980 resultados para China--Beijing


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A SOI thenno-optic variable optical attenuator with U-grooves based on a multimode interference coupler principle is fabricated. The dynamic attenuation range is 0 to 29 dB; at the wavelength range between 1510 nm and 1610nm, and the maximum power consumption is only l30mW. Compared to the variable optical attenuator without U-groove, the maximum power consumption decreases more than 230mW


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During the packaging of optoelectrome device, a problem always met is the instability of output power. The main effect causing this problem, Fabry-Perot interference, is discussed in this paper. Both theoretical analysis and experimental test are carried out and in good agreement. As an example of avoiding the disadvantage of Fabry-Perot interference, the packaging process of Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) based Variable Optical Attenuator(VOA) is shown at last.


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Two series of films has been prepared by using a new regime of plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) in the region adjacent to the phase transition from amorphous to crystalline state. The photoelectronic properties of the films have been investigated as a function of crystalline fraction. In comparison with typical a-Si:H, these diphasic films with a crystalline fraction less than 0.3 show a similar optical absorption coefficient, higher mobility life-time product ( LT) and higher stability upon light soaking. By using the diphasic nc-Si/a-Si films as the intrinsic layer, a p-i-n junction solar cell has been prepared with an initial efficiency of 9. 10 % and a stabilized efficiency of 8.56 % (AM 1.5, 100 mW/cm(2)).


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Homoepitaxial growth of 4H-SiC on off-oriented n-type Si-face (0001) substrates was performed in a home-made hot-wall low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) reactor with SiH4 and C2H4 at temperature of 1500 C and pressure of 20 Torr. The surface morphology and intentional in-situ NH3 doping in 4H-SiC epilayers were investigated by using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS). Thermal oxidization of 4H-SiC homoepitaxial layers was conducted in a dry O-2 and H-2 atmosphere at temperature of 1150 C. The oxide was investigated by employing x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). 4H-SiC MOS structures were obtained and their C-V characteristics were presented.


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Quality ZnO films were successfully grown on Si(100) substrate by low-pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition method in temperature range of 300-500 degrees C using DEZn and N2O as precursor and oxygen source respectively. The crystal structure, optical properties and surface morphology of ZnO films were characterized by X-ray diffraction, optical refection and atomic force microscopy technologies. It was demonstrated that the crystalline structure and surface morphology of ZnO films strongly depend on the growth temperature.


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A GaInNAs/GaAs multiple quantum well (MQW) resonant-cavity enhanced (RCE) photodetector operating at 1.3 mum with the full-width at half-maximum of 5.5 nm was demonstrated. The GaInNAs RCE photodetector was grown by molecular-beam epitaxy using an ion-removed dc-plasma cell as nitrogen source. GaInNAs/GaAs MQW shows a strong exciton peak at room temperature that is very beneficial for applications in long-wavelength absorption devices. For a 100-mum diameter RCE photodetector, the dark current is 20 and 32 pA at biases of 0 and 6 V, respectively, and the breakdown voltage is -18 V. The measured 3-dB bandwidth is 308 MHz. The reasons resulting in the poor high speed property were analyzed. The tunable wavelength of 18 nm with the angle of incident light was observed.


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For an olfactory sensor or electronic nose the task is not only to detect the object concentration, but also to recognize it. It is well known that all the elements can be identified by their charge to mass ratio e+/m. We tried to use this principle for molecular recognition. Two kinds of sensors are used simultaneously in testing. One is Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) for detecting the change in mass, the other is Interdigital Electrode (IE) for detecting the change in conduction. In this paper the principle and the feasibility of this method are reported. The preliminary results on the recognition of alcohols are presented. The multisensor can be used as an instrument for research on material properties and kinetic process as well.


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The optical band gap (E-g) of the boron (B)-doped hydrogenated nano-crystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) films fabricated using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) was investigated in this work. The transmittance of the films were measured by spectrophotometric and the E-g was evaluated utilizing three different relations for comparison, namely: alphahnu=C(hnu-E-g)(3), alphahnu=B-0(hnu-E-g)(2), alphahnu=C-0(hnu-E-g)(2). Result showed that E-g decreases with the increasing of Boron doping ratio, hydrogen concentration, and substrate's temperature (T-s), respectively. E-g raises up with rf power density (P-d) from 0.45W.cm(-2) to 0.60w.cm(-2) and then drops to the end. These can be explained for E-g decreases with disorder in the films.


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For an olfactory sensor or electronic nose, the task is not only to detect the object concentration, but also to recognize it. It is well known that all the elements can be identified by their charge to mass ratio e(+)/m. We tried to imitate this principle for molecular recognition. Two kinds of sensors are used simultaneously in testing. One is quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) for detecting the change in mass, the other is interdigital electrode (IE) for detecting the change in conduction, as an electro-mass multi-sensor (EMMS). in this paper, the principle and the feasibility of this method are discussed. The preliminary results on the recognition of alcohol by EMMS coated with lipids are presented. Meanwhile, the multi-sensor can also be used as an instrument for research on some physico-chemistry problems. The change in conduction of coated membrane caused by one absorbed molecule is reported. It is found that when a QCM is coated with membrane, it still obeys the relationship Delta F (frequency change of QCM) = K Delta m (mass change of absorbed substance) and the proportional coefficient, K, depends not only on quartz properties but also on membrane characteristics as well. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) has been applied to investigate the electronic properties of self-organized InAs quantum dots. The energies of electronic ground states of 2.5ML and 1.7ML InAs quantum dots (QDs) with respect to the conduction band of bulk GaAs are about 0.21 eV and 0.09 eV, respectively. We have found that QDs capture electrons by lattice relaxation through a multi-phonon emission process. The samples are QDs embedded in superlattices with or without a 500 Angstrom GaAs spacing layer between every ten periods of a couple of GaAs and InAs layers. The result shows that the density of dislocations in the samples with spacer layers is much lower than in the samples without the spacer layers.


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Este ensayo versa sobre el deporte como una de las instituciones más poderosas e influyentes en la sociedad actual. En él la exigencia por el máximo rendimiento aunada a la enorme importancia dada al ganar y al espectáculo es aceptada y celebrada. Estos factores confluyen para que la mejora de las capacidades humanas sea objeto de continua búsqueda y para tal fin el inobjetable papel de la tecnología ha sido admitido sin mayores resistencias. La evolución ya no desempeña de forma exclusiva esa tarea y la tecnología ha pasado a compartir el proceso, acelerando de forma dramática el rediseño de la especie ofreciendo un prometedor escenario. Naturalmente en el mismo deporte es posible encontrar excepciones a este arrollador influjo.


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Los hospitales son el pilar fundamental para la atención de las víctimas de situaciones de emergencia o desastre. Las instituciones de salud son consideradas indispensables para la población, por lo que deben estar preparadas para funcionar no solo en condiciones normales sino en situaciones de alerta, como suele suceder en desastres de origen natural como los sismos. La relevancia de la problemática, radica en que de acuerdo con la amenaza sísmica de Colombia, Bogotá se encuentra en una zona de amenaza sísmica intermedia, los actuales eventos naturales como el terremoto de Haití con un saldo de 300.000 muertos y más de 700.000 mil heridos, y el de Chile, nos hace pensar en la importancia de la preparación hospitalaria ante un evento con múltiples víctimas como lo es un sismo. El Objetivo general del estudio es identificar la capacidad de respuesta hospitalaria distrital en Bogotá ante un evento con múltiples víctimas (terremoto). Además se identificaran las oportunidades de mejora para optimizar la respuesta hospitalaria de acuerdo a su nivel de atención. La Investigación se realizó por medio de un estudio de corte transversal, en donde se tomó una muestra de la red hospitalaria Distrital por conveniencia, bajo la aplicación de una encuesta dirigida. Los resultados fueron recopilados en una base de datos de Excel 2013, y fueron analizados bajo un software estadístico, STATA 12.0, donde se evaluaron variables, categóricas, nominales y cuantitativas. Como resultados se encontraron un porcentaje de ocupación de más del 100% en el 25% de los hospitales. Los 16 hospitales encuestados cuentan con comité hospitalario de emergencias, así como también con la elaboración de planes de emergencia y la revisión e implementación de estos. El 50% de los hospitales contemplan dentro su estructura de plan de emergencias, el sistema comando de incidentes; Sólo el 18.8% de los hospitales cuentan con reforzamiento estructural, y el 81,2% de los hospitales refieren tener una cooperación con organizaciones locales o externas. Solo 4 de los 16 hospitales cuentan con protocolos de diagnóstico y tratamiento médico en desastres. El plan de contingencia para un Sismo, es el plan bandera de todos los hospitales dado el esfuerzo por parte de la secretaria de salud y de FOPAE en información y capacitación en todo el Distrito, es por eso que el 93,85 de todos los hospitales cuentan con este plan. Al realizar el análisis general, la red hospitalaria no está en capacidad de una adecuada respuesta en caso de un evento con múltiples víctimas, en el escenario de un sismo de gran magnitud, teniendo en cuenta el porcentaje de ocupación actual donde el 25% de la red hospitalaria distrital cuenta con sobrecupo y el 50% se encuentra a tope de su capacidad instalada. En cuanto a la capacidad de respuesta, no se cuenta con protocolos de atención; Haciendo una evaluación según los niveles de atención, solo los hospitales de III nivel estarían medianamente preparados y con capacidad de respuesta ante un evento con víctimas en masa.


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La Playa es un sector de la ciudad de Bogotá, donde se encuentra la oferta de músicos informales más grande de Colombia: mariachis, tríos de cuerda y grupos vallenatos. En esta investigación, se analiza la migración de músicos vallenatos provenientes del Caribe colombiano a este sector de la capital del país; se examina el trabajo de estos músicos en La Playa; y se revisa el proceso de consolidación del vallenato como música nacional.


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The aim of this paper is to stimulate discussion about how Chinese construction and professional service companies can best equip themselves and grow sustainably and profitably in a rapidly changing world. It identifies some of the issues and risks faced by Chinese construction and professional service companies operating domestically and overseas. China has experienced a period of rapid economic growth which is also reflected in the annual construction output. China’s population is the largest in the world, but the demographic profile is changing with an ageing population and a changing dependency ratio. The population is urbanising at a fast rate, putting pressure on housing, and infrastructure. The government must plan for the future and the construction sector must be involved in that planning. The paper considers the drivers shaping China’s construction market, how companies are responding by embracing change and internationalising by seeking to exploit their skills overseas. The drivers are globalisation, urbanisation, demographic change, sustainability, safety and health, and the evolution of professional services as a core part of construction activity. Clients/owners are driving change by demanding more certainty and more sustainable projects.