les discussions entre les résidents, le professeur et la bibliothécaire ont également permis de mieux cerner le rôle et l’apport du bibliothécaire au sein d’une équipe multidisciplinaire en santé mentale. Conclusion : La participation de la bibliothécaire à ce cours est maintenant bien établie. Il serait intéressant de pouvoir éventuellement offrir une formation semblable aux résidents des autres spécialités médicales.↑ Back to top


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Introduction: Biomedical scientists need to choose among hundreds of publicly available bioinformatics applications, tools, and databases. Librarian challenges include raising awareness to valuable resources, as well as providing support in finding and evaluating specific resources. Our objective is to implement an education program in bioinformatics similar to those offered in other North American academic libraries. Description: Our initial target clientele included four research departments of the Faculty of Medicine at Universite´ de Montréal. In January 2010, I attended two departmental meetings and interviewed a few stakeholders in order to propose a basic bioinformatics service: one-to-one consultations and a workshop on NCBI databases. The response was favourable. The workshop was thus offered once a month during the Winter and Fall semesters, and participants were invited to evaluate the workshop via an online survey. In addition, a bioinformatics subject guide was launched on the library’s website in December 2010. Outcomes: One hundred and two participants attended one of the nine NCBI workshops offered in 2010; most were graduate students (74%). The survey’s response rate was 54%. A majority of respondents thought that the bioinformatics resources featured in the workshop were relevant (95%) and that the difficulty level of exercises was appropriate (84%). Respondents also thought that their future information searches would be more efficient (93%) and that the workshop should be integrated in a course (78%). Furthermore, five bioinformatics-related reference questions were answered and two one-to-one consultations with students were performed. Discussion: The success of our bioinformatics service is growing. Future directions include extending the service to other biomedical departments, integrating the workshop in an undergraduate course, promoting the subject guide to other francophone universities, and creating a bioinformatics blog that would feature specific databases, news, and library resources.